Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 70 Red Evil Advancement

Chi Xie absorbed the essence of these dozens of ghosts, and his cultivation has reached the peak of foundation establishment.

Ye Tian asked, "How do you advance to Jindan?"

A more wretched smile appeared on Chi Xie's face, "I'm at the foundation-building stage where the cultivation of ghosts and immortals has fallen, and besides my special form, the Heavenly Tribulation of this world will not be interested in me, haha."

Ye Tian snorted coldly, "In this case, I want to plan something for you. Let me ask you, how do you attack and defend?"

Chi Xie said, "As long as I have advanced to the golden elixir and the ghost elixir, I can refine foreign objects, use ghost weapons, and practice techniques again. There are still a few complete golden elixir techniques in my memory that I haven't forgotten. .”

Ye Tian said, "Well, let's continue then."

After all, Ye Tian flew into the air again to attract ghosts, then shot them, and was absorbed by Chi Xie, and so on. As if it was far away.

Ye Tian and Chi Xie were cooperating in this way, while thinking, the two discussed for a long time, and finally agreed that what Chi Xie wanted to advance to Jindan probably needed Jindan stage ghosts.

Chi Xie's fiery eyes looked at the Jindan ghost fighting in the distance. A Jindan ghost suddenly felt a chill in his body, and then looked around, "Damn, what's going on." If he distracted for a short time, he lost the opportunity and was attacked by the opponent again and again.

When Ye Tian and Chi Xie were staring at the golden core ghost, the formation of Fangshi and the Nine Nether Ghost Realm sect was breached, and there was a bang, and the ground shook under their feet.Ye Tian, ​​who originally thought that ghost spirits were powerful, discovered that countless cultivators and ghosts rushed out of the market suddenly.The spirit weapons all over the sky are also mixed with magic weapons, and the more powerful treasures exude a terrifying atmosphere. Tens of thousands of ghosts are killed in an instant. But dare not go forward.

Ye Tian quietly led Chi Xie around to the side of the golden core ghost battle, and he leaped out of the Chunyang Immortal Mansion with his two swords, and the world with peak human-level swordsmanship that was close to the black, white and glare of the starry sky was fierce. expand out.Immediately afterwards was "Three Profound Swords, Profound Yin Promise." The three unparalleled sword lights inspired by Ye Tian's true essence were shot out under the blessing of the peak sword intent. And such a powerful attack.Only one golden core ghost made a defense.It's a pity it's just in vain. "Ah, ah, ah." Three lives in a row screamed, Ye Tianmeng turned into a sword light and rushed out, bringing the three ghosts into the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, and before many ghosts and cultivators reacted, they quickly rushed to the ground.

A Jindan peak cultivator in Fang City saw someone attacking ghosts and then left. He pondered for a moment, "This person shot and killed three Jindan ghosts with one sword. His swordsmanship should be extremely high. If the sword intent just now Guessing right, it must be the peak of the human rank, huh?" Then he shouted loudly, "This fellow Taoist, since he is the enemy of ghosts and spirits, why not join forces to fight against the enemy and protect our sect, there must be a big thank you."

Ye Tianxin said, "You have a plan in mind, so why bother me. It seems that heroes from all walks of life are not easy to get along in this haunted world. This is just an excuse to recruit talents. In this case, it's better to follow the trend, maybe you can still get along." Get a few magic weapons."

Relying on his spiritual sense and his ability to not be detected by others, Ye Tian silently sneaked in the dense forest to the Jindan cultivator camp on the side of Fangshi, then flew into the air, and cupped his hands with the person who just spoke, "Then respect is worse than obeying orders." .”

The man smiled, "In Xiaqiu Yingtang, the Tianhu faction is the head, and the Minghu sect in the Nine Nether Ghost Realm is the upper sect."

"Below, Ye Fan," Ye Tian used an alias, and then said, "The head of Qiu has a sect background, no wonder he has such a magnanimity and battle, these ghosts are not a trivial matter."

Qiu Yingtang sighed and said, "Brother Ye doesn't know, this ghost attacked once or twice, this is already the third attack in ten days, and the number of each attack is bigger than the first, and there are more Jindan masters."

Ye Tian watched Qiu Yingtang's Jindan peak cultivation base, but called himself a middle-stage Jindan cultivator as his brother. He was obviously the kind of person who respects the virtuous and corporal, and he felt a little fond of him, but he heard that this ghost had attacked him twice before. Once again, his brows frowned, and he thought to himself, "It seems that there must be something strange here."

The two spoke but missed the attack, Ye Tian spread out the sword intent, human-level sword energy, confession, slaying karma, slaying crime, throwing the universe, etc., used them in turn, and immediately there was a book titled Jindan Ghost Cultivator Because his joining disturbed the balance and died, the Jindan camp on the ghost side slowly retreated, and then the ghosts flying all over the sky also retreated. They retreated for twenty or thirty miles before stopping, and seemed to start to rectify.

Qiu Yingtang said, "They are waiting for reinforcements, and then the next round of attack," then cupped his hands and said, "Brother Ye, I'm going to rectify the fortifications."

Ye Tian hurriedly cupped his hands, "Please."

Ye Tian's divine sense entered the Immortal Mansion, looked for Chi Xie, and found that this kid had advanced to the early stage of Golden Core so quickly, he looked carefully, and asked, "How?"

"Haha, my lord, the feeling of advancing is really good. The three ghost pills have allowed me to advance to the middle stage of the early stage of Jindan."

"Well, let me see the three golden core ghost things."

"Yes." Chi Xie didn't show any reluctance.

Ye Tian checked that they were all things that ghosts needed, but there were no items that were useful to him, and said, "These are all yours, is there any magic weapon that hasn't been refined?"

Chi Xie said depressedly, "No, but the villain has practiced several spells in his memory, so I only need one or two months to practice spells that take others years or even ten years."

"Well, there is no rush." ​​Ye Tian thought for a while, and said, "The more you practice, the better. I will pay attention to collecting golden pills for you. If there is a magic weapon that can be refined into a magic weapon of your own destiny, you can refine it immediately."

Chi Xie replied excitedly, "Yes."

After arranging Chi Xie's affairs, Ye Tian felt his strength expand, and he looked forward to the day when he would build up his power.

Ye Tian took this opportunity to enter Fangshi as a matter of course. He first came to a large magic weapon shop, and when he entered it, he found it was empty and there was no one in charge. He shouted, "The shop is here! ?”

An old man hurriedly flew down from the second floor, "Yes, yes, what do you need to be objective?"

This old man is a Jindan early-stage cultivator, and is obviously already a high-level executive in this shop.

Ye Tian said, "There are good materials for refining magic weapons, living magic weapons, and the embryonic form of magic weapons can also be used."

The old man said with a smile, "If it weren't for the turmoil of the war, our store wouldn't sell what you want, but the timing is just right for you to buy it now." (To be continued...)

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