Updated: 2012-09-24

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the Songshan army was forming a formation along the periphery of the chariot formation. They placed the cavalry behind the chariot formation, but placed hundreds of infantry in front.

Seen from a distance, those hundreds of infantry were divided into two groups, one group guarded in the middle, and the other group scattered in the front, left, and right directions.

It's far away, so I can't see very clearly, but I can vaguely see that there seems to be a very long wooden stick in the hands of the soldiers of the Songshan Army on the side.

stick? [

For a moment, the generals of the Liaodong Army, including Zu Dashou, were all puzzled. The Tazi cavalry was about to rush forward. What was the Songshan Army doing standing there without loading the guns and preparing to fire them?


When the Eight Banners cavalry on the slope rushed over, Shi Dayong knew that the opponent was coming towards him, because there are no fools in this world—only fools would bring hundreds of cavalry to attack a heavily guarded fortified city. Hitting a pebble against a rock makes no difference at all.

Shi Dayong believed that General Houjin, who could command hundreds of cavalry, was definitely not a fool, so he quickly made a decision - if you want to fight, I will fight!

Escaping is something no one can do, I am a dignified man, if he wants to die, he will die vigorously!

"Listen up, damn it, the Tartars are coming at us. If you want to live, follow my orders! If you don't want to live, I will kill him now!"

"Yongzi camp holds the gun in the center, and the third team of Wuzi camp is divided into front, left, and right directions. The long sticks are all placed on the ground. Without my order, no one can lift it up. If anyone raises the stick before he is ordered, the small flag Kill! A flag of chaos, kill the boss! A team of chaos, kill the battalion boss!"

"The cavalry battalion goes to the back of the car formation and acts under my banner!"

After giving three orders in one breath, Shi Dayong was also very nervous.This was his first contact with war, and if he said he wasn't afraid or nervous, that would be the hell.

At the same time, Shi Dayong also had a sense of luck, because the Eight Banners cavalry on the slope did not all come over, but were divided into two groups. The number of cavalry attacking in front of him was about [-], which undoubtedly relieved the pressure on his side.

As long as they can withstand this batch of Eight Banners cavalry, the offensive of the Jin army will be greatly weakened. Even if the Eight Banners on the slope are all killed, it can only prove the fighting method of adding fuel, and it will not be able to achieve the pressure of the whole army in one go. Effect.

Therefore, as long as he survives the first round of attack, he will be able to withstand the second round. As long as the general Hou Jin who leads the army understands that the Songshan Army is not easy to chew on, the battle will be considered a victory, and this life will be considered alive. !

Perhaps God knew that it was not easy for me to travel through once, so he gave me a chance to breathe.Looking at the hundreds of back-gold cavalry rushing in black, Shi Dayong thought so.


The months-long training has played a role at this moment. Under the command of Qian Zong Huang An, the Wuzi Battalion quickly surrounded the Yongzi Battalion.

The three commanders Ma Zhong, Guo Er, and Shi Hai have all experienced the "Jisi Change" with Shi Dayong, and have fought against the Eight Banners soldiers. Cheer up, while staring closely at the Eight Banners cavalry who are getting tighter and tighter in the distance.

Under the command of Chief Qian Shaowu, the Yongzi Battalion also quickly completed the formation and quickly loaded gunpowder.Commanders Zhao Kegang, Lu Jiang, and Wang Zhengqi repeated the same order over and over again, lest the soldiers panic due to fear, load the wrong medicine or fire early.

The cavalry battalion behind the chariot formation was also restless, and the hooves of the horses scratched the ground from time to time.

The hearts of Jiang Wanli and other officers were directly in their throats. They didn't understand why the garrison would put them behind while the Wu and Yong Battalions resisted the charge of the Tartar cavalry. [

According to Jiang Wanli's idea, at this time, he should lead the cavalry battalion to charge up against the Tartars and disrupt their charge formation, so as to reduce the pressure on the infantry.But now Shi Dayong ordered them to go to the rear, and let the infantry directly bear the offensive of the Tazi's charge. This is obviously a gamble, a desperate gamble!

Although everyone understands the principle of the long wood guard method, but after all, there is no actual combat, and no one is sure whether it will be a surprise victory.

Shi Dayong put all the chances of the Songshan Army's survival on the one hundred long logs. This is indeed a gamble, a gamble of thousands of lives.

Before the cards are revealed, no one knows what the cards are.

Similarly, now, no one knows whether Shi Dayong's method will work or not.

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer, and the faces of those Tartar soldiers with big mouths and yellow teeth showing became more and more clear. Everyone subconsciously took a deep breath, and the air exuded uneasiness and tension.

When it was obvious that the Eight Banners soldiers who charged were starting to draw their swords, all of a sudden, everyone heard a roar like the sound of a bell:

"If you want to survive, you have to fight!"


Just when everyone thought that the Houjin Army was about to crush the Songshan Army, suddenly, the horns of the Jinbing soldiers sounded, and those Houjin soldiers who were charging immediately slowed down when they heard the sound of the horn, slowly, slowly Slowly stopped.It is only one mile away from the Songshan Army.

It was Gulbush who ordered the blowing of the horn, because he found that the Ming army on the opposite side did not run away like the Ming army he had seen before, but formed a neat and solemn formation.

The cotton armor on those Ming soldiers made Gulbush even more suspicious: Could it be that this Ming army is the elite of the Liaodong soldiers?Otherwise, why would everyone have armor?

Or, is this a trap?

The abnormal behavior of the Ming army made Gulbush hesitate a little. He didn't dare to lead his troops to rush forward. He turned his head and looked up the slope frequently.On the slope, there was no signal from Tulai.

To fight or not to fight?

Gulbush frowned and frowned again. The abnormal behavior of the Ming army made him win the victory in one fell swoop before, and his idea of ​​showing the bravery of the Mongols has changed.He was very afraid that the Ming army on the opposite side would be tough, and that his troops would suffer heavy casualties.

Without his followers, his Niulu would be immediately deprived.The current King Khan is not as benevolent as the old King Khan. Gulbush believes that even if his cattle record is only reduced by a third, the King Khan of Shenyang City will not hesitate to carve up his cattle record to him Brothers and nephews.

"Old Taiji, what are we waiting for!"

Bayan, the bravest warrior in the crowd, couldn't wait any longer. He was really envious of the armor of the Ming army on the opposite side, but what moved him most was the horses behind the chariot formation.

Bayan, who grew up on the grassland, could tell at a glance that the war horses ridden by the Ming army came from the Mongolian grasslands. If he could snatch these Ming army horses, his troops would become stronger.

Lao Taiji's sudden stagnation confuses the tribe and makes the warrior even more angry.

Bayan waved his saber almost politely and roared at Gulbush: "General Tulai is watching us, old Taiji, do you really want him to think that there are no warriors on our grasslands!" [

This reckless bastard, do you still have me as the patriarch in your eyes!Is the misty soup that the Manchurians poured into you really so magical!

Gulbush glanced coldly at Bayan, he didn't want to say anything to this ignorant fool, he stared at the other side quietly, he wanted to observe the other side carefully, and judge whether the other party's behavior was a piece of truth. Bones, or bluff.

Lao Taiji's ignorance made Bayan feel embarrassed, and he couldn't accept Gulbush's contempt for him in front of hundreds of people.You know, he is the "No. [-] Mongolian Warrior" praised by Big Baylor himself, what a compliment!

Warriors should not have any hesitation; warriors are destined to go forward bravely!


Bayan suddenly raised his whip and whipped his horse fiercely, and rushed towards the Ming army's defense line without looking back.His cronies followed without hesitation.Seeing this, the other Mongolian soldiers rushed forward without understanding what was going on.

"Come back, Bayan!"

Gulbush was taken aback, but it was too late.

Hundreds of Mongolian cavalry shot straight ahead like sharp arrows.

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