Daming wolf ride

Chapter 290 The good days of our family are in the future

In the East Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace, after Chongzhen sat upright in the imperial case, He Ruchong stood beside him.The monarch and his ministers said to each other that the Nuan Pavilion was very deserted.

The young emperor Xu Shi was a little preoccupied and wanted to get up many times, but he didn't get up even after moving his buttocks.He Ruchong stood there with his arms folded, knowing it well, but he didn't pick a word.He didn't speak, Chongzhen couldn't find anything to say, the atmosphere was rather awkward.

Hit a snake and hit seven inches, and cut grass to get rid of the roots.If Wang Cheng'en hadn't been beaten to death today, this old slave would definitely bite back. By that time, don't say that even Zhou Xiang, who is already the chief assistant, would not be able to bear it.Wang Chengen, it's not that the old man wants you to die, but that I, Donglin, can't tolerate your life...

The two monarchs and ministers were so dull. Outside the hall, a young eunuch rushed in, knelt down with a tearful face, and stammered: "Lord Bing, Wang...Wang Cheng'en has already received the rod...[-] Yes. The prince asked the servants to come and ask the emperor, should the beating be stopped?"

"Eighteen sticks?" Chongzhen was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said in a hateful voice: "Keep hitting!"

"Observe the order!" The little eunuch hesitated for a moment, and retreated in response.

After the little eunuch retreated, Chongzhen stood up a little uneasy, and after taking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and asked He Ruchong: "How many sticks do you think Wang Chengen can bear?"

He Ruchong raised his eyelids, and said in a respectful voice: "Your Majesty, court rods are also one of the tortures. For ordinary criminals, if their bones are strong, twenty or thirty rods can be disabled, and forty or fifty rods can be fatal. I don't want to guess how many sticks I receive."

"Oh..." After hearing He Ruchong's answer, Chongzhen's face became a little worried, but he tried his best to conceal it, not wanting to reveal his true inner feelings in front of his courtiers.

Chongzhen concealed it, but He Ruchong saw it clearly. He was afraid that things might change, so he thought about it and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the eunuchs who are executing the execution are all disciples and grandchildren of Wang Chengen, and they have their own priorities. If you hide something private, no matter how much you beat it, it will be like a mosquito bite, itching! If you can't kill someone, don't worry about it, Your Majesty."


It's fine if He Ruchong doesn't say anything, when he said that, Chongzhen's face became gloomy and cold again.


In the Prison of Rituals, the eunuch holding the stick has been replaced by two other eunuchs.Qi Er, the eunuch who is leading the execution, will stand by and count: "21...22..."

"puff puff"

Every time the stick falls, it makes a muffled sound!Every time the stick fell, Wang Chengen twitched consciously, he was already in a coma and didn't know the pain at all.The back and buttocks that were scolded by the stick were covered with blood, and the clothes were also torn to pieces. The disciples and grandchildren nearby were all terrified when they saw it.

Zhou Chao was so anxious that his head was sweating, and he looked at the gate of the courtyard expectantly with tears in his eyes. How much he hoped that the emperor would change his mind and let Grandpa go this time.

Emperor Tian paid off, the courtyard door actually opened with a "squeak" sound, Zhou Chao was overjoyed, and saw a little eunuch rushing in impatiently, the little eunuch saw Wang Chengen who was beaten bloody on the ground, his face Turned pale with fright, looked at Wang Dehua, opened his mouth to speak, but dared not speak, just stood there in fear.

Seeing him like this, Wang Dehua and the other eunuchs sighed unanimously because they didn't know how the emperor made the decision.Wang Cheng'en is very popular in the palace, although he is a high-ranking and powerful person, he is usually approachable, he does not put on airs, does not bully others, he is good to all his colleagues.Seeing that he suffered from this crime and was beaten to death, how could the eunuchs feel better.Even if he wished Wang Cheng'en would be beaten to death, it was difficult to reveal it in front of so many people.

Zhou Chao also understood. After wiping his tears with his sleeve, he walked behind the eunuch who was executing the execution, and said in a low voice, "Be even."

"Hey, father-in-law!"

Qi Er responded, and winked at the two eunuchs who were executing the execution, and the two eunuchs immediately put down their sticks and retreated to the side.Qi Er and another eunuch took the stick from him and continued to execute the punishment.

This time, Qi Er and the others still swung their sticks high, but the speed was obviously slowed down a lot, and the force was much lighter.The two replaced eunuchs counted alternately: "24...25..."


Inside the East Nuan Pavilion, Chongzhen pretended to be calm and paced back and forth, admiring the calligraphy and paintings on the wall.He Ruchong was still standing by, he only responded to Chongzhen's words, he continued to keep silent when Chongzhen didn't speak, silently thinking in his heart whether this old eunuch Wang Chengen was dead, if he was killed, someone should have reported it.

Just as he was thinking, another eunuch came to report outside, and it was the same little eunuch who came earlier.

"Your Majesty, Wang Cheng'en has been battered for forty years. He's... already bruised, and he's about to die." When the little eunuch reported it, it was as if he was the one who had been beaten to pieces, trembling with fright.

After Chongzhen heard this, he still looked at the calligraphy and painting, his body remained motionless, but he spit out a word between his teeth: "Beat!"

Still fighting?

The little eunuch looked at He Ruchong pitifully, begging him.

He Ruchong turned a blind eye, waved his hands and told him: "Hurry up and deliver the decree——beat!"


Wang Chengen lay motionless on the felt, a large area of ​​blood seeped through, and his lower body was almost beaten into a puddle of meat paste, and his life and death were unknown.

The second-class eunuch Qi was still beating one stick after another, and the other two eunuchs holding sticks were still counting: "62...63..."

All the kneeling eunuchs were stunned, they couldn't believe that Wang Chengen would really be beaten like this!



Zhou Chao was so anxious that he was going crazy, he looked at Wang Chengen in the blood for a while, and looked at the closed courtyard door for a while.Even Wang Dehua couldn't sit still, and leaned against the gate of the courtyard with the support of an eunuch.

Finally, the gate of the courtyard opened again, and the little eunuch who had gone to plead for orders entered tremblingly, but did not dare to speak.Zhou Chao rushed forward and asked urgently, "Is there any order from the emperor?"

The little eunuch tremblingly said: "Yes."

Purposeful?Qi Er, who was executing the sentence, heard the sound, and the execution stick stopped in mid-air, and he turned his head to look at the little eunuch waiting for the order.All the eunuchs stared at the little eunuch, nervously waiting for the order from his mouth.

The little eunuch didn't know whether he was frightened or what, but stood there stupidly, not knowing what to say.Zhou Chao urged him anxiously: "Say it quickly! Say it quickly!"

The little eunuch tremblingly said: "The emperor... the emperor said... beat."


Zhou Chao despaired, crouched down with his head in his arms, and wept.Wang Dehua also took a step back subconsciously, dumbfounded.

Qi Er's torture rod fell heavily again, only to hear the dull sound of hitting the flesh, "Puff puff!"

The other two eunuchs continued to count: "65...66..."

The pool of blood under Wang Chengen's body became bigger and bigger, until it flowed to Zhou Chao, who was squatting there crying, and flowed to his feet.Finally, Zhou Chao couldn't bear it anymore, jumped up suddenly, and shouted: "Qi Er!"

Hearing the sound, Qi Er stopped his stick, panted heavily and looked at Zhou Chao.

Zhou Chao gritted his teeth and said, "Don't let the father-in-law suffer... You, you work hard!"

Qi Er was shocked, thinking that Zhou Chao wanted him to take the life of the prince, he was at a loss and stared at Zhou Chao with his mouth wide open.

Seeing that he didn't understand what he meant, Zhou Chao was a little anxious, and said in a low voice, "Idiot! I'll let you work hard... Do you understand? I'll take care of the big things!"

Qi Er understood, but he didn't dare to agree without authorization. He looked at Wang Dehua.Wang Dehua turned around, as if he didn't hear anything.

Qi Er understood now, he pointed to the eunuch holding the stick, and the two of them raised their torture sticks together - held them high, and then shouted "Hi"!The two torture sticks were struck down at the same time——with the momentum of a world-shattering earth-shattering!

Everyone thought that the two torture sticks would break Wang Chengen's waist, but the two sticks hit the ground next to Wang Chengen hard - only a hair's breadth away from Wang Chengen's body.

With a loud "click", the two torture rods broke into four pieces at the same time!Qi Er vigorously wiped away the tears from his face, stepped forward and opened his arms, picked up the four broken sticks covered in blood and flesh, and put them in Zhou Chao's arms.Zhou Chao walked towards the closed courtyard door with the four broken sticks in his arms, two young eunuchs hurriedly opened the courtyard door, and Zhou Chao strode away with his head held high.


Chongzhen was standing at the gate of the palace, He Ruchong was still accompanying him, it was very interesting for the two monarchs and ministers to stand like this.But if the ruler does not move, the subjects dare not move; if the subjects do not move, the ruler is too lazy to move.

Zhou Chao strode up to Chongzhen with four broken sticks in his arms, knelt on the ground, and wailed loudly: "Your Majesty, the prince has received 83 sticks, and the stick is useless! The stick is broken, please examine the stick!"

Chongzhen looked at the pile of bloody broken sticks, couldn't bear it, and didn't speak.

He Ruchong asked from the side, "Where is the person?"

Zhou Chao burst into tears and said: "People, people are also beaten to death..."

broken?Chongzhen sighed deeply, taking a look at He Ruchong.He Ruchong said indifferently: "Your Majesty, there are plenty of torture sticks in the storeroom. Do you want to change two more?"

Hearing this, Zhou Chao trembled and glared at He Ruchong, but he didn't dare to curse in front of the emperor.

Chongzhen hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to fight or not to fight. After a while, he finally uttered: "That's all!"

At this time, Zhou Chao, who suppressed his grief and anger, kowtowed to the ground and said intermittently: "Thank you, my servant... Thank you!"

Chongzhen turned around and went inside without saying a word.He Ruchong looked at Zhou Chao, snorted, and strode down the steps.


Wang Chengen was carried out of the courtyard while lying on a wooden couch, and his life and death were unknown.All the eunuchs followed, sobbing as if they were mourning their wives.He heard "Wait a minute" suddenly, but it was He Ruchong, a senior scholar, rushing over.

The wooden couch stopped, and He Ruchong walked to the couch, lifted the sheet and looked at it, only to see blood stains under Wang Chengen's body, he stretched out his hand to test Wang Chengen's breath, and sighed distressedly: "My lord, why are you doing this?" !” Afterwards, he waved his hands in disgust, signaling the eunuchs to carry Wang Chengen away.

After watching the wooden couch leave, He Ruchong thought that Wang Chengen probably wouldn't survive like this, so he had to go and talk to Zhou Xiang.Just as he was about to leave, he saw Wu Zongda watching from not far away, and hurriedly walked towards him. The two smiled at each other, and then walked side by side towards the cabinet signing room.

On the way, Wu Zongda said with some admiration: "Wang Chengen is not Zhou's opponent at all, a 'second emperor' will make him collapse. Once Wang Chengen collapses, the people in the inner court will have to be changed. Let's see if he can be proud of Wen Tiren when."

"This is also the emperor's sage!" He Ruchong laughed triumphantly.

Wu Zongda looked around, and after confirming the person, he said to He Ruchong in a low voice: "Now that Prime Minister Zhou is not here, you and I have to share more of the big and small matters in the cabinet.

He Ruchong hastily said humbly: "Alas! Master Wu is admiring me, and I can only follow Prime Minister Zhou's lead. However, now that Prime Minister Zhou is not here, and Wen Tiren is pressing us down again, there are many things that are difficult for us to handle. Oh, yes, then Wang Chengen It doesn’t seem to be dead yet, we can’t be too optimistic yet, we have to be careful.”

On this point, Wu Zongda was relieved, he smiled and said: "Even if Wang Chengen escapes this disaster, the emperor will not trust him anymore."

He Ruchong smiled knowingly, and the two chatted as they walked, gradually drifting away.


In the palace, Wang Chengen was unconscious on the couch, dying.Zhou Chao was sobbing while changing Wang Chengen's medicine with the housekeeper.They gently turned Wang Cheng'en, and pulled out pieces of bloody cloth from under him...

Wang Chengen suddenly groaned, as if he was still awake.

Zhou Chao shouted excitedly: "Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!"

The housekeeper also called out: "Master! Master!"

After screaming for a long time, Wang Chengen's eyelids opened slightly, and he moaned in pain, "I... am still alive?"

"Alive! Alive!" Zhou Chao and the housekeeper were so excited that they were about to cry.

Seeing them like this, the corners of Wang Chengen's mouth turned up slightly, and he was moved and distressed and said, "Why are you crying? Our family's good days are yet to come..."

……… (first release:)

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