In Xiaoguantun, the big camp of the Sichuan army bordered the Beijing camp, and the camp stretched over two miles. The outer camp was Wang Hong's Chengdu soldiers, and the inner camp was Deng Ke's Chongqing soldiers.

It has been nearly three years since the second general of Deng Wang was ordered to go north to Qin Wang when the capital was in crisis in the second year of Chongzhen.During the three years, they were stationed in Beizhili for most of the time. In February of this year, the Ministry of War issued an official document allowing them to return to Sichuan.But as soon as he arrived in Huguang, he was recalled by Kuaima, and he was transferred by the governor of Hubei to stay in Xiangyang to prevent the Shaanxi thieves from going south to Sichuan.

After staying in Hubei for three months, the imperial court ordered them to be transferred to Henan, where they were put under the unified command of the governor of Henan to calm down the thieves in Henan. Unexpectedly, the Ministry of War issued another order last month, asking them to go east to Denglai immediately and participate in the war. The encirclement and suppression of Kong Youde's rebels.

They came and went again and again, but it was hard for the second general and the Wanchuan soldiers under his command. They have been away from their hometown for three years, not to mention how many battles they fought, but they are loyal to the king's affairs. They will go wherever the court wants them to go. Don't dare to delay at all.

To be honest, fighting the bandits would be a king's job, but the back and forth was so exhausting that I couldn't even see a bandit, and I was on the road all day, not to mention that the soldiers under me were complaining. Deng Ke and Wang Hong were also miserable. They even said privately that if the court transferred them around like this again, they would either be completely defeated by the bandit army, or their soldiers would break up and become a bandit army. [

Suffering comes to an end, and the imperial court still has to listen to orders. Deng Kuan and Wang Hong are also dead-headed, just like Zhou Dunji and Qin Bangping who died in the Hunhe battle. , They never discount the orders of the court, even if it is a battle to the death, they will not frown, they will go to the head as soon as they get hot, no matter who the turtle is, they will die if they die.Therefore, knowing that it would be impossible to continue like this, they still obeyed the order and brought soldiers and horses to Denglai.

This loyalty is commendable, but it is a pity that since Zhou Dunji and Qin Bangping died in the Hunhe, the Sichuan Army no longer has any soldiers to fight.In addition to Qin Liangyu's 900 white soldiers left in the capital, only [-] soldiers were assembled in the huge Sichuan Province. Among them, Deng Ke and Wang Hong's servants were actually able to fight the enemy on the battlefield. There are only more than [-] people in the family, and the rest are mostly made up.In other words, Deng Ke and Wang Hong's ten thousand soldiers are actually not much different from the rebels, and may even be worse. After all, the core force of the rebels, the Dongjiang Liao soldiers, fought against Jiannu, and many of them were outlaws.But the elite servants of the two of Deng Wang have never participated in any battles except for fighting some bandits in Sichuan.Compared with Dongjiang Liao soldiers, this is obviously much weaker.

In good conscience, Deng Ke and Wang Hong also knew their own situation, so they didn't want to participate in any field battles. They just wanted to defend the city. For example, after arriving in Henan, they wanted to be able to enter Kaifeng, Luoyang and other big cities. The city walls of Guide Mansion are considered tall.With the city wall to rely on, the second general still has some confidence to fight against the bandits, but if he pulls the team out and fights, the second general will feel guilty.

If there were white soldiers around, they would dare to fight freely, but the white soldiers are all in the capital right now, without the emperor's order, who can call them here.Besides, Qin Liangyu's official position was much higher than theirs, and when the white soldiers came, they could only be commanded by the Qin family, not they.After the battle is over, the Qin family must be responsible for the credit, and they have nothing to do with it. Since this is the case, why bother to think about white soldiers.He said it on his own head, and he was worthy of both misfortunes and blessings.

When mentioning Qin Liangyu, Deng Ke and Wang Hong admired them quite a lot. They showed the achievements of Qin Liangyu and the white soldiers.

This female chieftain is really capable of fighting. In the second year of the Apocalypse, Qin Liangyu led a white-armed army to break the siege of Chengdu, and returned to conquer Erlang Pass and Fotu Pass, and returned to Chongqing.In the third year of the apocalypse, Qin Liangyu defeated the Yongning She Chongming Army, pacified the whole Sichuan, and put down the "Songfan Rebellion" in the same year.

In the battle of Shenyang, it was Qin Liangyu's brothers Qin Bangping, Qin Minping and the general Zhou Dunji who led the "white soldiers" and the Qi family army in Zhejiang to cross the Hun River and fight the Manchus.Thousands of Manchurian soldiers were killed in the war, and finally the Manchurians who had been invincible knew that there were such brave soldiers in the Ming army, and they were terrified for a long time.Due to the disparity in numbers, Qin Bangping fought hard and died in the battle, Qin Minping broke out in blood, and more than 2000 white soldiers died in battle.But it was also from this that Qin Liangyu's stone pillar "white pole soldiers" came out of Sichuan and became famous all over the world.

In the third year of Chongzhen, when Huang Taiji attacked Yuguan but could not enter, he led an army of [-] Eight Banners to bypass the Xifengkou of the Great Wall and invade.Jin Bing took the opportunity to go straight to Tongzhou, and the situation in the capital was very urgent.Chongzhen once again ordered all the armies in the world to suppress King Qin.

At that time, Jiannu was very powerful, and there were many soldiers and horses who came to the capital, but the generals of all parties feared the enemy like tigers and only cared about protecting themselves. They came, but they all stayed here, and they dared not approach the capital at all, let alone He fought against the Manchus.

After Qin Liangyu received the order, she led her [-] white soldiers to the capital day and night, and used all her family property as military pay to make up for the lack of military supplies caused by the imperial court's successive years of fighting.After arriving at the capital, the white-armed soldiers and the Jin army met on the outskirts of the capital. Before they had time to set up camp, Qin Liangyu ordered an attack!

Qin Liangyu, who is 55 years old, dances a white spear in his hand, just like auspicious snow flying and pear blossoms fluttering. Wherever the sharp edge passes, the golden soldiers either fall to the ground or separate hands and feet.All the white-armed soldiers, not counting one as ten, were as fierce as tigers, beating the golden soldiers and fleeing.This bravery is far inferior to the two of Deng Wang, in addition to admiration, I still admire it.

Later, under the command of the supervisor Sun Chengzong, Qin Liangyu participated in the recovery of the four cities of Luanzhou, Yongping, Qian'an, and Zunhua, rescued the siege of the capital, and brought out the prestige of the white soldiers again. Taidu repeatedly mentioned Qin Liangyu's name at the Baylor meeting, implying a great enemy.

After the Eastern Captives withdrew, Chongzhen was deeply moved by the loyalty of Qin Liangyu and the white soldiers. He specially summoned Qin Liangyu, gave him an edict to praise his beauty, rewarded him with colored coins and sheep wine, and wrote four poems to commend his achievements.

Later, it was Mingzhao that the stone pillar soldiers (white pole soldiers) could be stationed in the capital. This treatment made other military towns in the world very envious, because the capital is an important place, except for the capital camp, there has never been any other place where the army has long been stationed.Er today, the son expressly allowed the stone pillar soldiers to be stationed in the capital, which shows how much he valued Qin Liangyu and her white soldiers.Not only that, but the white-armed soldiers enjoy the treatment of the Beijing camp, and the food and supplies are full. Compared with those frontier soldiers, it is simply a world of difference.

Both are soldiers in Sichuan, one is favored by the emperor and stationed in the capital to eat delicious food and spicy food, while the other travels back and forth from north to south, and is subject to local constraints, often worrying about what to eat next. This difference cannot help but make Deng Ke and Wang Hong have a dialogue Bing is both bitter and has to admire.

People are more popular than people, and they fought with their lives with one knife and one gun, so why should they be jealous.Now let's take care of the immediate matter. As long as the Denglai rebel army is not destroyed, the Sichuan soldiers will not be able to return to their hometown.

After receiving the imperial decree, Deng Ke and Wang Hong urged the soldiers to march for days, and there were hundreds of people on the way.After more than ten days of rushing like this, they finally rendezvoused with Jingying.


After arriving at Xiaoguantun, Deng Ke and Wang Hong immediately reported to Gao Qiqian. They thought they would attack the rebels outside Laizhou within two days, but Gao Qiqian asked them to camp together with the Jingying and Jizhen troops. Guantun didn't mention when to send troops.

The grain and grass needed by the Sichuan army were all allocated by the Beijing camp. Unlike the Ji and Liao soldiers and horses allocated to Jin Guoqi, the grain and grass allocated to the Sichuan army by Gao Qiqian was given by the sky, and there was no extra day.This made Deng Ke and Wang Hong very angry. Isn't this an obvious bully? Everyone is also an officer. Why can Jin Guoqi get more food and grass, but they can't.But people have to bow their heads under the eaves, their subordinates are dressed in rags, and they don't even have all the weapons. The soldiers and horses of the Jingying, Ji and Liao are tall and powerful, with bright armor, no need to compete, just compete stand up.

Let's talk about the sky, as long as the food and grass are given, Deng Ke and Wang Hongnai acknowledged the reality of injustice, thinking that Gao Qiqian would send troops to attack the rebels as soon as possible, so they could leave as soon as possible.

But for more than half a month, Gao Qiqian didn't mention the matter of attacking the Laizhou rebels. Nearly [-] troops spend their food here every day. I don't know what kind of medicine he sells in Gao Qiqian's gourd.

Deng Ke had some friendship with Lin Jiantai, commander of the Beijing battalion. When he went north to King Qin, he had met this commander of the Beijing battalion in Tongzhou.Therefore, after discussing with Wang Hong, Deng Ke wanted to visit Lin Jiantai, so as to find out some news from him, what is the meaning of this eunuch Gao who is always standing still here.In addition, I would also like to invite Lin Jiantai to talk to Gao Qiqian about whether he can replenish some cotton coats and supplies for the Sichuan soldiers.When they came from Changyi, the soldiers didn't have many cotton-padded clothes, and some of them had been worn for several years. No matter where they went, apart from the necessary food and grass, there were very few other supplies.Now that it is so cold, Deng Ke and Wang Hong felt a little guilty when they saw their soldiers suffering from frostbite because they could not tolerate the severe cold. They are children from my hometown, seeing them suffer from cold and hunger, the second general always feels uncomfortable.

Wang Hong was more open-minded, and if he really couldn't do it, he would spend some money to manage it. Eunuchs love money, and if they get benefits, they will definitely let go.

Deng Ke thought about it, so he and Wang Hong each took out 1000 taels, a total of 2000 taels of silver, and another person took 250 taels, and made up 500 taels for Lin Jiantai. I handed it over, hoping that eunuch Gao would take care of the Sichuan Army after he got the money, at least he had to bring down some weapons and cotton clothes.

The 500 taels of silver is already a small half of Deng and Wang's family property. The guest army is poor, and the guest army is poor. This has been said for decades, but it is true.When they were in Sichuan, the two of them, Deng and Wang, responded to everyone, they were full-fledged snakes, and there were many ways to get money, and they didn't pay attention to a few thousand taels of silver.But after they left the territory, they wandered around like duckweeds, and they were disliked wherever they went, not to mention the military salary. In the past three years, the military salary was only paid twice in total, one was They paid 4000 taels, and once they gave 3000 taels, adding one piece twice was only 7000 taels of silver, but they had [-] soldiers under their command. Calculated, none of them even had a tael of silver!

The army is out, eating, drinking, lodging, food, clothing, housing, and transportation. What kind of money is not required?Even the maintenance of weapons requires money!

What kind of thing is it that the imperial court wants the horse to run without feeding the horse!

When asking for money from the imperial court, the replies are all the same, not saying that the country is in trouble and the treasury is empty, and they hope that they will put the state affairs first, save food and clothing, and replenish the treasury when there is a surplus in the future.To put it bluntly, it is for the Sichuan Army to find a way by itself, except that they cannot be robbed, and you should settle the military salary yourself.

How to deal with it?Deng Ke and Wang Hong had no choice but to take care of the servants who were saving their lives. The rest of the people could not be controlled if they wanted to, as long as they starved to death, you would be fine.

Speaking of it, Deng Ke and Wang Hong had really lost their money, and they had spent a lot of family money to supplement it one after another. Now they are also desperately poor.

If the two thousand and 500 taels can have an effect, the second general will also recognize it. If it is in vain, the second general will definitely quit.However, there are official rules in the officialdom, as long as you accept the money, this matter will be done, otherwise, you will not be able to accept the money.

The second general is not afraid that Gao Qiqian will take the money and do nothing. If he really dares to do this, they will immediately expose the matter to the officials in Beijing. I have nothing to do, and when I heard that the eunuchs of the supervising army treated the soldiers harshly and took bribes, they didn't join forces to attack.Right now, he is in power in the Middle East, and it's not the eunuch party in the previous dynasty. It's really going to be troublesome, and you can't get it right!

With this trump card in hand, Deng Ke and Wang Hong were not afraid to hide their money, and after collecting all the money, Deng Ke came forward to find Lin Jiantai.

The Beijing camp and the Sichuan army camped together, and in front of them were the camps of Jizhen and the Liao army.

Deng Ke didn't dare to look for Lin Jiantai during the day, but chose to lead the two soldiers to the Beijing camp in the dark after the sergeant had rested.

On the way, I met a group of patrolling soldiers from the Beijing camp. The sentry officer who led the group did not dare to stop them and let them in when he saw that they were the general soldiers.

Deng Ke went directly to Lin Jiantai's camp. The commander's camp was naturally different from the other camps, so it was not difficult to find.Outside the tent, Deng Ke explained to Lin Jiantai's personal captain his intention of coming, and asked him to enter the account to pass it on, saying that it was Deng Zongbing of the Sichuan Army asking to see him.

The commander-in-chief asked to see his own commander, the captain of the personal army would naturally not fail to pass the news, and he came out after a while, saying that Mr. Lin invited Mr. Deng to enter.

Deng Ke hurriedly confessed that two of his personal soldiers were waiting outside the tent, so he walked into the tent, but after entering the tent, he found that besides Lin Jiantai, there were three other people in the tent. [

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