One of the two swords is dark and black, and the other is full of flames, with its wings spread out, like a fire bird.

"Earth, earth-level swords, two?" The cultivator who was confronting Ye Tian was really startled when he saw this battle, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Ye Tian roared angrily, "Three Mysterious Swords, Profound Yin Wuji," the best swordsmanship of the human level, Ye Tian in the middle stage of Jindan can use it twice in a row without any problems, and the sword intent that Ye Tian unfolded made this golden man even more. In the later stage, Dan was so frightened that his soul trembled.

These cultivators who make a living by robbing actually have no great wealth, their magic weapons are average, their spells are average, and their real combat power is not strong. The truly powerful Jindan late-stage cultivators have no problem beating him. Another is a sword cultivator with a strong sword intent and a powerful sword weapon, who is at the peak of the golden core in the middle stage. How can he resist this sword? The vestment of the basic technique body protection, the body was cut in half by the sword energy, and a round golden pill was about to fly out. Ye Tian grabbed it with one hand, and an opportunity to lock the spiritual energy appeared in this golden pill In the direction of Jin Dan, the golden core vibrated, Ye Tian knew that his little strength could not stop the golden core from escaping, but time was enough, a normal sword energy shot out, right in the middle of the golden core, the golden core let out a mournful cry, and its surface was dim.

Ye Tian quickly flew to Jindan's side, grabbed it with one hand, sneered, and threw it into the Immortal Mansion.

Xiaojiu and the Jindan late-stage cultivator have already slashed evenly at this moment, the black black sword is constantly colliding with the opponent's magic weapon, there are constant bangs, and the black air is even more equal to the opponent's magic. Ye Tian's two swords combined , "Cut karma," it is inevitable for Jindan cultivators to avoid.He was easily beheaded to death directly.

On the other side, the cultivator at the peak of the golden core knew he was innocent, and he was ruthless enough, so he even escaped from the empty shell, and the golden core escaped without everyone having time to surround him.

Ye Tian snorted angrily, and took away the golden elixir of the late-stage golden elixir cultivator, and then took the belongings of several people, and then flew down, when he saw that the whole guardian was practicing cross-legged.A smile finally appeared on his face.He took several people back into the Immortal Mansion.

Then he asked Jian Hu the location of the large trading market of the Nine Nether Ghost Realm Sect, and quickly flew over without stopping.

During the flight, Ye Tian and Lin Yuer checked the harvest.A total of more than a thousand spirit stones.But the biggest gain is a brand new magic weapon that has not been refined.As for the fire attribute, Ye Tian handed him over to Jian Hu, "You refined this treasure into a natal magic weapon. Although the material is average, the natal magic weapon can evolve continuously, so don't worry about the poor quality at the beginning that will affect the future. "

"Jian Hu obeyed."

After Jian Hu started refining for a while, Ye Tian asked, "How long will it take, can it be used?"

Jian Hu said, "Ten days."

Ye Tian smiled and said, "There is no hurry, you refine it slowly."

Ye Tian asked Lin Yu'er again, "How is Protector Quan's injury?"

Lin Yuer replied, "The meridians in his body are damaged. We have the elixir to restore the meridians. Qinglong is already refining it. It will take four to five months to recover after taking the elixir."

Ye Tian grunted, and hurried on his way. Ye Tian didn't have a magic weapon, so he randomly found a flying treasure of the Jindan cultivator he killed, refined it, and turned it into a huge cattail fan. Ye Tian sat on it, relying on his five elements The Aojue technique, the real energy is strong, desperately input the real energy, and quickly flew towards the direction of the destination.

Along the way, Ye Tian found some flying ghosts, which were no different from the ghosts that Chi Xie had described in the foundation period, "Huh? Shouldn't ghosts appear in the ghost prison? "

Chi Xie said very excitedly, "It must have opened the passage to the Nether Ghost Prison, how intoxicating the feeling of home is."

Ye Tian thought in his heart, "It seems that things in the Nether Ghost Mansion are going to be a little troublesome, because of his relationship with the Lord of the Nether Mansion in his previous life, so he wants to investigate the Nether Ghost Mansion to see if there are any clues about the truth. Cultivators from the Ghost Realm and Wuzhou Realm will definitely go to investigate, it’s already troublesome enough, plus the Nether Ghost Prison, huh? But the enemy of the enemy is a friend, maybe it will be easier on the contrary.” With the change of thinking, Ye Tian no longer thought about it.

After more than ten days of rushing, they finally arrived at the periphery of the market here, but all they could see was that the sky was full of ghosts attacking the cultivation market.

When Ye Tian saw the dense ghost spirits like dark clouds, he immediately fell into the dense forest to hide his body. A few ghost spirits who had found them rushed into the vicinity of Ye Tian. Ye Tian snorted angrily, "Little ghost!" Spirits, dare to be presumptuous," several sword qi were shot out from the two swords, and several ghost spirits, "Ah, uh, uh,,," screamed strangely and turned into black smoke when they were shot by the sword qi.

Chi Xie rushed out of the Immortal Mansion directly, and then inhaled the ghost spirits that had turned into smoke, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Ye Tian said, "What are you doing?"

Chi Xie said with a flattering smile, "The villain can directly absorb ghost spirits and spirits to advance in cultivation."

"Oh? Then you can't directly cultivate and advance?"

"No." Chi Xie said depressedly.

Ye Tian knew why this guy was the most idle, and he often teased several monsters in Chunyang Immortal Mansion to fight each other.

Ye Tian said, "Then you will follow me and hide in the Immortal Mansion in times of danger."

Chi Xie was moved at this moment, "Thank you, Lord."

Ye Tian didn't care about him, and started to sneak towards the direction of Fangshi. When he got nearby, he saw that the entire Xiuzhenfang City and a mountain behind were lit up with formation barriers, but these ghosts were not afraid of death. Gathering attacks in the air, all kinds of black air spirit weapons hit the formation one after another. Since each attack has tens of thousands, it is basically a foundation-building ghost spirit, and the formation is already crumbling.

Dozens of Golden Core stage ghosts and cultivators fought decisively outside the formation with the opposing Golden Core ghosts. The sky was filled with mysterious lights of various colors, and the sound of explosions resounded throughout the world.

Ye Tian said to Chi Xie, "It's time for you to serve dinner."

"Huh?" Chi Xie questioned.

Ye Tian said, "Look, those powerful ones are busy, how about we kill some smaller ones for you to eat?"

"Haha, Your Majesty is mighty." Chi Xie's scholarly face became extremely wretched at this moment.

"Ha," Ye Tian took out two ground-level swords, flew into the air, and was immediately spotted by a dozen ghosts. Ye Tian saw that the attraction was successful, and immediately flew back to the ground. The dozens of ghosts flew away again and again. down.

Ye Tian's ordinary sword qi turned into streaks of sword light, dozens of sword qi, and the speed he cultivated in the training space was fully used at this moment. In the blink of an eye, dozens of ghosts were all turned into smoke, and Chi Xie He rushed over with a strange smile. (To be continued..)

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