Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 4 Counting the Harvest

() Ye Fan harassed Yang Ming with sword energy from time to time, often Yang Ming had just chased more than ten meters away, but a sword energy struck, and he blocked it, and the distance was opened again. Yang Ming was anxious, But there was nothing he could do. As for Liu Feng being able to keep up, it was good enough. Even though Ye Fan was only at the fourth level of qi training, due to his practice of sword qi, his true qi was stronger than that of Liu Feng, who was at the fifth level of qi training.

Seeing the back mountain of the outer gate from a distance, Ye Fan was overjoyed. He laughed while running, "Two turtles, waiting for Grandpa to clean you up at the fifth level of Qi training, haha."

Yang Ming knew that if Ye Fan was allowed to return to the outer door, there would be endless troubles. Besides, it was worth it for the nine-leaf clover. The true qi in the body began to increase crazily, and his cultivation base was temporarily raised to the seventh level of qi training.

Ye Fan seemed to have a bad premonition. Looking back, he was so frightened that Yang Ming not only chased him even closer, but his eyes turned red.

"Damn it, Shengtian Pill," Ye Fan knew that the other party must have taken this kind of elixir. This kind of elixir is a taboo elixir that can temporarily improve the cultivation level. It is said that it will damage the vitality, and you must rest for at least half a year if you use it once during the qi training period. , if it is used during the foundation building period, the quality of the spirit root will decrease. "

Ye Fan sent out two sword auras to the opponent in a row, but this time the opponent didn't stop to resist at all. The sword aura was too fast, and it was impossible to completely dodge it with Yang Ming's cultivation base. He simply avoided the important parts, I suffered from these two swords.The sword energy during the Qi training period is more than sharp, but not very destructive, and when it passes through the opponent's true energy, the wounds are extremely thin, which is nothing to Yang Ming at all.

Ye Fan turned his head again, and found that Yang Ming had already leaped high, and the yin and cold aura on the magic weapon was already slashing towards him. Ye Fan didn't even think about it, he just jumped forward, and then rolled on the spot before avoiding it. The other party's lightning-fast two consecutive blows.

A sword energy shot towards the opponent's forehead, and then continued to run away without looking back.

But Yang Ming was furious. If he couldn't stop Ye Fan in his current state, he would be at a loss.

Ye Fan ran desperately, just when he thought he was going to be caught up again, the Immortal Mansion sent out a burst of true energy, entered the Niwan Palace and then flowed into Ye Fan's meridians, the quality of this true energy was no less Ye Fan's speed soared with the genuine Qi of the seventh level of Qi training, and even Yang Ming, who was at the seventh level of fake Qi training, was far behind.

Both Yang Ming and Liu Feng were dumbfounded.

Ye Fan took advantage of this qi and ran to the back of the outer gate. Once the qi was exhausted, Ye Fan's speed returned to the original, but it didn't matter anymore, because he was about to enter the outer gate soon. , as long as he got there, Yang Ming would not dare to do anything even if he had the guts.

In the end, Ye Fan almost scrambled and climbed into the mountain gate, and then ran dozens of steps inside. The deacon disciple guarding the mountain gate felt baffled, and then looked down the mountain, and then he probably knew what was going on. Disciples are forbidden to fight among themselves. If the deacon doesn't see it, it's fine. If he sees it, he ignores it.The deacon disciple looked at Yang Ming and Liu Feng coldly. Yang Ming's eyes were red, and his guts were green with regret, "Let's forget it?"

Liu Feng was not only dumbfounded, but also fearful in his heart, imagining Ye Fan's revenge in the future, he even planned to run away.

A smile appeared on Ye Fan's face, "Grandpa, I'll go first, you two wash your necks and wait, haha." Ye Fan ignored the two unlucky bastards and walked towards his cave.

Ye Fan returned to the cave, opened all the restrictions, and then sat cross-legged. His soul entered the fairy mansion, magical artifacts, storage bags, spiritual herbs, elixir, and spiritual trees. He sat on the edge of all the harvests and lived happily He started laughing, but it's a pity that the soul body can't make a sound, otherwise, the whole Immortal Mansion would probably echo his sinister smile.

When he came out of the Immortal Mansion, he didn't clean up the harvest, he didn't lie down on the bed, he just lay down here, and then closed his eyes, without thinking or recalling, he just wanted to have a good sleep , since coming to this world, except for the period of coma, the rest of the time has been spent in high concentration, he is too tired.

After sleeping for a whole day and night, Ye Fan finally woke up. He slept so comfortably that he didn't even have a dream.

Sitting cross-legged again, Ye Fan began to complete the daily practice, running zhenqi for 24 weeks.

The true qi flows out from the dantian, travels through the meridians for a week and then returns to the dantian. It lasts for a week, but when the true qi flows halfway through, the fairy mansion in the Niwan Palace sends out a trace of true qi, and then this ray of true qi is active. Guide the true qi in Ye Fan's meridians to the Niwan Palace, because this section of the meridian does not need to be opened, it can flow directly, so Ye Fan does not stop it, but helps guide the true qi to flow into the Niwan Palace, because he has a guess .

True Qi flowed into the Niwan Palace and entered the Immortal Mansion. He did not know what to do in the Immortal Mansion, and then flowed back. The flowing back True Qi made Ye Fan confirm his conjecture that it was the one who saved him in front of the mountain gate. That kind of zhenqi is comparable to the zhenqi of the seventh level of Qi training.

Ye Fan began to stimulate the true energy, and added a Niwan Palace to the Zhou Tian where the true energy was running. With the circulation of the true air, after running for 24 weeks, one-third of the true energy in Ye Fan's dantian had been transformed. After forming this kind of true qi comparable to the seventh level of Qi training, Ye Fan continued to run the real qi until the next day for a full 72 weeks, and all the real qi in the dantian became the real qi of the seventh level of Qi training. During this process, Ye Fan's cultivation has indeed improved rapidly, but he has only reached the peak of the fourth level of Qi training.

Ye Fan knows that the advancement of each level is not just like this practice. Sometimes the advancement will happen naturally after a battle experience, and sometimes it will be a matter of course after taking a pill.From the fourth level of Qi training to the fifth level of Qi training, if you don't want to advance through fighting, taking two marrow washing pills is the best choice.

Thinking of Xisui Pill, Ye Fan decided that it is time to take a good inventory of his harvest and see if there is any Xisui Pill that he needs now in those storage bags.

He took out all the storage bags, and checked them one by one. After checking them all, he found that he didn't gain as much as he imagined, but at least it was a windfall.

These storage bags should be the relics of mid-stage qi training practitioners. The total amount of spirit stones is 203 yuan. Xiao Peiyuan Dan, a must-have elixir for qi training disciples, only has six bottles. Other worthless elixirs are messy. There are more than 20 bottles, all of which are Bigu Dan, Zhixue San, bone-setting paste, etc. This time, I didn't see Huichun Dan. No wonder these people were killed, maybe they all entered that valley by mistake.The most valuable magic weapon left did not disappoint Ye Fan. There were seven pieces in the storage bag, and four were picked up from the ground, making a total of eleven pieces, including six middle-grade magic weapons and five low-level magic weapons. pieces.

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