Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 31 Arrival

() Ye Tian has long been used to this kind of scene, he looked at the cultivator who had already got up with a cold face, and walked over step by step.

The cultivator spat out a mouthful of blood, and limped back and forth, "My lord, spare my life, my lord, ah, ah, I have a spirit stone, buy my life, please don't kill me, my lord."

Ye Tian stopped, and said with a sneer, "Your spirit stone, I can take all of it if I kill you."

"I, I have a secret to tell you."

"Oh? You can listen to it. If it is valuable, I will spare your life."

The disciple rolled his eyes and looked around the valley, "Your Heavenly Sword Gate is sharp."

"Oh?" Ye Tian didn't expect this kind of news, "Then who are you telling me?"

This disciple showed a mysterious look, and whispered, "Taiyin real person."

Ye Tian almost laughed, "You, a little qi practitioner, can actually know this kind of secret? How ridiculous is it?"

The man knelt down when he heard this, "Every sentence I said is true, I swear that if there are any lies in this sharp statement, I will be cut off by the young master's sword."

Ye Tianxin said what he swore, "Where is the evidence? Where did you hear it?"

The disciple heard that Ye Tian seemed to have plans to spare him, so he immediately came to his senses, "A few days ago, my brothers and I also came to this valley to hunt, but found a dying ghost who fled here. We will He killed him, searched his body, and found a map with the words Taiyin Daoist written on the back."

"The map is here, show it to me." Ye Tian really became interested, because his first windfall in this world was obtained from a map.

The man threw the map to Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian opened it, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. This map turned out to be the map of Tianjianmen, and the names of almost all formations were marked on the map, as well as how to crack them. There are also entrances and exits of many secret passages. "Could it be impossible for these ghost cultivators to attack the Heavenly Sword Sect? Impossible," Ye Tian immediately vetoed this idea, because the Heavenly Sword Sect, the Qianyuan Sect, and the Longhuo Sect are an alliance, they help each other, and they are directly subordinates of Lian Yunzong. , even the big sects of the ghost sect cannot easily attack, because it is easy to cause a war between Taoist cultivators and ghost cultivators. Both the Ghost Cultivation Sect and the Dao Cultivation Sect will suffer huge losses, and even the Demon Cultivation Sect will probably be implicated.But this map, Ye Tian thought, is it someone who wants to sneak into the interior to steal some important items?

Ye Tian turned over the map, and there was a red seal on the back, "Tai Yin real person." This kind of seal Ye Tian has seen other real people in the sect, and it is difficult for a master of the soul to copy it. Just imagine a soul Why would a real person frame a small golden core cultivator, so it should be real.

From this map, it is impossible to tell whether the real person Taiyin is sharp or not, but the map he drew is enough to prove that he has evil intentions, but what Ye Tian doesn't understand is why this real person Taiyin stamped it on the map. Self-seal, what is the story in it?

Ye Tian no longer looked at the disciple who was still begging, he turned his back to the man, input sword energy into the long sword in his hand, and suddenly slashed back, "Ah," after a scream, Ye Tian turned around, " You know too much, and there is nothing I can do." Ye Tian took this person's belongings, then went to collect another person's belongings, and quickly left the valley.

Ye Tian found a cave and blocked the entrance of the cave. He crossed his knees to complete the work. First, he sorted out the two people's belongings. There are more than a thousand spirit stones in total. There are as many as sixteen bottles of Peiyuan Pill and two high-grade magical artifacts. , There are more than ten pieces of medium-grade magical artifacts, many of them should be robbed based on the actions of these two people, "Hey, what is this?" Ye Tian took out a square Lu Ding from the spoils, After looking inside, there was a small amount of information feedback immediately, "It turned out to be the alchemy furnace used for alchemy. I heard that it is very valuable, ha, and there is such an unexpected harvest."

Ye Tian gathered all the books in the storage bags of the two of them together. Except for a few books on strange things and aspirations, which were somewhat useful, the rest of the cultivation methods were useless to Ye Tian, ​​a person who practiced the Five Elements Aojue. However, there is an elementary alchemy book that catches his eyes, "This is an unexpected gain." Whether it is the outer sect or the inner sect, there are no books about alchemy in the Sutra Pavilion. It is passed down from master to apprentice, and it is the same in sects. One way to obtain this kind of books is to worship under the master of alchemy. It is also a way to directly sign some kind of contract with the sect, and there is also a way to buy them at a high price.

Ye Tian flipped through a few pages and felt that getting started is not difficult. Both fire root and water root cultivators can practice this alchemy technique. Water root practitioners need the quality of earth-level spiritual roots and above, and fire root is human-level low-grade That's it.

"Well, if I have the opportunity, I will also practice. If I have the ability to make alchemy, it will be regarded as an additional source of income." Ye Tian put away these items, opened the cave, and continued on his way.

The vast mountains are endless, and rare birds and animals are everywhere. Ye Tian once had food on the road, and he caught some game and roasted it. The beast finally reached the boundary of the triple forest.

As soon as I arrived here, I saw the faint houses and towers in the foggy place in the forest from a distance.

This was the first time he went to this kind of cultivator's market, and he inevitably felt a little excited and hopeful. He ran a few steps, and soon arrived at the gate of the market, where there were two law enforcement disciples guarding the gate.

The other party saw that Ye Tian was a disciple of Qi training period, so he said lazily, "A disciple of Qi training, ten spirit stones."

Ye Tian handed over ten spirit stones, and swept away his spiritual sense at the same time. The two guardian disciples were shocked when they sensed Ye Tian's spiritual sense, and wondered if it was another foundation builder pretending to be a disciple of Qi training. His expression naturally showed kindness.

Ye Tian nodded to the two of them, and then entered the market. After he actually entered, he realized how naive his original thoughts were. There was nothing like the imaginary shrouded in fairy mist, Yuntaique Pavilion. Like a vegetable market, there are scattered stalls everywhere.He looked into the distance, there were some high-rise buildings about a dozen miles away, and there should be some big shops there.

Ye Tian pondered to see what good goods this stall had, and we also searched for treasures, so we wandered around here.

Turning around, I found that the pills sold in the market are much more expensive than those sold in the sect, and the magic weapon is also the same. After shopping in the whole market for a long time, not even a single elementary sword weapon was sold. It's a kind of sadness, except of course for the lucky ones who have magic weapons against the sky.


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