()Ye Tian walked around the temple a few more times, but found nothing useful. He thought to himself, "Why didn't those people get here? I just got here like this. The value of that stone must be very high , otherwise it would not be enshrined by the master of this cave, I don’t know what kind of artifact it is.”

Ye Tian said to Xiao Jiu, "Can Xiao Jiu take me away?"

Xiao Jiu wagged his tail and raised his head, which meant that you had to reward me. Ye Tian already had a blood bond with it and probably could guess what it meant, and said with a smile, "I'll buy you more when I go back. How about the pill you like to eat?"

The little nine nodded sexually, and then turned around on the spot. Ye Tian looked at it strangely. The little nine turned around more than ten times, then walked west for a while, and then walked north ten times. A few steps, and finally walked towards the north. One person and one spirit beast walked out of the temple. In the vast and seemingly endless gray world, Ye Tian felt that it had been about a day. How was it made, and how could it be so big?

At this moment Xiao Jiu disappeared, "Huh?" Ye Tian walked to the place where Xiao Jiu disappeared, and then took a step forward, the scene changed again, "This is?" It turned out to be a valley not far away There was a cultivator sitting there, and Ye Tian was taken aback by seeing humans suddenly. Ye Tian felt that he had been frightened here several times. If he got out alive, he would have to ask the alchemist for some anti-shocking pills.

The clothes of the cultivator?When the cultivator found someone coming and turned around, Ye Tiancai realized that this was the big yellow-faced man?

The other party was also taken aback when he saw Ye Tian, ​​and then sneered, "I didn't expect that you, a little qi practitioner, not only escaped from the control of the witch, but also entered here, eh? The path you took was wrong, and you actually went deep into the phantom of the Five Elements The inside of the array, and then back to the outside, say, how did you do it?"

Xiao Jiu also felt the other party's terror, and immediately ran away from the cultivator. Ye Tian followed Xiao Jiu and wanted to leave. Seeing that the other party ignored him, the cultivator seemed to be looking for a way to leave. He took himself away, and wanted to catch the boy to force a confession, but the figure of the other party became more and more blurred in that direction. The cultivator was furious, and a spell was issued, and the golden air flow turned into a stream as soon as it entered the air. The golden python rushed towards Ye Tian.

Feeling the terrifying coercion behind him, Ye Tian suddenly picked up Xiao Jiu and jumped forward, "Huh?" The imaginary roar did not sound, and he found that he had entered a land again, and the bare hill was the only one here. Ye Tian was afraid that the other party would find the right place and rush in here, so he asked Xiao Jiu to continue looking for a way out.

When they entered another realm, sure enough, the big yellow-faced man also entered the Bald Mountain they had just arrived. After the big man entered, he didn't see Ye Tian, ​​so he knew that the other party had taken a step first, and he looked around for a way out.

The place Ye Tian and Xiao Jiu arrived at this time was a cave. The place he came to was not the entrance of the cave, so he didn't know why he appeared here. The cave is very wide, and there is a hot spring in the center, the center of the hot spring There is a black flower that looks very ordinary, but it has a refreshing fragrance that keeps emitting. Ye Tian knew that this flower was not simple, so he walked over, and suddenly a fire dragon was created out of thin air when Ye Tian approached the flower, The blazing flames were reflected in Ye Tian's eyes, and a golden sword appeared in Ye Tian's hand. After the falling leaf piercing sword energy was amplified in the sword, it turned into a white light and collided with the fire dragon, so close at hand, Ye Tian borrowed Taking this opportunity, he retreated quickly. The sword energy collided with the fire dragon, and there was a bang. The fire dragon was blown to pieces, and the rest was still rushing towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian cut the remaining fire dragon into sparks all over the sky with several swords in a row, and then carefully circled around the hot spring.

Xiao Jiu tilted his head and looked at Ye Tian, ​​seeing Xiao Jiu's appearance, Ye Tian smiled, "Can Xiao Jiu pick that flower for me?"

Xiao Jiu nodded, and then walked towards the hot spring. Its walking route was a bit like a curve. Ye Tian saw it in his eyes, and wondered in his heart how Xiao Jiu knew the path of this formation?

After a while, Xiao Jiu pulled out the whole flower and handed it to Ye Tian. Ye Tian hurriedly put it into the Immortal Mansion and planted it. After observing for a while, he found that it could survive completely. The living conditions must be very harsh, but the Immortal Mansion can still keep him alive, which is enough to show that the Immortal Mansion is indeed a treasure of the Immortal Family.

Ye Tian followed Xiao Jiu to continue walking, and when they arrived at a place, Xiao Jiu looked forward, his small eyes rolled around, and then walked back and forth non-stop, as if there was something very attractive to him, but he didn't dare to go, Ye Tian asked , "Is there something terrible guarding it?" Xiao Jiu nodded unexpectedly.

Ye Tian touched its small head, "Then let's go, and come back when we have a chance."

Xiao Jiu walked in another direction step by step, Ye Tian and Xiao Jiu did not enter other realms this time, but kept walking in a gloomy world without sky and ground. According to Ye Tian's calculations, it took about five or six days. One person and one beast were in a trance. Ye Tian found himself in a space with green mountains and green waters. Because he had entered illusions too many times, he could no longer Distinguish what is real and what is illusory, but he is indeed a little tired, so he just sat on the ground.

Xiao Jiu jumped on him, shaking his head and wagging his tail, with a human smile on his face, Ye Tian said, "Are we out?"

Xiao Jiu nodded, and Ye Tian patted the little guy's head in a signature way, "It's lucky to have Xiao Jiu, otherwise I really don't know how to get out of trouble, you are really my lucky star, haha."

After resting enough, Ye Tian took Xiao Jiu into the Immortal Mansion. He looked back at the road he had seen, but found that there was no road. This was an empty place. Ye Tian walked a long way in the direction he came from. But he found nothing, "This formation is really miraculous. Coming out from here is not where this formation is located. The entrance is probably only known to those few foundation builders." Thinking of this, he thought of the witch again, and touched his chest. The waist seemed to still have that warmth, and he smiled, and then identified the direction, and ran towards the general direction of Tianjianmen.

As Ye Tian progressed, he gradually found some mountain peaks whose names he could guess. It wasn't until several consecutive peaks were confirmed both in terms of location and appearance that he finally confirmed the current location, "Extremely Cold Valley!"


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