Updated: 2012-09-25

The sad cry of war horses resounded over the battlefield, and the knights on the horses fell to the ground heavily due to inertia. Before they could get up, they were trampled into mud by the horseshoes of their companions behind them.

There was chaos in front of the entire Ming army's defense line. Even the horses that were directly pierced in the front and the Mongolian soldiers who bumped into their companions in the back, about [-] to [-] Mongolian cavalry were directly reimbursed.Their bodies, together with their horses, blocked the way for their companions to advance.

No advance, no retreat, chaos.

"Fire!" [

Taking advantage of the fact that the Eight Banners soldiers were caught off guard by the Wuziying's defense and fell into chaos, Shao Wu, the general manager of the Yongziyingbattalion, couldn't wait to issue an order.

"Bang, bang, bang"

After a row of guns, more than a dozen riders fell to the ground, but more guns missed, or only hurt the fur of the Eight Banners soldiers.There were even a few recruits who fired their muzzles towards the sky, and after finishing the shots, they stared blankly ahead and jumped up and down cheekily.

The effect of the firecracker shooting made Shi Dayong shake his head, sighed secretly, and deliberately ordered Yongziying to rush up to chop with a big knife, but saw that the Eight Banners only folded dozens of soldiers in front, and there were hundreds of cavalry in the back , there is still a part on the distant slope that has not moved, and this idea can't help but stop.

This is the first battle of the Songshan Army, but it will do as long as it can hold on.Letting those recruits see blood can be regarded as a reward, and they shouldn't be too demanding.No one is born to fight, just like himself, he is biting the bullet at the moment.

The smell of blood in the air makes people sick, Shi Dayong is also strong self-support, when he first smelled the smell of blood, his throat felt like vomiting, but after smelling it for a long time, he felt that the smell of blood was nothing, compared to The smell of pigs from the slaughterhouse was much better.

For a gambler to adapt so quickly, I am afraid that the memory of the former owner of the body is at work.

Or maybe this person is born to be a bloodthirsty fanatic.


"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Gulbush was furious, if it wasn't for Bayan, an idiot, who rushed up without authorization, and acted without seeing clearly, how could there be such a big loss.He doesn't know exactly how much he lost, but judging from the chaos of the clansmen in front, it may be quite a lot.

Thinking that there are only 630 clansmen who came with me to attach to the Dajin Kingdom, and only more than 400 can go to the battlefield. Every time they lose one point, their strength will be reduced by one point. Don't expect the Manchus to supplement themselves.Therefore, Gulbush is now in great pain.

The order to withdraw troops quickly reached the ears of every Mongolian soldier.

Gulbush's Niu Lu was worthy of following Huang Taiji to pass the customs. Hearing Lao Taiji's retreat order, the chaotic Mongolian soldiers quickly came to their senses and retreated to the two wings one after another. The circular path retreated to the rear.

The retreat was very methodical, without missing a single gap, which made Shi Dayong's intention to wave the flag and order Jiang Wanli's cavalry battalion to take advantage of the situation to rush forward.

On the top of Dalinghe City, everyone was dumbfounded at this moment. Everyone was stunned by the scene before them. They did not expect that the Songshan Army, which is mainly composed of infantry in the pass, could resist the charge of Jiannu cavalry.

For a while, He Kegang, Zhang Cunren, Gao Guanghui and other generals became more eager to fight. Everyone said that the Songshan Army and other miscellaneous brands could fight head-on with the Tartar cavalry without losing.

However, Zu Dashou still did not allow to fight, he only said that the Songshan army only borrowed the skillful power of Changmu, and the real combat power was still weak. People asked if there were slaves from other directions.A look of caution.

Seeing this, although He Kegang and others were dissatisfied, they could only obey orders.Fortunately, Jiannu withdrew, and the Songshan army might be able to survive, so that the entire army would not be in danger of being annihilated. [


After taking the lead to retreat to the place where he stayed to prepare to charge, Gulbush took a sigh of relief and looked back to find Bayan, but he was nowhere to be seen.He couldn't help cursing secretly: It's good to die, so as not to get too close to those Manchurians and forget who our ancestors are.

While asking people to count the losses, at the same time sending people to Niulu Ezhen Tulai to ask Tulai to indicate whether he would continue to eat the bones of the Ming army.

Gulbush didn't want to fight any more. The Ming army's food transport team on the opposite side was really hard to fight. Those sharpened logs were really the natural nemesis of the cavalry.In order to protect his strength, Gulbush has already given up the idea of ​​fighting again, and he just wants to return to Yizhou to return to his command.

When the person sent to plead for orders returned, he brought with him a strict order from Tulai, ordering Gulbush to regroup and attack again.No matter how much the price is paid, this Ming army must be eaten.If you dare to violate the order, you must follow the military law.

Hearing the order, Gulbush dared not speak out, and looked up the slope with resentment, thinking in his heart that Tulai was using himself as a gun. It seemed that if he didn't eat up this Ming army, Tulai would be wrong. will give up.

I also blamed myself for being eager to grab credits, underestimated this Ming army, and suffered from them.If he was able to smash this Ming army in one go, he would definitely have his share of the credit, but now he lost dozens of soldiers in vain, and did not take advantage of the opponent.Dajin's military law is extremely strict, and the generals of the defeated army will have no good fruit to eat.

Things have been like this, and we can only fight again, otherwise, when we go back to Yizhou, those relatives and nobles will definitely punish themselves.After all, I lost dozens of soldiers, and I was still under the Dalinghe City. This undoubtedly increased the morale of the Ming army and destroyed the prestige of the Eight Banners.How can those Baylors spare themselves?

But how to fight again has to be weighed. The Ming army was cunning and put some sharpened long logs in front of the formation to make me cavalry charge, but I had to find a way to solve it.Otherwise, the previous tragedy can only be repeated.

Gulbush's eyes kept moving back and forth on the Ming army's defense line. Every time those clansmen who were left behind in front of the Ming army uttered a scream, his eyes became more and more gloomy.


In the air, there was not only the smell of blood, but also the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

After the gunpowder smoke cleared, what came into the eyes of the Songshan army and the peasants were dozens of war horses lying on the ground and screaming in pain, and the corpses of twenty or thirty slave cavalrymen.In addition, there were more than a dozen surviving Jiannu soldiers holding their broken legs and arms and wailing there.

The result of the battle was obviously not great, but it caused the Songshan Army to cheer uncontrollably. The soldiers of the Wuzi Battalion standing on the front line were too excited to react after staying for a while. They embraced each other excitedly, tears welling up in their eyes. , There is a sense of ecstasy like surviving after a catastrophe or escaping from death.

We won, we won, we actually won!

Thousands of people burst into cheers so that people and animals within a radius of ten miles could hear them. The Ming army in Dalinghe City, infected by the Songshan Army, also cheered, but they were quickly stopped by the officers.Gulbush's Mongolian soldiers with red banners and Tulai's Manchurian soldiers with yellow banners listened to the cheers of the Songshan Army, but each of them gritted their teeth, and the latter was even more disdainful.

The victor is entitled to any cheers, but Shi Dayong did not cheer like his subordinates. Instead, he rushed to the front of the formation like a madman, and walked up to a wounded Eight Banners soldier. After staring for a few seconds, The corner of his mouth opened, and the long knife in his hand slashed at the Eight Banners soldier's neck.

With a "puchi", a column of blood splashed into the sky.


The Eight Banners soldier whose neck had been cut off was holding his head that was about to hang down to his waist, screaming heart-piercingly, rolling all over the floor, convulsing...

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Shi Dayong suddenly bent down again and pulled the Eight Banners soldier's braid, then kicked his body fiercely with his right foot, and pulled him back forcefully.

The movement of tearing off the neck, which was still connected with skin, flesh, and tendons, made everyone stare blankly in fright. [

"damn it!"

After pulling off the head of the Eight Banners soldier with all his strength, Shi Dayong made a movement that no one could have imagined - he actually lifted the head above his head, and under the reflection of the scorching sun, he opened his mouth, The blood from the incision on the head dripped drop by drop into his mouth.

The aspirations eat the meat of the Hulu hungry, and laugh and talk about drinking the blood of the Huns when they are thirsty.Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que!

After tasting the blood of the barbarians like drinking strong wine, Shi Dayong slowly turned around, held the Eight Banners soldier's head in his hand, faced the Eight Banners cavalry in the distance, and shouted to the sky:

"Heads, heads, heads!"

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