Daming Wolf Rider 266_Daming Wolf Rider full text free reading_from()

The Minister of the Ministry of War wrote a secret letter to the minister, and he was the eunuch who supervised the army with military power in his hands. Too much. 【High quality update】

However, Gao Qiqian held this letter without any fear or worry, on the contrary he was uncontrollably excited, and his eyes were fixed on the end of the letter—"I will supervise the teacher in the near future, I hope you don't move, brother. The matter discussed is a foregone conclusion, great achievements can be easily achieved, the danger of the old man may be resolved with one action, and brother can go further."

The counseling is a foregone conclusion, great achievements are within reach, elder brother's crisis can be solved, and brother can go further. In just one sentence, there is a lot of information revealed.

Liu Yulie, who was born as a Jinshi, the right servant of the Ministry of War, openly called the eunuch Gao Qiqian his elder brother in his letter, and he regarded himself as his younger brother, which is quite shameful.If this letter falls into the hands of outsiders, I'm afraid that a Cui Chengxiu and his like's reputation will definitely not escape. (Author's note: Cui Chengxiu, the leader of the five tigers of the eunuch party in the Tianqi Dynasty, was Wei Zhongxian's right-hand man, the official worshiped the Minister of the Ministry of War, and was granted the title of Shaofu. Chongzhen ascended the throne and died by hanging himself) [

Gao Qiqian read the letter again and again, and then he came to the candlestick and lit it.Be careful when sailing for thousands of years. The owner who wrote this letter and the things said in the letter cannot be announced to the public. If you keep this letter, you can certainly take advantage of others, but the future troubles will also be poor.Today's emperor is most afraid of internal ministers making friends with foreign servants. It is better to burn this letter, so as not to cause trouble for himself. Anyway, everything said in the letter is kept in his own stomach. God knows what he knows, and I will do it. Leave this written what to do.

Seeing the letter paper turn into ashes little by little, Gao Qiqian smiled broadly, Liu Yulie's promise made him very excited, after waiting for so many days, things finally came to fruition.

Raising his hand towards Hou Zai, Bai Shangyi asked, "Who is here to deliver the letter?"

Bai Shangyi said: "Qu Yiyang, the official of Shuntian Mansion."

"An official from Shuntian Mansion?" Gao Qiqian was a little surprised. How could Zhang Guochen send such a person to deliver the letter? Isn't he afraid that the letter will fall into the hands of outsiders or leak out?

After thinking about it, he felt that the person to send the letter was a bit strange. Gao Qiqian pondered for a moment, and told Bai Shangyi: "Call him in, our family has something to ask him."

"Yes, father-in-law."

Bai Shangyi responded and hurriedly went out of the tent to call for someone.After a while, he led Qu Yiyang, the official of Shuntian Prefecture, into the tent.

"I have seen Eunuch Gao!"

It was really too cold, even though he was wearing a big coat, Qu Yiyang was still shivering from the cold.As soon as he entered the account, a wave of warm air rushed to his face, and the red charcoal fire made him feel refreshed.Seeing Gao Qiqian, he also bent his knees and wanted to kneel down, but maybe because he had been out in the cold for a long time, his knees were a little stiff, and he couldn't bend down for a while, so it was a bit embarrassing for him.

Seeing this, Gao Qiqian smiled slightly, indicating to Qu Yiyang that there is no need to be too polite, pointed at the lower chair, and said very kindly: "Master Qu, please sit down."

"Don't dare, don't dare, there is no place for a lower official to sit in front of my father-in-law, the lower official should just stand." He was very polite, but Qu Yiyang didn't dare to sit. With his status as a sixth-rank official, he was really He didn't dare to sit down in front of the secretary Li Bingbi and the admiral Jingying eunuch.

Qu Yiyang didn't dare to sit, and Gao Qiqian naturally wouldn't force him to sit, so he just sat down, pretending to look at the military situation of the past few days, and asked casually: "I heard from my subordinates that Master Qu is from the Shuntian Mansion. Officer, it stands to reason that you are from Shuntian Mansion, so you should have nothing to do with the Ministry of War, but I don’t know why Master Qu would send a letter to our family on behalf of the Ministry of War?” The implication is that this letter is in the name of Zhang Guochen, the head of the Ministry of War Send it, but you, an official of Shuntian Prefecture, acted as a messenger.Shuntian Mansion and the Ministry of War are two yamen that have nothing to do with each other. You, Qu Yiyang, as a messenger, really make people feel a little weird.

Hearing Gao Qiqian's words, Qu Yiyang said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Go back to my father-in-law, this official is also entrusted by others."

"Entrusted by whom?"

"Master Liu Yulie, the right servant of the Ministry of War."

"Master Liu asked you to deliver a letter to our family?"

"Sending letters to the father-in-law is one, and being ordered to contact Kong Youde to appease him is the second." [

"Are you talking with Kong Youde about appeasement?"

Gao Qiqian was taken aback, and couldn't help but take another look at Qu Yiyang, and found that the other person's appearance was still upright, and he might be about the same age as him, maybe 40 years old at most.The look between his eyebrows and eyes is still very capable, not like a mediocre official, but like a capable person with great ambitions.

But even though this surnamed Qu has some skills, he is just an official who can't stand on the stage after all. Liu Yulie sent him to talk to Kong Youde about recruiting him, isn't it too contemptuous?If Kong Youde thought it was the imperial court's disregard for him, and then refused to accept the consolation, wouldn't it be a big mistake!

Liu Yulie, oh Liu Yulie, it was you who made me stand still, and you were the one who restarted the recruitment. Our family thought it would be possible, but you sent such a small soldier here at the critical moment. Tell the emperor!

The more Gao Qiqian thought about it, the more unpleasant it became. He couldn't help but feel angry with Liu Yulie's actions. He regretted that he should have listened to Liu Yulie's words. He had [-] elite soldiers but stood still and watched the rebels continue to besiege Laizhou City.

Qu Yiyang, however, has the ability to observe facial expressions. When he sees Gao Qiqian like this, he knows what he is thinking. It is not because he thinks that he is a low-ranking official and not worthy enough to talk to Kong Youde. Instead, he leaned forward and said, "Elder-in-law may have misunderstood something. Although this official came to talk to Kong Youde to appease Kong Youde at the order of Mr. Liu, he only represented Mr. Liu in private. This official matter still needs to be approved by Governor Liu. Host, but the lower officials dare not make their own claims."

That's it, Gao Qiqian nodded, Xie Lian is the new governor of Denglai, a local official of the imperial court, it is only appropriate for him to come forward to talk to Kong Youde.No matter how powerful Qu Yiyang is here, it is impossible for him to talk to Kong Youde just because of his status. I am afraid that, as he said, he came to Laizhou to coordinate on behalf of Liu Yulie.

The worries in his heart were relieved, Gao Qiqian made up his mind, and immediately asked Qu Yiyang curiously: "Our family doesn't understand, why is Liu Shilang so sure that Kong Youde will accept the imperial court's appeasement? Sun Yuanhua's lesson from the past is right in front of him. Kong Youde is also a rebel general, isn't Liu Shilang afraid of Kong Youde's tricks again?"

"this one"

Qu Yiyang smiled softly and said: "To be honest with my father-in-law, in fact, since Sun Yuanhua was sent to Beijing, no one in the court dared to discuss appeasement, and my father-in-law also knows that since Zhou Xiang was dismissed, Wen Tiren has dominated the party, and Mr. Liu is the leader of Zhou. The promotion of the prime minister is naturally not tolerated by Wen Tiren, so Mr. Liu has a heart for the matter of Denglai. However, things in the world often change quickly, so that the father-in-law can know that this matter of recruiting is not about Mr. Liu and Mr. Liu. Mr. Zhang was acting on a whim, but Kong Youde himself wrote a letter to Mr. Liu, with sincere words in the letter, asking Mr. Liu to come forward to appease them for the court.

Master Liu, out of compassion, wanted to relieve the court's worries, first, to solve the Denglai rebellion as soon as possible, so as not to waste more money and food for the court; second, to give Kong Youde and others a chance to use them for the country.After all, the Ministry of Kong is all elite soldiers and strong generals. It is always detrimental to the country to rely on self-isolation from the court and destruction in the hands of Daming himself.Three times, it is also for the sake of the father-in-law. If the rebels can be suppressed without spending a single soldier, such a great achievement is enough for the father-in-law to return to Beijing in triumph. By then, who else in the inner court can shake the father-in-law's position? . "

He nodded repeatedly, especially the last sentence, which made a smile appear on his face, but he was still worried.

"Sun Yuanhua, the former governor of Denglai, recruited Kong Youde several times, but Kong Youde repeatedly swindled and cheated. Now how can our family be sure that he is really willing to surrender? If he changes again, won't our family end up like Sun Yuanhua ?"

Qu Yiyang didn't worry about Qiqian, he said with certainty: "Don't worry about this father-in-law, this official has already contacted Kong Youde's people. This time, Kong Youde sincerely repented and accepted the consolation. He said that as long as the new Governor of Denglai Xie Lian discussed the oath of alliance with him, and he immediately led his troops to accept recruiting, and from now on he will be loyal to Ming Dynasty, and will never have another heart!"


Gao Qiqian nodded slowly at first, then shook his head again, with a bitter expression on his face, he said: "Xie Lian is the one who advocates the battle with all his strength, he and the prefect of Laizhou Zhu Wannian jointly submitted a letter to the court, saying that he would never fight with the rebels again The rebel army has been besieging him in Laizhou for many days, and the two sides have fought to the death, how can Xie Lian change his mind and talk to Kong Youde about the recruiting matter, I'm afraid Mr. Liu will be a little bit willing."

He didn't want Qu Yiyang to listen, but he said calmly: "Don't worry about this father-in-law, as long as there is an imperial edict, even if Xie Lian doesn't want to, he must obey the edict."

"Imperial decree?" Gao Qiqian was startled, with a happy expression on his face, he stood up excitedly and said: "Why, the emperor has agreed to appease Kong Youde?"

Qu Yiyang shook his head and said, "No."

"No?" Gao Qiqian was stunned there, and murmured: "Without an imperial decree, how could Xie Lian be willing to initiate the consolation, and how could Kong Youde be willing to be consoled? If the consolation fails, our family will be in big trouble."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether there is an imperial decree or not. The important thing is that the father-in-law is here." Qu Yiyang said unhurriedly, with an unfathomable expression on his face, and his eyes rolled slyly on Gao Qiqian's face.What he said has a lot of meaning.

"What do you mean? Want our family to pass on a false imperial decree?" Gao Qiqian's heart began to jump, and he vaguely knew what this surnamed Qu was going to say next. [

Qu Yiyang did not respond directly, but bowed and said respectfully: "Success or failure is in the hands of the father-in-law, and the father-in-law must know better than the subordinate officials what to do."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Shangyi walked to Gao Qiqian's side in panic, and said in a low voice: "Eunuch, I heard that the emperor hates the matter of consolation. If my father-in-law falsely passed the imperial decree to Xie Lian asking him to resume the consolation, my servant will be worried." The emperor will know about it"

Gao Qiqian was also frightened and hesitant. Before he could think about it, Qu Yiyang's voice came from his ears, "As long as the care is successful, the father-in-law is not passing on the imperial decree, but the merits of the country!"

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