The fierce battle was still going on, Li Zhongfu's troops had suffered more than half of the casualties, and rebels who knelt and surrendered began to appear on the battlefield.

The balance of victory began to tilt towards the Jinzhou army. The exhausted wolf cavalry army, led by Shi Dayong and Cao Bianjiao, wanted to launch a final blow to the rebels in front of them and drive them out of the battlefield.

Li Zhongfu sent people one after another to ask Li Jiuzheng to withdraw from the battlefield, but the reply he received was that he was not allowed to retreat.

In order to prevent Li's troops from retreating without support, Li Jiuzheng ordered Xia Yuanliang and Zheng Qigang to move [-] soldiers to the southeast of Xiaoguantun.

There is only one way to leave Li Zhongfu alone—fight to the end with the Ming army! [

If there were [-] Dongjiang Liao soldiers from Geng Zhongyi's department, why would Li Zhongfu retreat!But his subordinates are a gang of mobs, many of whom have never even killed anyone. How can such an army defeat the well-trained Ming army in front of them.

After organizing two counterattacks with 400 people in vain, Li Zhongfu lost the courage to continue fighting, and he decided to retreat desperately.

He didn't want to lose his life here in vain!

But at this moment, the sound of a gong was heard from behind the formation.

Hearing the sound of the gong, Li Zhongfu and his subordinates seemed to be relieved, and immediately called out to the soldiers to disengage from the Ming army immediately, and fled to the big formation along the retreat route vacated by Geng Zhongyi's Liao soldiers.

When they retreated, they suffered from those Jurchen soldiers who were still attacking the Ming army's musketeers with bows and arrows.

The order to retreat was given too quickly, and when Sanjinbao found out that all the friendly troops had retreated, he and his clan immediately became the targets of the Ming army.

"Slap these sons of bitches for me!"

The Jurchen was like a piece of fat in front of Li Dashan's eyes. He was already irritated by the arrows that fell from time to time. He ignored them just now because he wanted to concentrate on dealing with the rebel infantry and prevent them from encircling the wolf cavalry. Now that the rebels retreat, these Jurchens will have to pay the price for their actions.

There is coming and going is the way to be a human being!Dog tartar, let you taste the power of Lao Tzu!

Li Dashan yelled at the old five and the sixth with a big grin, and viciously swung the long knife in his hand at the Jurchen archers who didn't know whether to continue shooting or retreat.

"Bang! Bang"

As the musketeers fired the first round against the Jurchen archers, the Jurchens' casualties began to increase rapidly.

Compared with the Ming army, the Jurchen archers only had simple cotton clothes and no protective armor at all.

At a distance of more than 300 feet, being hit by lead is unlikely to cause immediate death, but the rate of serious injury and death due to bleeding is high.

Originally there were more than 300 Jurchen archers after three rounds of firecrackers from the Jinzhou Army, only a hundred of them stood there dumbfoundedly looking at their comrades who fell on the ground, and the bows and arrows in their hands were constantly shaking. It can be seen that the heart is extremely scared.

These Jurchens knew clearly that if they could not be treated in time, these injured clansmen would all die from excessive blood loss.

They wanted to rescue them, but the Ming army on the opposite side was approaching, and there was no time for them to treat the injured clansmen.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!" [

Sanjinbao made the wisest choice and immediately withdrew from the battlefield. He had already seen the Liao soldiers from Dongjiang coming up, and perhaps the battle would soon end.

Geng Zhongyi's [-] Liao soldiers came up when the Jinzhou army was supported, and the wolf cavalry under the leadership of Shi Dayong risked their lives to launch a heavy armored charge.

At the same time, the artillery of the rebels fired again.

Amidst the sound of cannons and exclamations, the rebels saw a masked general of the Ming army fall from his horse.

Shi Dayong missed the shot, but his mount stumbled and tripped.

Dozens of wolf cavalry soldiers were killed and injured by the cannons, and countless people fell off their horses.

Frightened by the sound of the guns, the horses lost control, and the charge of the Wolf Cavalry was stillborn.

When Cao Bianjiao saw that the general had fallen from his horse, he was worried about Shi Dayong's safety, so he led more than 100 wolf cavalry who had not fallen from his horse to surround him.

The situation became a little dangerous, and the Liao soldiers cheered and rushed towards the wolf cavalry army.

"Damn it, grab a few live ones and see, I want to see if these official dogs are really not afraid of death!"

Seeing the Ming army falling off the horse, a short man in the Liao army immediately yelled out excitedly.

"Catch alive, catch alive!"

Hundreds of Liao soldiers surrounded the wolf cavalry army excitedly.

"Protect the General!"

Cao Bianjiao led more than 100 cavalry to circle around the fallen horse wolf cavalry, and from time to time fired three-eyed guns at the rebels who rushed up.

"The Ming army is defeated, the Ming army is defeated, brothers, go!"

The Liao soldiers who rushed to the front drew out their long knives and rushed towards the heavily armored Ming soldiers.The two sides are so close, the firecrackers have lost their meaning, now it is time to use big swords and spears to deal with these Ming troops!

"Xiao Cao, rush over!"

"Those who fall from horses take cover with war horses and hit with firecrackers!"

Shi Dayong ordered Cao Bianjiao to ignore him, and led the wolf cavalry who had not fallen to attack the rebels, while the wolf cavalry who were about to fall shot and killed the rebels who rushed close with their firecrackers.


I don’t know when the sky became overcast. When the two sides fought together again, the wind suddenly blew up, and the sky was full of snowflakes blowing towards the face with the wind. The snowflakes flying in the wind were splashed with blood from time to time, turning into red blood and falling on the ground.The wind was so strong that it was hard to keep your eyes open.

Shi Dayong squinted his eyes tightly, clenched the long knife in his hand, and carefully avoided the opponent's spear.The long sword in his hand is longer than ordinary long swords, and its style is like that of the later Japanese samurai swords, but it is more resistant to heavy, chopping and strong.

Now there are no tactics to talk about, it's a melee.

Fight for your life!

I saw Shi Dayong chopping here and there recklessly, he cut down six or seven rebels in an instant, and several spears in their hands were cut off by him.

Soon, the rebels came to their senses, seeing Shi Dayong being so brave, they turned their attention to him.

"This is a high-ranking officer of the Ming army, brothers caught him alive!" During the fight, from time to time, an officer was heard ordering Shi Dayong to be captured alive.

Surrounded by scuffling crowds, coupled with the fact that the wind is big and it is difficult to open his eyes, no matter how fierce Shi Dayong is, it is inevitable that he will not be stabbed by the spear, but because of the protection of the armor, he did not hit the vital point.But every time I was stabbed, it was painful.After all, this chain mail is not as strong as plate armor, and it can take off the force of stabbing.

While holding on to his strength so as not to discourage himself, he kept slashing the long knife in his hand at the rebels who appeared beside him.

Although the wolf cavalry were brave, many of them were not as strong as Shi Dayong, and the armor on their bodies was extremely heavy. Many of them fought those Dongjiang Liao soldiers head-on with their bravery. With the superiority in numbers, within a short time, six wolf cavalry died under the siege of the rebels due to exhaustion.But their desperate counterattack also cost the rebels several times their losses.

Geng Zhongyi saw that the Ming army fell so bravely that he lost hundreds of people in a short period of time. If this continues, even if he catches them, he may not be worth the loss.These Dongjiang soldiers are the capital of fighting the country, and they cannot be discounted casually.

Especially when I saw that masked general make vicious shots, hit the vital point with his shots, only died without being hurt by the long knife, his eyes were as fierce as a lone wolf, he was horrified, and he repeatedly called out to those subordinates, meaning to let them There is no need to keep alive, all of them will be killed.

In fact, there is no need for him to shout, these Dongjiang Liao soldiers also know that there will be no mercy at this time, so they will keep their mouths alive.

Their eyes were already red from killing, and they stabbed their spears at the cavalry like frantically. As people kept shouting and fell off their horses, the killing between the two sides became more and more tragic.

Shi Dayong's strength gradually ran out. When he slashed at the back of a rebel with all his strength but was slammed away by another person, he smiled wryly in his heart, knowing that his physical strength was exhausted, and he swung the long knife in his hand to slash at the enemy with all his strength. up.

At this time, my body was also in pain, and my whole body felt sore and limp. I really wanted to lie down and sleep or rest for a while.Especially when he glanced at the periphery and dozens of rebels were charging towards this side, he couldn't help sighing in his heart: It seems that today he will die for Emperor Zhuang Lie.

However, the Liao soldiers who rushed over did not approach the battle circle here. Cao Bianjiao led his troops to rush over from their flanks. Although the horse's speed was far slower than before, they still couldn't stop them when the horse's hooves reached.

After being charged by Cao Bianjiao, those rebels could only be forced to retreat, giving Shi Dayong and the rest of the army a chance to breathe, but it was also dangerous, and everyone was covered in blood.

Zong Wanliang had countless wounds, big and small. Just as he was using all his strength to cut off a spear that was piercing him, suddenly, his body went limp, he couldn't sit still and fell from his horse. land.

A rebel officer saw Wan Liang fall to the ground, thinking that there was something to gain, he jumped over and pointed a spear at Wan Liang without saying a word.

Seeing this, several wolf cavalry shouted anxiously, and the wolf cavalry closest to Wan Liang didn't care about the spear that the opponent had already stabbed, and was ready to rush over to block the spear.

Wan Liang fell to the ground, seeing the vicious spears of the rebels about to pierce him, he rolled forward suddenly with the strength coming from nowhere, and hugged the officer's feet with both hands, exerting force, Just knocked him down to the ground, turned around and jumped on him, and then rolled and fought like that with hands and feet.

After rolling on the ground for a while, the rebel officer was much taller and stronger than Wan Liang.But Wan Liang hugged him tightly from behind, strangled his neck with his hands, and wrapped his legs around his waist. He had all the strength but couldn't use it. He could only stare wide-eyed and desperately wanted to throw him off.

Wan Liang was dizzy from being thrown by the rebel officer. He wanted to fall off him several times, but he strangled the opponent with all his strength. Seeing the opponent's struggle gradually weakened, there was a sudden sharp pain in his left arm, and he was hit by a The spear pierced abruptly, but it turned out that the two rolled in front of dozens of rebels.

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