Daming wolf ride

Chapter 137 The Battle of Jinzhou

Updated: 2012-12-01

It's been a long time since I asked for a collection, please just read the book, friends who don't have a collection can collect this book, thank you!

In terms of weapons, it is also very sufficient.


There were not many war horses. The horses in the city had been looted by the army, and there were only less than 200 old, weak and disabled horses left. The Songshan Army only brought back more than 700 war horses from the battlefield, and the total number did not reach 1000.Fortunately, the next battle is a battle to defend the city, and no field battle is required, so the horses will not affect the battle situation.It's just that Shi Dayong was a little regretful. When the Jin army was first defeated, there were thousands of main war horses scattered on the battlefield. Unfortunately, he didn't expect the wind direction to change. Otherwise, he would have gathered the main war horses and brought them back to Jinzhou in advance, and he would have become an upstart in no time. .Having these thousands of war horses will be of great help in organizing the cavalry in the future.Now, he can only regret it.

But where to find war horses in the future is a matter for the future, and we will talk about it in the future. For now, let's focus on how to defend Jinzhou.

If you can't keep Jinzhou, don't mention everything.Only by keeping Jinzhou can there be hope.

In view of the fact that the north gate is the main attack point of the Jin army, and Zhao led the guards in Jinzhou to guard the north gate, so Shi Dayong assigned Huang An, Shao Wu, and Jiang Wanli 800 soldiers each, Songshan's army, regiment training guards, The defeated army each accounted for one-third.In addition, Chen Ang, the prefect of Jinzhou, should organize 5000 young and strong to help guard. After the young and strong are well organized, they will each transfer 500 to Huang An and the others.The rest are all concentrated at the north gate to stand by.

In terms of food, it is also very sufficient.Jinzhou was originally the place where the Ming army stored grain. Compared with Songshan, a transfer station, the grain in Jinzhou City was enough for [-] soldiers and civilians for more than a year.However, Qiu Hejia was still worried. He told Shi Dayong that there were no less than [-] Liao people in the city, and with the nearly [-] troops in the city, even though there was a lot of food in the city, it might not be able to last the first half of the year.

Shi Dayong was not worried about this, he told Qiu Hejia, not to mention that the Jin army had been injured in the battle of Linghe and Linghe, and their vitality was greatly damaged. Whether they can really attack Jinzhou again is another matter.Even if it is coming, can it still be besieged for a long time like Daling River?

Due to the influence of the climate of the Little Ice River, this day has changed from scorching summer to bleak autumn in an instant, and the temperature is dropping every day. If the temperature drops like this again, the Jin Army vows to withdraw from the siege, otherwise the heavy snow will fall, no matter how strong the Jin Army is , will also be defeated by the weather.

Even if the Jin army withstood the severe cold and really besieged Jinzhou for a long time, there was no need to worry about food shortages.At least, in the first month, the people of Jinzhou still had their own food reserves, which had to be rationed by the army.Besides, there are so many big households in Jinzhou City, many of these people are engaged in food business, and there is a frightening amount of food in their homes.When there is a food crisis, it is enough to buy food directly from these big households, and grab it if they don’t sell it.As long as Jinzhou can be defended, any means must be used.

Even if it is inconvenient to grab grain, one must be afraid of running out of grain. Don't forget that Jinzhou is surrounded by the sea on three sides. He built a slave without a navy, and the imperial court will send navy from Ningyuan and Denglai to transport the grain to Jinzhou.

In short, Shi Dayong may not dare to vouch for other things, but he dares to vouch for this food.

Backing off ten thousand points, even if the trend of the situation does not go according to your own expectations, but goes to the worst direction, such as Hong Taizhen desperately encircling Jinzhou, or if the food in the city is really eaten up, or if Chongzhen is stunned. Trick, don't let Ningyuan and Denglai go to Jinzhou to transport grain, etc...

There is no need to worry about the lack of food at all. There are no less than [-] people in Jinzhou City, and there are not a few large and unscrupulous merchants.Of course, before doing this beastly thing, we must try to evacuate the common people from the sea, no matter how much they evacuate.In short, after the city is broken, he, Huang Taiji, must be given an empty city, and no one will be left alive for him!

Of course, Shi Dayong dared not tell Qiu Hejia about this point, he could only keep it deep in his heart.


Although Chen Ang, the prefect of Jinzhou, was a "eunuch" who was scolded by the officials of the DPRK and China, he was also a talented person. Compared with those officials of Donglin, he was much more pragmatic.

Knowing that the army had been defeated, Chen Ang didn't feel scared, and immediately packed up his things and fled. Instead, he immediately found Qiu Hejia, and first expressed his responsibility as the prefect of Jinzhou to live and die with Jinzhou, and then proposed that the prefect's yamen should come forward Organize the young and strong to defend the city. In addition, the gentry of Jinzhou must be called to donate money to reward the army, so as to motivate the soldiers to defend the city.He even said that if necessary, he should also go to the top of the city with the soldiers and do what he can.

Qiu Hejia was greatly moved by this, and agreed to Chen Ang's proposal completely, and looked at Chen Ang with admiration. When today's son ascended the throne and cleared the eunuchs, he was still just a person, echoing what others said, and had nothing to do with the so-called "eunuchs" real cognition.All I know is that these people shamelessly follow Wei Zhongxian, a great eunuch, and they must be shameless villains who follow power, covet life and fear death, so they have no real skills.So when he took office in Liaodong, he disliked Chen Ang, a magistrate from the "eunuch party". If it weren't for Chen Ang's several Donglin friends who held important positions in the court, he would have been impeached and dismissed by him.

Looking at Chen Ang now, he instantly denied his previous impressions. While feeling that Chen Ang was not afraid of death, he couldn't help but doubt his previous understanding of the members of the "eunuch party".

He didn't know that the so-called "eunuch party" was all falsely claimed by those Donglin officials to the officials who had taken refuge in Wei Zhongxian, and he didn't even know that seven or eight out of ten of the eunuch party officials wanted to serve the country wholeheartedly, but suffered from being rejected by Donglin. Lin was oppressed, and couldn't bear the fact that those Donglin officials were fighting against dissidents all day long, but didn't care about political affairs and didn't understand political affairs, so he gritted his teeth and voted for Wei Zhongxian, hoping that with the help of Wei Gonggong, he could let go and do something for Daming. [

However, success is also Wei Gong, and defeat is also Wei Gong.There are still many officials like Chen Ang who are dedicated to doing things for the country, but now they are being scolded by others under the name of the remnants of the "eunuch party". How many officials like Chen Ang are lucky enough to come back? They were all disheartened and retired to the countryside, not asking about state affairs anymore.

Shi Dayong and Chen Ang also met several times, and put forward some demands on the expropriation of the young and strong, and also asked him to come forward to appease the people in the city.After Chen Ang agreed one by one, Shi Dayong asked him about the military management of Jinzhou.

Chen Ang didn't know what this "military control" meant. Shi Dayong told him that from now on, all the soldiers and civilians in Jinzhou City must obey the orders of him and Governor Qiu. Do not count.

Hearing this, Chen Ang was startled. He was a magistrate of the fourth rank, while Shi Dayong was only a general of the third rank. It's impossible to give orders to him, but he has to be polite, and he can't even sit on an equal footing!

He could condescend to come to discuss with Shi Dayong about city defense, it was for the safety of Jinzhou, for the fate of tens of thousands of people in the city.

Qiu Hejia is the governor, so it is natural to obey his orders, but why should he also obey his orders, Shi Dayong?

Chen Ang can't figure it out, no matter how pragmatic he is, he can't pass the hurdle in his heart, this matter is related to his magistrate's face, if he agrees, spread the word in the future, tell him how to meet people!

Without even thinking about it, he refused angrily: "I am the magistrate of Jinzhou appointed by the imperial court. General Shi Shen is certainly responsible for guarding the land, but I am also responsible for slacking off. You and I have different ways in civil and military affairs. We should each keep our duties. Just do your own job, as for the matter of military management and obeying orders, I will pretend that I have never heard of it, and Shi Shen will do it for himself!" He said that the position of "senior general" was very important, and he got up and wanted to leave.

No, but Shi Dayong stretched out his hand to stop him, stared at him coldly, grinned at the corner of his mouth and said: "Master Chen, this general is not discussing with you, nor discussing something with you, but giving you an order. Listen clearly, yes Order, this general now orders you, the prefect of Jinzhou, Chen Ang, as the general of Jinzhou, from now on, all affairs in Jinzhou City must be reported to the general for approval, otherwise, this general will dismiss you, the prefect of Jinzhou!"

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