After Mang Gurtai fled back to Shenyang, he knew that Huang Taiji would not be able to spare him when he came back. In order to protect himself, he planned a mutiny to capture Shenyang City, and then became a khan on his own, relying on Shenyang City to fight against Huang Taiji.

However, before Huang Taiji set off on the expedition, he ordered Haoge to sit in Shenyang City. In addition to Haoge's more than 1000 soldiers from the Zhenghuang Banner, Huang Taiji sent him another [-] soldiers to show his teeth. Ge can mobilize thousands of soldiers and horses.

Four days ago, Jialaerzhen Degute of the Xianghuang Banner came back with two thousand cavalry, and stationed at the east gate as soon as he entered the city, making it clear that he was monitoring Mangurtai.

And because Mang Gurtai was deceived by Huang Taiji in Yizhou to lose half of his troops, and in addition, he was cut off several Niulu in the "Imperial Offense" in Dalinghe, so there were only two Niulu and more than 300 relatives around him. The soldiers are just as strong, and their strength is only one-third of Haoge's, and the ministers and workers in Shenyang City don't buy his account as a big Baylor. In addition, Huang Taiji has set up six departments before the army goes out, and all affairs in the country are now handled by them. The six departments are in charge.Therefore, although the six ministers all went out with the army, each of them had officials in charge. These officials obeyed Huang Taiji's orders, and most of them were Han officials, let alone support Mang Gurtai's seizure of power.

Mang Gurtai, who was unable to seize Shenyang City by his own strength, was at a loss, so he could only stay behind closed doors in the mansion, listening to the people below to report Hauge's movements every day.The fast horses sent to Daling River also sent batches after batches. When these fast horses brought back the news that the Ming army was defeated and King Khan was sending his troops back to the north, Mang Gurtai was even more frightened and frightened, and lived like a year. . [

After thinking alone all night, Mang Gurtai knew that he couldn't wait any longer. Daishan asked him to ask Huang Taiji to plead guilty in the letter, but he refused at first, but now that he thinks about it, he really made a mistake.

Alas, I also blame myself for being obsessed with ghosts, thinking that the former Emperor Taiji would be able to make a difference when he returned to Shenyang in one step, but how could he know that Haoge is not a big man, but has many ghosts, so he has been wary of himself for a long time.

Under the circumstances, Mang Gurtai knew that it was impossible for him to reconcile with Huang Taiji, and the only way he could do was to keep fighting, otherwise he would just sit and wait for death.

After making up his mind, he called his younger brother De Gelei, his younger sister Mang Guji, his confidants Tulushi, Bai Jia and others who had driven back from Daling River into the mansion.

After the crowd arrived, Mang Gurtai did not hide anything from them, and said directly: "My days are not long, and the fat fourth child will be back in a few days. Once he comes back, he will definitely find me for punishment. Don't mention anything else. If you abandon him before the battle and ignore this, I will definitely lose my head. Tell me, what should I do now?" After speaking, the first one looked at his younger sister Mang Guji.

Mang Guji was born of Mang Gurtai's mother, Gundai, who looks exactly like his mother, the difference is that Gundai has willow-leaf eyebrows, while Mang Guji is a stalker.

Although Mang Guji is a woman, she is courageous and fierce, no less than her brothers.Among all the brothers, she is also the most toward Mangurtai, the closest to Mangurtai.So after listening to Mang Gurtai's words, she knew that it was time to make a decision, otherwise it would be too late.The evil came to the gallbladder, and he said to Mang Gurtai:

"Fifth brother, the fat fourth is too domineering. Now he is gaining more and more prestige in the eyes of the Chinese people. Even if my brother didn't offend him this time, he will definitely find a reason to hurt him. In my opinion, after he comes back The first thing to do is to take the fifth brother! So the fifth brother must not go on like this, we have to fight with his fat fourth brother!"

Tulushi and Bai Wang were shocked when they heard what Mang Guji said, but soon recovered, if Hong Taiji could see that Mang Guji was his sister and not kill her, but the two of them did not. They will definitely be killed, because they and Mang Gurtai are already both prosperous, and both are damaged, and they have no choice at all.

Mang Gurtai said in a deep voice: "Sister is right, Huang Taiji will definitely kill me, but brother has nothing to do right now." He really regrets it now. A failed to capture and kill Huang Taiji, so he would never run away, so he has no way out now.When a person reaches a dead end, he instinctively wants to give it a go. Whether he succeeds or fails, he has no other choice.

"What do you mean there is no way at all? Fifth brother, you are too cowardly. This is the critical point, and there must be a way! No matter what, you can't just sit and wait for death. Don't you mean that you should stop and suffer instead? You A big man, you can’t be too useless, you have to do it when it’s time to do it, what are you afraid of? Haoge is a young boy, what is there to worry about! Han people say that the king is captured before the thief, as long as we move quickly, we can catch the king before Germany. Gut killed Haoge before he came back to his senses, and the fifth brother will take the throne as Big Baylor, will he dare to do it!" Mang Guji became ruthless, and even Mang Guertai admired her, she These words have already explained, kill Hauge before Huang Taiji comes back, and control Shenyang City, so there is still a glimmer of life.

De Gelei was already trembling with anger, the reason why he rushed back to Shenyang City was to persuade Mang Gurtai not to make a fool of himself before Huang Taiji returned, he did not expect Mang Guji to make such a bad move.He said angrily: "Sister, don't fan the flames. It's not a big deal to start a fire. If you fan it, it will become a prairie fire. King Khan has already taken five brothers' five cows from me." Come back, after a while, let's find the second brother to clear it up, and maybe the fifth brother will be restored to his position as the big belor. I won’t cut off Fifth Brother because of this. But if you make such a fuss, isn’t it a matter of death? Let me ask you, if you really want to do this, how will it end? If you kill Hauge, Huang Taiji won’t fight us to the death !"

Hearing De Gelei's words, Mang Guji sneered: "Yo, yo, yo, what a Hubu Baylor of the Dajin Kingdom, you are so loyal. You don't even care about your own brother? Thanks to you It's still our own brother. I said you just turned your arms out, don't forget, we were born by the same mother!"

De Gelei said angrily: "It is precisely because I am your own younger brother that I persuade you this way. Brother Wu was punished, do you think I will feel better? Or the same sentence, can we fight Huang Taiji now? You are not good either Look, everyone in the Dajin Kingdom worships Huang Taiji very much. The second elder brother, his father and son, the three brothers Azig, Dorgon, and Duoduo, Tong Yanghe, his Han army flag, and the various Mongolian ministries are not convinced. The fifth brother really did as you said, how many of him will admit his profuse sweating? When Huang Taiji comes to kill him, what shall we do to stop him?"

"If you can't fight, you have to fight. Are you going to let me be beheaded by his fat fourth brother!" Mang Gurtai was impatient when he saw that De Gelei hadn't supported him until now, and he was on pins and needles all the time. , there was a disturbance outside that made him very nervous.

Tulushi also persuaded: "Lord Shibeile, if you say that, we will really watch the master be killed by his King Khan?"

De Gelei sighed, and said to Mang Gurtai: "Fifth brother, don't be angry if I say something from the bottom of my heart. You have never regarded Huang Taiji as a sweat in your heart, you always think you are a brother." , he is the younger brother; you are the elder, he is the younger, and you are in charge of the banner alone. In addition, you have made great achievements in supporting Huang Taiji, so you don’t take Huang Taiji seriously. This kind of mentality will lead to trouble sooner or later. Look at the second brother, that’s called It is truly a courtesy of a courtier. If you scold my younger brother a few times and hit him a few times, no one will say anything, but you are scolding the king of a country and humiliating a dignified Khan. This crime is indeed not light. King Khan only cut off your title of Big Baylor, which is considered light.

Those Han people privately said that if this happened in the Ming Dynasty, it would be a disaster for their family.That day, it was thanks to the second elder brother who said the truth, otherwise, you would have been imprisoned in the high wall.If you want me to say, fifth brother, don't be stubborn, people are not sages, who can make mistakes, let's correct if we make mistakes.Be soft, let's be his courtiers in the future, and let him dare not do anything to you.He still has to put on a show, he has to show it to the Baylors, to the Han officials, and to the people of the Dajin Kingdom.

We have fulfilled the courtesy of a courtier, if he dares to act recklessly again, the reason is on our side, and then you see what your brother will say.If we are wrong now, we have to admit that we are wrong, right?After a while, I came forward and said to my second brother, begging him to play around, maybe you can really restore your title of Big Baylor. "[

De Gelei thought that this kind-hearted advice would impress Mang Gurtai, but he didn't expect that Mang Gurtai's expression was cloudy after hearing it, but in a blink of an eye he burst into tears, "Father sweat, son is useless, I listened to you!" Your old words saved the eighth brother, but he treats me like this now, Father Khan, you just open your eyes and say something fair for your son. Father Khan..."

De Gelei and Mang Guji were at a loss for a while, Mang Guji persuaded: "Brother, don't do this, don't cry and break your body..."

Mang Gurtai cried for a while, and said: "How do you know my brother's difficulties? I think that I followed my father Khan to conquer the world, conquered the world, and made many achievements. I have many scars all over my body. Originally, my father Khan treated me so much. I love you very much. After the incident between the second elder brother and the concubine happened, Father Khan did not think of letting me inherit the throne. But this Huang Taiji is very scheming. He always hangs around in front of Father Khan and speaks ill of me whenever he finds an opportunity.

He believed that Er Niang had killed his Er Niang with a nightmare spell, so he sent someone to watch our Er Niang's tail, and instigated Father Khan to search Er Niang's home.He did not miss any opportunity to express himself in front of his father Khan, who was deceived by him and insisted on letting him inherit the position of Khan.I also had no idea at the time, and let him be deceived by his superficial respect. If he insisted on not agreeing, maybe the position of Khan belonged to whom.

Now he kills the donkey and starts to clean us up one by one.Speaking of which, it was the second brother who he took care of first.After the eldest brother died, it was obvious that the position of Khan belonged to the second brother, but Huang Taiji used De Yinze to expose the matter of the second brother and the eldest concubine, and sent the second brother to the eighteenth floor of hell.Let's talk about Amin, who goes out to lead troops to fight without looting?Others plundered him without confining him, but Brother Amin was imprisoned by the high wall as soon as he robbed him.

I think he is Zhu Yuanzhang, and he must clean up all of us heroes and veterans one by one.Dege, don't dream, you still expect him to restore me the title of Big Baylor?Let me put this aside, as soon as he comes back, your brother and I will definitely lose my head! "

Mang Guji gritted his teeth suddenly, and said harshly: "Fifth brother, we can't do him clearly, so we came secretly."

Mang Gurtai was startled: "What kind of secret method?"

Mang Guji said: "If he likes Huang Taiji for being unkind, he wants us to be unrighteous. Didn't he say that our mother killed Meng Gu with the nightmare magic technique? We can't take the blame for nothing, and this time we will give him a real one." Leng Sengji used to be a shaman, and his spells are very powerful. It is called Leng Sengji's method, Nightmare Emperor Taiji."

"Can that thing work?" Mangurtai was stunned.

Mang Guji said with certainty: "It works, very effective."

"What can Leng Sengji do?" Mang Gurtai hesitated.

Mang Guji said: "If there is anything we can't do, let's give him more benefits. After the matter is done, we will make him the great shaman of the Kingdom of Jin!"

"If it's really effective, I might as well give it a try. But hurry up, the fat fourth child will be back soon." Mang Gurtai was treated like a living horse doctor, and he really went to the doctor in a hurry.

De Gelei's scalp exploded when he heard this, and he rushed to Guji angrily and said: "Sister, this is absolutely unacceptable, if the matter is revealed, we will all become Chu Ying's second."

Mang Guji glared at him: "What are you revealing? Unless you betray us."

De Gelei's face turned pale with anger: "Sister, why are you talking like that?"

Mang Gurtai hurriedly said: "Tenth brother, don't be angry, I mean we will do it secretly, no one will know, besides, I will handle this matter alone, even if it is revealed in the future, it will be closed to you."

"Father Khan said that if you want people to know, you have to do nothing unless you don't do it yourself. After a long time, there will be someone who doesn't reveal the truth." De Gelei's head shook like a rattle.

Mang Guji said: "I also heard my father Khan say that benevolence does not lead soldiers, there is no business, and if you do big things, don't be afraid of this or that. If things are exposed, you will die."

Seeing that they insisted on doing it, De Gelei sighed secretly in his heart, and said, "If you really decide, I can't say anything. But this is a matter of life and death, so you must be careful."

Seeing Dege's acquiescing, Mang Guji was overjoyed: "Don't worry, there won't be any trouble. In just a few days, I will call Fat Lao Si Guixi!" [

Bai Wang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "What if this method doesn't work? King Khan is coming back soon!"

"This..." Mang Gurtai was stunned, then lost his mind: Yes, if this method doesn't work, wouldn't he be dead if Huang Taiji returned to Shenyang alive?

Seeing his master flustered, Tulushi hesitated for a while, then resolutely stepped forward and said: "Master, this slave has a way out, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"What time is it, tell me quickly!" Mang Gurtai said anxiously.

Tulushi said: "The servant heard that after King Khan defeated the Ming army, he once attacked Jinzhou, but he failed to take it, and lost thousands of soldiers. From this point of view, the Ming Dynasty seems to be still very strong, and it is not unbearable. One blow. If it is really a last resort, in order to survive, the master may be able to..." Speaking of this, he paused, then gritted his teeth and said: "The master may defect to Daming."

"To Ming?!"

Mangurtai and Dege were all stunned.

"I am Da Bei Le from the Kingdom of Dajin. The Kingdom of Ming hates me to the bone. If I surrender to the Ming, they will cut me into pieces." Mang Gurtai shook his head subconsciously. Too many, wouldn't it be self-inflicted if you throw yourself into the net? !

However, Tulushi said disapprovingly: "Because the master is the Dabeile of the Dajin Kingdom, the Ming Kingdom will not kill the master! According to the servant, if the master returns to the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Kingdom will definitely regard the master as the most precious treasure, not only will not kill him My master, I will also give my master high officials and titles, maybe even give my master the old Khan King's official position as the governor of Jianzhou Wei."

"Jianzhou Wei Dudu?" Mang Gurtai was startled again, this official position was the official position that his ancestors of the Aixinjueluo family had always held.

"No, no, brother, you must not commit suicide!"

The more you say it, the less you can say it. If you really want to rebel, you will be a hero, but this is nothing!Dege became anxious, "We are the descendants of Aixinjueluo. If my elder brother surrendered, wouldn't my elder brother become an unworthy descendant of my Aixinjueluo family? Let me know, what do you think?"

"Lord Shibeile, the knife rests on the neck, do we have a choice? If you don't surrender, where will the master escape? North Korea? Mongolia? Or go deep into the mountains and old forests?" What will happen, he only knows that even if Ming Guo will kill Mang Gurtai, he will definitely not kill him and Tulushi, because Ming Guo needs someone who knows the details of Da Jin too much.

De Gelei was furious, "You dog slave, you are going to trap your master for being unkind, unrighteous, unfaithful and unfilial!"

Tulushi was not afraid, but asked De Gelei instead: "Ants still know how to cherish their lives. It's a coward's job to sit and wait for death and let others kill you. The slave persuades the master to surrender, not to harm the master. Ten Baylor, you want to I want to see, besides Tou Ming, where else can the master go?"


Delege was so angry that he stretched out his hand and wanted to slash Tulushi, the dog slave, but Mangurtai sighed in his ears, "If it's really a last resort, this is definitely not the way to go."

"elder brother!…"

Derge was horrified.


When Mang Gurtai in Shenyang City was plotting, there was a group of soldiers walking on the official road leading to Shanhaiguan. There were about a thousand people. The flag was held by a young schoolboy, and the word "Shi" was big on the flag. .

There are two hundred cavalry in the front, more than 100 carts in the middle, and five hundred infantry in the back.

I don't know what is installed on those big cars, the wheel marks are deeply pressed.The grooms driving the carts were all soldiers, they were not tired from the journey at all, they sat excitedly on the carts and whipped their whips.

In the melodious sound of the horsewhip, there was a faint cry of misery.

The direction of the screams was behind the carriage and in front of the pawns.

Four long human chains were dragging behind the four horses, and more than 100 golden soldiers in ragged clothes with a braid hanging behind their heads followed the horses in a state of exhaustion, walking slowly forward.When he hesitated for a moment, he was immediately hit with a spear by the guarded Ming soldiers.

What is surprising is that it is not ropes that connect those golden soldiers, but thin iron chains one after another.

What's annoying is that those thin iron chains were not tied to the golden soldiers, nor were they put around their necks, but passed through their noses and mouths, and then passed to another golden soldier.

This scene is very familiar, the thin iron chains are very similar to the ropes on the noses of the cows, except that one is worn by cows and the other is worn by people.

The Ming army called these Jin soldiers captives "shepherds".

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