() Liu Qi's army is invincible, and the invincibility depends on military discipline. I recruit troops, take care of your food, give you military pay, rewards, and you will swear to kill the enemy.However, Sun Ce's army relies on the bravery of the leader. If the leader wins, his morale will be strong. If he dares to pierce the sky, if the leader loses, he will be defeated.Liu Qi uses kindness and righteousness, while Sun Ce uses bravery.

Huang Zhong's army has won the essence of Liu Qi's army training.Greet the soldiers, boost their morale, reward those who make meritorious deeds, and punish those who are punished.Everyone is convinced and is willing to fight to the death.At Chenshi, Huang Zhong's army was full of food and had strength. Huang Zhong arranged it according to the square camp.Slowly drive into Taishici camp.The remaining [-] guard the camp as reinforcements.

The man Tai Shici is loyal, loyal, has the style of the ancients, values ​​loyalty, and is a general with high martial arts skills. Everyone in Tai Shici's army likes him and the soldiers love him.This is the consistent style of the Yesun family's army, relying on the personal charm of the commander and general.Everyone has their own army, ranging from [-] to [-], but it may not be possible to let other generals of the same level lead them.The same is true for the three thousand troops, they have all seen or heard of Tai Shici's martial arts, and the soldiers all believe in Tai Shici.

Gossip less.Huang Zhong's army approached Taishi Ci's camp, and the distance from the antlers arranged in Taishici's camp was less than one mile away.General Huang Zhong has the style of a famous general in ancient times, and his formation is well-organized. He was once praised as the most honest in Jingzhou.Nine phalanxes consisted of nine battalions. Huang Zhong was well versed in the essentials of the art of war. He knew that soldiers are valuable but not many. He ordered 2000 people to wear heavy armor and hold long knives and round shields. As the front of the big formation, these 2000 people were selected from Liu Qi The elite among the elite among the nearly 2000 troops are all big men with round arms and thick waists, and they are all able to stand up to ten with one, and they are unstoppable.Huang Zhongshan's understanding of archers is beyond other people's imagination, plus Liu Qi's suggestion of concentrating superior firepower to attack one of the places must be broken, and summoning good and strong men, everyone is a hard bow, and the number of shots can be counted. Baibu, about [-] people, formed a battalion called Houyi Camp.

Huang Zhong led the two battalions forward, the broken camp was in front to cover, and the Houyi battalion was behind to support.The army is led by a lieutenant general.Archers hold their positions to prevent the enemy from rushing into the formation.

Tai Shici on the opposite side looked at it and couldn't help but nodded and said: "The army is not chaotic at all, the soldiers stand smoothly, the chariots and horses are arranged secretly, and the soldiers and horses are like flowing clouds and flowing water when the banner is waved. This must be an elite in a hundred battles." Originally, in Tai Shici's impression, the Jingzhou Army's military discipline was scattered, and the soldiers' quality was low, which was far from being comparable to the Jiangdong Army.The Jingzhou army had no great victory in the hands of Liu Biao, beheading Sun Jian and defeating Cao Cao was only the credit of his counselors Kuai Liang and Jia Xu.After Liu Qi took charge of the army, he defeated Zhang Xian, fought against Cao Cao, and conquered all directions, with considerable success.Seeing Jingzhou soldiers today is really extraordinary.But who is Tai Shici, who dared to challenge Sun Ce and his thirteen generals alone!How can he be afraid of him, Huang Zhong, with such arrogance!

Tai Shici ordered the deputy general to guard the camp, let people open the gate of the camp, and led dozens of personal guard cavalry out of the camp.Pulling his horse to a stop, Tai Shici pointed forward with a long spear in his hand, and shouted: "Braves without courage invade Jiangdong, dare to fight against Tai Shici!" , come forward by yourself.Tai Shici has also heard of Huang Zhong's name for a long time, and every time Liu Qi fights Huang Zhong will be a general of the Chinese army.Looking at it squarely in his heart, on the surface he looked disdainful, and shouted: "I, Tai Shici, firstly don't kill nameless ghosts, and secondly, don't kill young and old. You are too old, don't tell me Liu Qi doesn't have any generals under his command!"

Huang Zhong was furious when he heard this, he patted his horse and came, turned his hands, and slashed at Tai Shici with his big knife obliquely, the wind of the knife howled, and it was about to fall on his head.What a Tai Shici!Tai Shici didn't panic when he saw it, he raised his hands and took it, his arms didn't move at all, but the thighs of the horse under him trembled slightly.Tai Shici secretly said: This old man has great strength.Tai Shi Ci's moves were already old, he pushed hard, the spear in his hand was like a poisonous snake, the cold light pierced Huang Zhong's throat, Huang Zhong swung the knife and slashed.The two fought back and forth for more than a hundred rounds, with neither winner nor loser, and they were facing a rival in this life.After another ten rounds of fighting, Tai Shici thought to himself, this person's martial arts skills are not inferior to mine, why not use a weak point to lure him to chase, and watch me knock him over.As soon as he thought of it, he did it, Tai Shici pretended to be timid, pulled his horse and fled.

When Huang Zhong saw it, he shouted: "Don't run away, thief!" He also galloped his horse after him.Tai Shici said excitedly: "It's my plan!"Holding the gun on the saddle, Zhang Gong nocked the arrow and turned around to shoot.Huang Zhong was suspicious when he saw that Tai Shici had fled undefeated, and seeing that he was going to shoot an arrow in the back, he couldn't help laughing: "The light of rice beads dares to compete with the sun and the moon!" arrows.The two arrows met in the middle of the road and landed at the same time.

When the two armies saw each other, they shouted one after another, you two shot an arrow, and I returned the arrow, the fight was exhilarating.Both of them are skilled soldiers and horses.Bow and arrow is even more evenly matched.A pot of thirty arrows had been shot, but the two of them were unscathed.The sergeants on both sides were dumbfounded.

The arrow was gone, and the two of them fought with each other with a gun and a knife, and fought for dozens of rounds.The two men were unable to support their horses, foaming at the mouth, and their limbs twitched.The two agreed to switch to Malay to fight.Huang Zhong is already the number one military general in Jingzhou, and his martial arts strategy is beyond the reach of other generals.Zhang Xiu, Wei Yan, and Wenpin are not Huang Zhong's opponents.Tai Shici fought fiercely with Sun Ce, both on horseback and on foot.Since returning to Jiangdong, he is also an invincible opponent all over Jiangdong!When the two met, they both became enemies in this life, cheered up, and fought against them.

Huang Zhong and Tai Shici fought for two hours, but there was still no winner.It is said that the higher the top generals, the smaller the gap, except for Lu Bu.Huang Zhong knew that Tai Shici deliberately made Sun Ce's army retreat to gain time in order to delay time.But it does not reveal that chasing Sun Ce may not win, not to mention that Jiangdong Confucian general Zhou Yu, who Liu Qi made Jingzhou generals very careful, has not yet arrived.It's not good to be in an ambush.

Huang Zhong also admired Tai Shici's martial arts and wanted to compete.Tai Shici was also thinking the same, and the two fought in tacit understanding.After this battle, the two respected each other's martial arts, and there was also a sympathy between masters.Huang Zhong thought to himself: Anyone who can fight me for a hundred rounds must be a master.Taishi Cizhen is a hero!Such a hero, I should respect him.

Huang Zhong thought of pulling his horse back like this, so he won't be fighting.Tai Shici was also exhausted, so he didn't chase after him.Huang Zhong returned to the formation, saw that the sky was over, and Han Sheng loved his soldiers very much, so he didn't attack the camp at night, which would only increase the casualties.Then he said to the lieutenant general: "The army returns to the camp." The lieutenant general ordered the army to retreat slowly, one battalion after another, without affecting the lineup at all because of the exhaustion of the day.Tai Shici looked at it and said with emotion: "It's really an elite in a hundred battles!"Huang Hansheng is really a famous general!

It is easy for the two armies to strike back and return to camp.In the camp of the Chinese army, the veteran Huang Zhonghu sat on the chief seat, he glanced around for a week and saw that everyone was coming together, and said: "Today I will fight Tai Shici, his force is not inferior to mine, this man has a strategy, and he will attack Jie I'm afraid it won't work." The generals below talked a lot, saying: "Our Jingzhou army is all elite here, so why be afraid of Tai Shici's 3000 troops. Tomorrow will be a strong attack."Tiger General Huang Zhong also thought it was true, stroked his white beard, and said boldly: "Today, Tai Shici has been given up for a day, and tomorrow we must conquer Jiangdong camp. Capture Tai Shici and present it to the Lord." Not daring to show weakness, they called for battle one after another, thinking they were the vanguard.

Huang Zhong swept his eyes and was secretly happy: Since the eldest son took charge of the army, our Jingzhou soldiers and horses have taken on a new look. The son is really a hero in the world, and he will sweep the world in the future!Huang Zhong stood up, laughed boldly and said, "Haha, it's the present day that makes great achievements. Tomorrow will attack the camp, and the first to attack the camp will be promoted to the third rank and rewarded with [-] gold!" Don't be stingy, all the famous generals in ancient times are like this.

The next day Huang Zhong asked the army to get up an hour late so that he could recover his strength. After Chen Shi's morning exercise, the army was full.Huang Zhong also sent people to reward today's vanguard with wine and meat - breaking the camp, everyone was overjoyed and screamed, as if they had endless strength.Seeing that the morale was available, Huang Zhong ordered to march with drums.

The army had already set up its formation in a short time, and the sound of drums shook the sky. The Jingzhou soldiers heard this, their blood boiled with murderous aura, and they shouted: "Kill, kill, kill." Huang Zhong pointed at the long knife in his hand and shouted: "The whole army attacks." The momentum shook the sky, like the roar of a tiger.

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