Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 89 Breakthrough

Among the many treasures, Ye Tian got three kinds of precious materials, one of which is the five-element attribute of the heavenly fortune real soil, which is just suitable for him to refine the magic weapon, and the other two materials are selected by him for his subordinates. So far, the magic weapons of several Taoist cultivators have been prepared complete.For the remaining treasures, Ye Tian chose two bottles of elixir that can bring the dead back to life for Jindan cultivators. What treasure can be more important than life?

He asked the other two parties to divide the other treasures. Wang Yan had already taken a fancy to the map of the formation. Fortunately, Ye Tian didn't argue with him. After all, Ye Tian also had formation masters under his command, so he could feel that this was Ye Tian. I can't help but feel grateful for what I left for him on purpose.

The two ghost cultivators also benefited. Although they were very excited on the surface, they didn't care at all in their hearts. All they cared about was following this human being closely and looking for opportunities for redemption.

The three of them became a lot more cautious when they entered the third floor. Even so, everyone was still unknowingly trapped in a strange formation. The world up and down was frustrating. I understand the method very well, but unfortunately I can't find any key points to break the formation.

After less than a moment of confusion, the attack of the formation began to appear. Strange ghosts rushed out from all directions, and they were killed by everyone one after another. Jiu flew out of Chunyang Immortal Mansion again, the original black bead in his hand was now covered with a layer of ghostly brilliance, holding the bead, wherever Xiao Jiu went, the restraint collapsed, the formation collapsed, Under the leadership of Xiao Jiu, everyone rushed out of this terrifying formation that was almost solved.

Xiao Jiu smiled at Ye Tian, ​​and then returned to the Immortal Mansion.Xiao Jiu was able to crack this formation, and Ye Tian immediately remembered what Chi Xie had said about Xiao Jiu's previous life being the mount of the Lord of the Nether Palace. He said, "Huh? That bead seems to have changed." Ye Tian immediately Thinking of the original bead, "It should be combined into one."

Several people searched this floor for a long time, but what was depressing was that it was empty, and even Chi Xie couldn't find anything.

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost." Gui Xing's temper is actually very violent, but he is naturally scheming, so that people who know him think he is a very rational ghost, and Gui Xing is the first to rush to the next one. layer.Ye Tian followed closely without saying a word.However, Tian Xie followed Chi Xie, looking at Chi Xie's figure, he always felt as if he had seen it before, "This guy who doesn't enter the five elements and has an incomplete soul always gives me a very familiar feeling. Where is the feeling coming from?"

The fourth floor is completely different from the palace-like design of the lower floors.Entering here is more like entering a spooky ghostland.The dark matter blocked everyone's consciousness.Both eyesight and spiritual consciousness can no longer see clearly the surrounding scenes more than ten meters away. [

In the depths of the darkness, at the moment when everyone was suspicious, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly opened.Those bloody gazes, even if they were separated by an unknown distance, could pass through the thick black and be reflected in the pupils of everyone. The terrifying murderous intent rushed into the souls of everyone like a flood, and Ye Tian's eyes immediately It turned red, and there seemed to be a kind of extreme anger and hatred in his heart that was about to erupt, "Where does this feeling come from?" Ye Tian tightly held the two ground-level swords that had automatically flew out, and then He looked behind him with scarlet eyes, because a ghostly treasure had hit his back, and the sword energy on the two ground-level swords was looming, and Ye Tian's sword intent was pushed to the extreme, "Ah, "The sword light on the two swords with opposite attributes quickly moved dozens of times. Dozens of ordinary sword qi intertwined in the air and formed a shield of sword light. Ye Tian realized the defense at this moment. Swordsmanship, he finally took the first step towards becoming a master of swordsmanship.

The ghost magic weapon collided with the shield of sword energy, causing a clear crack. Ye Tian snorted coldly, and took a step forward. The ground under his feet bears such force, and a muffled sound erupted. Ye Tian made dozens of ordinary swords again. Qi was generated from the two swords, gathered in mid-air into a shapeless shape, and shot at the ghost ghost attacking him.

Ghost Xing smiled lowly, "Human beings, you must take revenge on the Nether Ghost Prison. I will tear your soul apart and imprison you in the depths of the Nether Sea."

The people in Chunyang Immortal Mansion were not affected by the scarlet eyes and naturally knew that all this was caused by outsiders, so they desperately called Ye Tian in Chunyang Immortal Mansion.

Following the constant calls, the sword intent in Ye Tian's sea of ​​consciousness uncharacteristically did not expel the scarlet killing intent that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness. Seeing that Ye Tian's final ultimate move was about to be used, the sword intent in Ye Tian's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly Moved, just when the scarlet killing intent in Ye Tian's soul urged Ye Tian's consciousness to kill, the sword intent suddenly burst out to wrap the scarlet will, and then the red light in Ye Tian's eyes quickly receded, and the ghost Xing's ultimate move has already been issued, "Huh?" Ye Tian understood the cause and effect instantly, he snorted coldly, and released the sword intent, but the release of the sword intent gave Ye Tian a sharp pain in the head , and then a kind of extreme excitement caused him to immediately release an ordinary sword energy, and Ye Tian's whole body was completely enveloped by a world that was like a starry universe. This world kept shrinking, and finally became less than three In the chaotic world that is meters away, Ye Tian knows that the sword intent has advanced, and it has really advanced to the ground level, a realm that is extremely difficult for sword cultivators to enter.

And the ordinary sword energy was blessed by the sword intent, and it was shattered by the ghost's powerful spell, and then it was shattered, and finally advanced to such a state. Facing the attack on the magic weapon, Ye Tian closed his eyes. Flowing through his world at a double speed, dozens of sword qi formed again and combined into a shield, but this time there was a roar, and the spell was disintegrated.

Ye Tian opened his eyes, and the sword light in his eyes was no longer sharp but simple at this moment.

Ye Tian's sword intent turned into two sword lights and reflected in Gui Xing's eyes. The scarlet color in Gui Xing's eyes immediately disintegrated, and Gui Xing spit out a mouthful of blood with a loud cry, and then fell straight down.

Ye Tian was finally able to see the surroundings clearly, it was only him and Guixing here.

There was only one passage in front of him, leading to the dark direction, Ye Tian asked everyone in Chunyang Immortal Mansion, "Where are the others?"

Lin Yuer said, "A person who is exactly like you and a ghost who is exactly like a ghost, followed those people into the passage."

"Huh?" Ye Tian was full of doubts, he grabbed the ghost line with one hand, and then quickly flew towards the depths of the passage, "Is it still in that attic? What is this place?"

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