Daming wolf ride

Chapter 265 Commander of the 3rd Battalion

Deng Ke didn't know those three people, but one of them was wearing the uniform of the commander of the Beijing camp, presumably he was Lin Jiantai's subordinate.The other two were dressed in casual clothes, and they were both tall and tall. They looked like soldiers. One of them was wearing a mask. I don't know what his real face looks like.

The three of them didn't react to Deng Ke who entered the account, they only glanced at Deng Ke from the side, and then turned their heads to look at Lin Jiantai.These three were naturally Shi Dayong and Jiang Wanli, and the other was Pei Shaokuan.

Lin Jiantai got up and warmly greeted Deng Ke to come and sit down, and ordered his soldiers to serve tea outside the tent, and then said with some emotion: "The last time I saw Mr. At that time, it was more than two years, right?"

"It's been more than two years. I was in Tongzhou that day. If it wasn't for your lord's help, the general would have starved to death. The lord's grace of life, I will always remember it in my heart. I have been thinking about repaying the lord's kindness, but In the past two years, the imperial court has transferred the generals here and there, and there is no stability, and I can't even see the adults."

Deng Ke was the second-rank general in Chongqing, but Lin Jiantai, the commander of the Beijing camp, was only a third-rank general. Deng Ke still claimed to be the last general, but it was because Lin Jiantai was not only the commander of the Beijing camp, but also the commander-in-chief of the Shenshu camp. In addition, he has another identity, that is, the Commander Tongzhi of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, which is a second-rank official position. [

That is to say, Lin Jiantai holds three positions by himself, the second rank is the governor of the governor's mansion, the third rank is the commander of the Beijing camp, and there is another Shenshu battalion commander who does not actually have a clear rank.

The former two are actually scattered officials, not awarded, but just an honor, and Lin Jiantai's real position is the commander of the Shenshu Battalion.But the addition of the three is enough to make Deng Ke, a miscellaneous seal official below the general officer of Sichuan, call himself an official.

In fact, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the ranking of the commander-in-chief has always been indeterminate. In the early Ming Dynasty, relatives or descendants of the founding of the country were always used as the commander-in-chief.Chengzu came to the throne and ordered He Fupei to conscript the seal of the general of the captives and serve as the general officer.In February of the first year of Hongxi, the general seal was first issued to the generals, but there were only a few commanders who could wear the general seal, and most of them were the commanders of the guards who temporarily acted as commander-in-chief and were responsible for commanding operations.

After Wanli, wars broke out frequently, and the imperial court confirmed the official rank of the chief military officer, which was mostly set as the second rank, but there were also special cases, such as less important areas, such as Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi. Sometimes there are first-rank military officers in places such as Beijing, Xuanda, and even those who wear the seal of the general.There is one person in this dynasty, that is Zu Dashou, he was a forward general in Liaodong that day, a real first-rank official, even the left and right governors who are as honorable as the governors of the five armies have seen him, and they are equal in rank. Dare not call it big.

In this way, the soldiers and horses managed by the general army are different, some are in charge of 10,000+ troops, and some are in charge of only a few thousand people.Moreover, since Wanli, the Beijing camp has gradually lost its combat effectiveness, and the guards have become corrupted again, causing the frontier army to become the main force of the Ming army. There is a problem with the system. To put it bluntly, it is a question of who listens to whom.

If they are all commander-in-chief, then it will naturally depend on who has the seal of a general, and whoever has the seal of a general will be the biggest.But if everyone doesn't wear the general seal, then trouble will come.You are the chief soldier, and I am the chief soldier. Do you listen to me, or do I listen to you?Although there are governors and governors in charge of the commander-in-chief, in the actual combat process, the commander-in-chiefs are often directly responsible. If you fail because you disobey me and I disobey you, it is naturally the most wronged.Therefore, gradually there is another basis for determining who is older and who is younger, and who obeys whose orders. This basis is to look at each person's military rank (june).

This military rank is not the general, school officer, and lieutenant of later generations, but it is similar to it, that is, the commander is equivalent to the general soldier, the commander is equivalent to the deputy general, and the commander is equivalent to the general. In this way, it is clear at a glance.This actually has the same meaning as the command system of major generals, senior colonels, and lieutenant colonels in later generations.

When Zu Dashou hung the seal of the forward general, his military rank was the commander of the capital (the second rank), and he also had the rank of the third rank of the Zhaowu general, so he was qualified to be the commander in chief of the mansion, and he was called "Zu Shuai". That's where it comes from.

With military ranks to refer to, it is natural to tell who is older and who is younger, but this military rank is very rare. The commanders of the guards have been passed down from generation to generation since the founding of the country. Come on, there are very few direct appointments.

Although Deng Ke is the commander-in-chief of Chongqing, his military rank is only for the commander. Although it can be passed down from generation to generation, in front of Lin Jiantai, a second-rank commander, he never dared to straighten his back and sit on an equal footing with him .Even if the military ranks of the two sides are the same, he still dare not maintain an equal rank, because the opponent is the Beijing battalion, but he is an important military officer in Chongqing, and since he has invited someone here, how can he dare to maintain an equal attitude.

Shi Dayong in the account is actually very insignificant. On the surface, he is a general of the third rank, but his military rank is actually a deputy of the fifth rank. In order for him to be able to manage the guards around Songshan, he asked the court for him.

When he won the first battle of Dalinghe, the imperial court rewarded him from defense to general, and also gave him 50 taels of gold and silver, a sword handle, and ten altars of wine, but he was not awarded a military title.The Jinzhou Great Victory went to Beijing to present prisoners without getting anything, and hurried south to quell the rebellion. The reward was still empty, and there was no actual reward. Therefore, whether Shi Dayong wanted to or not, he said clearly that in this small official village Well, his position as a general is actually very lowly, and any random household can overwhelm him.Even Pei Shaokuan, who was "bullied" by him in Xianghe, was official enough to overwhelm him.

Of course, the division of military ranks is not expressly stipulated. In the actual process of doing things, it often depends on who is more powerful.How can you, a commander-in-chief with only 3000 troops, ask someone else's commander with [-] troops to obey you.

The Beijing camp is also known as the three major camps, referring to the five military camps, the three thousand camps and the Shenji camp.The [-] camp was renamed Shenshu Camp during the Jiajing period, and it is still in use today.In normal times, the Fifth Army Battalion practiced battalions, the Shenshu Battalion practiced patrolling, and the Shenji Battalion practiced firearms.When the emperor personally conscripted, the three major battalions guarded the emperor's camp. Generally, the Shenji battalion was outside, the cavalry was in the middle, and the infantry was inside.

Lin Jiantai was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Shenshu Camp half a month ago, and he arrived in Xiaoguantun seven days ago. The thousands and hundreds of households were withdrawn and directly obeyed the supervisory eunuch Gao Qiqian.Now that Lin Jiantai is here, naturally he will be directly responsible for the affairs of the Beijing camp, and he will then be responsible to Gao Qiqian, so that the command can be more complete.This must be the reason why the imperial court sent him here.

Pei Shaokuan, the soldier who directed the matter, came from another battalion of the three major battalions—the Shenji Battalion. Therefore, he and the Shenshu Battalion did not actually belong to each other. However, Lin Jiantai's status was too noble. How can he dare to be great when the general soldier is under the title.

Originally, he and Lin Jiantai did not interfere with the water in the well. After Qiushui Town was besieged, he was 1 unwilling to go eastward.But the sacred order is hard to violate, although Shi Dayong didn't take him seriously, Pei Shaokuan didn't dare to turn around and return to the capital.

They lingered all the way, and after hearing that the Shahe River had been opened up, they sped up a bit. When they arrived at Xiaoguantun, they also reported to Gao Qiqian directly, and had no intention of going to Pingdugou and returning to Shi Dayong for transfer. [

The reason why he appeared in Lin Jiantai's account with Shi Dayong was actually what Shi Dayong said to Jiang Wanli and Shao Wu - there will be no one in the world who would not care about money.

With a pile of gold in front of him, it was impossible for Pei Shaokuan not to be tempted.Since Shi Dayong has found him, he is naturally willing to spend money. He believes that there is no unresolved grievance in this world. As long as the money is enough, Pei Shaokuan has no reason not to help him.

Sure enough, the heavy gold moved Pei Shaokuan, making him temporarily forget how the masked man in front of him whipped him in Xianghe, how he bullied his subordinates, and how he vowed to tear this man into pieces of!

But Pei Shaokuan's camp didn't have any extra food, but he couldn't let go of the gold he got. According to Shi Dayong's tone, as long as he could get what he wanted, there would be more money in the future.

If you don't take it, you will be punished by heaven.No matter what, it is always necessary to put the money in the pocket. As for Shi Dayong's account, he can slowly settle it in the future. Anyway, Eunuch Gao has already made a move.

Finally, Pei Shaokuan thought of Lin Jiantai, the new general of the Shenshu Battalion, who was known in Beijing for being greedy and lustful, and he once drank flower wine with him. Now that he has brought him a good deal, Lin Jiantai has no reason not to do it .

However, as soon as they saw Lin Jiantai, before they could say what they wanted, the commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Army surnamed Deng came. For a while, Pei Shaokuan and Shi Dayong couldn't speak, so they sat aside and pretended to drink tea.Shi Dayong was thinking about how he would do this business with Lin Jiantai, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to proceed in the future. If he was always under the control of Gao Qiqian, then this trip to Denglai would be very important to him and to the Jinzhou Army. It will all be a disaster.

Shi Dayong's guess was correct, he Jinzhou Army has indeed no longer returned to Shandong Governor Zhu Dadian for promotion, that day after he had an affair with Gao Qiqian due to his military exploits, Gao Qiqian immediately wrote a letter to Shandong Governor Zhu Dadian, saying that he is now Zheng led Jingying and Jin Guoqi's two towns of Jiliao to station [-] elite soldiers in Xiaoguantun, only a few miles away from Laizhou, and had just defeated the rebel Li Jiucheng's troops. It can be resolved in a day.However, in order to ensure victory, he should also let the Jinzhou Army be transferred to him, first to increase the strength of the troops, and second, to unite the hearts of the people.Zhu Dadian, who was being beaten badly by Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, was overjoyed when he heard that Gao Qiqian would rescue Laizhou immediately, and then recover Dengzhou with his troops.Anyway, the Jinzhou Army only has a few hundred people, and being transferred to Shandong will not help much. It is better to give Gao Qiqian, and he wrote to the imperial court very straightforwardly, formally requesting that the Jinzhou Army be transferred from his Shandong command, and Gao Qiqian, the eunuch of the army Unity of command.

In the middle of Beijing, the eunuch Wang Dehua, who was in charge of ceremonies, was greeted by Gao Qiqian. He chose a day when Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun were not around, and handed over Zhu Dadian's memorial.Prior to this, Gao Qiqian's report of the great victory in Xiaoguantun had already been handed over to the imperial court. Chongzhen also saw it, and he was in a good mood. He deeply felt that he had not used the wrong person. But now that he has been able to make great achievements repeatedly, it is time to let him do it.

The last time he was going to pass Shi Dayong, out of some considerations, he did not give the Jinzhou Army to him, but to Zhu Dadian, but since Zhu Dadian said that the return of the Jinzhou Army to Gao Qiqian would be more helpful to the situation in Denglai Well, then Chongzhen naturally wouldn't have any opinions, and he would agree with it with a swipe of the imperial pen.

The time was the fourth day after Shi Dayong sent Jiang Wanli to Shang County to collect grain. Shi Dayong knew nothing about this, and he was kept in the dark.With the promotion right of the Jinzhou Army, Gao Qi sneaked into the army and eunuch, so he could play whatever he wanted.

Shi Dayong confronted him repeatedly, scolded himself for being blind in front of such a person, and threatened to kill himself, how could Gao Qiqian let him go.But he will not get rid of Shi Dayong explicitly, because doing so will make people blame him. After all, what he did to the Jinzhou Army cannot be announced to the public.What he has to do is to drive Shi Dayong to death step by step quietly, so that no one will think that he is the one who drove the Jinzhou army to death.

In fact, if Jin Guoqi hadn't arrived one step earlier, maybe Shi Dayong would have died in Xiaoguantun a long time ago, so why bother to spend so much time.But since Jin Guoqi rescued Shi Dayong, Gao Qiqian naturally wouldn't say anything more, he is very dependent on Jin Guoqi now, and he will definitely not anger Jin Guoqi because of this matter.

When Deng Ke and Shi Dayong came to Lin Jiantai at the same time, Gao Qiqian was reading a letter in the tent. The letter was sent by Zhang Guochen, the head of the Ministry of War, but the person who wrote the letter was Liu Yulie, the Minister of the Ministry of War.

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