Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 3 made a fortune

() "It turned out to be a ghost beast. Judging by its size, it should be an adult, that is, at least the early stage of the second level. No wonder there are no monsters here to pick even the spirit grass and medicine. After all, the monsters near Qilian Peak are almost all the same. High-level monsters, who dare to come to the territory of second-level monsters. This kind of monsters has a characteristic that the main medicine of the pill is Fengyin grass, and ghosts like this kind of spiritual grass the most. After eating wind yin grass, I will go out to look for goblins to match."

Thinking of this, Ye Fan climbed down from the tree, and approached the monster step by step gently. When he reached a distance of about 600 meters, Ye Fan stopped immediately, because the maximum range of the monster's consciousness in the early stage of foundation establishment was 500 meters. About 100 meters, for the sake of insurance, a surplus of [-] meters was left.

Ye Fan found a low-lying hiding place nearby with lush weeds, took out all five pills from the pill bottle, and threw them at the ghost beast that was still sleeping. Ye Fan on the fourth floor was nothing, and the five pills were neatly thrown beside the ghost beast.

The ghost sniffed with its nose, and then jumped up from sleep as if it had taken a stimulant, opened its scarlet eyes and began to search around. It grabbed a spring pill with its claws, and He just took a sniff, then ate it directly, and then started searching again until he found all five and swallowed them, the black hair on his body stood on end.

Ye Fan suddenly thought of a terrible situation. He was so frightened that he was sweating all over. He covered his mouth and nose, and his breathing had already entered the internal circulation, and his whole body lay tightly on the ground.

"Wow," the ghost beast let out a long howl, and then ran towards the west of the valley with big strides.

Ye Fan felt the shaking of the ground and knew it was not in his direction, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance, so he lay on his stomach quietly until the ground under him stopped shaking, then he stood up, and the ghost could no longer be seen. The track of the beast.

Ye Fan quickly rushed towards the place where the ghosts and beasts inhabited. The true energy flowed between his legs, full of explosive power and lasting. It was the first time for Ye Fan to run with all his strength at the fourth level of Qi training, and found that the speed was definitely faster than that of the world champion. Faster, and not only that, but it will last much longer at peak speed.

After running to this open space, not far away, a spirit grass with an extraordinary temperament than the surrounding plants came into his eyes. If it is not a nine-leaf clover, he came to the front with a few vertical leaps, and without hesitation He received it in the Immortal Mansion. He thought that with such a spiritual herb, there would be no more spiritual herbs around, but he found that there were a few red elixir not far away. "Fourth-order red dragon grass," Ye Fan excitedly said. His eyes were red, and he ran over quickly, planted one by one in the Immortal Mansion, and then walked around here again, "Huh?" There were a few magic weapons placed where the ghost beast was lying. , Also, it turned out to be a storage bag, and there were not one, but seven.

Ye Fan's heart was pounding, and he collected all these into the Immortal Mansion, and he said he would put it away when it was good, and run quickly.

Ye Fan ran in the opposite direction to the ghost beast, hey, he ran a few hundred meters and passed a small green tree, which reminded him of something, so he ran back a few steps and came to the green tree. Beside the small tree, "The shape of the leaves, the color of the trunk, and the red top of the tree, no, it's a strange tree of the third rank, the Qingling tree." There were so many surprises, Ye Fan almost forgot the danger, he Taking out the sword, he dug out the small tree with three strokes and five strokes, and brought it into the fairy mansion.

"Oh," a scream came from the west, and Ye Fan was in a cold sweat. He knew that the ghost beast must have captured a strange monster and was rushing back. In the forest, climbed over several hills at the bottom of Qilian Peak, and rushed towards the deeper dense forest.

Yang Ming and Liu Feng hurriedly came to Qilian Peak and searched for a long time, but Liu Feng led them on the wrong road, and circled around Qilian Peak chaotically. Got the way?"

Liu Feng was also depressed. He looked at the map countless times, so he probably remembered it, but he couldn't find the way after following the map, "Brother Yang, I remember the route drawn on the map, it should be There is a crack in the mountain near here, and you can get there by going through it."

Yang Ming snorted coldly, "I said it three times? Where did you get this picture from?"

Liu Feng just didn't know how to explain it, when he saw a figure in their direction, "Ye Fan."

Yang Ming also saw it.

At the same time, Ye Fan also saw these two people, cursing in his heart that it was bad luck, who he didn't want to meet the last time, but who he was. Ye Fan knew that Yang Ming was powerful now, and he had a little guy to help him, so he was invincible. run.

"Stop, did you get the nine-leaf clover?" Liu Feng asked while chasing it.

Yang Ming cursed, "Nonsense, do you still need to ask? Follow me."

Yang Ming's speed was obviously the fastest among the three. Ye Fan looked back and was taken aback. The distance between the two actually narrowed by more than ten meters. Born out of nothing, passing through the meridians, flowing into the sword, amplifying from the sword through formations, rushing out of the sword, a sword cry, Yang Ming roared in shock, the true energy in his body was beating, and a magic weapon appeared out of thin air in his hand, The sword energy flying towards him was just a slash, and the sword energy shattered. In this short period of time, Ye Fan widened the distance with Yang Ming again.

Yang Ming showed a sneer on his face, "Ha, are you scared? Now that the meridians are healed and you can use sword energy again, why don't you dare to fight with me? Where did the warlike swordsman go? Oh, I see. I was bullied by Lao Tzu for two years, and I was scared when I saw Lao Tzu, Ye Fan, you trash, you will be trash at any time."

Ye Fan knew that if the original self was so excited by the other party, he would rush back and fight for his life, but unfortunately, I am not the original Ye Fan, so I don’t want to do this. The fifth level of Qi training, sometimes I will clean you up every day, so that you will feel itchy if you don't get beaten once a day, haha."

Yang Ming was obviously taken aback when he heard Ye Fan's sarcasm. Is this still the original Ye Fan?What must have happened to him?

Yang Ming speeded up even more. He must catch up with Ye Fan. The first is that Ye Fan cannot wait for Ye Fan to grow up to deal with him. The second is that the nine-leaf grass is on the other party. Still a great opportunity.

Ye Fan didn't know that his strange behavior made the other party have doubts, but so what?What if I don't know?The enmity between the two is endless. The original owner of this body, Ye Fan, has already died in the hands of the other party. As for the successor, even if they give the deceased an explanation, this enmity must be avenged.

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