There are many small lakes around Tolitu, and there is often heavy fog. The fog this day is even more heavy. The sun has been out for a long time and has not dispersed.Taking advantage of the heavy fog, the Eight Banners soldiers completed the siege of Toriktu.

Halfway through the time, the fog gradually dissipated.The people of Chahar found that amidst the mist, there were banners flying and the camps connected.

Like the sea, the prairie often has the spectacle of a mirage, and some soldiers shouted happily when they saw it: "Look, ghosts."

Everyone looked in the direction these soldiers were pointing at, and it was indeed a ghost in the sky, and they couldn't help cheering.

An old soldier watched it for a long time, and cursed loudly: "Stop yelling, it's Eight Banners soldiers, we are surrounded." [

A soldier laughed and said, "Nonsense, where are the Eight Banners soldiers here?"

The veteran was so angry that he cursed: "Wake up your motherfucker, don't you smell the smell of barbecue?"

When reminded by the veteran, everyone quickly took a deep breath, and Yipin was frightened: it really smells like meat!

Bad, we are really surrounded!All the Chahar soldiers were frightened.More and more Chahar people discovered the Eight Banners soldiers who surrounded them, and all of a sudden they were in chaos, and the whole camp was full of screams.

"It's not good, the Jurchens have surrounded us!" A guard realized that he was the first to run over to report to E Zhe.

Ezhe ran out from the big tent after hearing the news, and saw that the Eight Banners soldiers had surrounded the third and outer third floors of Tuoli Tuli.Er Zhe panicked immediately, and he scolded left and right: "You trash, with so many golden soldiers surrounding you, you didn't notice at all? Are you just sleeping?"

At this time, someone outside the tent shouted loudly: "E Zhe, I am your uncle Nan Chu. The general of the Dajin Kingdom, Dorgon, is here now and wants to see you and your mother."

Er Zhe looked at the reputation, and there was a very familiar figure standing there. He shouted in surprise: "Uncle Nan Chu, it's really Uncle Nan Chu! Quick, quick, please come in."

Nan Chu is Hou Jin who went to defect with Ang Kundu. I don't know who told Su Tai the news of Nan Chu's arrival. Su Tai thought that his own brother had died in the chaos, but how could he know that he was still alive.Excited, he stumbled out of the tent and shouted as he ran, "Nan Chu, is it Nan Chu?"

Nan Chu had come to the tent at this time, and he also shouted excitedly: "Sister, it's me, I'm Nan Chu." The two siblings met each other in a foreign land, and they couldn't help crying.

After crying for a while, Nan Chu stood up and pointed to a young general behind him and said, "Sister, this is Dorgon, the general of the Jin Kingdom."

Dorgon? !

Su Tai was startled, and then noticed that there was a young golden general behind Nanxiu. She watched carefully and saw that Dorgon was very young. Although he was not handsome, he had a smile on his face. Compared with her brother Huang Taiji who was like a pig, she was really several times more beautiful, and she immediately liked her, but she was still vigilant. Seeing that the Jurchen did not make a big attack, she felt relieved, and she gave Dorgon a half salute, He said coldly: "I don't know if the great general is here, but if I miss you, I hope the great general will forgive me."

Dorgon stroked his chest with his right hand, and said in return: "Dorgon pays homage to the Queen Mother."

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, Ezhe, hurry up and meet the general." Su Tai knew that he could be called the queen mother before, but now he absolutely can't be.She signaled her son to greet Dorgon, guessing that Dorgon's trip was probably to persuade him to surrender.

E Zhe's complexion was very ugly, and he didn't want to go forward to greet Dorgon, but Dorgon was very active, and stepped forward to greet E Zhe.After saluting reluctantly, E Zhe took two steps back and stayed beside his mother, Queen Mother Su Tai.

"Please sit in the general's tent."

The visitor was a guest, and the Jin soldiers did not attack, so Su Tai asked Dorgon to enter the account.Dorgon went into the tent and sat down, and once again stroked his chest with his right hand and said: "King Khan heard that the Queen Mother and Ezhebeile had returned to the east, so he immediately sent me to greet them. This general greets the Queen Mother and Beile for King Khan. "

Hearing what he said, Edos and Tuotuo who came over after hearing the news suddenly showed displeasure on their faces, secretly thinking that Dorgon, a child of the Kingdom of Jin, dared to call my young master Baylor, how unreasonable it is! [

But E Zhe and Su Tai didn't show any dissatisfaction, especially Su Tai's face was more expectant. Odos knew that something was wrong, so he whispered to Tuotuoluo: "Zizi can't help, you are here This is to deal with them, I will transfer a few people outside the account."

Tutuluo nodded slightly, and Odos paid a big bill by preparing drinks and entertaining guests under the pretext of having a distinguished guest.

Dorgon survived Edos and went out of the tent. Knowing what he wanted to do, he sneered in his heart, but said in his mouth: "The queen mother and Ezhebeile came all the way from Qinghai. It was very difficult. This general specially prepared ten sheep and five altars of wine. , to express condolences."

Hearing this, Nan Chu hurriedly waved his hand, and the few golden soldiers who came with them immediately brought in the gift.

The Empress Dowager Su Tai trembled when she thought of the days of exile in Qinghai. Seeing that Dorgon didn't make any threats and brought gifts, her heart was warm, and she made up her mind to return the money.She shed tears and said: "Thanks to the gift from the great general, Aijia and Ezhe thank you here."

The departure of the Empress Dowager Nang Nang made E Zhe no longer have any ambitions, and the days of wandering and wandering were really hard for him, so he asked: "What will the general teach me when he comes here this time?"

Dorgon said with a smile: "Jurchen and Mongols wear the same clothes and believe in the same religion. Jurchen is Mongolia, and Mongolia is Jurchen. The marriages of the two parties have become one. Now all the ministries of Mongolia have returned to the gold. There is an old saying in the Central Plains, which is called knowing current affairs." The one who is a hero, please make a decision as soon as possible with the queen mother and Ezhe, and end this suffering of displacement."

Ezhe lowered his head after hearing this, and did not express his opinion immediately.Empress Dowager Su Tai's eyes flickered, and she had already made up her mind.

Tutuoluo knew it was wrong, and was afraid that Su Tai would agree to invest in gold, so he scolded Dorgon and said, "Shut up, I, Chahar, is the direct descendant of Genghis Khan, a noble man, what are you Jurchens? I, the Mongols, have always been kind." The hatred is clear, you took away our tribes, robbed our cattle and sheep, occupied our grasslands, forced us to exile in Qinghai, and died in a foreign country. My Mongolia and you Jurchen swear to be incompatible and irreconcilable , want us to surrender, can't do it!"

Hearing Tuotuoluo's words, Nan Chu was also furious, and wholeheartedly defending his master, he stood up and cursed: "Tuotuoluo, you old man, how dare you insult my great general of the Great Jin Kingdom? Getting impatient."

Dorgon sat upright, with no expression of joy or anger on his face, and said to Tuo Tuo Luo: "Your Majesty's words are wrong, why is it that I, Da Jin, and Chahar are at odds with each other? The one who can't stand together is not my great gold, but the Ming Dynasty. In the past, Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, and Emperor Wo Kuotai swept the Central Plains and ruled the world. He is so powerful. However, Zhu Yuanzhang rose in the Ming Dynasty, Dayuan was defeated, and was driven back to the desert by Zhu Yuanzhang. Ming Guocai and Chahar are at odds with each other. The general does not want to avenge his ancestors, but instead regards me as an enemy, my lord, what kind of grievances and hatreds are you doing?"

"What nonsense!"

Tuotuoluo was momentarily speechless by Dorgon's refutation, and he didn't know how to refute him, so he could only stare at him, moved his mouth a few times, but remained silent.

Dorgon gained the upper hand, complacent, and continued to say: "It is not my fault, but his own fault, that Lin Danhan died in a foreign land. I think back then, Chahar rose in the Qianli grassland, and the various ministries from far and near Looking up, I thought that Mongolia’s revival was hopeful. However, although Lin Danhan had a good beginning, he could not end well, and when the national power became stronger, he became arrogant and extravagant..."

Hearing this, Tuotuo couldn't help but interrupted: "My family is profusely sweaty, you can speak nonsense!"

But Dorgon was very patient. He said with a smile, "My lord, please don't get angry. If you want to find out the grievances between Da Jin and Chahar, you will inevitably have to involve some past events. Please forgive me. My lord, this general has a question, I want to ask my lord for advice, I wonder if your lord will give me your advice?"

Tuo Tuo Luo snorted: "Up to you."

"Okay, how about I exchange this silver armor for a thousand horses?" After speaking, Dorgon pointed at the silver armor on his body.

Tutuoluo didn't know what Dorgon was going to do, but it was not worth buying a piece of armor for a thousand horses. He immediately retorted: "Why is that? Even a golden armor is not worth a thousand horses."

Dorgon shook his head and said with a smile: "If my general remembers correctly, 16 years ago, it was you Tuo Tuo Luo Feng Lin Dan Khan who forcibly replaced [-] horses of A Lu's department with a pair of iron armor."

Only then did Tutuoluo realize that he had fallen into Dorgon's trap, and his face flushed with anger.

Dorgon still said calmly: "People have BMWs, but Lin Dan Khan takes them by force; people have eagles, and Lin Dan Khan takes them by force. As for beauties and property, they are even more wanton. Treating the people like this, can we not betray their relatives? So first Horqin, then the five ministries of Khalkha in Monan, and then Ordos and others defected to my Daikin one after another. Lin Danhan didn’t know how to repent, and insisted on being an enemy of my Dajin. When I attacked Guangning, Lin Danhan sent troops to help Ming I defended Guangning; I attacked Ningyuan, and Lin Danhan sent troops to help Ming defend Ningyuan. In the battle of Ningyuan, I Xianhan was injured by heavy artillery from the Nanban. When it comes to investigation, Lin Danhan is to blame for the death of I Xianhan. This is also a deep hatred Also. My family Khan is generous and kind, and he does not blame the past. He knows that you are in a difficult situation, so he sent me to wait thousands of miles to meet you.

After Dorgon spoke eloquently, Tuotuoluo was so refuted that he couldn't speak, so he just sat down and didn't make a sound.

Dorgon struck while the iron was hot and said to Su Tai: "Queen Su Tai, this is a letter from Queen Nangnang, please read it."

Su Tai asked eagerly, "Where is Nangnang Queen Mother now?"

Dorgon said: "I have surrendered to Dajin, and now I am on my way to Shengjing."

After hearing this, Su Tai didn't say a word, opened the letter, and wept while reading it: "In that case, Er Zhe, let's return the money too."

Hearing that Su Tai wanted to return the gold, Tuotuoluo cried out in a hurry: "Queen Mother, we must not return the gold. Xianhan said at the end of his life that Chahar and Jurchen are not in harmony with each other. If they return the gold, what will happen in the future?" Sweat on the ground first when you see your face?"

Su Tai was also anxious, and said angrily: "You are a veteran of the founding of the country, and you should be more sensible than others. Now most of the Chahar tribe has returned to the gold, and there are only a thousand households left. If you don't return the gold, you will be buried in the desert." No?"

"The jade seal is still in our hands. As long as the jade seal is there, I, Chahar, will make a comeback sooner or later. Queen Mother, are you really willing to hand over Chahar to the enemies in the grassland?" Tutuoluo persuaded bitterly.

Nan Chu listened anxiously, eager to make meritorious service in front of his master Dorgon, and stepped forward and scolded: "You old bastard, don't open your eyes to see, the land of Tuolitu is surrounded like an iron barrel A mere thousand households of the old, the weak, the sick, and the handicapped will be wiped out in an instant, and you still want to make a comeback? What a fucking daydream!"

After scolding, he suddenly turned around and asked the other Chahar soldiers under the tent: "The queen mother has decided to return the gold, are you going to fight against the big gold, and die for nothing?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. After a moment of silence, they said to Su Tai and E Zhe in unison: "I agree with the return of the queen mother."

When everyone was willing to surrender, Dorgon breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Nan, and secretly thought that this is a good slave.E Zhe also made up his mind when he saw this, and he said to Dorgon: "General, my mother and I will immediately count the troops, books, and jewelry, and return tomorrow morning with the Jade Seal of Chuanguo." He turned his head and scolded Tuotuo Luo: "The queen mother and I have already decided to surrender the gold, so don't think about it again. I have made up my mind. Those who violate the order will be subject to military law."

Tutuoluo hoped to die, so he couldn't help but burst into tears: "Xian Khan, the old minister can't help the young master to revive Chahar's glory, and I have failed your trust." After crying, he knelt down in the direction of Qinghai where Lin Danhan died: " Sweat first, the young master is about to return the gold, and Yuan is dead! Since you can’t restore your ancestral property, what face does the old minister have to live on? Sweat first, the old minister will go with you.” After speaking, he drew out his waist knife, grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands, and stabbed Xiang Xinwo immediately fell to the ground and died.

Everyone in the tent was stunned, no one thought that Tuotuo would commit suicide, E Zhe sighed, waved his hand and said, "Take it down and find a place to bury it."

Looking at the body of Tutuoluo carried out, Dorgon admired him: such slaves who died loyal to their masters are also respected in Dajin.

After Erdos went out, he summoned more than forty of his soldiers to his side, and said to them: "I think the Queen Mother and E Zhe insisted on surrendering the gold, and Xian Khan's last words were still in his ears, so the two of them dared to openly betray you. This is a big rebellion, and the spirit of Xianhan in the sky will never let them go."

All the soldiers are close friends who have followed Erdos for more than ten years, and they all said: "My lord, tell me, what should we do?"

"The purpose of Jin Bing's coming is not to get the jade seal. We must not let them succeed. After a while, I will go to the big tent. Look at my gestures. If I point to the tent, you will rush in immediately and have a big fight together." Shout: Jin Bing has kidnapped the Empress Dowager and E Zhe, everyone, come and rescue them. In the chaos, fifteen of you will drive the young master away." Odos said his idea.

A close aide asked: "The young master is not leaving?"

Edos gritted his teeth and said, "If the young master doesn't want to leave, he will cover his head and carry him away. But remember, you can't hurt the young master."

"Yes, don't worry, my lord." The soldiers replied.

Edos also ordered: "The rest of the people follow me and surround and kill Dorgon. If Dorgon is killed, the Jin army will be in chaos. Let's take advantage of the chaos to rush out of the encirclement and go straight to Mobei. As long as the jade seal is there, the young master is there." , I, Chahar, will rise again one day, and then you will all be great contributors to rebuilding the country."

At this moment, someone asked ignorantly, "What about the Queen Mother?"

Mentioning this woman, Erdos was so angry that he said bitterly: "Don't care about her, the bad will be on this woman."

After the preparations were finished, Edos came to the queen mother's tent with two jars of wine, but just as he saw Tuotuoluo committing suicide, he realized that he was late, so he immediately shouted: "The golden soldiers have kidnapped the queen mother and Ezhe, Everyone, come to the rescue."

As soon as the soldiers saw Erdos shouting, they clamored: "The golden soldiers have kidnapped the queen mother, and the golden soldiers have kidnapped the young master, come and rescue me!"

Some soldiers didn't know the truth, and rushed into the big tent with these soldiers.

The person in the tent was stunned, what's going on?No one hijacked the queen mother and young master.E Zhe shouted loudly: "Get out, get out for me, no one hijacks the Queen Mother, everyone, don't be fooled, don't make a mess."

Edos and others went straight to Dorgon as if they hadn't heard it.Dorgon was also surprised, and quickly drew the knife in his hand.Several cronies around Ghoshha also drew their swords to guard.

Suddenly, shouts of killing surged from outside the big tent like a tide, shaking the whole Tuolitu earth. Erdos and others stayed there, all looked outside the tent, forgetting to kill Dorgon for a while.

After a while, the shouting outside the tent stopped.Before Edos and the others could react, Dorgon shouted, "What do you want to do? Are you rebelling? Are you looking for death? Tuolitu is surrounded, even a mosquito can't fly out, as long as this general gives an order Come on, this place will be razed to the ground immediately, do you want to save the master, or do you want to harm the master?"

Er Zhe also hurriedly shouted: "Kneel down, kneel down for me."

The golden soldiers and the authority of the young master were photographed outside, and the soldiers following Erdos knelt down one after another.

Erdos knew that the situation was over, and Lao Lei sat paralyzed on the ground.E Zhe couldn't bear to hurt the old minister, and sighed to him: "Edos, I miss you as an old minister, I won't kill you, you go, take what you want, go far away, don't let me see it again your turn."

Erdos wiped away his tears with his sleeve, stepped forward and hugged Ezhe's thigh, and called out, "Young master."

"You go!" Ezhe was already devoted to money, and he didn't want to make troubles, just wanted Erdos to leave as soon as possible.

Erdosnai could only stomp his feet heavily, and cried: "The old minister is gone, queen mother, young master, take care." After speaking, he turned around and went out of the tent. A dozen cronies saw him in the tent, hesitated, and followed Out of account.

After getting out of the account, Edos was worried that Dorgon would send someone to kill him, so he only took more than 300 people from his clan and cronies and left quickly. Dagon didn't send anyone to intercept them, but asked Yuetuo to give them some food.

The rebellion subsided, and the two old ministers died and left. Su Tai had nothing to worry about, so he immediately asked Ezhe to present the jade seal, made an inventory and went to Shengjing with Dorgon.

After Erdos and his family cronies ran for dozens of kilometers in one breath, everyone got off their horses to catch their breath.His son Batu asked Odos where he was going, whether to go to Khalkha in the north of the Mo, or to the west of the Mo, or to Qinghai.

After Odos thought about it for a long time, Fang gritted his teeth bitterly, and directed Fang: "Let's vote for Daming!"

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