Daming wolf ride

Chapter 17 Shocking the world

Updated: 2012-09-25

The bloody head, the dripping blood, the braids in the hand, and the provocative eyes are very visually impactful and infectious.

"Come on, come on!"

Shi Dayong acted exaggeratedly, biting half of the head's face like a lunatic, tore off a piece of bloody human flesh with a "huge" bite, gobbled it up, and then threw the head forward with all his strength.

The parabola of the arc is like a rainbow in midair, the difference is that it is a red long rainbow reflected in blood. [

Bright and eye-catching, that is the most beautiful Changhong in the sky!

We are wolves, we are tigers, we are not docile sheep, we are not animals at the mercy of others!

We have sharp knives, we have sharp edges, and we have sharper fangs!

Don't underestimate us, don't insult us, we are bloodthirsty Han Chinese!

Horror is not your specialty, we can do the same.

Come on, you runts with rotten yellow teeth!



The moment his head landed, boos rang out over the battlefield.

madman!madman!This is a man-eating maniac!

Gulbush's face turned green: The Ming general opposite is a lunatic!He must be a madman!Only a madman would do that!

Bayan's bull's-eye eyes were full of fear, and his vital head rolled down on the ground for a few feet before stopping limply, with one half of his face facing up and the other half facing down.There is a bloody hole on the upward side of the face, and the blood is continuously pouring up along the hole.

It was the first time that Gulbush, who cut off the neck of a Suming man and cut his body down the middle, felt a chill and the horror of death.

He stared blankly at the front, at the Ming general who was blatantly provoking him, and almost subconsciously touched his face.

He was scared, he was really scared.

The dismounted mount was also twitching its hooves uneasily, that overly frightening fear had already spread to the war horse.



Spitting out the hard-to-swallow flesh and blood, Shi Dayong stood still.He was waiting, he wanted to know if his exaggerated performance would infect his subordinates, his soldiers. [

The battle just now did not make him proud and proud. He found that his soldiers were far from having the courage to fight against all enemies, and many of them were still afraid.

But now, he wants to truly transmit the bloody spirit of despising everything, fearing everything, and being brave to everything to his subordinates, his Songshan Army.

He wants to turn the Songshan Army into a bloodthirsty army, an army that regards the enemy as ants!

No matter how strict the training, no matter how good the equipment is, no matter how fierce the battle is, the soldiers will be truly crazy and fearless of life and death. Only complete contempt can make the enemy take root in the hearts of the people, and they will fight bravely until the last enemy is killed. , or the last to fall.


Silence and astonishment are short-lived, and the actions of the commander are the signs of the army.

Shi Dayong's goal has been achieved.

The moment he saw him drink the blood of the Tartars, the soul of Songshan Army was shocked.They have never seen such a bloody and terrifying picture, and the person who portrayed this picture is the garrison who leads them.

"come on!"

The kind of fearful provocation, the aloof and fearless heroism made the soldiers feel a sense of pride, and even the peasants in the car formation couldn't help but straighten their waists, and looked at everything in front of them with admiration.

In the eyes of these simple soldiers and civilian husbands, drinking human blood and eating human flesh are not atrocities that are rebellious and violate the peace of heaven, but a kind of courage.

Everyone in the world respects the brave, because only the brave can lead them to victory.

The best way to turn a herd of sheep into a pack of wolves is to turn them all into wolves.


Guo Yi, who has always been the only one who is brave enough to look forward to the horse, was the first to rush out from the crowd. His target was very clear - the surviving Eight Banners soldiers lying beside the garrison lord.

The long knife is held high, and the eyes are sharp.

"You dog tartar, die!"

Looking at Guo Yi with cold eyes, the wailing Mongolian soldiers almost broke their hearts.Beside his ear, the piece of meat on the face of the warrior Bayan was chewed to pieces.

"Excuse me..."

Before he could speak the raw Chinese, the light of the saber brushed across his neck.

Time is like a freeze frame, everything stops turning, and the scene in front of me freezes instantly. [


The clearest voice came from my ear, and then I couldn't hear any more sound, I just felt the world turned upside down, and I was very dizzy.When the scene stopped, he realized that his body was still kneeling there.


The Mongolian soldier felt that he had made a sound, but he couldn't hear his own voice.

Why do I feel no pain?

The Mongolian soldier blinked vigorously, he knew that he was not dead.But why am I still alive?

No one could answer his questions, and until his eyelids closed and the world went dark, he didn't know why he had lived so long.

"Come on, Tartar!"

Following his example, Guo Yi also held up the head of the Eight Banners soldier who had been beheaded by him and shouted wildly towards the opposite side.Perhaps, feeling that he could not do as well as the garrison master, he hurriedly raised his head above his head, and greedily opened his mouth to taste the blood of the tartar, but the blood seemed to be poured out of a basin, With a "wow", it was all sprayed on his face.

The eyes, nose, mouth, and ears were all bloody, sticky, smelly, and had a strange smell that couldn't be wiped off.

Guo Yi wanted to vomit, he really wanted to vomit, but after seeing the approving gaze of the guard, his spirit was lifted, he raised his head to the north, and no longer hated the blood on his face, on the contrary, he longed for more blood .

If there is the first, there will be the second, and if there is the second, there will definitely be the third.

The army is a violent organization, and the behavior of the leader is destined to be imitated by his subordinates and soldiers.

Officers and soldiers rushed out of the formation one after another, and they frantically chopped down the surviving Eight Banners soldiers, ignoring their pleas, and chopped down one after another.

Soon, the heads that had been chopped off from the shoulders were lifted by the officers and thrown forward.

Not enough heads, those unfinished corpses became the targets of massacres, and severed arms were thrown forward like a rainstorm.Even, there is still a beating heart.

In front of the Songshan Army, there was a shocking scene of dismembering corpses.

Straight, the Liaodong soldiers on the head of Dalinghe City looked straight, the Mongolian soldiers with red flags looked straight, and the Manchu soldiers with yellow flags also looked straight.

After a long time, the Manchurian soldiers heard Niulu Erzhen Tulai's furious voice: "Kill, kill all these barbaric Ming people!"

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