Daming wolf ride

Chapter 187 Entering Beijing to Offer Prisoners

The victor should enjoy the joy of victory. Amidst miles of cheers, the troops from Jinzhou finally arrived at Zhengyangmen.Shi Dayong and his subordinates will enter the heart of Ming Dynasty—the capital through this city gate.

The officers, soldiers and civilians gathered inside and outside Zhengyang Gate were densely packed, crowded and blocked.If it weren't for Wucheng Bingma Si and Shuntian Mansion to send soldiers and servants to maintain order in time, I'm afraid Shi Dayong and his subordinates would have to "kill" a way out of the crowd.

Under the gate of the city, Xiong Mingyu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, led the officials of the Ministry of War to welcome the marquis here. The small officials who made the books and surveyed had already set up a long table, just waiting for the Jinzhou soldiers and horses to present the heads and captives of the Eastern prisoners. .

"I am lucky to have a great dynasty, and one day I will finally win the Eastern Captives, and wash away the shame of "the change of myself". It is great and fortunate!"

The excited Minister of the Ministry of War spoke with a strong Jiangxi accent and praised Liu Dexia, the left servant beside him, but Liu Dexia was not as sure as Xiong Mingyu. He reminded worriedly: "My lord, the head has not yet been inspected." He, it's too early to say this at this time, if Jinzhou bullies the emperor and commits such a crime, I'm afraid today's situation will be difficult to deal with." After finishing speaking, many people around the audience looked at it. With a glance, there was a worried look on his face.After all, this matter has already been known in the streets and alleys. If Jinzhou really made a lie, how will the people think of the court?What is the face of the imperial court? [

Xiong Mingyu, on the other hand, laughed, waved his hands and said, "Wen Long, don't worry too much. It's not the first time that Jinzhou has presented ranks. When I was not in the headquarters, Jinzhou had offered ranks. The inspections at that time were all real things. Captive head, can there be a fake one?"

Liu Dexia was stunned, nodded and said: "Not really. However, last time it was only over a hundred levels, but this time it is thousands of levels. The number is so large that it has rarely been seen in the past. It is hard to say that there is one who has made false contributions."

"Hey, it's easy to say, easy to say. Old Sun has said on the table that he is the real leader. Old Sun is the teacher of the first emperor. Can what he said be false?" Xiong Mingyu didn't care. The second time was a real victory, even without Sun Chengzong's statement, based on Liaofu Qiu Hejia's victory report, he also confirmed that it was true.

"No matter what, we have to investigate and verify." Liu Dexia is mature and prudent. Before seeing it with his own eyes, he would not dare to be as optimistic as Xiong Mingyu.

Xiong Mingyu knew Liu Dexia's character, so he didn't talk to him too much. He saw a big banner heading towards the city gate, and knew that the rightful lord had arrived.Hurry up and give orders, as soon as the team arrives, they will conduct an inspection immediately, so that they can enter the palace immediately to announce the good news to the emperor.

After a while, the Jinzhou soldiers and horses finally arrived. From the general Shi Dayong down, everyone was beaming and elated, and they were still immersed in joy until they were at the gate of the city.

"The last general of Jinzhou, Shi Dayong, has met the master of the headquarters!"

After dismounting, Shi Dayong immediately met Xiong Mingyu under the leadership of Xie Yiqing. He had a mask on his face. Xiong Mingyu was puzzled for a moment, but he didn't ask any further questions. After the long journey, the soldiers must have been exhausted, so they told them to rest on the spot, and after the officer inspects them, they will enter the palace and report to the Holy One, and they will make their own arrangements later."

"Everything is subject to the arrangement of the adults."

In front of the Ministry of War's writing, Shi Dayong didn't dare to say more, and stood with his hands folded.Over there, Liu Dexia was eager to inspect, and immediately sent someone to the carriage where the head of Jiannu was loaded for inspection immediately.

Immediately, more than a dozen officials led more than a hundred soldiers to conduct inspections one by one in carriages. Every time the grass on a carriage was lifted, the crowd would let out a burst of exclamation.

Strings of Jiannu heads are connected by braids at the back of their heads, and they are all ugly, with yellow teeth and pointed foreheads, and are extremely ugly.

Unlike the last inspection in Beijing, this time the heads on the cart were not choked with salt, but soaked in lime. The reason is that it is not a hot day, and the heads will not rot with these lime soaks. , and will not emit foul smell.

During the inspection by the officials of the Ministry of War, Jinzhou soldiers and horses stood beside the car, watching them proudly inspecting their results.

One level after another, the investigation was extremely careful, Liu Dexia had confessed earlier that he had to go through them one by one to ensure that none of these heads were fake.As a result, the Ministry of War inspected the situation very carefully.

As the heads of real Jian slaves were piled up one after another, seven or eight heads were piled up outside the Zhengyang Gate.Even though it was broad daylight, people were terrified to see it.Among the crowd of onlookers, women and children screamed in fright, and people who felt unwell vomited uncontrollably.

Suddenly seeing a lot of heads, no one is used to it.

However, the feeling of discomfort dissipated quickly. As more and more people piled up, the exclamation of the crowd became louder and louder, and in the end, it was already a hustle and bustle.The onlookers also changed from group to group. Before the verification was completed, those who came before rushed to the city, shouting as they ran, "It's a real Tartar, it's a real Tartar!"

The people at the back squeezed forward, changing groups one by one, and every time a group changed, there was a burst of exclamation.The eyes were wide open, looking at them without moving, even if the sand got into them, they didn't rub them, for fear of missing something. [

During the inspection by the Ministry of War, Shi Dayong, Jiang Wanli, and Cao Bianjiao stood aside respectfully, and Shi Dayong would only answer if someone asked.

After half a stick of incense, two thousand levels have been confirmed, depending on the situation, I am afraid there will be no fakes.

Xiong Mingyu originally believed that Jinzhou was really victorious, and this time he sent the head of a real Tartar, so he was even more happy at the moment, but he had a big question in his heart, that is why the Jinzhou general Shi Dayong had such a face Put on a mask.

Could it be that this person has a disease on his face, making it difficult to show others?Xiong Mingyu thought this way, if the Holy Majesty summoned him, wouldn't this Shi Dayong have a dirty face?

But after thinking about it, Shi Dayong is a martial artist, not a junior in the imperial examination, so what kind of face does he want.The more fierce and vicious these loyal soldiers are, the more brave they are.Only when there are such brave generals in the great dynasty can we defend the Eastern captives from the outside and control the Quartet from the inside.

Liu Dexia's heart also quickly let go, and he was not at ease before and went to pick out a few heads to check in person. Although he is a civil servant, he is naturally not too timid to be an official of the Ministry of War.This head level has also been seen a lot, so naturally there will be no discomfort.After reading a few levels, there is no worry at all, and I feel in my heart, Jinzhou soldiers are indeed mighty!

Three thousand, 570 heads of two Jian slaves, and 640 heads of the slave Han army. It took more than an hour to complete the inspection one by one.It is exactly the same as the number played in the victory report, and it is also the first level of the real leader, the first of the fake meritorious deeds.

After the first-level inspection is completed, it is the verification of the slaves and captives.

The mouths of the four "human pigs" installed in the altar were smashed to pieces, without a single tooth in their mouths. They were escorted all the way here, and they were no longer human, nor ghosts.

Even the military officials who inspected the heads couldn't help being frightened by these four human heads when they saw these thousands of heads.However, compared with the officials who closed the gate, the impact of these four men on the officials of the Ministry of War was not so strong. After simply asking the identities of the four soldiers, the inspection officials ignored them and went straight to the more than 100 "shepherds". go.

It seems that the best way to make people obedient is to torture and beat them severely.After being tortured, the Jiannu captives have become extremely obedient.The captives who knew Chinese even talked to the officials of the Ministry of War in not-so-fluent Chinese about what they were doing at the East Prisoner's side.

That's right, they were all Jiannu real captives.

After the inspection, everyone was overjoyed.Outside the Zhengyang Gate, there were cheers again.

Regardless of what to say to the generals of Jinzhou, Xiong Mingyu and Liu Dexia turned around excitedly and headed for the city, their footsteps were hasty, even the bearers were left behind.

Big victory, big victory!

Thousands of Jiannu heads have already made it clear to the whole capital: outside the customs, Daming has finally won a battle!

There is no need for Jinzhou generals and the government to do any publicity, and the news of the verification and verification spreads like flying arrows throughout the capital.

The capital, at the foot of the emperor, is the land of the world's elite.The high-ranking officials are naturally well-informed, and the common people are also quick-witted. After the news of the inspection and verification came to Beijing, the people of the capital began to revel.

The firecrackers blared, the drinks were indulged, and the lanterns and festoons were decorated. The ecstatic people seemed to be celebrating the New Year. They released the depression that had been suppressed in their hearts for two years, and released the joy in their hearts at this moment.

It has been two full years, since the Eastern Captives entered the bandits, in the past two years, it seems that the capital has lost something. Although there are still so many people, there is no vitality at all.Now, stimulated by the good news of the great victory in Jinzhou, the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time finally burst out in the capital.

Raise your eyebrows!

Long live the emperor!Long live Daming!The Liao army is mighty! [

There was joy and laughter inside and outside the city, and even the three major battalions defending the capital were in ecstasy. The soldiers of the capital battalion also rushed out of the camp, and they celebrated the great victory of Jinzhou together with the reveling people.

The generals were particularly excited, because Daming had always been defeated outside the pass, and had never won a single battle. He was overwhelmed by the Tartars, and beaten to the feet of the emperor by the Jiannu.Now, the generals outside this pass are like magic soldiers and heavenly generals, they have become so capable of fighting, beheading so many Jiannu in one battle!

In the future, if the Eastern Captives invade again, we don’t have to be afraid of them, and we don’t have to hold our heads up against the Jiannu army. With such a strong army, it seems that I, Ming, really don’t have to worry about the Eastern Captives outside the pass. Peaceful world wants to come It is also predictable.

The people in the capital who have experienced the "self-changing" can no longer control it, and they can no longer calm down.

It has been two years, and they need a big victory; two years, they need a good news!

From then on, there is no need to be afraid of the invasion of the East; from then on, there is no need to be afraid of the destruction of the family.

The carnival and noise in the capital inevitably spread into the Forbidden City, as well as those eunuchs and maids who were shopping outside, they also got the news early, left their work at hand early, and rushed to the palace.

From the perspective of the capital, the Jiannu outside the pass is a fierce tiger that has been watching Daming all the time. Since the Wanli period, for more than ten years, Daming has been unable to do anything about this tiger, allowing it to bite Daming flesh and blood.

If there hadn't been the tragedy two years ago, I'm afraid that the fear of Jiannu would not be so deep in the capital's mind, but now, no matter whether it is a dignitary or a commoner, they are more afraid.When the army of slaves gathered in Beijing, there was despair inside and outside the capital.They even thought that the sky of Daming was about to collapse, and the tigers outside the pass would take over the Central Plains and become the new masters of Daming.

But now, they saw hope in despair.This hope comes from thousands of heads outside Zhengyangmen!

Strictly speaking, the great victory in Jinzhou was not a big victory, but a tragic victory. The casualties of the two sides were almost the same, and even the Eastern Captives had a slight upper hand, which did not hurt the fundamentals at all.On the contrary, Daming lost all his soldiers and horses outside the pass, and could no longer take a step forward.If we really care about it, the winner should be Donglu, not Daming.

However, no one cares about whether Daming is at the upper hand or at the disadvantage at the strategic level.What they saw was that Daming finally won a victory in Jinzhou. This victory not only drove away the army of the Eastern Kuppet, but also beheaded thousands of Tartars!

It was these thousands of Jiannu heads that swept away the despair of the whole capital. The battle of Jinzhou may not have been truly won, and it may not have been a decisive victory for both Ming and Jin. Donglu is no longer able to fight back!

This battle proved that I, Ming, can still defeat Donglu!

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