Daming wolf ride

Chapter 244 The Jurchens in the Rebel Army

After the rebel cavalry was defeated again and withdrew, there were no rebels to stop them in front of them. The four hundred firecrackers quickly advanced for more than a mile under the leadership of the three battalion officers Jiang, Li, and Shao.The rebel infantry directly in front of them were divided into seven or eight groups by the wolf cavalry army. The largest group had more than a thousand people, the rest were mostly two to three hundred people, and the other two groups had only a few dozen people. He watched the wolf cavalry charge left and right with trepidation.

What is surprising is that although these mobs suffered heavy casualties under the heavy armor of the wolf cavalry, they did not retreat as before. Instead, they began to stabilize the array while trying their best to avoid the wolf cavalry and launched a small-scale counterattack.

In sight, there were people everywhere, and it was impossible to know how many people the rebels had sent up. Without the general's order to retreat, the Jinzhou army had to fight to the end.




While approaching a group of rebels, the Jinzhou army fired the firecrackers in their hands.The dense firecrackers caused great damage to the rebels without armor protection, and also raised a black smoke screen over the battlefield, making it even more difficult for the two sides who had difficulty opening their eyes due to the strong wind to see the situation on the other side.

However, this situation is obviously more beneficial to the Jinzhou army, because they are the offensive side, and they have heavy cavalry charging into the formation. The opponent is now in chaos and cannot form a large-scale counterattack.As long as this chaos continues until dark, the rebels will have to withdraw.

The horsepower of the wolf rider has been consumed by half, but the momentum of the charge has not weakened at all.The wolf cavalry didn't need to see the situation of the rebels on the opposite side, and they didn't need to swing their sabers to kill them. They just had to charge forward. Anyway, there were dense rebel infantry on the opposite side.

Every time they rushed past the rebel ranks, the wolf cavalry immediately recharged the three-eyed guns in their hands.When the opponent is not able to fight back, any kill is enough to completely collapse their resistance psychology.

Shi Dayong, who was on the horse, could see at a glance that thousands of rebels armed with firecrackers were waiting closely one mile behind these chaotic rebel infantry.Judging from the opponent's formation, this is the main force of the rebel army!

In his eyes, many rebels were frightened by the mountain of corpses and blood in front of them, lost the will to resist, and ran to the rear, howling, but before they could get close, they were killed by the main force of the rebels.

There is only one reason to explain why the troops stand still and allow their opponents to slaughter their troops when they are completely overwhelmingly superior, that is, the generals of the rebel army want to use these troops to drag the Jinzhou army to death, and then act like a cat playing with a mouse. Slowly play the Jinzhou Army to death.

Knowing that if the fight continues like this, the Jinzhou army will become a mouse that can't escape, but Shi Dayong still wants to go on this road, he has too much regret.He knew that as long as he retreated now, the rebels would swarm up, not giving him a chance to breathe, let alone allow him to safely withdraw from the battlefield.

For the present plan, only bloody battle to the end, waiting for the arrival of the night!It's not that Shi Dayong has never tried the idea of ​​rushing straight to the main force of the rebel army and defeating the enemy in one fell swoop, but the distance is too far, and being pinned down by these routs who turned around, the wolf cavalry army can no longer make such a long-distance attack.

Looking up, the sun is still hanging obliquely in mid-air, still so far away from the darkness.

Shi Dayong was anxious, and the rebels were also anxious. Seeing that there were too many casualties, they couldn't stop the rampant heavy cavalry of the Ming army. Two trusted officers under Li Zhongfu found Li Zhongfu with a panicked expression, and one of them cried: "General, what's the matter?" The battle can no longer be fought, the cavalry of the Ming army is too powerful, the brothers cannot stop it at all. If the fight continues like this, without him, Geng Zhongyi, we will die at the hands of the wicked Ming army!"

"Where did this Ming army come from? It is impossible for the Ming army in Beijing and Beizhili to have such capable cavalry!" Another officer was also frightened. Circle, if it weren't for the quick hands and feet, this would have been a puddle of mud on the ground.

"The blunderbusses of the Ming army in the dog days are also hitting hard. Brothers can defend against their cavalry, but they can't defend against their blunderbusses. General, you have to find a way quickly. If this continues, I'm afraid you will mutiny!"

Li Zhongfu is also in a hurry. If his subordinates don't complain, he knows that this will not work. Every time the opponent's heavy cavalry charge, he will lose dozens or even hundreds of troops. If they keep charging like this, the 3000 troops will be afraid. It's really going to be all here.

Turning around and looking behind him, Geng Zhongyi's three thousand Liao soldiers did not move at all, and there was no sign of reinforcements coming up.

Oh shit!

Li Zhongfu cursed, and ordered to an officer next to him with braids tied behind his head: "San Jinbao, I have not treated you badly, but I am in trouble today, so what should you do!"

The officer called Sanjinbao was not a Han Chinese, but a Jurchen.They used to be soldiers of brothers Liu Xingzhi and Liu Xingzuo. After the defeat of the Liu brothers, these Jurchen soldiers were divided up by the Dongjiang generals because they were able to fight.Kong Youde also assigned more than 300 people at that time. Because these Jurchen soldiers were good at archery, Kong Youde organized an arrow battalion to suppress them in battle.

When Kong Youde led his troops to Liaodong, the three hundred Jurchen archers stayed in Dengzhou. After the city of Dengzhou was broken, Li Zhongfu asked them to come over and take them with him all the time, and incorporated them into his personal army.

Hearing Li Zhongfu's words, San Jinbao nodded slightly and said nothing, ignoring to gather the clansmen who had been scattered by the rout just now, and squeezed through the crowd with more than 100 clansmen around him, and then quickly Zhang Gong nocked his arrow.

Their target was not the cavalry of the Ming army, but the infantry who were firing their guns.

The bows and arrows in the hands of these Jurchen archers are various, including short bows used as hunters in Liaodong, standard cowhide long bows captured from the Ming army, and bows that look like crossbows.

"Shoot those savages!"

After hearing the leader's order to shoot arrows, these Jurchen archers immediately drew arrows from the quiver behind them and shot towards the Ming army on the opposite side.

From a certain distance, Fa aimed directly at the opponent, and could only shoot towards the sky above the opponent's head, using the force of the projectile to make the arrows fall from above to the opponent's body.

Because the projectiles need sufficient density and quantity to cause effective damage, the Jurchen archers lined up in several rows, with dozens of people in each row, and bent their bows after shooting. Not very efficient.They did not fire the second round until they fired twice in person.

Because of the distance, 90.00% of the arrows fell on the open space in front of the Ming army. Only some arrows shot with the Ming army's standard longbow fell on the top of the Ming army, but there were very few hits. It is also lightly inserted into the arm or shoulder of a Ming army sergeant, and can be pulled out easily.

However, one soldier seemed to be unlucky. The arrow branch that fell hit his ass, where a piece of soft flesh was inserted a few centimeters at once, and he screamed in pain.The companion behind hurriedly swung a knife to cut off the arrow body, leaving the arrowhead in the buttocks, and only dug it out after the battle. "put!"

Jiang Wanli, who was instructing the soldiers to shoot guns, saw some archers with braids appearing on the opposite side. He was startled at first, thinking that the rebels and Jiannu had colluded together, but seeing that these braided soldiers were all wearing rebel uniforms Clothes, and many people were still speaking Chinese, so they couldn't help but look at them contemptuously, knowing that these Jurchens must be the mature Jurchens who threw themselves into the Dongjiang River from Liaodong, so there was nothing to be afraid of.So he ignored it, he knew that these Jurchen archers could not cause too many casualties to his own side, at most they just caused some minor troubles.

The most urgent task now is to effectively kill those rebels who are fighting with the wolf cavalry army. Only by beating them to death can the victory of this battle be guaranteed.As for these archers, let them shoot, anyway, they can't kill a few of them.

The Jinzhou Army’s shooting method is segmented shooting that was passed down from Chengzu’s time. It’s not that one team shoots one by one in turn, but after the first row finishes shooting, they hand over the fire sharp to the second team, and the second team shoots it in turn. The torch filled with gunpowder and lead was handed to them, and they followed each other in turn.

This firing mode is essentially the same as the three-stage shooting method popular in later generations, but the method is different.Only after the soldiers in the first row have been heavily killed by the enemy's arrows will the second and third rows and the reserve behind it be replenished.

As the Ming army fired in the second and third rounds, dense pills roared out, and the casualties of the rebels increased rapidly.

At this time, the Jurchen archers only shot the second round, but the effect was worse than before. Li Zhongfu, who was watching the battle from a distance, was so angry that he picked up his whip and whipped it at the nearest soldier. He dared to get angry, so he had to cover his face in aggrieved manner, and subconsciously moved a few steps to the side, so as not to be beaten again by the furious Li Zhongfu.

In the fourth and fifth rounds, the shooting of the Ming army did not change due to the harassment of the Jurchen archers. As long as they hit the pill in the front, they could almost reap human lives. Even if they couldn’t kill them, the rebels would be scared and scattered. And run.

Although there are firecrackers in the rebel army, they are far less familiar with the use of firecrackers than the Jinzhou army. Coupled with the chaos, the soldiers don't know their generals, and the generals don't know their soldiers. They can't form an organized confrontation, so they can only be beaten passively.

Seeing the enemies constantly falling to the ground, the officers and soldiers of the infantry battalion felt a sense of accomplishment, and they didn't have to worry at all that the rebel brigade would rush over.Because whenever the rebels gather, the general will lead the wolf cavalry to disperse them again just right.

It can be said that with sufficient gunpowder and lead, the Ming army is now invincible.

The Jurchen archers were still working hard on long-range shooting, and their projectiles still looked scary, sending out one or two hundred arrows at a time.The effect is also very shocking, but the ones that actually hit the ranks of the Ming army are only one or two out of ten. [

The four-hundred-step campfire gunners were arranged in five or six rows in a linear form, spreading out a large area, but the Jurchen archers couldn't even touch their fur, so it must be said that it was a failure.This situation is just like their cavalry. No matter how fierce the army without formal training looks, it is just a paper tiger. After the initial arrogance is suppressed, it can only fight there with a human instinct without any tactics. to speak of.

Li Zhongfu saw Sanjinbao's performance in his eyes, and was extremely disappointed, but he didn't let them order them to give up this kind of meaning. Maybe it's because he is extremely angry now, or maybe he thinks this kind of harassing battle is harmful to the overall situation. help.

What he is most concerned about now is the hundreds of heavy armored cavalry of the Ming army. As long as they are completely defeated, the firearms team of several hundred people will not be a problem.

Most of the arrows shot by Jurchen archers were slowed down and blocked by helmets and breastplates. There were less than ten casualties in one round, and most of them were not fatal.For the Jinzhou Army, it was too acceptable.

The soldiers of the Ming army, who were still a little nervous at first, were relieved after they were beaten one by one. He couldn't come up, so he gradually settled down, and the fire system in his hand fired more smoothly.

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