Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 24 The Temple

() Ye Tian was at a loss looking at the vast desert. Logically speaking, such a strange thing must be an illusion. Is this an illusion?He squatted down, grabbed a handful of sand on the ground, and then let the sand flow slowly from his hands, but the rustling sound was extremely real.

Not far ahead, two pincer-like forelimbs suddenly rose from the sand, followed by a two-meter-long, one-meter-high monster that looked like a combination of a scorpion and a crab.

Ye Tian couldn't tell the opponent's level, a golden sword appeared in his hand, ready to attack at any time.

After the monster emerged from the sand, it shook its head, as if it had just discovered the enemy, and rushed towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian intends to test the level of the monster, and an ordinary sword qi shot out from the golden long sword, and with a squeak, the sword qi easily passed through the monster's carapace, "The defense is so weak, it's a pity that this sword It missed the point." Another burst of sword energy came out from Ye Tian's long sword, this time it hit the monster's head, and the monster's body fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Ye Tian felt a little strange, just when he was going to check the monster's corpse, two identical monsters appeared in front of him. Ye Tianyin shot them down with a sullen face, and shot them with two consecutive sword qi. , He also had a guess in his mind, and sure enough, within a short while, four identical monsters appeared just as he guessed in his mind.

The sword in Ye Tian's hand was replaced by a sharper black long sword. He was ready for close combat.

With four blows of sword energy in a row, four monsters fell to the ground, and then eight of them appeared.

While firing sword energy, Ye Tian rushed forward to fight in close quarters. The combination of true energy and sword energy killed one of them, and then he fought with the other. From time to time, he combined attacks with long-range sword energy. However, the number of beasts always increased exponentially. Gradually, Ye Tian found himself surrounded by monsters, and there were dozens of monsters densely packed around him.

Ye Tian, ​​who was supposed to be desperate, was stimulated with the blood in his heart during the battle. He became more and more courageous as he fought. He simply stopped using long-range sword energy. The black long sword swung at a speed so fast that he even felt surprised. With a relatively small body, he quickly interspersed among the monsters and escaped crisis after crisis. The quality of the true energy in Ye Tian's body became more and more pure as the battle progressed, and it has begun to surpass the ordinary disciples of the ninth level of Qi training. Infuriating mass development.

Ye Tian's consciousness is playing an increasingly important role in the battle, like having an eye that can observe all directions, but even so, there are too many monsters, and Ye Tian's space is constantly compressed , a monster's pliers clamped Ye Tian's left hand before Ye Tian had time to dodge, and then brought Ye Tian to shake his whole body.

The power of the monster was far beyond Ye Tian's imagination, but the pain from his arm made Ye Tian wake up more and more, he waited for the other party to exert strength, he calculated.

The other party loosened the pincers, and threw Ye Tian towards the place where the monsters were most concentrated. Ye Tian felt the direction of the force, and then used this force to follow it and change it, staggering the pincers of the monsters, and borrowing Zhu Zhenqi and Jian Qi performed a clever somersault in the air, landed on the back of a monster, and then jumped towards the open space to the west.

Xiaojiu in the Immortal Mansion can see the situation outside. It has been jumping back and forth in the Immortal Mansion irritably, making meowing sounds from time to time.

Ye Tian was already a little strange, jumped into the open space, he immediately let Xiao Jiu out, as soon as Xiao Jiu landed, he meowed at Ye Tian, ​​in this dark gray desert, there are monsters everywhere. Beast, the gray fox even meowed at him, but Ye Tian was startled. He said to himself, Xiao Jiu, this is what I fear the most. Don’t scare me, Xiao Jiu seems to understand. Ye Tian's heart sounded normal, there was a curve on his face, that curve was like a smile, Ye Tian was even more startled, he said to his heart that the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, don't scare me.

Xiao Jiu seemed to understand the thoughts in Ye Tian's mind again, and immediately ran forward in a desperate manner. Ye Tian knew that Xiao Jiu must have discovered something, and this kind of heaven and earth spirit beasts generally have special abilities, which are different from ordinary spirit beasts. , They may not be the most powerful, but they are the most useful, so he followed Xiao Jiu closely, and ran wildly in the desert under the chase of many monsters.

After running for a full quarter of an hour, Ye Tian suddenly felt that the world seemed to have changed, "Huh?" He looked back to see where there were deserts and monsters.

Xiao Jiu on the ground stopped running and jumped onto Ye Tian's arm. Ye Tian touched the little guy's head, and Xiao Jiu seemed to enjoy this kind of treatment.

This is a hall, more like a shrine for worship, "Huh?"

There are two ghosts and gods enshrined on the gods of the temple. Ye Tian knew that this ghost cultivator was a statue of the true king of ghosts. He is now living under the low eaves. He bowed to the statue.

Then he searched around, Xiao Jiu shook his head and looked here and there on Ye Tian's arm, suddenly it jumped off Ye Tian's arm, and then jumped onto the altar, "Ye Tian is afraid that there will be a mechanism or something like that. immediately shouted, "Xiao Jiu is back."

However, Xiao Jiu turned her head to Ye Tian and let out a meow to vent her dissatisfaction with Ye Tian's distrust. The environment here is more atmospheric than before. In fact, he is already a cultivator, and he is something supernatural in itself.

With such a dazed effort, Xiao Jiu ran back with a strange stone in his mouth. Ye Tian looked carefully at the altar and found a small altar at the foot of the statue. The place where the objects were placed became empty, "Is this taken from that?" Ye Tian tried to say to Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu nodded, Ye Tian thought that Xiao Jiu could understand me , while thinking, what is this.

Ye Tian took the stone in Xiaojiu's mouth, and a yin qi went straight into his body. Even his pure yang body immediately felt a biting cold, and the zhenqi in his dantian seemed to be About to be frozen, he quickly put the stone into the Immortal Mansion. The stone left his hand, but it took a while for the true energy in Ye Tian's body to become active. He sat cross-legged and ran for a week, and his body recovered. Just stood up.

Ye Tian asked Xiao Jiu, "Is that stone useful to you?"

Xiao Jiu nodded, and the little fox showed a smile again, which was actually quite scary. Ye Tian was helpless, and said in his heart that getting used to it came naturally. .


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