() Sun Ce saw that there was no one in Chaisang city, nor a banner, and no one to fight the watch.Dare not to enter the city is precisely the second of doubts.Suddenly a cannon was heard in the city, and four flags were erected.The governor of the Jingzhou navy, the military adviser general Kuai Yue, wearing a Lun towel and feather fan, dressed as a middle-aged scholar, was surrounded by the generals.Kuai Yue said with a smile, "General Sun is here all right." Sun Ce was dumbfounded.Muttering to himself: This is impossible!

Tai Shici, who was on Sun Ce's side, also regretted it. If he had known this, he shouldn't have brought out all the elites.Tai Shici also didn't think that Sun Ce was in dire danger at that time. If he rescued in time and the soldiers were elite, he might have been killed by the chasing army long ago.There are people who regret in the world, but there is no medicine for regret.Tai Shici got off his horse and pleaded guilty: "It's all due to the negligence of the general, which caused the fall of Chaisang City. Please punish me, my lord."

Seeing Tai Shici sincerely blamed himself and regretted endlessly, Sun Ceji became very friendly: "Oh, you are not responsible for this matter. If I were not in a hurry, Chaisang City would not be empty if I asked you for help, leading to a sneak attack. Occupied by Kuai Yue." Helping Tai Shici up, he comforted him by holding hands.

Seeing the two gay friends 'Qingqingwowo', Zhang Hong couldn't stand it any longer, and said in dismay, "My lord, General Taishi, now is not the time to pursue the crimes. Chaisang City has been occupied, and there will be pursuers coming later. Right now, we should quickly decide where we should go." Sun Ce put his hand on his forehead, frowned and thought bitterly: "Now Chaisang is occupied, and the way back to the east is blocked, so we have to go south to Danyang."

"It's not too late, my lord hastened to set off." Zhang Hong said hastily, a little impatiently.Originally, Sun Ce could still listen to people's advice and take good advice.But since the battle with Liu Qi, he got angry frequently, and he didn't have the demeanor of Jiangdong Sun Lang in the past.Although Liu Qi was vicious, Sun Ceyi's impulsiveness remained unchanged.Since I was half-forced to become an official, I have never seen Sun Ce lose so badly.Shouldn't I be thinking about changing positions? The second son, Sun Quan, is very refined and extraordinary. He appointed talents and talents, and asked everyone to try their best to govern Jiangdong, which seemed good.

"Well, it's not too late, the army will set off immediately." Sun Ce didn't have so many small things in his heart, and was frank and frank.If there weren't so many military generals who voted, those people valued Sun Ce's bravery.

"The last general begs the lord for permission, let me take the crime and make meritorious service, and give me 3000 men and horses to end the queen." Tai Shici was indignant, and he didn't check for a while and lost Chaisang, deeply hating him.Since his appearance, he has basically never been defeated, even if he was captured by Sun Ce, it was due to the huge difference in military strength.If there is not a big victory, this shame will always be engraved on himself.

Tai Shici, styled Ziyi, was born in Huang County, Donglai, and was the number one general in Jiangdong.In the early years, because of Kong Rong's kindness to his family, he learned that the Yellow Turban Bandit's management department led tens of thousands of bandits to rush to surround Beihai County.Tai Shici was sent to rescue by his mother, one man and one horse broke through the siege.It is described in the Romance like this: "Suddenly, I saw a man outside the city leaping into the bandits with a spear and a horse, rushing from left to right, as if entering a land of no one, until he reached the city, shouting "open the door".Kong Rong didn't know him, so he dared not open the door.The thieves rushed to the edge of the moat, the man turned around and dismounted a dozen of them, the thieves retreated, Rong hurriedly opened the door and led in.He got off his horse and abandoned his gun, and went to the city to meet Kong Rong. It can be seen that his bravery is no less than that of Zhao Yun. Yunmei Changbanpo went in seven times and went out seven times.

Later, Tai Shici asked to lead 1000 troops to fight, but Kong Rong believed it (it is not good to be a general under the literati) and refused.Kong Rong only sent Tai Shici to the plain to invite Liu Bei. Tai Shici mounted his horse with armor, bow and arrow in his belt, iron spear in hand, full of food and strict clothing, and the city gate opened, and he flew out.Seeing someone leaving the city, Guan Hai knew that they must be moving reinforcements (Guan Hai asked Guan Yu, were you the reinforcements invited by the monkey, Guan Yu blushed and did not answer), so he hurriedly sent hundreds of cavalry to intercept them, and surrounded them on all sides.Ci leans on the spear, picks the bow and sets the arrow, shoots it from all sides, and falls from the horse without responding.The thieves dare not come after them.One word is so fierce!

Liu Bei only had Zhao Yun in the first half of his life, but he didn't pay much attention to Tai Shici, who was not as brave as Zhao Yun. If Liu Bei worked hard, wouldn't there be no corners he couldn't dig? This was Liu Bei's big mistake.

Gossip aside, Tai Shici is so heroic, how could he be willing to be defeated so badly.So there was the scene just now.Sun Ce trusted Tai Shici, knowing that he was not reconciled, so he agreed, and sent Han Dang and 3000 troops to help him.

On Chaisang City, Kuai Yue saw Sun Ce's retreat and did not chase after him. The siege was originally a small number of troops, and some were lost. In addition to guarding the prisoners and patrolling the city, there were not many troops left.In order to be on the safe side, Kuai Yue stopped pursuing him.

After Sun Ce and Tai Shici joined forces, they didn't expect that Chaisang would be lost, so they marched slowly.Now Huang Zhong's army is about to catch up. In order to buy time, after leaving Taishi Cihan as the judge, he led the army to Danyang.

It is said that Huang Zhong led 2 people to chase after Xingye, plus Zhang Xiu and Wei Yan blocked him, and he was only tens of miles away from Sun Ce's army, which was only half a day's journey.Tai Shici led 3000 men and horses, and after Sun Ce's army went south, he set up camp on the only way south to Danyang.There are lofty mountains on both sides, and it will take a few days of effort to make a detour.Taishi Ciduan chose a good location.

Tai Shici ordered 1000 men to guard the camp, and ordered Han Dang to lead 1000 men to lie in ambush on the mountain. They planted more flags and made straw figures. They also ordered people to make only the word "Zhou" and plant the flags on the mountain.He led 1000 troops and went out to meet the enemy.At this time Huang Zhong had already caught up.

Huang Zhong caught up with Sun Ce's rear army and met Tai Shi Ci Duan Hou. Seeing Tai Shi's strong and majestic soldiers, he knew whether it was Sun Ce's defeated army, but Chaisang's reinforcements.General Huang Zhong saw that his own army had been marching for many days, and his physical strength had long been exhausted, while the other party was waiting for work. He also saw banners flying on the mountain, and suspected that Zhou Yu from Jiangdong had come to help.Huang Zhong weighed the strength of the two armies, and did not start a battle immediately, so he ordered them to retreat ten miles slowly, and set up the camp where they were for a rest.

Tai Shici saw that Huang Zhong had been chasing after him for several days, and he was already at the end of his force. He wanted to charge and kill, but he saw that although Huang Zhong's army was tired, it was not chaotic.Knowing that Huang Zhong is also a famous general, he dismissed the idea, seeing Huang Zhong retreating, he would go to the camp too.

After Huang Zhong rested for a whole day, the army's physical strength also recovered a lot.Liu Qi's Jingzhou army has always used abundant food and generous rewards to improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers.The Han Dynasty went through wars, and few prefectures could live and work in peace and contentment without the flames of war.Jingzhou's abundant money and food are unmatched by other states and counties, but Liu Biao has laid a good foundation for Liu Qi.General Huang Zhong, brave and resourceful, was able to share joys and sorrows with the soldiers, and Liu Qi rewarded him with money and silk.Most of Huang Zhong was rewarded to his subordinates or soldiers, so the soldiers were willing to fight to the death in return for the reward.The ancients were so forthright, if you treat me well, I will repay you.You are not good to me, you don't want me to work hard.Huang Zhong in the army has the style of Sun Wu, and he can share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. He is really a tiger general in the world.

Let's say that Tai Shici's side is also a person who values ​​love and righteousness.In order to repay Kong Rong's kindness, he rode alone twice to break out of Guan Hai's encirclement.Sun Ce recruited and asked Tai Shici to go alone to persuade the enemy to surrender, and he was not afraid of him fleeing. Sun Ce said that he is righteous and will not betray me.It can be seen that Taishi's style of kindness, loyalty and righteousness is really a man!Those who are left behind are all the elites brought by Tai Shici from Chaisang.There is sufficient food, grass and military equipment, and everyone is a passionate man with strong energy and eager for a big battle.

These two generals are the top generals of the Three Kingdoms.One beheaded Xia Houyuan, a general of the Cao clan in history, and made great contributions in capturing Yizhou and Hanzhong for Liu Bei.The number one fierce general in the Jiangdong Sun Ce period, he fought hundreds of rounds (including hand-to-hand combat) with Sun Ce regardless of the outcome.The two of them are good-natured people, and now a big battle will definitely be a fight between dragons and tigers, with the tip of the needle against the wheat.

Huang Zhong set up a camp ten miles away from Taishici, and arranged sergeants to watch the night to prevent the camp from stealing, and ordered the army to rest for a day.At Maoshi, the soldiers all washed up in bed and started morning exercises. There was no morning exercise for several days of marching.This morning exercise was suggested by Liu Qi, and the generals were very impressed after watching it. It included running for ten miles with armor on their backs, doing push-ups, sit-ups, etc. to exercise strength, two people fighting with weapons, reviewing formation changes, etc.In his spare time, he practiced military formations, studied martial arts, and built up his strength.During the war, simply practice to restore the state, so that you can quickly enter the state during the war, and you will not be too tired, putting the cart before the horse.As soon as Liu Qi proposed this morning exercise request, Kuai Yue was full of admiration, and Jia Xu belonged to it.

At Chen's hour, the soldiers began to eat, everyone was full, and after another night's rest, they were full of energy, strong in morale, eager to fight, and showed their true qualities as men.A strong man should go to the battlefield to make contributions, how can he be like working hard in the fields just to make ends meet.Jingzhou was originally a major food-producing state. In addition, the weather has been good in the past few years, the state is peaceful and the people are safe, the staple food is full, and the supply of wine and meat is limited.This made Liu Qi's army directly catch up with Cao Cao's Qingzhou elite.

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