Daming wolf ride

Chapter 188 Entering Beijing to Offer Prisoners

Before the people from the Ministry of War entered the palace, the palace was already bustling. With the spread of the procuring eunuchs and maids, the palace had already known the news that Jinzhou soldiers and horses outside the Zhengyang Gate had all won.

Naturally, there would be no eunuch in charge to stop such a happy event, so the eunuchs and maids were extremely excited.Most of them have experienced the "Jisi Change" two years ago. At that time, the army of slaves built outside the city was gathered, and in the palace, the face of the emperor was darker than the dark clouds. The tense atmosphere eased a little.

Now, it is their own army that has won the battle, and the heads of Jiannu who were beheaded are sent by truckloads. Such a happy event, the maids and eunuchs are naturally as happy as the common people outside.Soon, a festive atmosphere spread throughout the palace.But no one rashly ran into the hall and reported the news to Chongzhen, because they were internal ministers, and this military matter was a matter of the foreign court, and they dared not report it without authorization, lest the courtiers think it was internal officials interfering in politics.Furthermore, the specific situation of the inspection and verification is only known to the Ministry of War, and they have all heard the rumors, so they don't know the specific situation.If you really want to rush into the hall to announce the good news, if the emperor asks about the details, how will they answer.At that time, don't let a good thing turn into a bad thing, that's really shooting yourself in the foot.Therefore, even Wang Chengen and Wang Dehua did not dare to enter the palace to announce the good news, everything had to wait for the people from the Ministry of War to enter the palace.

However, from Fengtian Gate to the Three Great Halls, there are already cheering eunuchs, court ladies, and generals along the way.

In the Qianqing Palace, Chongzhen, who was anxiously waiting for the news, also heard the cheers outside. He vaguely knew something, but in front of the courtiers, he still suppressed his temper and sat on the dragon chair to show his majesty. [

However, no matter how the young emperor disguised himself, his beating brows still betrayed his inner joy.

Seeing this, all the ministers of His Highness laughed secretly, but they all knew that the emperor in front of him had a good face, so they didn't dare to show it on their faces.I even looked at each other with my colleagues and smiled knowingly.

After waiting for a while, there was still no report from the Ministry of War. Finally, Chongzhen couldn't sit still. He leaned forward, looked at Zhou Yanru, Wen Tiren, He Ruchong and other cabinet scholars, and asked calmly: "My dearest ministers! , why is it so noisy outside the palace?"

Zhou Yanru bowed slightly, and replied: "Listen to the voice, it's very joyous, I'm afraid Jinzhou soldiers and horses have already entered Beijing?"

"Xiong Shangshu has already brought people to inspect at Zhengyang Gate. If the inspection is completed, this meeting should be on the way to enter the palace. The emperor doesn't need to be in a hurry, this good thing is not in a hurry." Wen Tiren speculated Shengyi, knowing that Chongzhen would be eager to know the verification result of the Ministry of War, whether the Jinzhou victory was really a great victory, so he comforted Chongzhen there.

"Hehe, I'm not impatient. Since I ascended the throne, the Eastern Captives have repeatedly violated the frontiers. The year before last, they even invaded the capital, which almost shook the country. Since the Eastern Captives retreated, I have been thinking about this slavery day and night. Today is the end. It is to tell me to wait for the great victory, let me ask, how can I not be in a hurry?"

Good things are coming, Chongzhen no longer deliberately hides himself, and his face is filled with a smile.Hearing about the great victory in Jinzhou for the first time, and later knowing that Zu Dashou surrendered gold, he couldn't help but doubt the results of the battle reported by Jinzhou. Let me ask, even the most elite Zu Dashou troops outside the pass were wiped out, how could the remnants of Jinzhou be beheaded Thousands of great victories are coming.However, the subsequent reports at all levels clearly showed that Jinzhou had won a big victory, which made him believe it a little more.However, before the final result was verified, he still held a dubious attitude.

After waiting for a long time, it was finally time for Jinzhou soldiers and horses to enter Beijing to offer victory. As long as the Ministry of War checks, it will know whether it is true or not.If it is true, why not make the young emperor ecstatic!

Seeing that the emperor was frank and impatient, the ministers did not dare to step forward to pat their chests and say that the results of the battle were true. They could only look forward to it, hoping that the people from the Ministry of War would come to report it soon.

It takes a long time, what do the people in the Ministry of War do? Why does it take so long to check the head of a person.

At the Meridian Gate, the Imperial Guards and the Great Han General of Jin Yiwei are on duty.This time, they were all looking at the direction outside the palace gate. They already knew the news that Jinzhou soldiers and horses had entered the capital. This time, they were waiting for the officials to officially enter the palace to announce the good news to the Holy One.

It was rare for Ming to win a battle, and what he defeated was the Donglu who had troubled Ming for more than ten years. Naturally, the guards and the general of Han were also happy, and they got together to talk about the great victory in Jinzhou.However, when everyone was chatting, the eyes did not move to other directions for a moment, they just stared outside the palace gate.

Not long after, I finally saw a few figures rushing towards me.When he got closer, he saw that the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Minister of the Ministry of War were running towards the Meridian Gate vigorously, followed by their sedan chairs.Rao these two adults are nearly a hundred years old together, but this meeting is like young people, running happily.He ran so fast that even the strong bearers couldn't keep up.

"I'm coming!"

A guard yelled excitedly, and immediately, everyone surrounded him.

Xiong Mingyu, who was in his early fifties, came here almost all the way. It was several miles from Zhengyangmen. On the way, he took a sedan chair, but he felt that the bearer was slow, and he didn't know how to ride a horse. He wanted to report the good news as soon as possible. To the emperor, so he got off the sedan chair, spread his legs and ran towards the imperial city.

By the time of the Meridian Gate, he was so breathless that he couldn't speak a word.Liu Dexia was not much better either, falling behind by dozens of steps, his heart was racing, his face was flushed red.

The guards were stunned when they saw the dignified Minister of the Ministry of War and Lord Shi Lang panting like this.A guard hurriedly brought a bowl of water from the duty room and handed it to Xiong Mingyu. [

Xiong Mingyu received it, Gulu drank half of it, then handed it back to Liu Dexia who followed.Liu Dexia was not polite either, and drank all the way to the bottom.

The two gasped for a while, and when they calmed down completely, they looked at each other, straightened their robes, and walked towards the palace one after the other.

After walking a few steps, a guard boldly asked, "My lords, are the heads of slaves sent by Jinzhou real?"

Xiong Mingyu didn't turn his head back and said: "It's all true, more than six thousand beheaded, one fake!"

More than six thousand? !

The guards and the big Han generals knew that Jinzhou had won the battle, but no one knew how many Jiannu had been beheaded, so they were all shocked. They all opened their eyes wide and showed incredible expressions. Two big Han generals even stretched their heads. Tongue, too shocked to say a word.

At the duty station, there happened to be a small eunuch who came to handle errands. When the military official confirmed that the beheading was more than six thousand, he jumped up excitedly.It was confirmed by the official of the Ministry of War, the news must not be wrong!

The excited little eunuch jumped up, and excitedly ran towards Qianqing Palace, shouting as he ran: "Your Majesty is overjoyed, Your Majesty is overjoyed, Jinzhou has won a great victory, more than six thousand beheaded!"

There is a rule in the palace, once there is an important military matter, the eunuchs on duty must pass it on word of mouth from the gate of the palace, and report it layer by layer, without delay for a moment, until the emperor hears it.So the little eunuch shouted so vigorously and excitedly, naturally other eunuchs followed suit and shouted:

"Jinzhou offers captives, with more than [-] heads, and one of them is a fake"

"Jinzhou offers captives, with more than [-] heads, and one of them is a fake"

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