Daming wolf ride

Chapter 243 Fighting against Xiaoguantun

The shining sword body pierced through the ground, shocking the fleeing rebels. [website. . ] The people in front instinctively stopped and looked at each other, while the people behind kept pushing forward, creating chaos.At the end, there was the sound of crying father and mother.

The rebel general who commanded these [-] infantry, Li Zhongfu, the former garrison of the Dengzhou artillery camp, squeezed out of the crowd with a few trusted officers, pointed at Geng Zhongyi, and shouted angrily: "Your surname is Geng, what are you doing?" Meaning! Are you going to kill my brother and me together!"

"Li Zhongfu, you are a fucking man, so many people have the nerve to back off! Let me tell you, I have obeyed the orders of the commander-in-chief. In today's battle, I will kill whoever dares to run back!" Geng Zhongyi said. He didn't give Li Zhongfu any favors, and looked at him coldly, without thinking about the friendship of Dongjiang comrades at all.He has made up his mind, no one wants to beat himself up today!

"You bastard! Brothers, ignore him and withdraw from me!"

Li Zhongfu was furious, Geng Zhongyi deceived others too much, his brother Geng Zhongming gave back when he saw him, why the hell would you dare to yell at yourself, and even kill yourself, do you really think that I am a big scare! [

With a wave of his hand, he will take the lead and rush forward.


The Liao soldiers in the front row raised their fire guns, and the guns pointed directly at Li Zhongfu and his party.

Seeing this, Li Zhongfu was shocked, raised his head to look at Geng Zhongyi, and his tone softened a little, "Geng Zhongyi, if you have the ability, take someone up there, and stop me from doing anything!"

"Death to the deserter!"

Geng Zhongyi said coldly, ignored Li Zhongfu, suddenly jumped two steps forward, then raised his arms and pointed forward, and shouted: "Come in!"

"Go in! Go in! Go in!"

Three thousand Dongjiang Liao soldiers immediately pressed forward with neat steps.The dense queue made the broken soldiers breathless.

Li Zhongfu and the others were also terrified, and instinctively stepped back.

"Death to those who retreat! Death to those who retreat! Death to those who retreat!"

After three loud shouts, the five hundred Liao soldiers in the front suddenly stopped, leveled their guns, and began to aim at the rout soldiers.

"Li Zhongfu, we are all good at fighting, and we all tie our heads on the belts of our trousers. This battle cannot be softened at all. If it needs to be softened, our brothers in Dongjiang will lose their heads and want to exterminate the whole family! Lao Tzu Let me tell you one last time, immediately bring someone up to hold the Ming army against me, otherwise, the soldiers under my men will be unrecognizable!" Geng Zhongyi raised his hand slowly with a livid face, he didn't As long as Li Zhongfu dared to say no, he would immediately order to shoot and kill.

"Geng Zhongyi, you are cruel, I will never end with you!"

Li Zhongfu knew that Geng Zhongyi wasn't trying to scare him, his eyes clearly wanted to kill someone!On the opposite side there were three thousand blunderbuss facing him, and he, Geng Zhongyi, had Geng Zhongming as his backer, he really killed himself, and no one can make decisions for him.

Left and right are dead, it's better to fight with the Ming army!If you win, I will settle accounts with you, Geng Zhongyi, later!Damn, I'm also an outlaw!

Thinking of this, Li Zhongfu broke his heart, gritted his teeth and shouted at his officers: "If you don't want to die, let me fucking kill you!"

The officers looked at me and I looked at you, but no one moved.The cavalry of the Ming army was formidable, and their own cavalry was beaten to pieces, and this gang of mobs couldn't stand it at all.If this goes back, it is definitely a death.

Seeing that they were not moving, Li Zhongfu was so anxious that he slapped an officer who was close to him, and cursed: "Aren't they all fucking eggs! Go back to the fuck!" Then he suddenly rushed to the two rout soldiers, and when they were still standing When he didn't react, he swung his knife and slashed, and there were two "grunts", and the two good heads rolled to the ground inexplicably.

Wielding the blood-stained long knife, Li Zhongfu shouted at the rout soldiers with a ferocious face: "Those who retreat without permission will end up just like them!" [

The officers also came to their senses, and rushed forward to order the defeated soldiers to go back immediately.Seeing this, Geng Zhongyi raised his hand again, and the Liao soldiers immediately moved forward another five steps.

The rout soldiers were frightened by the posture of the officers and Liao soldiers, knowing that these murderous Liao soldiers were not trying to scare people, they really knew how to fire guns, so they began to retreat slowly.

Li Zhongfu also led the officers and began to gather the team, preparing to go back to block the Ming cavalry.But the team of 3000 people broke up and came back in a row, and it will be impossible to gather them in a while.Fortunately, having a large number of people is also beneficial, and the cavalry of the Ming army couldn't crush the team at once. So, after giving Li Zhongfu some time, he finally gathered a thousand people and began to line up in a panic.

In the distance, after seeing the defeated soldiers turn around through the binoculars, Li Jiuzheng couldn't help saying to the people beside him: "Geng Zhongyi is a famous general, just like his elder brother Geng Zhongming, he is a hero of our Dongjiang Army. , today's battle, we can't lose!"

After driving the rout soldiers back, Geng Zhongyi also breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't take Li Zhongfu seriously.He only cares about whether he can win this battle, and if he wins, everything is easy to talk about.If you lose, don't mention anything.

Seeing that the rout soldiers had gone back, the subordinate officers hurriedly asked for instructions: "General, when shall we go?"

"What are you going for?" Geng Zhongyi gave him an angry look, pointed at the chaotic battlefield ahead, and said in a muffled voice: "The Ming army seems to have only a few cavalry, but they are heavily armored and can break formations very well, but they can't last long. Well, it’s not a good deal for us to go up now, and we might lose some old brothers. Before the Western Expedition, my elder brother and Deputy Commander Kong repeatedly confessed that it doesn’t matter how many cannon fodders die, but our old brothers in Dongjiang can’t make too much money. Too much, otherwise, we will lose our vitality, lose our muscles, lose our capital, and the court will continue to do it, you know?"

"You show me some, hold these trash for a while, and after the Ming army loses their spirit, we will go up and clean them up!" After finishing speaking, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The officer also took it for granted after hearing this: "Yes, yes, our old brother is important, old brother is important"

The wolf cavalry crushed all the way, unstoppable.Even if there is a small counterattack from the rebels, the wolf cavalry soldiers and horses are protected by heavy armor, and the spears and swords of the rebels cannot penetrate or hurt them at all, so they are unscathed and march forward like a broken bamboo.However, the corpses of those horses and horses affected the forward speed of the wolf cavalry, and forced the wolf cavalry to turn to attack twice in a row, otherwise, they might be tripped by the piled up human and horse corpses.

The two turns also seriously exhausted the stamina of the horse. Shi Dayong felt the pain of riding a tiger. On the one hand, he had to keep attacking, otherwise the whole army would be wiped out; on the other hand, the huge strength of the rebel army made it difficult for him to digest.But no matter what, as long as he has breath, he will fight to the end.

Either he dies, or the rebels retreat, there is no other way!

On the battlefield of more than three miles, there are rebels running for their lives everywhere.The sudden appearance of the heavy armored cavalry of the Ming army made the rebels on the battlefield chaotic. Many infantry did not die under the guns of the Ming army, but were trampled to death by their own cavalry.

Li Yingyuan was lucky enough to save his life, and hurriedly fled to the formation with more than 100 riders.But after discovering that Geng Zhongyi led the Liao soldiers up, he decisively turned to the east, gathering more than 300 cavalry along the way, relying on the heavy armor of the Ming army to catch up and leave the battlefield, and handed over the next battle to the infantry.

A rebel infantry of more than 300 people broke away from the brigade during the rout, and the rebel officer who led the team was still in shock, and found another cavalry from the Ming army coming towards them, and hurriedly screamed: "Formation, formation! "

The more than 300 rebels also held a lot of guns, and many of them were not under the command of the officer, but when the officer called, they immediately had a backbone, and they surrounded them one after another, rushing to load the guns.

But they soon discovered that it was not the heavy armored cavalry of the Ming army that came to kill them just now, but light cavalry with extremely fast speed.Just after more than 40 rebels packed the medicine, the Qingqi of the Ming army rushed up.

After a burst of slashing and slashing, the rebels were killed and wounded. Most of them were knocked over by horses and trampled to death, but very few died directly from knives, slashes and spears.The rebel officer who roared and resisted was directly cut off half of his body by Jiang Wanli, and his death was extremely horrific.

Jiang Wanli originally planned to take these 250 light cavalry to act together with the wolf cavalry, but soon found that it would be more effective if they chased and killed the rout soldiers, because their speed was far faster than that of the wolf cavalry, but they had to rush directly to the rout of the rout. But it can't be done, and it doesn't do much to follow the wolf cavalry.Therefore, after a short period of tyranny, Jiang Wanli led his troops to hunt down and kill the rout soldiers who broke away from the brigade.

However, after charging for a while, Jiang Wanli found that the gain outweighed the harm, because most of the 250 light cavalry were not skilled in horsemanship, and many fell off their horses because they ran too fast, making fewer and fewer people able to follow behind.When he found out that something was wrong, there were only more than 100 Qingqi behind him.

Jiang Wanli made a decisive decision and abandoned his horse to fight! [

"Get off the horse, get the blunderbuss, join forces with the Second Infantry Battalion, hurry, hurry!"

The light cavalry who heard the order hurriedly jumped off their horses. Many people's thighs became bloody and bloody due to intense friction. Enduring the pain, the soldiers took out their firecrackers and began to form small teams under the leadership of the officer. , All the way to gather the light cavalry who fell off their horses, and leaned towards the remnants of the infantry battalion.

The Jinzhou army did not have enough gunpowder and lead when they marched south, but in the battle of Shahe, they seized a lot. Each man carried five catties of gunpowder, so there was no danger of running out of food.

On the way to the rendezvous of the infantry battalion, I encountered dozens of rebel cavalry. Under a round of gunshots, the knight fell off his horse, and more than a dozen fallen army horses kept screaming there.Dozens of rebel infantry dropped their weapons wisely and knelt there to surrender, but no one paid any attention to them.

The dead and the surviving were all piled up on the ground. It took a lot of time to cut off the head, let alone make up the knife, and let the wounded soldiers who didn't die wailed there.

The Ming army counted military merits based on the head, but in order to prevent the soldiers on the battlefield from affecting the battle by cutting off the head, Shi Dayong made a military order when he was in Jinzhou. It is not allowed to cut off the head during the war. Prepare a detailed inventory, and implement the unified distribution system of military merit to the greatest extent, so as to encourage the soldiers to fight against the enemy and increase the cooperation and cohesion of the team.Whether this system is suitable remains to be tested.

The rebel cavalry that besieged Li Dashan and Shao Wu's troops had fled long ago, but Li Shao's remnant troops had only 70 people left, half of them were wounded, so they couldn't pursue them.

Jiang Wanli gathered soldiers all the way, and when he joined Li Shao's troops, in addition to the 200 light cavalry of his troops, there were more than [-] infantry soldiers who had fled earlier.Many people inside were lying on the ground and pretending to be dead when the rebel cavalry caught up. They thought that if the rebels won, they would surrender directly, which would be considered a return to the establishment.Later, seeing that the rebel army was suddenly defeated, and the official army gained the upper hand, they hurriedly got up from the ground and returned to the team.

After the rendezvous of the two armies, Shao Wu saw that the rebel brigade turned around and came back, and there were still a large number of soldiers and horses from the rebel army behind them. The general and Xiao Cao led the wolf cavalry to charge left and right. , but the heavy armor can't last long, and it will fall into the siege of the rebels at any time.Worried about the safety of the general, Shao Wu suggested to go up immediately to cover the wolf riders to withdraw.

Jiang Wanli and Li Dashan naturally agreed, leaving the wounded soldiers behind and asking them to withdraw from the battlefield immediately, and the three battalion officers Jiang, Li, and Shao marched forward with [-] gunfire soldiers.

Li Yingyuan led the remnants of the army and had just taken a few breaths when he noticed a group of Ming army infantry approaching the cavalry. He immediately realized that the opportunity had come. He couldn't beat the Ming army's heavy armored cavalry, but dealing with these infantry was a piece of cake.

"Brothers, those who want to get promoted and get rich follow me!"

Hearing the order from the Commander-in-Chief, the rebels also saw the infantry of the Ming army. They were already terrified of being beaten, and they turned their horses and rushed towards the battlefield with renewed energy.

In the distance, seeing his son go up again, Li Jiuzheng was not worried this time. He had already seen that the Ming army's capabilities were limited. No matter how powerful the heavy armored cavalry was, it was only a few hundred cavalry, and Li Zhongfu had thousands of cannon fodder in front of him. Afterwards, Geng Zhongyi's [-] elites, even with heavy armor of the Ming army, had three heads and six arms, and he definitely couldn't escape this time!

It really is Zhuge Liang who sits firmly on the Diaoyutai and is sure to win!

The result of the battle surprised Li Yingyuan. These hundreds of Ming army infantry were not from the same family as those before, but they were able to block their own charge with guns, and their fighting power was stronger than those of the Ming army generals.

Seeing that the cavalry team he had worked so hard to form had suffered heavy losses, Li Yingyuan was heartbroken.His father and son had very high status when they were in Dongjiang, so they didn't have any team of their own.Therefore, after the incident, the father and son wanted to form a troop of their own. In the end, under Li Jiuzheng's efforts, Kong Youde agreed with Li Yingyuan to use the troop and horses in Dengzhou City to form their cavalry.

That is to say, this thousand horse team is the only direct descendant of the Li family father and son who can directly command in the rebel army, and it is also the biggest capital of his father and son in the rebel army.But now after the first battle, more than half of it was lost, how could it not make Li Yingyuan feel heartbroken.Pain is pain, this battle is always going to be fought, and it has been fought to this point. If you try your best to fight it all, you must gnaw off this hard bone of the Ming army, otherwise, it is not a matter of the cavalry fighting. , but his father and son still have no face in the army!

How could the Jinzhou veterans who had fought against the elite of the Jiannu Eight Banners take the rebel cavalry seriously? After all, these rebel cavalry cannot really be called cavalry.Compared with the Manchus outside the pass, they are like toddlers.Besides those thieves, even those Liao soldiers were nothing more than cavalry who chased ducks into the racks, and their riding skills were half-baked.

Although the cavalry of the rebel army had several actual battles with the Ming army in Denglai and Shandong after it was formed, and they all won big victories and defeated the Ming army, but in their bones they still could not be used as cavalry.Once you encounter a tough hand, your own disadvantages will soon become apparent.There is nothing wrong with fighting with the wind, but the desperate way of fighting makes them terrified, especially after half of the troops have been killed by the Ming army. How hard life is.

Gunziyan, even if you are the emperor, I can still beat you to death.

After two attacks and more than 100 corpses were left behind, Li Yingyuan could no longer urge his subordinates to attack again. Li Yingyuan was so angry that he cursed, but he could do nothing to them, so he had to turn around and retreat.

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