Daming wolf ride

Chapter 164 Hong Bing Tianxiong Army

"This pavilion only says temporary dialing, not suspend dialing. Mr. Huang is a bit irritable when asking this question."

Zhou Yanru was dissatisfied with Huang Ruliang's questioning, and snorted coldly, without looking at Huang Ruliang, turned his head and said to Chongzhen:

"Your Majesty, today is different from the past. Now the thieves are raging in Henan. If the Central Plains are not suppressed early, the Central Plains will be subject to chaos. Since ancient times, the Central Plains will be in danger. For the sake of the country, we will allocate Liao's salary to deal with this urgent matter. Must do."

Seeing that Zhou Yanru insisted on distributing Liao's salary, Huang Ruliang was in a hurry, and asked: "The first assistant is trying to allocate Liao's salary, but this Liao's salary is dedicated to Liao's affairs. If it is allocated to other places, what will Liaodong Town do? Is the imperial court really not wanting to close the country outside?"

"Fang Jie in Jinzhou, the Eastern prisoner has been severely injured. He must not commit another crime in a short period of time. In a short time, there should be no danger. But if Liao's salary is not allocated, this pavilion will ask you, where does the Henan Landing Bandit's salary come from? If it is leaked The thieves captured Kaifeng and Luoyang, causing the death of the vassal king, who bears the responsibility? Are you Master Huang?" [

"I..." Huang Ruliang was speechless for a while.

Chongzhen misses the clan most, and he can't help feeling a little worried when he thinks of King Zhou and King Fu in Kaifeng and Luoyang. Whether the Liao pay is well divided or not.

Unexpectedly, it’s okay if you don’t ask, but when you ask, the hall suddenly became chaotic, some agreed to distribute Liao’s salary, and some disagreed, each insisted on his own words, blushing, while a few officials remained neutral , stood there silently.

The chaos was really out of shape, and no one could come up with an effective solution. Chongzhen got angry and said angrily, "Stop arguing!" Turning to look at Bi Ziyan: "How much is the Liao pay this year?"

Bi Ziyan said: "In February, the tax rate per mu has been increased to 660 cent and 740 percent, with a total of 290 million taels of silver, plus customs duties, salt taxes and miscellaneous items, a total of [-] taels of silver."

"That's nearly 800 million taels of Liao's salary collected this year." Chongzhen nodded, thinking in his heart, if he embezzled 200 million taels to other lands, it seemed that it would have little impact on Liao affairs. If it is a serious injury, it will have to wait until the spring of next year to make any action. As long as it is delayed for a few months, the new payment will be continued next year, and there should be no problems.

Just as he was thinking about it, Huang Zongzhou, the censor of the Zhejiang Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, suddenly came out and said: "Your Majesty, in the last years of Shenzong, the combined Jiubian salary was only 280 million. But now you will increase the Liao salary to 700 million, and another 330 million to suppress the salary. The training salary is more than 730 million taels. I dare to ask the emperor, since ancient times, there has been a year of 2000 million to lose the capital, and the capital has 2000 million to lose to the side?"

Li Changgeng, the censor of the right capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, also said: "In addition to the three salaries, there are so many other miscellaneous additional factions, how can the people live in peace. In the second year of Chongzhen, the refugees in the northwest rebelled, and every time the officers and soldiers suppressed more and more robbers, this is exactly what happened. The poorer the people, the more the bandits rise up. If the expropriation continues like this, I am afraid that the people in the world will be forced to rebel by these three salaries!"

"One mu of land is worth seven or eight taels of silver, and the payment reaches ten taels. How can the common people live?" The procuratorate finally objected to the additional levy, and they also came out to second the proposal in a hurry.He didn't say anything like Huang Zongzhou and Li Changgeng, but directly settled with the emperor, that is, one mu of fertile land is only worth seven or eight taels of silver, but the payment of each mu of land has accumulated to ten taels of silver. Let me ask, how can the common people afford such a high tax.

People from the Metropolitan Procuratorate took the lead, and at the moment, more than [-] officials came out to support the discussion, and unanimously demanded that Chongzhen stop collecting the three major salaries, and most of them were speech officials.

Zhou Yanru couldn't help frowning when he saw so many officials suddenly objecting to the payment of the three payment, but he was not thinking why so many officials opposed the collection of the three payment, but who was instructing these people to suddenly attack the three payment.

"In the past, the Liao pay was used by the Liao soldiers. Now that the birthday has fallen and the Eastern captives have been severely injured, the ministers thought that the Liao pay could be temporarily suspended, and the practice pay was just like collecting and suppressing pay. In this way, the burden on the people was greatly reduced. It will inevitably be reduced." Li Kangxian, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, was thinking about the national treasury, and did not ask for the three salaries to be canceled.

Bi Ziyan is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and all the belongings of the Ming Dynasty are in his heart. The more the officials objected to the levy, the more panicked he became.If you are not in charge, you don't know how much money is expensive. If there is no three major salaries, the court will collapse tomorrow. You know, the salaries of the courtiers in the past two years have been embezzled from the salaries. Where can I find money to pay these officials.What did the soldiers at the border eat and drink?

Seeing that Chongzhen was fascinated by what he heard, he was secretly moved, and he couldn't help panicking, for fear that the young emperor would not be able to hold his breath, and when he heard that the people were burdened, he would stop collecting the three salaries. collapsed.

Unexpectedly, Chongzhen understood it better than anyone else. He said to the ministers without hesitation: "I have already discussed the matter of suspending the three salaries, but the time has not yet come. Let's discuss it later. Allocate 200 million taels of Liao's salary to fight the bandits in Henan, and this matter will be handled by the Ministry of Household Affairs. This is the end of the discussion on the matter of the three salaries, and the ministers should stop talking about it."

"I obey the order." Bi Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief, but Huang Zongzhou and the others looked disappointed.

Zhou Yanru seemed to know that Chongzhen would make such a decision, his expression remained unchanged, while Wen Tiren was a little sad, and immediately returned to normal.

Xiong Mingyu played again: "Your Majesty, Yang He, the governor of the three sides, has been locked up and taken to Beijing. Now that there is a vacancy for the governor of the three sides, please ask the emperor to tell me who can fill the post of governor of the three sides."

"Is there anyone in the cabinet who can replace Yang He?" Chongzhen asked Zhou Yanru. [

Zhou Yanru replied: "The cabinet has discussed that Hong Chengchou, governor of Yansui, can take over the post of governor of the three sides."

"Hong Chengchou?"

Chongzhen filtered this person in his mind, and nodded approvingly.

This Hong Chengchou was a cadre. In the second year of Chongzhen, the bandit leader Zuo Gui and Miao Mei led troops to attack Hancheng.At that time, Yang He's general, in a hurry, ordered Hong Chengchou, who was still participating in politics at that time, to lead the army to fight.Hong Chengchou beheaded 300 enemy soldiers and broke the siege of Hancheng, so he became famous.

In June of the third year of Chongzhen, Hong Chengchou was appointed governor of Yansui. As a general under Yang He, he should have supported his boss's "recruitment policy", but Hong Chengchou did not. Instead, he vigorously suppressed bandits.Moreover, they not only suppressed the bandits, but also killed and surrendered. The surrendered "thief army" killed by him amounted to tens of thousands, so that as long as the bandits in Shaanxi heard Hong Chengchou's name, they would flee at the wind, and no one dared to be in his territory. trouble.Even Gao Chuang Yingxiang dared not go to Sanbian if he was bold.

This Hong Chongzhen is not only ruthless, but also has a good command of troops. Although his Hong soldiers only have 4000 people, they are a powerful force. The tens of thousands of rogues were wiped out, and those who failed to be wiped out were also driven out of the three sides.

Compared with Yang He's idiot, Hong Chengchou was much stronger. When Chongzhen heard that the cabinet planned to appoint him as Yang He's trilateral governor, he agreed without hesitation.

"Zunzuo, pass the decree, Hong Chengchou will succeed the governor of the three sides of Shaanxi."

He was about to retreat from the court with his hands behind his back, but when the words came to his lips, it became: "The thieves in Henan are in serious chaos. Can someone in the cabinet be elected to supervise the pacification of the thieves in Henan?"

Zhou Yanru said: "The cabinet has made a decision. If this person supervises the troops in Henan, the cabinet dares to say that the chaos in Henan will be put down!"

"Oh? Who is it?" Seeing that Zhou Yanru said it with such certainty, Chongzhen couldn't help being overjoyed, eager to know who Zhou Yanru was talking about.

"Daiming, Guangping, and Shunde are armed with Lu Xiangsheng!" Zhou Yanru said loudly.

"Lu Xiangsheng?" Chongzhen was taken aback, and said movedly, "But that day the training officer of the Xiongjun?"

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