The second emperor? !

Wang Chengen was taken aback, knowing that something bad happened, the two emperors were not something he could handle.But in the face of the emperor's fury, he wisely did not choose to defend himself, nor complained of injustice, but kept silent, knocked on the ground again, and did not lift his head against the ground.

"I ask you, how happy are you as the second emperor?" Chongzhen's hands trembled slightly because of his fury.Looking at the old slave with sharp eyes, he clenched his teeth tightly.

Wang Chengen still didn't dare to raise his head, and kowtowed a few more times on the "dong dong dong", and said in his mouth: "Your Majesty, this old slave will not dare to die! This old slave will not dare to die!..." Other than that Besides, he didn't say anything.

"Don't even dare to die!..."[

Chongzhen was so angry that he stood up from the throne, stomped his feet, and cursed: "You old slave will not cry when you see the coffin, you want me to count all the crimes you have done, you Did you know you were guilty!"

Hearing what the emperor said, Wang Chengen was startled again, he couldn't help thinking of He Ruchong who just came in, and instantly knew what happened.He straightened his lying waist a little bit, wanting to raise his head to argue, but after thinking about it, he quickly laid down his waist again, then knocked his head loudly, and said to Chongzhen with a crying sound: "Old slave!" It’s true that I don’t know what happened, but if the emperor thinks that the old slave has betrayed the emperor and messed up his mission, then please ask the emperor to come down, and the old slave will suffer.”

"You form a clique for private interests in the foreign court, you are loyal to me on the surface, but you deceive me in secret, you often interfere in politics, and you accept bribes wantonly. Every time a foreign official comes to Beijing, you have to respect you Wang Cheng'en. You can admit these!" Chongzhen His anger was still soaring to the sky, and his voice was still stern, but to Wang Chengen's ears, it seemed like a different situation.He calmed down a little, lay there in great pain and said: "Your Majesty, you know about this old slave, don't you think that this old slave really has the guts to do such a deceitful thing?"

Wang Chengen's answer was very strange, he actually asked Chongzhen back.This question stunned Chongzhen, and it took a few seconds for him to react, and he cursed: "One dare not bully me, and the other dare not bully me! You old slave is so eloquent, I was almost caught by you!" Ask! Shi Dayong's matter is the best example. I asked you to do something, but you didn't do it without telling me. This is not deception! What I personally asked you to do, but you still don't do it, Not to mention other things! Do you really want to learn from Wei Xie, old slave!!"

After Wang Chengen heard this, he suddenly raised his head and said: "It was the emperor's personal decision to supervise the army under the pressure of the foreign court. The matter of Shi Dayong involved the ministers. I dare to ask the emperor. If I really want to handle this matter Now, how do the outer courts look at the emperor?"


Chongzhen did not expect that Wang Chengen would dare to question him face to face, his face flushed with anger, but the waving hand stopped in mid-air, and the words on the lips also stopped abruptly, staring at him motionless. With Wang Chengen.

After a while, he slapped the table again, "Slave dog, you seem to be loyal, but secretly rely on my dragon prestige, authoritarian and domineering, domineering, domineering! You slave dog, you know the law well, tell yourself, what should you do?" crime?"

Wang Chengen sighed secretly, kowtowed and said: "Return to the emperor, the old slave deserves death."

Chongzhen scolded: "Death is even cheaper for you! I want you to suffer enough crimes before you die. Moreover, I want you to come up with a cure for you!"

Wang Chengen was silent for a moment, then said: "Your Majesty, this old slave is a eunuch, according to the rules of the inner court, this old slave has to accept the imperial staff in public, until the old slave's low bones are smashed, and thrown to the wasteland to be fed to the dogs."

Hearing Wang Chengen's words, Chongzhen was stunned, and looked at the old slave who had been with him for nearly ten years with complicated eyes. After a while, he opened his mouth lightly and spit out two words: "Zuzao!"

"Thank you, old slave!"

Wang Chengen lowered his gray head again and kowtowed to the ground.

"Get out!" Chongzhen waved his hand impatiently.

"According to the order!"

Wang Chengen turned around, still using all fours, crawling towards the palace gate like an old dog.Chongzhen watched Wang Chengen's receding back, opened his mouth to say something, but did not make a sound.



At the gate of the palace, Zhao Quan and the other eunuchs on duty were stunned.


Inside the Prison of Rituals, Wang Chengen was sitting on a grand teacher's chair in the courtyard. Although he was about to die, his expression was still calm and composed, without losing the demeanor of a great eunuch.At the side, Si Li Bingbi Zhou Chao led seventeen or eight disciples and grandchildren to kneel on the ground, all weeping.Sitting on the other chair next to him was Wang Dehua, the eunuch with palm prints. He looked at Wang Chengen with a sad face, not knowing what to say.Behind Wang Dehua, stood Si Li Bingbi, Lu An, Shi Feng and others, and two other eunuchs.

Four execution eunuchs with big arms and round waists, each holding a red and black jujube stick, came in order. The leader bowed down and said: "My servant pays homage to the prince." He also bowed to Wang Dehua: "I have seen the old ancestor!"

Wang Dehua didn't speak, just nodded his head, and Wang Chengen nodded, and then said to the eunuch who was leading the execution: "I will serve this old man attentively later, so I can make this old man feel better."


The four execution eunuchs stood up one by one, choking with sobs, and then stood around Wang Chengen with sticks.

Wang Chengen got up and opened his arms without saying a word. Seeing this, Zhou Chao and other eunuchs immediately stepped forward to beat his waist and legs to activate his blood.Seeing Wang Dehua at the side, he couldn't help sighing secretly again.

After being pinched by his disciples and grandchildren for a while, Wang Chengen raised his head and closed his eyes, and called out, "Zhou Chao."

"The son is here."

Zhou Chao is Wang Chengen's most proud disciple, a leader in Neishutang, who was named as Li Bingbi before he turned 12. Although he is only [-] years younger than Wang Chengen, he worships Wang Chengen as his son.

"Why do these children come here to observe the punishment?" Wang Chengen pointed to the only 30 or [-] people in the courtyard, and said with a smile: "This old man is an old man who came here with the emperor's hidden house. The punishment should be watched by everyone in the inner court, in order to learn from the past and avoid the future, and be intimidated. From now on, be a man with your tail between your legs!"


Zhou Chao was crying and speechless.

Seeing this, Wang Dehua said, "Grandpa Wang, it's none of his business. Our family ordered the eunuchs to perform their duties and not to leave their posts without permission."

"The old ancestor has a heart." Wang Chengen squeezed out a smile at Wang Dehua, thought for a while, and then ordered Zhou Chao in a deep voice: "Pass down, all the eunuchs and servants who are not on duty, all come here to watch the old man be tortured."

"My lord, why bother?" Wang Dehua was a little surprised.

Wang Chengen smiled and shook his head at him, Wang Dehua saw him, sighed, and turned his face away.Zhou Chaonai responded, and turned to signal to the eunuchs under him, and those little eunuchs rushed around to deliver orders.

Wang Chengen opened his eyes and looked at the sky, and said in a flat tone: "This man is about to die, there is nothing to say, but something happened to the old man, and the pain was severe, um, come here, bring tea to the old man Come."

Before the words were finished, a young eunuch brought a jade plate with a teapot and a teacup in it, and the dragon well brewed before the Qingming Dynasty was brewed in it.Zhou Chao rushed forward to grab the pot and pour tea for Wang Chengen.Wang Chengen took the teacup, drank it slowly, and put it down.Zhou Chao quickly refilled it, and Wang Chengen drank it slowly...

At this time, the eunuchs in the palace, big and small, had rushed to the supervisor of ceremonies from all directions, and they whispered to each other.The eunuchs gathered more and more, and when they reached the gate of the courtyard, they all fell silent and walked into the courtyard one by one.

The eunuchs, big and small, bowed their heads and knelt down without saying a word, and the whole courtyard was gradually filled with eunuchs.Wang Chengen had already drank his last cup of tea.He put down the teacup and picked up the teapot, and drank the remaining tea in the pot mouth to mouth. [

After drinking, Wang Chengen clicked his tongue, as if savoring the fragrance of Longjing.Then he said: "Lu Si, make another pot of Longjing. After the torture, if the old man is alive - drink it. If he is dead - pour it on the old man." Lu Si choked up and knelt in the middle of the eunuchs There were also whimpers.

With a loud bang, Wang Chengen threw the teacup on the ground and smashed it to pieces.Then, he calmly pulled up the robe to his waist, tied it up, knelt down on the felt with a puff, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "By order, Wang Cheng'en, the dog slave who bullies the king and authorizes his power, will be sceptered in front of the court until he is beaten." Rotten his bastard bones and throw them into the wilderness to feed the dogs! Little ones, let's fight!..."

After shouting, Wang Cheng'en threw himself on the carpet, waiting motionless for the wooden stick to fall.But after waiting for a long time, the eunuch with the staff did not dare to do anything.They looked at Wang Chengen on the ground for a while, Wang Dehua next to him for a while, and Zhou Chao and other Si Li Bingbi for a while. They looked around, but no one dared to make a move.

"Why, you guys can't resist the edict? If you want to live, don't give me a beating!" Wang Chengen turned his head and stared at the eunuch holding the stick, and shouted sharply.

The execution eunuch still didn't dare to move, they turned to Wang Dehua for help, Wang Dehua and Wang Chengen looked at each other and slightly raised their hands.

The leading eunuch with the staff finally mustered up his courage and raised his staff.He raised it high but landed softly, hitting Wang Chengen's body, the sound was loud, but the force that fell on Wang Chengen's body was much weaker, it was almost like scratching an itch in the boots, it couldn't beat Wang Chengen to death.

Wang Chengen noticed something was wrong, turned his head and stared at the leading eunuch holding a stick, and said, "Qi Er, the old man's ugly words are the first, if you guys hide your secrets under the stick, the old man will tear you into eight pieces when you wake up." ...Fight! Let go and fight! If you can't beat our family to death, the emperor will not spare you, if you want to survive, use all your strength!"

"As ordered!"

Qi Er gritted his teeth and raised his staff high before dropping it heavily. Another eunuch also swung his staff down heavily.The two fell together, and the punishment sticks hit Wang Chengen alternately.The other two staff-holding eunuchs counted alternately: "One...two...three..."

Every time the stick fell, Wang Chengen groaned in pain, but kept saying: "Okay, okay!" He acted like a very hero.

Under the blow of the stick, blood immediately oozes from Wang Chengen's legs. He is also 40 years old. How can he stand such a severe beating, even if he is strong, he can't help it.

Gradually, Wang Chengen fell into a coma from the pain.All around, all the eunuchs were frightened.They want to see but dare not, and dare not to see but want to see. (starter:)

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