Now that everyone is here, it's not too early to get out without benefits. Although there are only a few people, they can be regarded as three-party forces. Naturally, we need to explain how to divide up the benefits.

Ye Tian didn't speak. Wang Yan glanced at Ye Tian and then transmitted his spiritual sense. The final result of the communication between the two was to give them [-]% of the gains.Seeing that Ye Tian didn't speak, Wang Yan coughed twice, and said first, "The two of you are of great help in breaking the formation, but the treasures inside can only give you [-]%."

Tian Xie said, "It should be so."

Ye Tian glanced at Tian Xie, and stopped talking, but Wang Yan showed a smile on his face, because he can get [-]% with confidence, and now there are three forces, Ye Tian wants to suppress the two of them alone. Difficult, although this sword cultivator is not only powerful himself but also has several powerful subordinates, but to forcibly snatch all the treasures and fight against the two forces will inevitably cause huge losses, so it should not be worth it.There are six masters on his side, plus two ghost masters, he believes that the overall strength of this sword repairer is already close, but he always feels that there seems to be something wrong with what he is thinking about, but he can't find it. to where the problem is.

Wang Yan, Ye Tian and the others discussed it first, and felt that it would be safer to make a small formation to cover the area nearby, but Ye Tian called Jian Hu out. Fang has long been no secret, but Ye Tian has all kinds of talents under his command that shocked the two parties. Shock is nothing but shock, and they have to do what they should do. It is very simple to say, and it can be completed in less than a day.Next, Wang Yan began to arrange the formation to break the formation. The two ghosts and Chi Xie followed Wang Yan to help and study how to cooperate with the formation. Ye Tian was responsible for preventing the appearance or attack of enemies.

In the blink of an eye, it took seven days, and everything was ready. The two ghosts and Chi Xie began to prepare the power of ghosts, and then crazily injected their own powers of ghosts into the core of the formation. Horns of wonder what kind of monster slowly takes shape.Then he rushed towards the formation with a roar.

Just when the monster's body collided with the formation.Ye Tian saw that layers of black ripples began to appear on the monster's body, and then matched the ripples of the formation's barrier. At this moment, the three ghosts injected the power of ghosts into Wang Yan crazily again. Within the formation.Just when the monster's body was completely integrated into the formation barrier.A burst of black light shot out from Wang Yan's formation breaking formation.The bombardment hit the barrier of the formation on the opposite side, and the monster that had merged into the barrier and turned into nothingness actually formed again from the inside of the formation, roaring and crashing wildly.Under the combination of inside and outside, the formation oscillated for a long time but there was no sign of being destroyed. Wang Yan didn't have any disappointment on his face when he saw the failure, but he laughed and said, "It's such a good opportunity, everyone should attack together, hurry up."

The two swords in Ye Tian's hands rushed out, a round and smooth sword energy from the ground-level swordsmanship, sharp but made everyone around feel shuddering, and shot towards the formation barrier, and the others also used their powerful attack.

That Tianxie's attack was a black ball of light, which was produced from the middle of his hands and shot towards the opposite side. There was a roar that shocked the whole field, and the practitioners wandering around saw the black light soaring into the sky in this direction, and the formation of blinding eyes did not block it at all.

Chi Xie was the first to rush into this building. From the outside, this building looks like a spooky five-storey attic. It is larger than an open-air stadium in calculations.

After the restriction was opened, the gate opened automatically. Chi Xie was the first to enter, and Ye Tian was the second to enter. As soon as he entered the gate, countless transparent monsters that he had encountered before rushed over. Ye Tian's double swords were instantly filled with dozens of monsters. Dao ordinary sword qi, where the sword qi passed, all monsters turned into lifeless smoke.

After everyone entered, there was also a burst of killing. They quickly turned around the first floor, but did not find any treasures. They immediately rushed to the second floor, but as soon as they entered the second floor, not only Ye Tian , all the others were frozen, even if everyone was at the peak of Jindan, they were unable to move. Ye Tian had encountered such a situation before, and that was when he was in the secret realm. He rushed out excitedly, and then walked excitedly in the air, seeing Ye Tian motionless, even showed a very humane teasing, Ye Tian said via voice transmission, "Don't make trouble, quickly take that thing. "

Xiao Jiu replied, "Got it." Then he flew into the sky, grabbed a black bead with his claws, and exhaled a breath of black air. There was a flash of light on the bead, and then disappeared. Xiao Jiu was able to refine it. This kind of bead, Ye Tian felt relaxed, "Well, the power of this bead is much stronger than the last one, and it seems that the distance of use has also increased a lot." He looked at the place where the bead used to be, Then Xiaojiu said via sound transmission, "How about this bead?"

"It's not too far away from the golden elixir technique, and it's hard for a golden elixir practitioner to escape from the technique of fixing the body." Xiao Jiu replied.

Ye Tian was overjoyed. Doesn't this mean that Jindan experts have become fish on the board in my eyes, "Is it really so powerful?"

Xiao Jiu noticed something was wrong, and replied, "No." Then it flew to a wall under the gaze of everyone, "It is this kind of thing that blesses this thing. After going out here, the ability of this thing may be It will be greatly discounted.”

Ye Tian glanced at Xiao Jiu who was thinking about the problem, and suddenly realized a problem, Xiao Jiu has grown to such a point, from a little spirit beast who doesn't understand anything, to a golden core master whose wisdom is not familiar with humans It's crazy.

Ye Tian also flew near the wall, "What kind of substance is this? Can it be taken away?"

Chi Xie did not know when he came behind Ye Tian, ​​and he said, "This thing can only be moved by a master of Huaxu."

Ye Tian sighed and said, "It's a pity."

The next few people searched this floor, and this time they gained quite a lot. There were thirteen treasures on this floor, including a formation map, two ghost treasures, three treasure materials, two One magical magic weapon and five bottles of elixir, all of which are the famous golden elixir pills, which are said to be able to bring the dead back to life. It is a pity that there is only one in a bottle, and even just one is absolutely priceless. It is said that the golden elixir cultivator Even if the golden elixir is broken, taking this elixir can still reunite the golden elixir and gain cultivation again. (to be continued..)

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