Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 39 Two Beauties

() After searching for other things for a long time, Ye Tian felt a sudden burst of anger, because he didn't leave a single talisman for him, "Damn, I used them all."

Ye Tian was extremely bored, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a dark green thing among the messy items. He took this thing out of the Immortal Mansion, and as soon as it landed on his hand, a sense of coolness spread along the meridians in his hand. Among them, "No," Ye Tian hurriedly took out the green secluded stone from Lin Tu, and put the green secluded stone on top of this dark green thing, only to see that the green aura on the green secluded stone was all overwhelmed by this A dark green thing was sucked out, and it was absorbed within a short while. With a bang, the original green secluded stone was shattered into fine powder.

"Ha, it's really a fetish, the Lvyou Jing mother, this can be refined."

Ye Tian drilled his consciousness into it, and then poured in true energy. It was really difficult to refine this stone with the quality of true energy. Ye Tian put the stone back into the Immortal Mansion. During the refinement in the mansion, there was no improvement in the progress, but it quickly picked up.

About six hours later, some cryptic information flowed into Ye Tian's consciousness, "Lvyoujing mother is right, you can put it in the dantian, and it will keep strengthening the meridians until the energy in it is exhausted. You need to find the green youshi to replenish it.” It’s really a good thing, it’s much better than the green youshi, and it’s inconvenient to tie the green youshi to the body when using it.

Ye Tian took Lvyou Jing's mother into his dantian, and he felt that both the dantian and the meridians were extremely comfortable and refreshing, and his mood improved accordingly.

After tidying up his things, Ye Tian lay down back in the hot spring, and he wanted to continue to rest.

In the following days, besides practicing swordsmanship, Ye Zitian was also at ease in hot springs and fragrant tea.

On this day, the sound transmission symbol on Ye Tian's body rang. He took it out and saw that it belonged to Han Xue. As soon as he opened it, Han Xue's voice came out, "Ye Tian, ​​Xiaobi is coming, come out to chat .”

Ye Tian replied, "Well, where is it?"

"Outer gate martial arts field."

After getting dressed, he headed to the meeting place.

When I got there, I found that it was not only Han Xue alone, but also two female disciples who were at the peak of Qi training.

Seeing that Ye Tianxiu had reached the ninth level of Qi training, Han Xue couldn't help being surprised, "You have advanced again."

Ye Tian smiled, "Isn't it reasonable?"

"Reasonable, hehe, this word is used well, by the way, let me introduce you, this is Senior Sister Zhao Yueming, and this is Senior Sister Qiu Buyu."

This senior sister named Zhao Yueming is also handsome, and the senior sister named Qiu Buyu is also beautiful. The skin of both of them is crystal clear. Ye Tian understands that the skin of female cultivators seems to be quite good. The earth, everyone can do cosmetics endorsement.

"It's a pleasure to meet you two. I met two senior sisters in Xia Yetian."

"Ha, are young people quite polite?" Zhao Yueming was obviously a cheerful woman.

As the name suggests, Qiu Buyu just smiled lightly and didn't speak.

"Ye Tian, ​​do you want to compete with the two senior sisters?"

Ye Tian was reluctant in his heart, so he said, "It's inconvenient."

"Huh?" Han Xue was a little displeased, "You are a big man, you are still timid, let's learn from each other, let you see the strength of the peak of Qi training."

Ye Tian made a mysterious appearance, and said in a low voice, "I have some secret methods, which I only use when I am young, but they are useless now. I have already seen a few of the peak Qi practitioners."

"Oh," the two senior sisters were also a little surprised when Ye Tian said this, what kind of secret method this person had, but their appetite was whetted, and that Zhao Yueming's eyes were full of eagerness to try.

Ye Tian was bitter in his heart, this little cleverness was not playing well, so he changed the subject, "Senior sisters, are you going to the little Brahma world?"

"Yes." Zhao Yueming said, "Not only are we going, but Junior Sister Han Xue is also going."

Ye Tian looked at Han Xue, who had only cultivated to the eighth level of qi, his eyes immediately showed some worry, and Han Xue saw it immediately, Han Xue snorted coldly, "I'll count, how many times have you been killed by others?" I was the one who saved the bullying, wow, it turned out to be more than ten times. But now that I have just advanced to the ninth level of Qi training, are you so arrogant?"

"Ha, I know you are giving me a chance to protect you."

Originally, this sentence was meant to respond to the embarrassment and at the same time liven up the atmosphere, but Han Xue snorted coldly, and the two senior sisters smiled softly.

Ye Tian said, "Since this is the case, we should all help each other. Do you know where the talismans are sold?"

Zhao Yueming replied, "You're really good. I only know how to look for it now. It was almost bought a year ago. Not to mention Tianjianmen, even those big sects can't buy it."

Hearing this, the anger in Ye Tian's heart became even stronger, nnd that kid actually used all ten cards, what a disaster.

"Hey? What's your expression now?" Han Xue asked.

Ye Tian quickly showed a smiling face, "Hehe, it's nothing, I thought there was a chance to buy it, but I didn't buy it."

"That's a pity." Qiu Buyu said something rare.

The four of them were embarrassed for a while, and Han Xue coughed lightly, "When we enter, we will get together and protect each other."

"Okay, sure." Ye Tian said.

The two outsiders also nodded, forming a small alliance.

Ye Tian bid farewell to these people. After thinking about it, he still sent a voice transmission to the alchemist, "Master alchemist, do you have a talisman in your hand?"

After about a moment, the alchemist's spiritual consciousness returned, "I'll help you look for it, I think you can recruit some, and I'll give you some means to protect yourself."

"Well, Master Alchemist, the spirit stones in my hand may not be enough to buy these things."

The alchemist smiled, "It doesn't matter, as long as the Golden Dew Grass can be retrieved, in addition to giving you these things, what if I give you a hundred thousand spirit stones?"

Ye Tian also smiled.

"You wait for my news in the alchemy room outside the outer door."

Ye Tian waited in the alchemy room for about an hour, and a practitioner of the ninth level of Qi training came here, and he asked Ye Tian, ​​"Excuse me, is this Senior Brother Ye Tian?"


"But Master Liu asked you to wait here?"


"Well, he asked me to give this to you."

Ye Tian took a storage bag from this person and said, "Thank you, brother."

The man waved his hand and left.

Ye Tian took the storage bag and scanned it with his spiritual sense. He was really moved. There were twenty extremely precious talismans inside, and three bottles of pills, all of which had their names written on them, " Zijin Pill, Sanzhen Pill, Resurrection Pill."

In fact, these three kinds of elixirs should have a small character in front of their names, because they are all for the Qi training period.

Purple Golden Pill has a miraculous effect on fractures and other injuries, Sanzhen Pill has the effect of quickly replenishing one's true energy, and Huanhun Pill can bring the dead back to life when the consciousness is greatly damaged.


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