Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 30 Meeting the Witch Again

() Ye Tian entered the dense forest, and immediately put on the mask Han Xue gave him. It was really miraculous, when the mask was put on his face, it seemed that he couldn't feel it, "It's really a treasure."

Since he could hide his breath, Ye Tian simply put away his consciousness, and then ran towards the triple forest, because he had to go through a long journey of two thousand miles, so he didn't run too fast.

As soon as the white-clothed young man entered the forest with many nine-level practitioners of Qi training, he ordered, "Everyone, disperse and chase after him. When you see this person, shoot arrows immediately. Be careful of his sword skills."

"Yes, Mr. Lin, don't worry."

These people came to look for Ye Tian separately. Two cultivators really walked in the right direction. Their speed was extremely fast, and they caught up with Ye Tian in less than a while. Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the movement behind him. He stopped. Get down, carefully prepare for the battle, and then look to the rear.

"Hey, there's a cultivator here," one of them looked at Ye Tian and said, "It's not that person."

The two directly bypassed Ye Tian and ran towards the deeper forest.

Ye Tian looked at the backs of these two people and thought for a while. He felt that for safety's sake, it is better to run faster on the road near the outer door.

When Ye Tian ran out of the range of Qilian Peak, those practitioners on the ninth floor of Qi training were still carefully searching for every possible hiding place for Ye Tian.

At Ye Tian's current speed, he only ran five hundred miles a day. Two days later, thousands of miles away, Ye Tian came to a valley in the breeze and drizzle.

There is a small stream in the valley, and Ye Tian reached the edge of the stream after a few leaps. He looked down at the face reflected in the water, but Ye Tian was startled, "This, this, how is it possible?" His appearance turned out to be his appearance when he was on earth. Ye Tian stepped back several steps before standing still. Countless memories were churning in his mind, which made him feel a little dazed for a while. Only now did he realize that deep in his memory, in the There are still so many emotions that he cherishes in that world on earth. He has almost forgotten the old man who silently sponsored him to go to school. How can he forget?And she, that playful little sister of the orphanage, I don't know how she is doing now, if possible, Ye Tian couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of this, two worlds apart, so what if he became a fairy, according to this world The rules still do not have the ability to travel to Earth.

Ye Tian walked back to the stream again. He squatted down and stared intently at the most familiar face. It took him a long time to let go, and he picked up a handful of stream water. The sweet entrance of the stream shocked Ye Tian, ​​"Haha , lost but also gained.”

He stood up and was about to leave, when suddenly a woman's figure came into view, "This is? A witch." Ye Tian was like a ghost, wondering how it could be such a coincidence.He knew that talking to this woman was courting death, so he pretended not to see her and left.

"Oh?" The witch saw the stream and wanted to come down to play in the water, but found a strange qi practitioner who seemed to be carrying a device that could change his appearance, she swept her consciousness towards Ye Tian, ​​"Huh? Isn't this thing Bu Feiyan's? Kid, who are you, Bu Feiyan?"

Ye Tian just sensed the witch's consciousness, and he was scared out of his wits long ago, thinking that the other party would recognize his real body, but he heard this sentence, "This is? The other party didn't recognize me. This witch must be Zhu In the late stage of foundation, that is to say, masters in the late stage of foundation can see that I am wearing a mask but cannot see my true face, so that is the case. Bu Feiyan? Does this person know?"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian looked at the Witch, but the other's face was still covered by a cloud of fan fog, and he couldn't see his expression. He couldn't tell from the voice whether the Witch and Bu Feiyan were enemies or friends. He didn't know what to say.

The witch smiled coldly, "Looking at your expression, it must have something to do with Bu Feiyan. I was only in the early stage of foundation building, and she saved my life because she was also a female cultivator. Since you have something to do with her , I let you, the cultivator, go."

Ye Tian hurriedly said, "I don't know what your name is, my lord? I'll tell my teacher." After he said that, he felt at ease, and he couldn't help but despise himself.

"Ha, no need, there is a gap between the Demon Sect and the Dao Sect, so it's better not to have any contact." After saying that, the witch stepped on the flying sword and flew away directly.

Ye Tian wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Damn, you can meet her everywhere, what a hell."

Just after saying a sentence, two more cultivators came to the valley. Judging from their attire, these two cultivators should be disciples of Qingyun Sect, which is adjacent to Tianjian Sect.

Those two also saw Ye Tian, ​​and one of them saw that Ye Tian's cultivation was only at the eighth level of Qi training, so he said, "Junior brother, he is at the eighth level of Qi training, hehe, killing people is more profitable than hunting monsters."

The other person glanced at Ye Tian's clothes, and said in a low voice, "People from Tianjianmen have a lot of sword skills, so it's not easy to deal with."

The two men advanced while discussing.

Ye Tian didn't want to cause trouble and decided to leave directly.

Seeing that Ye Tian chose to leave, the two felt that they were afraid of them, and there was nothing special they could do if they thought about it. When they became more courageous, the senior brother immediately shouted, "Boy from Tianjianmen, stop."

When Ye Tian heard the other party's shout, he hesitated for a moment, but immediately realized his current state of cultivation, isn't it just a life-and-death battle to improve his cultivation?It's just two ninth-level qi practitioners, ha, I, Ye Tian, ​​are afraid.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's eyes immediately changed, and the aura of a peak Qi practitioner only exploded.

The high-grade sword appeared in his hand, with a sneer on his face, "Are you two trying to rob? What a coincidence, I just got a good sword, and I am worried that I have nowhere to try it. It's time."

The two senior brothers on the opposite side glanced at Ye Tian's high-grade sword weapon, but they didn't see anything good about it. It just looked more simple. They looked at each other, and then they both laughed loudly, "You boy! , I am not afraid of death, since you are looking for death, don't blame us two brothers for being cruel."


"Kill," the two each pulled out high-grade magic weapons.

Seeing that what the other party took out was not a sword weapon, Ye Tian sighed, thinking that this kind of thing would dare to rob. He just injected ordinary sword energy, and the sound of sword chant was low and suppressed and spread out.

The two of them had just rushed halfway, and they both yelled badly, "The other party is a sword cultivator."

That senior brother yelled loudly, and Ye Tian shot his sword energy at him.

The brother held the sword in both hands. He knew how powerful sword repair was, so he shouted and slashed at the sword energy with all his strength. With a sound of "Boom," this man even carried the magic weapon with the huge power carried by the sword energy. It flew up.

Ye Tian's true energy mixed with sword energy, and rushed towards the startled person. Ye Tian leaped high, and the high-grade sword made a humming sound, and the whole person fell down suddenly, with a sound of "dang", that The junior brother's high-grade magic weapon was directly cut down to the ground, and this sword did more than split the disciple in two.

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