Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 38 Counting the Harvest

() "I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, but so what, you know how to find out if I have it, don't you?"

Ye Tian smiled, he really knows how to investigate, "If you show it to me, I won't have to waste effort to catch you to check, how about it?"

The man gave a bleak smile, "If I am the blood of the person who transformed the void, do you think that early stage cultivator of foundation establishment would dare to chase and kill me? blood."

Ye Tian said, "You speak so bluntly, but I won't let you go." Ye Tian raised the long sword in his hand.

"Wait, I have a secret."

Seeing the cunning on the opponent's face, Ye Tian knew it wasn't true, so he said, "Grandpa, I've used this trick several times."

But at this moment, the cultivator showed a smile on his face, "I said so much just to delay time, haha, idiot."

A white light suddenly flickered on the cultivator's body, which became more and more dazzling.

"So that's how it is." Ye Tian also understood the reason, the other party still had such an ultimate move hidden in his cassock, but seeing that the other party hadn't used it, he knew that the power was actually limited, and now it was probably a desperate fight.

Ye Tian sneered, the sword intent descended, the brilliance of the fallen leaf thorn flashed and met the opponent's white light, but the white light turned into countless thin sword energy, most of which were crushed by the fallen leaf thorn.

"Why, didn't you use your ultimate move twice? I hate it, ah." The fallen leaves continued to stab and killed the Qi practitioner directly, but there was still some traces of the thin sword Qi that filled the sky because it was too strong. Dispersion was only weakened, and then shot towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian brandished the high-grade sword in his hand, the sound of sword groaning was a series, the sword light flickered, and there were countless cuts, but there were still two sword qi that passed through the protection, penetrated Ye Tian's true qi body protection, and one from Ye Tian. The right shoulder passed through, and the other passed through Ye Tian's left leg.

The blood spurted from the two wounds was like thin blood arrows. Such pain is nothing to a swordsman. Ye Tian touched the two acupuncture points on his body, and the blood stopped immediately. He adjusted the muscles of his legs, Then, step by step, he walked to the corpse of the qi practitioner. A bloody hole the size of a fist was shot out of the neck of the qi practitioner.

Ye Tian put away the cultivator's belongings, then burned the body of the cultivator with true energy of the fire attribute, and buried the ashes in the ground at a depth of ten meters, so as not to prevent this person from being found out due to his deep background. He is related.

After destroying all the corpses and eradicating traces, Ye Tian didn't bother to check the property he took from the two of them here, and ran towards the sect with all his heart.

Running day and night, he arrived at the outer gate that made him feel at ease the next morning. He rushed into the gate in a hurry, and when he returned to the cave, he felt waves of fatigue About to knock him down.

Ye Tian ran to the hot spring, took off his clothes, and soaked in it. After soaking for a quarter of an hour, Ye Tian fell asleep.

In the haze, Ye Tian felt that he was dreaming again, because he came to a world like a fairyland again, and the woman's back appeared again. This time, he decided to take a look at the other person's appearance. It was about to be seen, the blue hair fluttered, the graceful back turned sideways, the beautiful and exquisite body showed perfect curves, but at this moment, Ye Tian suddenly opened his eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he jumped out of the dream again, and even said a few words, he was depressed. It is not possible to enter such a dream every time. What kind of face does this woman look like? ?

Ye Tian waited for his mood to calm down a bit, calculated the time and found that he had slept for three days, "Is it just such a short dream?"

He called Xiao Jiu out and teased the little guy for a while. Ye Tian found that Xiao Jiu liked to play with water, so he built a pool in the Immortal Mansion, filled it with water from the hot spring, and took the water from the hot spring. After that, the water surface will still recover, but don't worry about running out of water.

Xiao Jiu had played enough, so he shook Ye Tian's arm. Ye Tian knew that the little guy wanted to go back to the Immortal Mansion through the information obtained from his soul, so he took it back into the Immortal Mansion.

Ye Tian took out the items he got from the foundation builder, a top-grade magic weapon, a storage bag, and a magic weapon-level belt.

What Ye Tian is most interested in is this belt. Although this kind of item is not yet at the level of a spirit weapon, it still needs to be refined. Ye Tian doesn't care about other belongings, so he directly refined this belt. , that is to use true energy to impact the mana remaining on it, and then imprint one's own spiritual consciousness. This is why few disciples in the Qi training period will wear this magic weapon. Without spiritual consciousness, refining No, it's useless to wear it.

It took water to grind the kung fu, and Ye Tian successfully refined this belt in less than a day. He tied the belt around his waist, and he stood up and walked back and forth in the cave, sometimes running two steps quickly, "So it's for this purpose, The speed has increased by about [-]%, a good accessory."

Ye Tian picked up the top-grade magic weapon, injected true energy into it, and waved it twice, "The power is not bad, but it's useless to me. If you sell it to a disciple who doesn't practice swordsmanship, you should be able to sell it for ten thousand spirits." stone."

This ordinary cultivator was indeed completely suppressed by the sword cultivator before Jindan, and the foundation cultivator was even better. If the technique is amazing, and there are many spiritual weapons to protect the body, he can compete with the sword cultivator and practice Qi. For a while, ordinary cultivators were almost completely suppressed by sword cultivators.

During the qi training period, the sword cultivator was in power, which also caused the price of this top-quality magic weapon to be unable to raise.

Ye Tian poured all the contents of the foundation builder's storage bag into the Immortal Mansion, and Xiao Jiu ran over excitedly, running and jumping around these victorious items.

Ye Tian counted the spirit stones among them, and there were as many as [-]. It seems that the foundation builders have spirit stones.

There are more than 20 high-grade artifacts, but none of the middle-grade artifacts and low-grade artifacts. It is estimated that they have all been sold.

Ye Tian rummaged through many books for a long time, but none of them were useful.

There are a lot of pills, but they are all used in the foundation building period. If they are sold, Ye Tian is afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, so he can only use them in the foundation building period.

Ye Tian opened the storage bag of that qi training disciple again, "Ha, there are quite a few strange things."

Ye Tian took out all the strange stones and threw them into the Immortal Mansion, but unfortunately the Immortal Mansion did not respond at all, "Hey, it seems they are all fake, this kid is really rich, huh?"

Ye Tian took out a map, "Tianhuan Zhenfu?" This is the topographic map inside, where did this person get such a map?

In addition to these, there are only a thousand spirit stones in this person's storage bag, which seems to have been spent at the auction, but there are quite a lot of pills, there are hundreds of bottles of Peiyuan pills.

Ye Tian still had some fantasies about the books in this person's hands, because the other party could use formations, and he thought that this person should have introductory books on formations, but after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find any useful ones. Among them is a book called Ziyun Tianlun, which is based on the water system. The content in the book seems to have been passed down for a long time. Ye Tian now has some doubts that this kid is pretending to be a child of a family. How much good stuff to get.

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