Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 90 Accident

Ye Tian had been flying in the dark passageway that blocked the exploration of his consciousness. He felt that he was walking in an illusion, so he asked Jian Hu in Chunyang Immortal Mansion, "Is this a formation? "

Jian Hu replied, "Report to the Lord, the subordinates really don't know."

"Huh?" Ye Tian felt a little uneasy in his heart, because he couldn't sense Chi Xie who signed the contract with him at all.

Two swords flew out of Ye Tian's hands, and the sword intent of the ground level gushed out, and the universe-like world of the starry sky hid him in it. The huge sword of the earth shot at the four walls of the passage in front of the side, and there was a loud roar. The passage was shattered like glass shards. He could fly without relying on external objects at all, but found that he could not fly, and then fell into the dark abyss below.

Ye Tian was terrified, and everyone in Chunyang Immortal Mansion was also terrified when they saw the scene outside, not knowing what to do.

Xiaolong's growth time is too short, and his thoughts are still at a very naive stage. Now he is so frightened that he is in a hurry and doesn't know what to do to help Ye Tian. Tian's body stopped in mid-air like this, surrounded by dragon energy, he heard the roar of a monster from the abyss below, which shocked Ye Tian's ears with blood, and in an instant, a strange voice came from his consciousness, "Dragon energy body protection, hum, you humans are not with that old ghost, I will not hurt his enemies, go."

Next, Ye Tian felt that the world had changed again, and he returned to the original attic again. The reason why he thought that it was not a dream just now was the evidence of the ghost walk still in his hand, and the other people followed each other one by one. He began to appear around Ye Tian out of thin air, "Huh?" Apart from the living people, there was also a broken corpse that came back. The dead cultivator should be Wang Yan's subordinate by looking at his clothes.

Ye Tian glanced at the sluggish Chi Xie, he waved his hand and took Chi Xie back into the Immortal Mansion, this immortal body has become such a virtue, it seems that that thing is likely to belong to a ghost like Chi Xie nemesis.

Tian Xie was injured but the injury was not serious. Among these people, the one who kept the best condition was none other than the formation master Wang Yan. [

Ye Tian asked him, "What happened?"

Wang Yan said, "I encountered a wave of terrifying monsters."

But Tian Xie said, "I fought with someone you, but I believe it wasn't you."

Ye Tian pondered for a while, "I heard a terrible beast roar, and then there was a sound transmission into my consciousness, saying that we are not his enemies, and then I came back here."

Everyone analyzed for a long time without knowing why, Ye Tian asked everyone to recuperate here, he and Wang Yan began to search the attic on this floor to see if there were any treasures left, but it was a pity that it was completely empty.

Suddenly, Ye Tian and the others saw two unfamiliar ghosts rushing into this floor, and then disappeared from their sight. They looked at each other and felt that this place was strange and inexplicable. It's better to leave as soon as possible, so I flew to the upper layer.

As soon as they arrived upstairs, the people who were still in shock saw a palace. On the high seat of the palace, a white-haired and skinny old man sat on it. The strange crutch-shaped treasure in his hand shone with a cold light. When he saw everyone, a smile appeared on his face, "The tunnel of time is finally closed at this moment. Although there are still so many cycles, my cycle is over." , The direction turned out to be Wang Yan's. The brilliance was not only sudden but also so fast that it shot into Wang Yan's head before everyone could react, and the figure of the old man distorted and disappeared.

Wang Yan just stood here motionless like this, but in Wang Yan's world, it seemed as if he had experienced thousands of years. When he opened his eyes again, he turned to Ye Tian, ​​and then knelt down on one knee, "Your sword is my direction, and your will is the order that must be obeyed."

Other people, including Gui Xing who had woken up, looked at Ye Tian and Wang Yan inexplicably.

Ye Tian sneered, "What do you mean?"

"Perhaps you don't believe it, the old man just now is me, and Wo is also him. The reincarnation of time he said refers to the me who lived at different times and met at the same time, so he disappeared. But he gave me a lot of memories, and I also know who I am, and I will no longer go through the twisted road he experienced, and I will try to avoid the setbacks he encountered, but I will never forget everything. Remain silent while, as one of your most devoted subordinates, I will do my best."

When Wang Yan finished speaking this sentence, Ye Tian felt that a special contract was being formed between him and Wang Yan, and then this contract turned out to be like Chi Xie's current contract.

He looked at Wang Yan incredulously, "What's going on?"

Everyone in Chunyang Immortal Mansion was also puzzled, only Chi Xie seemed to have a look of understanding in his eyes.

Ye Tiangu has more subordinates, now Tianxie and Guixing are extremely awkward in the team, Tianxie knows that he has another purpose and can't hide it, so he said, "You may have been wondering why the two of us are like this Appear, and be willing to join hands with you.”[

Ye Tian turned to the two of them and said, "I already have a lot of doubts in my heart, and I don't care if there are two more, but it's a blessing to know more about cause and effect."

"Ha, Gui Xing and I are from the Nether Ghost Prison. We are one of the ten chosen ones who will sacrifice to the Nether Sea a hundred years later. In order to understand the fate of being sacrificed, we came to the Nether Ghost Realm to find a It is said that he can unravel the curse of this Nether Ghost Prison for thousands of years, his sword intent is the sword intent of reincarnation, and he will appear in the Nether Ghost Mansion, and you are completely in line."

Ye Tian suddenly laughed a few times, "Ha, what other weird things have to do with me? Just come, I'm ready to come."

Tian Xie said with a miserable smile, "You are our hope, if you can't trust me, I can sign a contract with you."

"Oh?" Ye Tian looked into the other person's eyes and wanted to know if this was another lie, but the other person's sincere gaze was the second time he had seen it in his life, he hesitated, there are so many strange things in this world , has made him more cautious and suspicious. If it was the original he would definitely not do this, but now he directly said, if this is the case, then sign the contract. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (this site) to subscribe and reward. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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