Daming wolf ride

Chapter 223 Battle of Sand River

The rebel general Chen Occupying the Shahe River was born as a pirate. In the third year of Tianqi, he was recruited under the tent of Mao Wenlong in Phi Island. He followed Mao Wenlong to recover the two states of Jingai. Later, Mao Wenlong was unjustly beheaded by Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Jiliao. Find a way out.In order to protect himself, Chen sometimes voted for brothers Liu Xingzuo and Liu Xingzhi, who came from Jurchen anyway. During this period, Fang met Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, who were known as the "Three Mines in Shandong".

The reason why Chen sometimes voted for the Liu brothers was because the two brothers had the most soldiers in each department in Dongjiang, and there were Jurchen soldiers in their department, and their power was the first among all armies.Under his brother's account, there is no need to worry about being calculated.

Unexpectedly, in the second year of Chongzhen, the imperial court suddenly transferred Liu Xingzuo away. After his elder brother left, Liu Xingzhi, who felt that he was alone, launched a mutiny and beheaded Chen Jisheng, another general under Mao Wenlong, in an attempt to dominate Dongjiang.But no one thought that after learning of Chen Jisheng's death, the imperial court did not appoint Liu Xingzhi as the general soldier of Dongjiang, but sent general Huang Long to be the general soldier.

Knowing that the imperial court did not believe the Liu brothers, Zhang Tao and Shen Shikui, former subordinates of Mao Wenlong, launched another mutiny and killed Liu Xingzhi and the Jurchen soldiers he led.As a result, Liu Xingzhi's generals will be squeezed out by other Dongjiang soldiers, and there is no way to gain a foothold in Phi Island.

In desperation, Chen sometimes left his hometown with Kong Youde and others, and cast himself under the tent of Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Denglai.Sun Yuanhua was overjoyed when he learned that the future of the East River had returned and was eager to build a new fire-style army. He immediately appointed Kong Youde as the general of the infantry left battalion, Geng Zhongming was sent to Dengzhou Fortress, and Chen Shiyou served as the commander of Kong Youde's infantry left battalion. [

During the two years in Denglei, it cannot but be said that Chen was the happiest time in his life.Governor Sun Yuanhua of Denglai attached great importance to them, the Liao generals who came from the Dongjiang River, and the military pay was extremely sufficient, and the supply was also very sufficient.Chen, who has been wandering at sea all his life, sometimes thought that he would spend his life in Denglai, and even took a wife, but who knew that the heavy snowfall in Wuqiao changed his fate.

The soldier who injured the servant of the Wang family was Chen Shishi's subordinate, and it was also his subordinate who beat the servant of the Wang family to death in a fit of anger.

In the end, at the instigation of Li Jiuzheng, who lost all his money for buying a horse and was worried that he would not be able to confess when he went back, Chen, who was afraid of being implicated by his subordinates, set up a rebellious banner in Wuqiao along with Kong Youde.Afterwards, he immediately revealed his true nature as a pirate, even disregarding his wife at home, and led his troops to attack the government and plunder the county, becoming Kong Youde's right-hand man.

After Kong Youde went to the east to feign surrender to Dengzhou, Chen sometimes became a general after he had done his part. He took the [-] elite Liao soldiers that Kong Youde gave him, and [-] mobs to occupy Shahe, the only place to go east to Denglai.

Shahe River, the easternmost head of the continuous Taihang Mountains, is the place that must pass through to Denglai. If it does not pass through this place, it will have to detour for more than a hundred miles and pass through the territory of Shandong.

The name of the Shahe River comes from the Liusha River in the territory, but the terrain of the Shahe River is flat. Although it is the head of the Taihang Mountains, it is not steep and almost dangerous.But the dangerous and defensible Shahe forcibly blocked the high and latent Beijing camp and the Ming army in Beizhili.

Really, a small Shahe, a big bandit army.

The timidity of the Ming army made Chen sometimes arrogant. He even led soldiers and horses to rob everywhere for two consecutive days with only [-] old and weak guarding the camp.He also asked his subordinates to bring dozens of eagle guns (big guns) to shoot at the top of the city, scaring the Beijing camps on the city to hide under the crenels like turtles, without even the courage to look up.

Officers and soldiers are more capable, which is already the consensus of Chen Shi and all the Shahe rebels.Under this consensus, the rebels did not believe that Shahe would be lost in their own hands one day.

It's a pity that there are no absolutes in the world, just as he, Chen, was sometimes not the most elite soldier in the rebel army, and similarly, the Beijing camp in Shang County was not the most capable army in Ming Dynasty—Xiao Xu, who was sixteen miles away from Shahe Zhuang, the Jinzhou Army, which had caused heavy casualties to the Eight Banners Army of the Eastern Captives, was rushing towards Shahe under the leadership of General Shi Dayong.

Raid, raid, raid!

In view of the large number of rebels in Shahe, relying on our own limited forces, it is impossible to fight a frontal battle of annihilation, we can only take a defeat battle, otherwise, we may lose the advantage of maneuvering.Therefore, Shi Dayong decided to take only the cavalry to attack Shahe, using the advantages of cavalry and raids, to avoid stalemate battles with the rebels as much as possible, and make a quick decision!

As long as Shahe is taken down, the goal will be achieved. As for how many rebels are killed, it is secondary.Of course, sometimes it would be best if he could capture and kill the rebel general Chen, but if he couldn't, there would be nothing to regret.

After all, the military order of the governor of Shandong is hanging over Shi Dayong's head like a sharp sword. He must rush to Dengzhou as soon as possible, otherwise what is waiting for him and the Jinzhou army will be dealt with by military law!

The forces participating in the attack were Cao Bianjiao's wolf cavalry and two hundred "mounted infantry" led by Jiang Wanli.

All the army horses brought back from Qiushui Town were used, and Jiang Wanli selected two hundred cavalry soldiers to ride with the wolves.

This time, it was not a suicide tactic of tying people to horses. After the Jinzhou War, Shi Dayong had consciously begun to carry out riding training for the Changping infantry.On the way south, riding training was also carried out on a small scale. [

Although the two hundred Changping soldiers could not control the horses as freely as the wolf cavalry, they could barely sit on the horses without falling down.However, it was impossible for them to charge forward like wolf cavalry. The main purpose of Shi Dayong bringing them was to take advantage of the surprise attack, so that the rebels could not figure out how many cavalry had arrived.

Since it was a surprise attack, it was natural to go into battle lightly. All heavy armor was left behind, and even dry food was not brought.

Shi Dayong told the soldiers who participated in the raid that they would live in Shahe tonight, sleep in the rebels' house, and eat their wine and meat.

The general's self-confidence naturally infected the soldiers. The four hundred soldiers who participated in the raid were all excited and emotional. It seemed that they had already slept in the rebels' house, chewing their meat and drinking their wine.

The other [-] Changping soldiers who did not participate in the raid continued to walk towards Shahe under the leadership of Shao Wu and Li Dashan.

The heavy armor of the wolf riders and the weapons, equipment, and food collected from the Beijing camp were piled up in 25 carts, and they drove slowly towards the east.

On the way to the east, there were bloodstains of horseshoes and the tracks of wheels all the way to the end.

Thirty-nine horse thieves including Peng Dachui were also asked to attack Shahe together. Peng Dachui's attitude towards this undiscussed order was also firm-willing to go with the general.Shi Dayong gave them the order to capture and kill the rebel scouts to prevent the attack from being exposed.

In order to save horsepower, I took two rests halfway, each time for half a stick of incense, so that I could arrive at Shahe in the evening, and then enter Shahe in the dark.

Along the way, I don't know if the rebels were too careless, or because of the heavy snow, they didn't see the rebels' scouts, nor did they see any civilians.Instead, I saw a village that had been emptied. From the extent of the destruction of the village, the rebels must have come here.But no corpse was seen, and there was no blood in the house. Presumably, there was no massacre. The villagers may have fled with their families because they knew that the rebels had come to Shahe.

Because I didn't meet rebel scouts or people along the way, the progress was so smooth that it was an hour earlier than the estimated time when I came. ).

The Taihang Mountain in the distance is white, like a snow mountain.The Liusha River flows out of the mountain, turns a corner here, and flows eastward. I don't know which big river it will merge into, or it will go straight to the sea.

Shahe Town, just two miles ahead, is also the only traffic point for this thing.

The sand of the flowing river had already frozen, and there was also a layer of snow on the ice surface, so the sound of running water could not be heard.

On the other side of the river, villages and towns could be seen faintly, and there were people moving in the town, far away, it was hard to tell whether it was the rebels or the common people.

I don't know how frozen the Liusha River is, so Shi Dayong didn't dare to cross the river rashly, because the Liusha River is a big river, and the water in the middle of the river is deep enough to swallow people and horses.If the ice is not thick enough to step on the ice rashly, it is very likely that all the fish will be buried in the belly of the fish.

You can't cross the ice, you can only find the bridge.

But after looking all over the field of vision, he did not find a bridge on the river. The sharp-eyed sergeant found that there seemed to be traces of a broken bridge on the river bank diagonally above his left hand.

Could it be that the bridge was deliberately destroyed by the rebels, and is it the only bridge in this area?

Without a bridge, how would the river be crossed, and how would the battle be fought?

Shi Dayong frowned, they were already near the Shahe River, no matter how careless the rebels were, if they didn't spread scouts outside, it would be impossible for them not to set up military posts near the old nest.If you were looking for a bridge along the river now, with so many people and so close together, it would be impossible not to be discovered by the rebels. In that case, the surprise attack would be meaningless.Either attack by force or retreat, don't try to figure it out. [

If they attack by force, the rebels who are prepared are not fools, and they will definitely hide in the town just like the bastards from the Beijing camp in Qiushui Town.

At that time, the rebels will be like hedgehogs, whether to fight or not.If you fight, you can only increase your own casualties and get nothing. If you don't fight, you will be surrounded by ice and snow?

If he retreated right away, wouldn't that be in the hands of Gao Qiqian?

I just told my subordinates to prove to the Beijing camp, the high eunuch, and the emperor that our Jinzhou army is the strongest army in the world, and no enemy can stop our progress!

In a blink of an eye, he broke his promise and retreated without a fight. How does this make the soldiers think of themselves?What kind of blow will it cause to the morale of the army?

How to do?

Shi Dayong is in a dilemma, he doesn't know how to deal with this unsolvable chess game.

Cao Bianjiao and Jiang Wanli also looked at each other in blank dismay, this situation also made them unexpected.

Peng Dachui and the thieves didn't respond, they sat on the horse and watched the Liao army worrying.

Seeing that someone in the town seemed to be coming towards the river, Jiang Wanli hurriedly reminded Shi Dayong: "General, someone has come out of the town. Please decide whether to advance or retreat. This place is too close to the rebels, we can't stay for long."

Hearing this, Shi Dayong raised his head and glanced at the opposite bank, and found that someone was indeed coming towards the river. If someone found that the government army was coming from the other bank, the rebels in the town would definitely be alarmed, and they would be left in despair. Withdraw, there is no other way.

He couldn't help thinking about it, so Nai wanted to give the order to withdraw first. Unexpectedly, before he gave the order, he heard someone laughing and scolding from a distance behind him: "Damn it, Wu Da fool, you're really lucky, I'm leaving empty handed." Come on, but you made a lot of money, what a fucking idiot is blessed! If I had known, I would have personally brought someone there.”

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