Daming wolf ride

Chapter 165 Great filial piety must be great loyalty

"It's this person... Unexpectedly, the emperor also knows about the Tianxiong Army."

Zhou Yanru was a little surprised, he didn't expect Chongzhen to know the Tianxiong army supervised by Lu Xiangsheng.

Chongzhen smiled softly, "The heroic army is right under my eyes today, how could I not know it." After a short pause, he said with emotion: "Lu Xiangsheng is indeed a loyal minister. When the first emperor was alive, all the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty tended to be attached to Wei Wei, and only he Dare to despise it. When I was hiding in the house, I heard a lot of people saying that the famous mansion was out of the blue sky. I didn't know it at the time. After asking, I found out that it was Lu Xiangsheng. After I ascended the throne, it was Lu Xiangsheng again How can I not know about such a loyal and courageous subject who led troops to serve the king, you say."

Speaking of this, he happily declared: "The cabinet drafted an order to order Lu Xiangsheng to lead the Tianxiong Army to Henan to suppress the bandits."

"The minister waits to obey the order." [

Zhou Yanru and others hurriedly responded in unison.

All the officials thought that it should be all right now, but they didn't want Xiong Mingyu to play again: "Show the emperor, the military department accepted the order today, the emperor intends to ask Zhu Dadian to be the governor of Shandong, and the ministers will rise up to supervise the soldiers to quell the chaos of Kong Youde. The Ministry of War does not dare to discuss the appointment and dismissal of the two members, and there is only one matter that needs to be clearly stated by the emperor."

"What's the matter?" Chongzhen glanced at him.

Xiong Mingyu said: "In Shandong, the general officer was set up in the sixth year of Tianqi. Although there are four generals participating in the army, the number of soldiers is small, and they are soldiers of Taiping. Without a battle, they may not be useful. The soldiers came from afar, and they were dispatched to Qingzhou in a hurry to fight the bandits in Henan.

However, Kong Youde's troops and Dengzhou's rebel soldiers were all Liao soldiers, and their combat power was stronger than that of Lu soldiers. I fear that it will be difficult to pacify them quickly with the help of Denglai's local troops or the officers and soldiers of the four prefectures in Shandong.Therefore, I thought, whether it is possible to send some capable soldiers from other places to put down Kong Youde's chaos as soon as possible. "

Chongzhen nodded and asked Xiong Mingyu, "Where does the Ministry of War intend to transfer troops from?"

Xiong Mingyu replied: "The Ministry of War means to use the Liao soldiers to fight the Liao soldiers."

"Explain more clearly." Chongzhen's voice became louder.

"What I mean is that since Kong's thieves are under Liao soldiers, it is best to send some Liao soldiers from outside the pass to suppress them. These Liao soldiers often fight against the Eastern captives, and their combat power is above the nine sides. Let them suppress Kong Thieves, it is most suitable, in the future, the Liao army can also conquer the thieves."

As soon as Xiong Mingyu finished speaking, Zhou Yanru shook his head and said: "The ancestor gave the gold on his birthday, where is the Liao army now?"

Wu Zongda also said: "Sun Chengzong reported it ten days ago, and the closed door is almost empty. It may be difficult to transfer Liao soldiers."

Xiong Mingyu argued: "If the good news about Jinzhou is true, the Eastern captives will not be able to invade this year. It is not impossible to transfer some soldiers from Jinning and other forts to enter the customs."

Zhou Yanru sneered: "Master Xiong said it lightly. I ask you, how much do you want to transfer Liao soldiers? One thousand, two thousand, or three thousand? Do you want to transfer soldiers who can fight, or transfer soldiers?" Are those guards or regiments training? If it is to transfer guards and regiments to train soldiers, what is the difference between this and the soldiers in the pass? If it is to transfer soldiers, you should first ask Liaodong Town to see how many soldiers they have."

"Even one thousand is good." Xiong Mingyu was unwilling to be robbed by Zhou Yanru, and couldn't help but choked him, "There are not many soldiers, but only fine ones. A thousand elite soldiers are better than tens of thousands of mobs. That's it. It's a simple truth, doesn't the chief assistant know?"

"You!..." Zhou Yanru didn't expect Xiong Mingyu to dare to speak to him like that, his face turned pale with anger, and his beard curled up.

Seeing this, Chongzhen stood up and took a few steps forward with a cold face. Then his face darkened, and he raised his hands and said impatiently: "The matter of adjusting Liao Town to enter the pass to suppress the bandits will be discussed after the verification of the Jinzhou Victory Report. Ask Gao Qi to supervise the five thousand capital battalion to go to Shandong, and he should be able to suppress the Kong bandits. If you have other matters, you should come here today for the court meeting, I am tired."

He also ordered: "The Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of War must handle the matters I entrusted to them as soon as possible without delay. The cabinet has the overall responsibility for overall planning. For the suppression of thieves in various places, you must show me a charter."

After speaking, he turned around with his hands behind his back and went to the back of the hall.

Zhou Yanru and Xiong Mingyu glanced at each other, and quickly turned away, both angrily.Seeing this, Wen Tiren secretly smiled. [


After coming out of the main hall, Chongzhen went all the way to Kunning Palace with a cold face, but halfway he saw Wang Chengen waiting for him there with his arms folded.

"What are you holding in your hand?" Chongzhen saw Wang Chengen holding a memorial in his hand at a glance.

Wang Cheng'en said respectfully: "Returning to the emperor, it's the memorandum just brought by the servants from the Huiji gate."

"The memorabilia of Huijimen?" Chongzhen was startled, "What happened?"

Wang Chengen hurriedly said: "Nothing happened. This memorial was written by Yang Sichang, the censor of Youqian Capital, the governor of Yongping and Shanhaiguan."

"Yang Sichang?"

Chongzhen was somewhat familiar with this name, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

Wang Chengen reminded: "His father is Yang He."

Hearing that it was Yang He's son, Chongzhen was furious, and said angrily, "Yang He's son? Hmph, what did he do for me? Pleading for his father?"

Wang Chengen looked at the memorial in his hand, and said in a low voice: "Long Live Lord, this Yang Sichang is not pleading for his father, but asking the emperor to allow him to die in place of his father."

"Begging to die on behalf of the father?!"

Chongzhen was stunned, he couldn't believe his ears, he was stunned for a few seconds, then he reached out to ask for the memorial, "Bring it to me to have a look."

Wang Chengen hurriedly handed the memorial to Chongzhen.

Chongzhen took it, opened it, and saw what was written on it, "Chen Sichang has been punished by the Ruzhou Branch Division of Henan Province for two years. Please give him a long-term appointment according to the title of the minister. Occupation, don’t dare to think about it. Last winter, I was ordered by grace to transfer the military equipment of Bazhou.

Yang He, the minister's father, saw the three sides of the Governor-General, and he was entrusted with the decree of kindness to encourage him to take the crime.Now I don't know where to move the town, and the report has not arrived, and I can't get through.The only son of the minister, his eyes will be pierced, his square inches are in chaos, his body is in Bazhou, and his heart has been there for a long time.If the emperor does not abandon his ministers, begging for the official positions of the ministers, and giving them white clothes, he will help his father to hunt down the thieves.If it doesn't work, I ask you to take the lead and shout, begging to kill the thief, and atone for the crime on behalf of my father. This minister's ultimate wish is to be loyal and filial. "

Read the full text, but it is Yang Sichang who wants to die wholeheartedly, and only hopes that the court can pardon his father's death crime.After reading the whole article, Chongzhen couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This Yang Sichang is a filial son. It's rare, rare. I didn't expect there to be such a filial son under my rule. He begged to die on behalf of his father. Good, good, a good story through the ages!"

A little excited, he walked there for a few steps, then suddenly turned his head and said to Wang Chengen: "Since ancient times, those who are filial and filial must be those who are loyal. Cheng En, write down that Yang Sichang is very loyal and filial, and he can be used by officials in the future."

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