Daming wolf ride

Chapter 136 The Battle of Jinzhou

Updated: 2012-12-01

When the Jin army was busy preparing the siege equipment, the city of Jinzhou was also brightly lit and busy.

Under the orders of Qiu Hejia, Governor of Eastern Liaodong, Shi Dayong, acting as the agent of Jinzhou's defense, must do everything possible to organize the defense of Jinzhou City.

He didn't know if Mrs. Hong would come to attack Jinzhou immediately after dawn, but he knew that the death of Zu Dashou would definitely anger Mrs. Hong.

Even if it were him, he would definitely be enraged by Zu Dashou's death.After besieging the city for so long, Zu Dashou was forced to surrender with his troops. He was killed without any effect, and Jinzhou was still an extremely empty city. If Mrs. Hong didn't lead an army to attack, it might not be Mrs. Hong. [

Since Shi Dayong's escape last night, the Jinzhou Defense has begun to organize.Sun Chengzong rushed to Shanhaiguan overnight. Although Song Wei was the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, there were only seven men under his command, and Qiu Hejia didn't trust him, so Qiu Hejia didn't ask him to organize the defense of the city.Instead, he fully supports Shi Dayong in organizing the defense of the city. It can be said that he has completely delegated power. As soon as the soldiers and civilians in the city respond to the needs of the defense, Shi Dayong can immediately recruit.

The reinforcements were defeated, Dalinghe City was at stake, Qiu Hejia couldn't take care of that much anymore, he knew that his governor of Liaodong might be coming to an end, if Jinzhou were to lose again, he would have nothing to do but to thank the world by killing himself.

Song Wei also had self-knowledge, under the defeat, all thoughts were lost, and he had a good impression of Shi Dayong, so he didn't interfere with Shi's organization to defend the city.Others, such as Zuo Liangyu and others, were either inferior to Shi Dayong in official positions, or inferior to Shi Dayong in soldiers and horses, and it was even more impossible for them to jump out and oppose Shi Dayong in charge of city defense.

In this way, Shi Dayong has the part of "Renhe", with the full support of Qiu Hejia, the tacit support of Song Wei, the obedience of the generals, and the concerted efforts of the Songshan Army in the headquarters. , basically no mistakes.

However, "Renhe" is only in the army, and some troubles have occurred in the common people.


With the return of the deserters, the news of the annihilation of the army was known to everyone in Jinzhou City.The big households were busy packing up their belongings and preparing to flee to Ningyuan before the Jin army came to attack the city.The people also helped the old and the young to start retreating, but when they arrived at the south gate, they were told by the defenders that the governor had issued an order that from now on, no one could leave Jinzhou, even a chicken must stay in Jinzhou. Jinzhou.

The gentry who knew the details of the defenders in the city did not believe that Jinzhou could be defended. They were afraid that Jinzhou would be besieged by the Jin army just like Dalinghe City. slaves, and the wealth accumulated through hard work has become the property of others.

After entrusting people to go to the magistrate's yamen and the governor's yamen to intercede, some timid gentry began to mobilize the fleeing Jinzhou people to make trouble. They surrounded the gate of the city and shoved the defenders, yelling at the governor Qiu Hejia and the guard Shi Dayong, saying that they did it for themselves. One person dies, but the whole city's people are buried with him!

Under the deliberate exaggeration of those gentry servants, coupled with the fear of building slaves for more than ten years, the people began to boil. They began to attack the city gate with the servants, and the agitators even used wooden sticks to attack the defenders.

The garrison at the south gate is the [-] guards led by Liu Zeyi and Wang An. They had a strong will to fight. Liu Zeyi and Wang An even secretly discussed to lead their troops to flee Jinzhou. Therefore, facing the attack of the people, they simply opened the city He opened the gate, prepared to let the people out of the city, and then slipped away while taking advantage of the chaos.But the moment the city gate was just opened, Huang An, the garrison of the Songshan Army, arrived with a thousand Changping soldiers.When they saw the chaos, they drove away the people with spears, regardless of whether they were indiscriminate or not.Fierce and vicious, he doesn't look like an official or army at all.

The common people were suddenly stopped by the evil army, and they dared not speak out.The gentry were eager to flee for their lives, knowing that most of the Songshan Army were recruits from Changping in Guannei, and except for the generals, none of them had been in battle.Then he had the idea of ​​bullying the recruits, ordered his servants to organize hundreds of Lai's children in the city, and openly attacked the Songshan army with weapons.

Seeing that the big family dared to openly organize Lai's attacking army, Huang An was furious, and ordered a counterattack without hesitation. After a burst of hacking and killing, dozens of servants and Lai were killed. And fled, scattered like birds and beasts.

Seeing this, the main envoy was so frightened that he hurriedly slipped back home, the door was closed tightly, and someone behind him supported him with a big log, for fear that the Songshan army would break into the door.Fortunately, those Songshan troops only wanted to disperse the people, and they didn't intend to kill people, so they didn't want to make trouble for them in the future.

After the people were dispersed one by one, Chen Ang, the prefect of Jinzhou, organized the Yamen and the governor of the Yamen Secretary Office, and dozens of people rode horses in the city to announce one by one, and posted notices, asking the people not to panic, to keep their jobs, and not to coax people in the city. chaos, otherwise they will all be regarded as slaves and spies, and they will be killed.

Most of the people have experienced wars, and some have also experienced the destruction of cities in Fushun, Shenyang, and Liaoyang. They know that Jiannu likes to send spies to sneak into the city, inciting the people to disturb the city, causing chaos among the defenders, and then taking the opportunity to open the city gates to let Jiannu in.

The current situation is so similar to that of the past, not to mention that many of the instigators are indeed slaves.Therefore, after seeing the official notice, most of the people calmed down and began to organize the young and strong to defend the city spontaneously under the organization of the elders.The magistrate’s yamen was also handled by corresponding officials. The riot lasted less than an hour and was suppressed. The soldiers and civilians in Jinzhou City began to prepare for the defense of the city.

Shi Dayong also asked Qiu Hejia to order Liu Zeyi, Wang An, Ge Qing, Wu Dalang and other guards and regiment training generals to the north gate to obey his orders.Huang An guards the south gate, Shao Wu guards the west gate, Jiang Wanli guards the east gate, and himself guards the north gate.

At this time, the Ming army in the city did not have only two or 3000 people, as Hu Daxian and other surrendered generals estimated, but there were 2300 soldiers from regiments and guards, 1200 from Zuo Liangyu's department, 3300 from Shi Dayong's Songshan Army, and others gathered and collapsed. There are 2600 soldiers, and the total strength has reached nearly [-]. [

It's just that among the tens of thousands of defenders, the regiment training guards are so weak that they can basically be ignored. Zuo Liangyu's department barely maintains its organizational system and has gone through a war, but its strength is too small.Those rout soldiers fled all the way back, their souls were frightened, and they couldn't recover for a while.Of the 3300 men under Shi Dayong, except for the 300 Songshan veterans, the remaining 3000 were recruits from Changping. They have not really experienced the baptism of war, so the Ming army of 1 people, after a discount, at most 3000 people can really use it.

However, Shi Dayong is not afraid. The city wall of Jinzhou is tall and strong, and there are more than [-] Hongyi cannons and various small cannons, and they are on the defensive side.

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