Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 32 Underground Auction

()Ye Tian searched the whole scattered market but did not find anything worth buying. At this time, he was already close to the area where those big shops were located. These shops were basically three-story pavilions, forming a street.

Ye Tian first entered the first one, Dan Ding Pavilion, and the name seems to sell not only pills but also pill furnaces for alchemists. This furnace and tripod have the same meaning in the eyes of alchemists.

After entering the store, after a little observation, I found that this big store really has a different response. The decoration is very luxurious, with gold carvings, jade floors, and the clothes of the shop assistants are not only uniform but also exquisite.

As soon as Ye Tian entered, a waiter took the initiative to step forward, "Do you want to buy pills or pill stoves?"

Ye Tian asked, "Can the store buy pills?"

A smile appeared on the guy's face immediately, "Of course, it depends on what kind of medicine the guest officer wants to sell."

"Pei Yuan Pill."

When the guy heard that it was the most sought-after elixir like Peiyuan Pill, the smile on his face was even better, "How much do you want to sell, sir? Our shop is definitely the most reasonable price among all the shops here."

Ye Tianxin said that the most reasonable meaning is moderate, "What is the purchase price?"

"A bottle of 120 spirit stones is the same price you go to other stores, and our store is different from other stores. No matter how many bottles you sell, you will never buy at a lower price. It is the same price. If you sell a large amount in some stores, you will Ask for a price reduction." The clerk began to introduce the advantages of this store incessantly.

When Ye Tian heard the price, he immediately understood why the pills in scattered markets were so expensive, and the purchase price was more expensive than those purchased in sects. In fact, what he didn't know was that the prices in the entire cultivation world were rising due to the opening of the secret realm. Of course, the price of selling to one's own disciples within the sect cannot rise as the price outside rises, which is one of the reasons why practitioners are willing to join the sect for cultivation.

Ye Tian nodded, "Well, I'm thinking about it, do you have a pill here that is good for spirit beasts."

Hearing what the other party meant, the guy had to shop around, and became even more attentive, "You should know that Spirit Beast Pills are hard to get in general stores and even sects. Our family just bought a batch of them a few days ago. , Don’t miss it, guest officer.”

Ye Tian didn't buy this kind of elixir at Tianjianmen, and when he heard that it was available here, he immediately asked, "What's the price?"

"The price may be a bit expensive. The low-grade Spirit Beast Pill costs two hundred spirit stones a bottle, and the middle-grade Spirit Beast Pill costs a thousand spirit stones a bottle."

Ye Tian calculated his own financial resources and asked again, "This is the next-grade spirit beast pill. If you take a bottle, the spirit beast can take it for a few days. How effective is it?"

"If you are in the middle of the first level, you can take it for ten days, and if you take a hundred bottles, you can advance."

Ye Tian had an idea in his mind, so he didn't ask any more questions, and started to turn around on the first floor, looking at various ammunition. When he reached the corner of this floor, he saw a white elixir, which was marked on the label. It says "Three Yuan Pill." This kind of pill Ye Tian had seen in the book before, it can strengthen the vitality of the physical body, and it can accelerate the cultivation base at the ninth level of Qi training.

Ye Tian asked the guy, "How much is this worth?"

"Three thousand spirit stones."

"Well, what are the main products sold upstairs?"

"Pillions and furnaces in the foundation building period."

Ye Tian decided to go to other shops first, thanked this guy, after he came out, he would not go to other types of shops, and there were two of these shops that also sold pills, so he went to inquire about them. I found that there was no difference in the price of selling Peiyuan Dan and the first store, and that neither Spirit Beast Pill nor Sanyuan Pill was available, so I went back to the first shop.

Ye Tian first sold [-] Peiyuan Pills and got [-] spirit stones. The man was used to seeing big deals by then, so he wasn't jealous, but he was thinking about how to give Ye Tian the spirit stones he earned again. He spends it.

The buddy started to introduce this pill in front of Ye Tian for a while, and that pill for a while, Ye Tian smiled at the buddy, "I don't want any other pills, I just want a three-yuan pill, and five more." Ten bottles of spirit beast pills."

After the transaction was over, Ye Tian left the shop, and he entered a shop that mainly sells magic weapons. After wandering around for a long time, he didn't see a high-grade sword weapon. He asked the clerk, and only then did he know that the secret realm was about to open all the top-grade swords. All swords are sold out.

Ye Tian went to several other shops and found that the talismans and swords were almost all sold out, and according to the buddy, it was difficult to get the goods now, "Could it be a waste of time?"

He walked out of the last shop in a daze, and as soon as he reached the street, a practitioner of the fifth level of Qi training chased him up, "Senior, please stay."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ye Tian was a little displeased when he looked at the fifth-level Qi-training disciple's furious eyebrows.

"Senior, this is the entry token for the underground auction. I don't think you have found anything you like. You can go to the underground auction to have a look."

"Oh?" Ye Tian said, "This?"

The person added, "You can rest assured that this auction house has been operating here for decades, and it has always had a good reputation. You also know that as long as it is an auction house in the entire East Continent, it is safe."

"Then this token?"

"One hundred Lingshi, I dare to swear to God, it is absolutely true."

Ye Tian didn't speak, but sent a sound transmission to the alchemist, and after a while, the alchemist's voice came back, Ye Tian was overjoyed, the sound transmission talisman given by the alchemist was really powerful, Two thousand miles is still available, "This underground auction is considered safe, you go boldly."

After thanking the alchemist, he said to the disciple of the fifth level of Qi training, "You swear that this token is usable now."

The disciple had a bitter look on his face, "Senior, the auction will be held on the night of the eighth day of every month."

"Oh, I want this token, you take me to the location of the auction house, and then make an oath."

"Okay, you come with me."

Ye Tian got the token and knew the location of the underground fear store, he calculated the days, there were three days left, so he found a place in the market, one hundred spirit stones a day, it was settled, every day besides visiting the market, he was practicing .

Just like that, three days passed in the blink of an eye. At night, Ye Tian left his residence and came to the location of the underground auction house. Only then did he realize that the so-called underground was not the underground he understood. It's under the ground, not the meaning of not being able to see the light. He smiled awkwardly on his face, but when he came to the entrance, a burst of anger immediately rushed to the top of his head. He was actually cheated. It turns out that there is a Selling tokens, ten spirit stones a piece, "I'm fucked," Ye Tianxin said, thinking that in the ancient world, there are no such scammers, but there are.Damn, if I see that guy again, I won't beat him until his parents don't know me, so I won't be named Ye.

Ye Tian showed the token at the entrance, but fortunately the token was real. After entering, each person was given a mask. After wearing it, Ye Tian understood that this mask could shield the consciousness, because his own consciousness could also be blocked. Can't send it out.

The underground auction house is very spacious, with four to five hundred seats. Ye Tian caught up with the right timing. As soon as he entered, he heard a bell ringing, which echoed for a long time.


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