Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 37 New hatred and old hatred

() Ye Tian was confused by the other party's words. At this moment, he didn't know what kind of exercise was used, but the qi practitioner resisted the foundation builder's technique, and at the same time said to Ye Tian , "I know that you are the one fighting with me for the talisman. If you kill this thief with me, I will hand over all the talismans to you."

Ye Tian was frightened, "Damn it, is the mask in the auction house fake? These two seem to remember themselves in the auction house."

The qi practitioner said, "You have trace powder on your body, of course you can be recognized by others, kill this person with me quickly."

"What is trace powder?" But Ye Tian also knew that now is not the time to be entangled.

Right now, there are two most beneficial ways for Ye Tian, ​​one is to run away, and the other is to join forces with Qi practitioners to kill the enemy side by side.

After summarizing everything, Ye Tian felt that he could fight. Seeing what the qi practitioner could do, plus his swordsmanship with sword intent, he should be able to kill this foundation builder with certain confidence, not to mention the foundation builder. The cultivator even knew himself. It seemed that Ye Tian was also the target of his robbing, but he chose this qi cultivator wearing a dharma robe first. When he killed this qi cultivator, he would definitely come after him.

"Kill," as soon as Ye Tian came up, it was the ultimate move. The sword intent matched the high-grade sword weapon, and the fallen leaves rushed out of the meridians and entered the sword weapon. All automatic without wind.

At the same time, the qi training disciple and the early foundation builder were all startled, but the difference in reaction was that the qi training practitioner's face was full of surprises, "Thank you, friend, haha, I will go."

Ye Tian was riding a tiger at the moment, and Ye Tian's extreme moves put great pressure on the early stage foundation builder, both of them had no intention of caring about each other, and they both watched the qi practitioner run away in a hurry.

Ye Tian was furious in his heart, "Kill it." A brilliant sword light shot out, and when it shot out, it seemed to be divided into two halves, one half was white and the other was black, and they met in midair.

The foundation builder had just chased and killed this qi trainer all the way, and he never stopped attacking. The mana in his body had long been insufficient, and his only spiritual weapon was destroyed by the other party. A qi training disciple appeared, and he was full of confidence at the beginning. No matter how powerful the qi training disciple is, he is just a qi training disciple. The person in front of him is undoubtedly because of his rich family background and used a lot of talismans to persist here, but What I didn't expect was that this ordinary qi-training disciple actually had a sword intent, and his sword skills were so amazing, his face was covered with cold sweat, could he handle this move in his current state?

He also yelled, the mana in his whole body was concentrated, and he was madly losing to the top-grade magic weapon. His dantian was already in a hurry, and he didn't care about it. If he didn't work hard, he would have no chance, but would there be a chance if he worked hard?

Ye Tian's eyes were wide open, and the sword spirit, consciousness and swordsmanship were perfectly combined at this moment. He could even feel the indomitable aura of life and death in the sword aura, "Kill." As if there was no fear, the sword aura in his body was surging, With the addition of a normal blow, the two sword qi seemed to be sent out at the same time. Before he knew it, he had already used the best way to use the normal sword qi after it was strong, because it was generated quickly and could be accompanied by the ultimate move. Dao Jianqi is sent out at the same time.

"Break it for me," the foundation builder yelled, and there was a huge roar when the top-grade magic weapon collided with the sword energy, and the mana in the foundation builder's body was quickly drained, and then he could only watch Seeing that the remaining sword energy broke through his protective magic power and shot into his body, the remaining sword energy was still full of power, directly dividing the foundation builder into several sections, and the middle section was actually covered by the sword energy. It was completely crushed and turned into bloody water.

Ye Tian was stunned on the spot. He looked at the stumps scattered on the ground in disbelief, "I defeated the foundation builder again? The last time was a ghost cultivator. My pure Yang body has inherent advantages. This time What the hell is going on, it shouldn't be, by the way, why didn't the other party use the spell."

How did he know that the other party wanted to use spells, but they didn't have enough mana. In fact, ordinary fallen leaf thorns were completely ineffective against foundation builders, but Ye Tian's move was almost ten times more powerful than ordinary fallen leaf thorns. Even the cultivators at the early stage of foundation establishment can use spells, without the protection of spiritual weapons, they will still be injured.

Ye Tian took the belongings of the foundation builder in a daze, and suddenly thought of the qi trainer again, "Damn, you can't escape, kid."

He chased after the qi trainer in the direction where he was running away. He was excited about defeating the foundation builder, and he was angry at being tricked by the qi trainer. He was tricked by the other party at the auction. , Now the old and new grudges are avenged together.

After running for an hour in the vast forest, Ye Tian stopped because he found himself lost.

"Where is this?" This forest is full of tall black trees, and there is no end in sight in all four directions. He tried his best to distinguish east, west, north, south, but to his disappointment, his sense of direction disappeared.

Ye Tian jumped onto the top of a big tree and looked into the distance, but as far as he could see, there was still an endless forest.

"Impossible," he had a feeling of déjà vu, that is the formation.

Ye Tian released Xiao Jiu and asked Xiao Jiu to help find a way out, but this time Xiao Jiu looked around in confusion, shook his head, and sent Ye Tian a message, which probably meant, "It can't do anything. "

Ye Tian was angry, "It's always so unlucky? Although there are rewards every time, it's always so stressful and I can't stand it. Anyway, I've entered the magic circle, so I'll give it a try."

A high-grade sword appears in Ye Tian's hand again. His strongest move, Fallen Leaf Thorn, accumulates in the sword and emits a humming sword sound. The sword intent is a kind of will, which is infused into this sword energy, and the sword energy is combined with this will , as if alive, boiling ferociously.

A beam of sword light formed on the sword, Ye Tian slashed downwards forcefully, the sword light fell from top to bottom, "Boom," followed by a roar, the surrounding forest suddenly disappeared, Ye Tian followed the sound of the roar, Looking back, the qi trainer in cassock, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, was half kneeling on the ground, panting continuously.

"You made this formation?" Ye Tian asked calmly at this moment.

The cultivator knew that the time of death was approaching, so he said stiffly, "That's right, I did it, how about it, I have never seen such a young formation master."

"Oh, which family's disciple are you, and what is your status? You have so many methods." Ye Tian decided to ask, lest this person is the blood of a high-ranking person in Huaxuqi, and he is afraid that the other party will have the mark of blood feud .

"Haha, are you afraid? Are you afraid that I will have the mark of blood feud?" The qi practitioner laughed wildly.

Ye Tian said, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"


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