Updated: 2012-09-24

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"The Tartar cavalry moved!"

"Alert, alert!" [

"Ready to shoot arrows, ready to shoot arrows!"

On the top of Dalinghe City, the defenders saw the rear golden cavalry almost immediately and rushed over.Under the urging of the officers, the soldiers drew their bows and stringed them one after another, and when the Jiannu cavalry approached, they wanted to give them a shower of arrows.

Lieutenants Liu Tianlu and Zhang Cunren went up to the top of the city when the alarm sounded, and they were standing on both sides of Zu Dashou. The two observed for a while, and after looking at each other, Zhang Cunren immediately said to Zu Dashou: "Commander, Tartar It's not for us."

As soon as the words fell, the eldest son Zu Zerun also yelled: "Father, you didn't come for us, you didn't come for us!" The voice was full of rejoicing, it could be seen that the Jiannu cavalry did not attack the city, It really relieved him.

Liu Tianlu, Zhang Cunren and others will know who the eldest son is, so after hearing his yelling, they just pretended not to hear it, and they all looked at Zu Dashou and accepted what the eldest son said.

Zu Zerun's yell made Zu Dashou's face darken in an instant. In front of the generals, he couldn't get angry, so he could only look at his son with hatred, and said angrily: "Of course he didn't come for us. Building slaves is only a few hundred riders, do you think they dare to attack my Dalinghe City by force?"


Zu Zerun was stunned, and then his face turned red. Seeing that the generals were all looking at him, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

After training his son, Zu Dashou didn't look away from the rear golden cavalry who were charging, his brows and eyes were always wrinkled, and his face was a little ugly.


In the southwest direction, the Songshan Army seemed to be in a bit of a mess, but seeing the carts pulling back and forth, some people thought that the Songshan Army was about to run away, but then they found out that the Songshan Army had formed a car formation.

"What's the use of this chariot formation, but with such a small number of people, wouldn't the Tartar cavalry be defeated immediately?"

"In a hurry, the Songshan Army was able to suppress the situation and prevent the civilians from blowing up the camp. The commanding officer is quite capable."

"The garrison of Songshan was brought by the governor from the customs. Not long ago, he was brought up by President Qian. It was originally a good job. Now it seems that this job is fatal, hehe."

"Those troops in the pass are all ostentatious. Compared with our Liaodong soldiers, they are inferior to bullshit. Even if we dare not fight the Tartars in the field, his Songshan garrison has only a few hundred Changping soldiers. I'm really impatient to live. Does he think that the Jiannu cavalry are those thieves in the pass?"


Most of the generals on the top of the city shook their heads in silence, with pity on their faces, but there were also obvious gloats, happy to see the entire army of Songshan troops wiped out.What's more, the two chief executives have already begun to think about whether they can be chosen by Zushuai to serve as the new Songshan defense.

Fat and vacant, everyone wants to get it, but no one has said that they want to go out of the city to rescue Songshan soldiers and horses.

In fact, not all generals closed the city gates to approval. Lieutenant General He Kegang was very opposed to Zu Dashou's behavior of disregarding his allies, but he was only a lieutenant general. Zu Dashou's order, but he had no choice but to obey. [

But seeing the entire friendly army wiped out, He Kegang felt really uncomfortable. After thinking about it, he reminded Zu Dashou: "Marshal, Jianu is going to the people of Songshan, should we send troops to block them? Otherwise, the people of Songshan But it's all over, so we won't be able to explain to the Governor."

With He Kegang taking the lead, Zhang Cunren also hurriedly said: "Commander, there are only a few hundred Tartars, and it seems that they are only here to investigate our army's movements. They may not be the elite Tartars, or maybe they are just armored men. As long as the commander orders In the end, the general is willing to bring 1000 troops out of the city to rescue the Songshan soldiers!"

"Hmm..." Zu Dashou was noncommittal after hearing this, and just looked to the southwest with a gloomy expression.

But Zu Zerun said bluntly: "General Zhang, Jianu has always been good at cavalry and archery, and our army can't fight against them in field battles. Do you think your thousand cavalry can defeat these Jiannu cavalry?"

Hearing Zu Zerun's words, He Kegang felt angry and retorted: "Young General, General Zhang may not be able to defeat these slave cavalry, but we have [-] cavalry, and everyone rushed out in a hurry. Are you afraid that he will build a slave cavalry?" No slave cavalry? It’s just a few hundred Jian slave cavalry, and it’s not superfluous. We have more soldiers and they have fewer soldiers. If we fight, we may not win!”

"Yes, we have [-] cavalry, why should he swagger and swallow our friendly army under our noses? If this gets out, people in the world will laugh at our Liaodong soldiers as bastards with no eggs in their crotches huh! Marshal, you give the order, if no one else goes, I, Gao Guanghui, will go!"

Guerrilla Gao Guanghui is a bloody man. Just now when Zu Dashou ordered the city gates to be closed, he wanted to have a fit. There are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the city, why are they huddled in the city like a tortoise?

He Kegang had a high prestige, and half of the Liaodong generals at the top of the city admired him. He took the lead to say that he would go out of the city to fight the Tartars, and naturally some generals responded.Coupled with Gao Guanghui's yelling, several generals immediately stood up and challenged Zu Dashou.

The subordinates were eager to fight, and Zu Dashou had to respond. He turned around, glanced at the generals, and said slowly:

"This group of slave-building cavalry came strangely. I suspect that the slave chieftain Hong Tai wanted to use these troops to lure us out of the city, and he led the army to watch us not far away. Once our army goes out of the city to rescue, it will be his plan. Mrs. Hong can lead an army to encircle us. At that time, our army is bound to be difficult to defeat the Jiannu army, and we may be defeated... You know, our cavalry is not much, and we must never fight against Jiannu if it is a last resort. Fight hard, otherwise the rebuilding of the Daling River will start from scratch.”

"Marshal, are we just going to watch the entire Songshan army wiped out like this?" He Kegang was still unwilling, he knew that what Zu Dashou said was right, the slave chieftain Hong Tai had always resorted to cunning schemes, and repeatedly resorted to tricks to lure the enemy. These hundreds of Eight Banners soldiers were probably Hong Tai's bait to lure the defenders in the city out of the city.

However, the more than 1000 Songshan soldiers and civilian husbands outside the city were all living lives. If they were all killed or captured by the Tartars, it would be unreasonable. After all, they were all soldiers and horses of Ming Dynasty. Not everyone is willing to accept it.

For He Kegang, Zu Dashou couldn't press hard, hesitated for a moment, and sighed: "Let's see, I'm responsible for the safety of Dalinghe City, and tens of thousands of lives in the city are related to me. I really don't care Dare to take it lightly. If you accidentally fall into Mrs. Hong's tricks, my commander's wealth and life is a trivial matter, but the supervisor's Ping Liao strategy is the most important thing. Dalinghe City must not make any mistakes, otherwise, this commander will be Why face the supervisor!"

Zu Dashou moved Sun Chengzong out, He Kegang couldn't say anything more, he could only nod his head and said: "What the commander said is true, the last general is reckless."

He Kegang didn't insist, Zhang Cunren, Gao Guanghui and other generals in the main battle also fell silent, and everyone looked frustrated.Zu Dashou saw it, but he didn't speak again. Instead, he turned his head and ordered his lieutenant general Liu Tianlu to take people to inspect the other three walls of the city, and carefully observe other directions for signs of Houjin troops.

As soon as Liu Tianlu left, Zu Zerun yelled strangely again: "Huh? Why is the Songshan Army holding a wooden stick?"

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