Daming wolf ride

Chapter 224 Battle of Sand River

The voice from behind made the entire Jinzhou army jump in shock: No, it was discovered!

Looking back, I saw a rebel army coming here from the north. In front were a dozen rebels on horseback, and behind them was a group of endless infantry, stretching for several miles in the snow. There are no fewer than thousands of people.

The rebel general who was riding in front of the rebel army grinned and cursed, while beating his horse and running towards this side.From the looks of it, he didn't notice anything wrong in front of him.

Everyone in Jinzhou was stunned at this moment, and Shi Dayong's heart was beating violently.Obviously, the rebel general regarded the Jinzhou Army, which was also from Liaodong, as his Dongjiang rebel army, because the military uniforms worn by both the enemy and us were the same Liao army uniforms—red fat jacket with cotton armor, and A big felt hat.If the two armies meet together, it will be difficult to distinguish the enemy from the enemy except for the distinction by the flag.

The traitor led his people closer and closer, and he was still more than 300 steps away from the Jinzhou Army. [

Neither the distance nor the time allowed Shi Dayong to hesitate any longer. He had to make a decision immediately—to attack or retreat.

As long as the rebels get closer, they will immediately find that these people wearing the same military uniform as them are all new faces they have never seen before!


Without the slightest hesitation, Shi Dayong ordered the attack in a deep voice.

It is better to strike first than to control others later, and catch him by surprise before he understands the situation!

Clamping his legs, he drew out the long knife, shouted loudly, and the mount galloped out immediately, and the long knife was pointed at the traitor general who was just ignoring his horse.

The traitor was Chen Youyou, a man who was born as a pirate but liked to talk about history and the present, and liked to associate with scholars. The word "Confucian General" is the word he talks about the most on weekdays. When he attacked the government and plundered the county, apart from the wealthy women, he snatched the most scholars in his army.

Kong Youde once asked him about this: "Why are you robbing so many scholars?"

Chen Shiyou's answer is: "Since ancient times, no one who has achieved great success can do without the assistance of literati."

Kong Youde's words were enough to listen to, if it were someone else, he would have chopped him down with a knife!

You Chen sometimes want to achieve great things, so where will I be, Kong Youde!

Fortunately, Kong Youde knew his virtue, so he didn't care about his cruel answer, and let him go with a smile.

When it snowed heavily last night, when Chen sometimes went out of his tent to watch the snowstorm, he had a sudden idea that he wanted to attack Caizhou in a snowy night like his predecessors. The remnants of the Qianjing Battalion will be cleaned up so that they won't be left hanging around in front of their eyes.

How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the collapsed place!

Chen sometimes appreciates what the newly captive Zhao Xiucai said to him. This is so true. How can I let other people sleep beside my bed? The bastard, isn't that very fucked up!

Zhao Xiucai told him that taking Shang County meant that the Ming army in North Zhili could no longer pose a threat to the general, and it also meant that Marshal Kong in the east could attack Dengzhou with confidence and boldly. Afterwards, with Denglai as the foundation, he sent his troops to the north to compete with the emperor of the Zhu family. If God favored him, the great Ming would have to change his surname.

What he said made Chen sometimes very excited, and he slapped his palm on the dining table, causing all the dishes and chopsticks on the table to jump down.Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, without saying a word, he ordered the whole army to set off and attack Shang County immediately.

Driven by [-] elite soldiers of the Liao Army, the rebels managed to gather together, but the weather was not good, the snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger, until it was so blowing that people couldn't even open their eyes. [

This terrible weather, don't say marching, even standing for a while can't bear it, if you really want to forcefully send troops to attack Shang County, I'm afraid the team will disperse before they get halfway.

Zhao Xiucai didn't expect that Chen would sometimes just do what he said. It's windy and snowy outside, so how can he surprise him.Don't break your teeth if you don't eat meat.

With the persuasion of his subordinates and Zhao Xiucai's reasoning, Chen sometimes gave up his idea of ​​attacking Shang County on a snowy night.

But at dawn, he issued another order, except for 500 people to stay in Shahe, and the rest of the soldiers and horses were dispatched with him. This time, he did not attack Shang County, but instead attacked Haixing County in the southeast of Shang County.

Haixing County is close to the sea. Since the Wuqiao incident, the rebels have not touched here. Therefore, people from all over the world have fled to Haixing. There are quite a lot of wealthy gentry in the city. The wealth in Xingcheng is undoubtedly very attractive.

A pirate is a pirate, even if he puts on a few layers of official clothes and reads hundreds of books, he is a pirate after all.If Chen insisted on attacking Shang County sometimes, he might be able to break through the city in one fell swoop.Because the analysis of the Jingying in that city was similar to that of Zhao Xiucai, they thought that the rebels were also human beings who could not come out in such a heavy snow, so the guards could be said to be extremely lax.

Even the gates of the city, which were not dared to open for two or three days, were opened early in the morning. As long as Chen sometimes sent people to sneak into the city, and then suddenly rushed out, under the cooperation of the inside and the outside, the frightened Beijing camp would surely collapse.In that way, great achievements will be made, and no officers and soldiers in Beizhili will dare to attack the rebels in Shahe or even Denglai.

It's a pity that the greedy nature of money blinded Chen's eyes. He finally chose Haixing County and sent another 500 people to Shandong to confuse the Lu soldiers in Shandong, so that they would not dare to go south to Shahe.

Sure enough, Haixing County, which was thought to be far away from the rebels, was not on the lookout for the rebels' arrival. The Ming army stationed in Haixing collapsed with just a burst of gunshots. In just half an hour, Chen Youyou successfully captured Haixing County.

After entering the city, after a lot of burning, killing and looting, Chen Youyou rushed back to his lair in Shahe with the stolen gold, silver, treasures and women.

Because there were too many goods and stolen women, the speed of the march slowed down, and when they finally came back, they saw many war horses in front of them from a distance.

Seeing the war horse, Chen Shi's eyes suddenly lit up. As a leader, he didn't want to have a cavalry.

Moreover, he instinctively thought that the soldiers and horses in front were Wang Dasha's troops he sent to Shandong, and he did not doubt that the soldiers in front were officers and soldiers.When he saw the military uniform worn by the other party, he was even more convinced that it must be the fool Wang who snatched a lot of war horses back in Shandong.Because in the territory of Beizhili, apart from him, Dongjiang soldiers and horses, where are there soldiers and horses who will wear Liaozhen's military uniforms!

The nearest Liao soldiers were all surrounded by the generals in Dengzhou City. The one in front was either Wang Da fool or someone else!

Chen Ou, who was dazzled by those war horses, ran over with his whip ecstatically. He didn't realize the danger at all.

Wang Dafool ​​is the nickname of Wang Tiande, the former defender of the left battalion of the Dengzhou Infantry Army. He is very courageous, and he is almost desperate on the battlefield. No matter how strong the enemy is, he dares to lead his troops to charge.Back then, when Mao Shuai attacked the rear of the Jinren, he led a dozen soldiers and more than a hundred golden cavalry to fight. In the end, there was only one man left, and he still refused to retreat. The Jinren was captured by his momentum and abandoned him. .

After the war, Mao Shuai shook his hand and said with emotion: "Everyone in the world is afraid of Jiannu and flees every battle, but you can single-handedly repel Jiannu's strong army. It is my blessing to have you under my command, and the honor of the court." fortunate!"

The Dongjiang generals thought differently from Mao Shuai. They all said that Wang Tiande was an idiot. He didn't fight like this in war. He was simply stupid. He really lost his life. Is it worth it?

Over time, the nickname of "Fool Wang" spread in the army. The mention of this nickname was partly admiration for Wang Tiande's bravery, and partly a mockery of his stubborn head.

After all, the Dongjiang army is not a soldier who gets paid by the court. They get paid by Mao Shuai, so there is no need to die for the court.

During the mutiny in Phi Island, Wang Tiande also voted under Liu Xingzhi's tent. After Liu Xingzhi died, he was taken to Denglai by Kong Youde. [

Because he valued Wang Tiande's bravery, Kong Youde also valued him very much, and he was grateful for Kong Youde's kindness. After the Wuqiao Incident, although Wang Tiande had doubts about the incident, he still fought back to Denglai with Kong Youde.

After Kong Youde went east to Dengzhou, the three hundred elite Liao soldiers left to Chen Shi were led by Wang Tiande.

Chen sometimes led troops to attack Haixing County, and it was Wang Tiande who was ordered to attack and harass Shandong, with a hundred Liao soldiers under his command.

At this moment, he is also leading his troops to Shahe.

Looking at those army horses, there are probably hundreds of horses. With these hundreds of horses, he, Chen, will be able to form a cavalry immediately and become the only general in the rebel army with cavalry.It will no longer suffer from no cavalry, and you can stretch your hands longer.

Under the excitement and ecstasy, he loved fool Wang even more, and thought that this fool had done a great job this time, he must give him more of the beautiful woman he snatched from Haixing today, and reward him well.

However, after happily running forward for dozens of steps, Chen sometimes felt that something was wrong. In the past, every time he called Wang Tiande, the idiot would always yell at him, but today the idiot Wang seemed to be dumb. , Didn't even greet myself.

what happened?

Strange in his heart, Chen sometimes subconsciously looked at the knights on horseback, and found that they were all maintaining a fighting posture, and suddenly he was shocked: No, these soldiers are not Wang Da fools!

Except for one hundred Liao soldiers, Wang Tiande took away the other 400 recruits who had just joined. None of the hundred Liao soldiers could ride a horse. How could they make a fighting posture like a cavalry soldier on a horse!

"Shut up!"

Knowing that it was not good, Chen sometimes panicked, and the mount he stepped off couldn't bear the pain, and let out a long hiss.

When the dozen or so soldiers who came along with Chen sometimes saw it, they didn't know what to do, and each of them also reined in their horses, and looked at their general for no reason.

"Run, it's officers and soldiers!"

Chen sometimes shouted in a hurry, so he wanted to hit his horse and run back.

When the soldiers heard this, they panicked. Two of them still didn't believe it and glanced at the Jinzhou army. When they saw a masked general rushing towards him suddenly, their expressions changed in horror.

"Officers and soldiers"

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