Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 40 Mr. Lin

() In addition to the above, there is also a purple gold box in the storage bag. Ye Tian opened it in the Immortal Mansion, and found six shiny silver bullets lying inside, "Mizong Wan."

After casting, except for the person refining the pill, other people will enter a small illusion for a short time, of course, it is basically useless to the foundation builder.

Seeing Mizong Pill, Ye Tian naturally thought of Zongfen, and he once again sent a sound transmission to the alchemist, "Master Alchemy, may I ask what Zingfen is?"

"Huh? Have you been used as a fan?"

"Yes, I don't know when I got this fan when I was in the triple forest."

"The solution is not difficult. You go to the pharmacy, buy one, and take the Miasma Pill. That's it."

Ye Tian thought that the so-called trace powder had been eliminated by taking a bath in the hot spring, and he only wanted to know what it was when he asked the alchemist, but he didn't expect that he would need to take a pill to get rid of it. This thing is so overbearing? "May I ask what kind of tracer powder this alchemist is?"

"It's a powder produced from the body of a monster. He has a monster's inner alchemy, so he can sense your position, but it doesn't work even if he travels thousands of miles."

"Oh, so complicated?"

When Ye Tian heard the word "monster inner alchemy", he remembered the red box in the foundation builder's items. Isn't it the monster inner alchemy on one side and powder on the other? (This item was not originally included in the items in Chapter 38, but was later modified to add this red box.)

The alchemist at the other end of the sound transmission talisman changed the look in his eyes several times after hearing that Ye Tian had been used as a trace powder, "This son has been given a trace powder, the area around the triple forest must have been done by the foundation builders, He was able to come back safely, and it is impossible to defeat the foundation builder in terms of strength, which means that his luck is good. It was stated on the map of Tianhuan Zhenfu that it is not so easy to be sacrificed, and he needs luck to protect his body Passing through that layer of Three Tribulations, it seems that the Imaginary Realm Palace wanted to absorb not only the five elements, but also the luck of the sacrificial person. What is the purpose of this True Palace absorbing these? Is there anything earth-shattering in it? Is it okay to conspire? Sigh? This real mansion is just a cave for Jindan cultivators, with our methods, as long as we are fully prepared, it doesn’t matter if he has any conspiracies.”

Ye Tian understood what the most valuable thing was, so he went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to see how to use it. After three days and three nights of searching, he finally found the method of use in a miscellaneous book. The monster inner alchemy originally came from a kind of monster called Mizong. This kind of monster is very rare now. Since the inner alchemy matures, it forms a formation of its own, and practitioners can directly refine it. , then it can be used, "So that's how it is." Ye Tian was also wondering why he could sense the traces of cultivators who were sprinkled with this powder within a thousand miles through the monster inner alchemy, and finally got the answer.

He went to the pharmacy and bought two bottles of Miasma Pill, took one and took it. After taking it, Ye Tian noticed a little fluorescent light floating out of his body and slowly dissipating into the air. "It's kind of interesting."

Just when Ye Tian was about to go back to the cave, a cultivator at the peak of Qi training rushed over, and when he saw Ye Tian, ​​his face was overjoyed. This person is not Ye Tian, ​​who led more than ten practitioners when he went to the third forest. Mr. Lin, a peak Qi cultivator?

Seeing that Ye Tian was about to leave, he immediately shouted, "Is Ye Tian junior brother on the other side?"

"Huh?" Ye Tian glanced at the cultivator who was running over from the other party. Looking at the three qi above his head, he should be at the peak of Qi training, feeling the aura of his body, "This person is not simple, and he even gave out a faint The coercion that people fear."

"Senior brother, do you have any orders?" Ye Tian said with a salute.

"Hehe, it is true that there is something to discuss, so the younger brother will take a step to speak."

Ye Tian followed Mr. Lin to a relatively hidden place, and Mr. Lin said, "Do you still have the rich Nine Leaf Pill? How about I pay [-] spirit stones to buy it? And after buying this Nine Leaf Pill, I will buy it." Then declare that your Nine-leaf Pill is already in my hands, and you don’t have to worry about someone coming to hunt and kill you for the Nine-leaf Pill, how about it?”

Ye Tianxin said what is the situation, how could such a good thing happen?One Jiuye Dan is enough, but now he is worrying about how to sell the useless one. Someone came to buy it at a high price and put forward so many generous additional conditions. The crisis of worry was lifted in this way.

Mr. Lin saw that Ye Tian seemed to be still hesitating, and he felt bitter in his heart, "This kid is really a freak. Last time he was mobilized so many people failed to catch him. It was hard for him to come back, but he didn't go out. Now The establishment of your own foundation is approaching, if you don't advance, you will miss the best time, and what's worse is that you can't even go to the secret realm. Since you have such a big regret, you must not have other regrets when you advance, so Jiuye Even if Dan loses money, he must get it first."

"Is one hundred thousand not enough?"


"11 can't be more, brother." This Mr. Lin is too urgent now, and his mood has long been chaotic. Ye Tian is only behaving like this because happiness has come too fast and he is still in a state of dizziness, but this Mr. Lin Misunderstanding that the other party is too small.

Ye Tian knows that doing too much will attract people's hatred. Although the business belongs to the business, he can't cross the bottom line, "It's only a hundred thousand, and I haven't asked for advice yet. What's the name of the brother?"

Mr. Lin heard that the other party was not what the kid surnamed Li said. Judging from what the other party said and did, and his cultivation level, he was definitely the one who should be wooed, with a smile on his face, "Lin Shaofeng, Junior Brother has helped me a lot this time."

"Senior brother is serious, the price of [-] is already the highest, and the promise made by senior brother is also very important to Ye Tian, ​​but it is a transaction after all, I will not lower the price again, brother, ha ha."

"Of course, hehe, this is a spirit stone." Mr. Lin handed a storage bag to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't count, and directly handed the Jiuye Pill to Lin Shaofeng.

Lin Shaofeng smiled and said, "Are you so relieved?"

"Ha, Mr. Lin is a trustworthy person at first glance, there is no need to check." Ye Tian said with a smile.

Mr. Lin was overjoyed, and said seriously, "I heard that junior brother, you are not only a prodigy of swordsmanship, but also a very fast cultivation speed. You have cultivated from the fourth level of Qi training to the current ninth level in less than two years. After that, it should be the time of foundation establishment, if you have any questions about foundation establishment, please contact me, this is my sound transmission talisman." Lin Shaofeng handed a sound transmission talisman to Ye Tian.

"Definitely, that junior brother wishes Senior Brother Lin a successful foundation building and great success in spiritual consciousness."

"Well, definitely. Then junior brother, goodbye." After finishing speaking, Lin Shaofeng turned around and strode away.


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