There is a mistake in the previous article, Xiaoguanzhuang should be Xiaoguantun.high quality updates

ps: Bones has been bloodied for the past two days, should the judges not hesitate to give Bones a little support with red tickets and subscriptions? (Note: The housework has not been dealt with yet.)

On the official road from Lumen out of the city to Huqiu, there was an endless stream of literati in Confucian robes.Suzhou is an ancient city in the Spring and Autumn Period. When Wu and Yue were fighting for hegemony, King Fu Chai of Wu built a palace for the stunning beauty Xishi.Li Taibai of the Tang Dynasty had a poem saying: "When Wuqi was on the stage in Gusu, Xishi was drunk in the palace of Wu Wang", and Bai Juyi had a lot of imagination: "Wu wine is a cup of spring bamboo leaves, and Wu Wa dances and dances to get drunk with hibiscus."Afterwards, through the Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties, to the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, Qian Yu, the king of Wu, and Zhang Shicheng, the leader of the Red Scarf Army at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, all settled here. There are many historical sites, such as Huqiu, Panmen, Shihu, Lingyan, Tianping, Yu There are also exquisite gardens built in the past dynasties - Humble Administrator's Garden, Lingering Garden, Master of the Nets Garden, Huanxiu Villa, Canglang Pavilion, Lion Forest, Art Garden, Coupling Garden, Tuisi Garden, etc. It is a place where literati and inkmen all over the world linger and yearn for.

Huqiu is the No. 1 victory in Wuzhong. During the Spring and Autumn Period, King Helu of Wu built a city and capital here, and was buried in Huqiu after his death.Qin Shihuang wiped out the six kingdoms, unified the whole world, and visited the Tiger Hill.When Bai Juyi, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, was the governor of Suzhou, he dug mountains to divert water and built seven mile dykes. Later dynasties also expanded it, and the scenery of Tiger Hill was even more beautiful, so that later generations thought it was a pity to visit Suzhou without visiting Tiger Hill.Huqiu has been repaired and expanded by the dynasty. Huqiu Pagoda, Hanhan Spring, Sword Test Stone, Pillow Stone, Sun Wuzi Military Field, Zhenniang Tomb, Lengxiang Pavilion, Third Spring, Zhishuang Pavilion, Jianchi, Qian Renshi, Erxian Pavilion, Kezhong Pavilion, Wushi Pavilion, Bailian Pond, Great Buddha Hall, Qianqingyun, Wuxian Hall, Pingyuan Hall, Xiaowu Pavilion, Fanghe Pavilion, Yanghejian, Yongquan Pavilion, Lan Yuexie, Xiaowudang, Tongyouxuan, Magnolia Mountain House, Yunzai Tea Fragrance, Yongcui Villa... There are so many flowers everywhere, it makes people dizzy and forget to return. [

Shantang Street is only seven miles away from Tiger Hill, next to Baigong Causeway, and it was originally a commercial port with many shops. At this time, it was just in time for the Restoration Conference, and the streets were full of people, laughing and chattering.Beautifully dressed daughters, suave teenagers, yellow-haired old men, and young children with long hair are like a stream.In the Shantang River, there are painting boats and cruise ships shuttling back and forth, silk and bamboo orchestras, and music like strands.On the side of the Shantang water pier, a small boat with a black awning slowly approached the shore, and was moored beside the clean and orderly stone steps.A handsome young man in Confucian uniform got off the boat lightly and walked into the crowd of people on the shore.The young man walked slowly, and it took more than half an hour before he saw the foothills of Huqiu from a distance, selling flowers in baskets, clay figurine sculptures, monkeys practicing arts, and more lively than the mountain pond.Before stepping into the gate of Toudao Mountain, I saw the four characters "Hai Chung Liu Hui" embedded on the wall across the river, and the strange rocks on both sides of the mountain road are like knives and axes.A stone bridge across the Huanshan River is the famous Haichong Bridge. Under the stone bridge, a wooden sign is erected, which reads: "The literati of the world at the Fushe Conference, the tiger hill is narrow, and it is inconvenient to walk. Please avoid people and others. Sincerely, Fushe colleagues.”

There are a few young and strong scholars standing around the wooden sign, discouraging pedestrians going up the mountain.The leading scholar saw the young man in Confucian uniforms and asked, "This man has a sharp eye, but he came to the party?"

The boy in the Confucian uniform stopped and bowed, "Exactly."

"Dare to ask Taifu?"

"This..." The young man in Confucian uniform pondered for a while, rolled his eyes a few times, and said with a smile, "My little brother's surname is Liu, and his name is Yin."

The scholar cupped his fists and said, "So it's Brother Yin, I'm sorry for your disrespect."

"My little brother's cursive script is like this."

"Liu Rushi?" The scholar frowned and thought for a moment, shook his head lightly, glanced at the people behind him, reached out his hand and took out a booklet from his pocket, and asked again, "Where is the fairyland?"

"Don't dare, my little brother was born among the clouds."

The scholar hurriedly opened the booklet in his hand, looked at ten lines at a glance, and said with a sneer, "This booklet contains the list of Fushe members in the four counties of Songjiang Prefecture, a total of 41 people, and the names of my dear friends." He pointed behind his back The wooden sign said: "I am not a colleague of Fushe, please go back!"

The young man in Confucianism said anxiously: "Mr. Xizhang taught me, you want to stop me?"

"Hahaha..." The scholar laughed a few times, and said, "Mr. Xizhang's name is resounding all over the world, and who knows his moral articles? If everyone says that he was raised by the old man, the whole Tiger Hill will be afraid." It can’t hold it anymore. High-quality update”

The young man's face turned red, and he said angrily, "This Tiger Hill is a famous place in the world, and it's not your family's ancestral property. You can come, why can't others come?"

The tourists rushing to the side of the stone bridge heard the young man's reasoning, and shouted and cheered: "Yes! This mountain is not owned by you Fushe, how can you occupy it so casually!"

The scholar saw that he was about to offend the crowd, bowed to the outside and said, "Everyone, don't be bewitched by him. Our Fushe only occupies Huqiu for two days. Because the space on the mountain is limited, we can't accommodate more people. I'm afraid something will happen. Unexpectedly, please everyone Haihan."

The young man had to be reasonable and refused to let others, and when he saw someone helping out, he became more confident and yelled: "The feet grow on my own body, and it is God's will to stumble and fall off the cliff, which one is up to you?"

"We also have good intentions..." The scholar saw that more and more people gathered by the bridge, and the young man was obsessed with obscurity, he couldn't help panicking, thin beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

The young man took the opportunity to shout: "Will you let it pass? If you stop it again, we will force our way in!"

"Don't, don't, don't..." The scholar and the people behind him spread their arms to block them, and said, "Who's scholar doesn't want to have a quiet place? Writing poetry and dissertations can't compare to other livelihoods, and it can't be noisy. There are more people... "[

"No way! Isn't this looking down on us? You just chanted your poems and wrote your articles. Don't we have the right to go to Tiger Hill?"

"Young man, don't worry." A slightly deep voice came, and everyone followed the sound, only to see a man in a smoke-colored Taoist robe coming from the opposite side of the bridge. Just stand in front of the boy.

"Master——" the few scholars who were guarding the bridge rushed forward to meet him, the man waved his hand and ordered them to retreat, put his hand on the young man's shoulder, looked at him with a smile, suddenly his expression " His expression changed, he quickly withdrew his palm, and said in a low voice: "Girl, we Fushe are all upright gentlemen, you must rush to the mountain, what do you want to do?"

The boy gave him a palm and turned his face flushed. Hearing this, his face immediately turned pale, and he said in surprise, "You, who are you? How did you recognize..."

"I'm Yu Lianhe. Although the girl has pulled out the hairpin ring, the ring hole on the root of the ear is still there. How can I escape my eyes!"

The young man "touched" his earlobe, his face turned red for a moment, he stomped his feet and said angrily, "You, you bully people! I, I..." He covered his face and choked with sobs.

Only then did everyone understand, and they all commented: "It's a girl, I said she is so petite!"

"Such a beautiful little girl has disguised herself, she must be secretly in love with her brother."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Look at her pink face and peach cheeks, like tender lotus root in a pond, I don't know which younger generation has such a good fortune..."

The boy turned away, sobbing deeply.Yu Lianhe was afraid that she would be shy, so he hurriedly said to everyone: "Since she is looking for a sweetheart, I'll just take her to the mountain. The girl is thin-skinned, so let's leave!" Everyone laughed and left.Several scholars stepped forward and stopped her: "Master, don't let her in, what if she is a spy?"

Yu Lianhe nodded and asked, "Girl, tell the truth, who taught you?"

"Didn't I say it long ago? You still have to ask! I, what kind of "spies" am I..."

"Master, she called herself Liu Rushi, and said Mr. Xizhang gave it to her."

"Liu Rushi?" Yu Lianhe bowed his head and pondered for a moment, then said, "It doesn't matter if your real name or a pseudonym. Since it's an appointment with the head of the society, Miss Liu, please go up the mountain!"

"Master..." Several scholars were in a hurry, Yu Lianhe smiled slightly: "What are you afraid of? She is a weak girl who doesn't know the slightest bit of martial arts, and you are also facing an enemy like this! I will accompany her to see Mr. Xizhang, You should be careful here."

The few scholars saw Yu Lianhe's palm out for a moment, and they had already tested each other's details. They admired each other and watched the two of them walk down the bridge.The two of them went up the mountain, and saw that the mountain path was extremely clean, it must have been cleaned by someone, and when they turned into the main mountain gate, several Fushe disciples set up tents beside the two wells, prepared tea and refreshments, and greeted guests from all over the world. It shows that the preparations for this grand event are very thoughtful.

Turning around the Duanliang Hall at the Ershan Gate, there were several young and strong scholars guarding here. When they saw Yu Lianhe, they nodded in greeting and were blocked.High-quality update Yu Lianhe listened to panting slightly behind him, slowed down and said, "Tiger Hill was originally transformed from a tiger. The big step crossing the river in front of the main mountain gate is the mouth of the tiger, and the two wells are the eyes of the tiger; The Broken Beam Hall at the Ershan Gate is the tiger's throat. Now that you have entered the tiger's belly, it will be very difficult to escape."

Liu Rushi heard the implication in his words, and said with a bright smile: "Isn't there a sword pool in front? After I get the Bianzhu and Yuchang swords, I will cut open this tiger and see how it can eat people again! "

"It's strange for a girl like you to dare to use a knife and a gun." Yu Lianhe smiled lightly, "Can you cross Tiger Hill?"

"No." Liu Rushi looked around, looking around at the beautiful scenery.Tiger Hill is indeed worthy of the No. 1 victory in the southeast of Wuzhong. Although the mountain is not towering and precipitous, it is only tens of feet up and down, but the grass on both sides of the mountain road is dark green, with various flowers, and the fragrance is refreshing.

Yu Lianhe pointed and said: "That's Hanhan Spring. This spring has been around for nearly a thousand years, and it is still clear and pure. It is said that the water in the well can cure eye diseases. Would you like to drink a cup of Huqiu Baiyun tea boiled by Hanhan Spring to quench your thirst?" He saw Liu Rushi shook his head, pointed to the octagonal wooden pagoda on the top of the mountain and said, "We've already walked half the way here, and that's Tiger Hill Pagoda."

Liu Rushi looked up and saw an ancient pagoda standing among the green trees. A corner of the red wall was faintly exposed under the pagoda. It was held there. It’s just that the temple’s Daxiong Hall, Wanfo Pavilion, and Abbot’s Tower were destroyed overnight due to fire a few years ago. This year, there are so many people coming to the party, I’m afraid it’s a bit cramped.”[

While talking, after passing Erxian Pavilion, Jianjian Stone, Zhenniang Tomb, Lengxiang Pavilion, Huqiu Pagoda is already in front of you, but you can see several people coming out of the temple gate, the leader is Zhang Pu. .Before Yu Lianhe could introduce him, Liu Rushi had already rushed forward and said, "Mr. Xizhang, I've had a hard time looking for you!"

"You are..." Zhang Pu walked down the stairs, and he couldn't help being stunned when he saw a short scholar.

Liu Rushi took off the square scarf on his head, revealing his cloud-like long hair, and said with a shy smile, "Sir, have you forgotten your maidservant?"

"Oh! It could be you! Yang Yinglian, when did you arrive?" Zhang Pu stretched out his hand to hold her back.

Liu Rushi glanced at Yu Lianhe and said, "It's for Brother Yu to accompany him all the way."

Zhang Pu laughed loudly and said, "You little girl is so honorable! This is the number one expert in Fushe, and he actually became your bodyguard!"

Yu Lianhe hastily argued: "This girl came here in disguise, saying that she was going to meet Mr., and I saw her acting suspiciously, so I didn't dare to be careless, so I sent her off. She just claimed her surname is Liu, and her name is hidden, so she dare not show her true face!"

"There are so many people in such a grand event, so you should be careful. I heard that many people were clamoring to go up the mountain, but you stopped them. Let them in and watch as they please. What we did was not something shameful, What are you afraid of? Of course you have to be wary of wicked people making trouble, but you must not disturb the people and tarnish the name of Fushe." The words were so upright that Yu Lianhe looked ashamed, nodded and said: "I will go down the mountain immediately They let it go."

Zhang Pu beckoned to Liu Rushi and said, "I'll introduce you to everyone. She is the daughter of Xu Fo from the Gui Family Courtyard in Shengze Town. I met her once on the way back to the south last year. Don't look at her age. He's big, but he's smart." As he spoke, he introduced Zhang Cai, Wu Weiye, Chen Zilong and others, and Yang Yinglian greeted them one by one.When everyone saw her as a weak teenage girl, rushing a long way, they secretly praised her for her courage.

Zhang Pu said: "You are really eccentric. You played a charade. You didn't distinguish between willows and willows. You concealed your real name and contemplated it like this. You are even more grand than your real name!"

"Since Mr. has criticized it, the servant girl should take the opportunity to change it!"

"That's good. This time the venue has been changed to Thousand People Stone. If so, you should freshen up first and take a rest. My son, you stay with her." After speaking, he led everyone down the mountain.

Liu Rushi looked up and down the young scholar in front of him. He was tall and straight, with a heroic look on his brows. He was not as weak as ordinary scholars. His heart skipped a beat, and he bowed his head slightly and thanked, "Thank you."

"I'm Chen Zilong, girl follow me." Turning around, he was about to enter the temple.

"Brother Wozi, since there are monks in the temple, it is better to find a secluded place."

Chen Zilong thought for a moment and said: "There must be fewer people around Lu Yuquan, the girl can go there to freshen up."

Lu Yuquan is on the north side of Lengxiang Pavilion. It was originally an ancient stone well, about one zhang square, surrounded by stone walls, extremely deep. The stone walls beside the well are surrounded by vines and vines, and there are people around.Chen Zilong said: "On the right side of Lengxiang Pavilion is the Stone of Thousand People. I think everyone has gone to the front, no wonder it is so quiet." Filled with water from the wooden bucket by the well and washed her.

Liu Rushi's ten fingers were slender, holding water in his hands, he really felt the coldness, and the heat disappeared instantly.She heard the voices of people over the Thousand Persons Stone, and was anxious to go to the meeting, so she soaked the veil, wiped her cheeks, turned and left.

Chen Zilong strode to catch up, and the two walked side by side, but he felt a ray of dark fragrance in his nostrils, he couldn't help but feel swayed, and thought to himself: Where is the contemplation like this, it clearly corresponds to the "Diamond Sutra" That sentence, so I heard.If she took off her Confucian clothes, changed into a daughter's attire, put on a thin layer of makeup, rolled up the eight-treasure bun, and inserted a lustrous jade hairpin obliquely, with fluttering skirts, bright eyes and bright teeth, I don't know what would happen Attractive appearance?

The Thousand People Stone is a large dark purple rock, which is naturally formed, with a square of two acres, sloping from south to north, as flat as a whetstone, majestic, with two rocks protruding from the middle, with a flat top and four walls like cut stones. , It can seat thousands of people, which is really rare.According to legend, after the completion of the Mausoleum of King Helu of Wu in the Spring and Autumn Period, more than a thousand tomb builders were gathered here, and there was a crane dance to add to the fun, and poisonous wine was given secretly. 』Dark purple, when it rains, it turns bright red like blood.In the Jin Dynasty, Zhu Daosheng, an eminent monk, gathered here to give a lecture on Buddhism.Qianrenshi is located in the middle of the mountain, which is the center of Tiger Hill.At this time, the stone of thousands of people was full of scholars in Confucian uniforms, and the huge stone of thousands of people seemed a bit small.

The conference hadn't even started yet, but there was a lot of noise, local dialects and local accents were converging, and everyone's eyes were shining with excitement, chatting and laughing while looking towards the center of the big stone.Liu Rushi was short in stature, so he had to sneak into the crowd and squeeze to the front.Fearing that she might make a mistake, Chen Zilong followed closely behind.

In the center of the Thousand Persons Stone is a platform built with wooden planks, and four chairs are lined up in the center, and each chair is covered with brocade.Zhang Pu and Zhang Cai accompanied the thin and the fat two people to the stage, and let the old man with a clean face be the chief.The man was dressed in cloth shoes and white socks, tall and thin, his gray beard and hair were in order, and his eyes were so bright that no one dared to look at him. He glanced at the audience and said with a laugh: "Tianru, you are the leader of Fushe, so naturally you should take the first seat. This old man is only watching the ceremony today to congratulate him. He shouldn't be acting on stage. It's embarrassing. Since you don't allow it, this old man has to agree to show his face, but what's the matter?" Relying on the old to sell the old?"

Zhang Pu said emotionally: "Your old man is a famous person in Donglin, if you insist on refusing, who is qualified to sit?"

"That's right, as the saying goes: In the wild, you are like a tooth, and in the court, you are like a noble. Since we live scattered in the countryside and enjoy traveling in the forest, I will sell my old age." The old man greeted: "If you start the field, then let's not be polite. "

The slightly fatter middle-aged man was wearing a blue cloth gown. He was broad-legged, with a long beard and a burly body. He looked very much like a general leading troops to fight on the battlefield.Hearing the old man call out his name, he hastily stepped forward and agreed, "It's all according to the teacher's orders." He took the second seat next to the teacher, and then Zhang Pu and Zhang Cai sat down in turn.Liu Rushi asked Chen Zilong, "Why are those two people so entrusted with being the chief?"

"Speaking of the qualifications of these two people, it is not an exaggeration to be the chief. They are the elders of Donglin, the older one is Mr. Qian Muzhai, and the other is his disciple Mr. Qu Qitian. It seems that they have such identities There are not many famous scholars in Donglin who are alive." Chen Zilong sighed deeply as he recounted the past and the past.

"Mr. Mu Zhai's demeanor is really unique in the world. He has not lost his bearing at this age."

Chen Zilong saw that at her young age, she criticized her seniors like an old friend for many years. He was about to make fun of her, but someone shouted: "Old Mu----, you are an old man who criticizes! My disciple wants to be a member of the society, but they will not let her." , Fushe is so intolerable?" A 30-year-old man in Confucian uniform crowded the audience, climbed on the pillar and shouted upwards.

Seeing him commenting on social affairs in front of everyone, Zhang Pu was a little annoyed, but hearing that he called the old man, he seemed to have a close relationship with Qian Qianyi, and because of his affection, he said with a smile: "This man might as well come to the stage to give advice." On stage. Next, Yu Lianhe was so anxious that he winked again and again, but he just didn't see.

"Tianru, this person looks familiar..." Qian Qianyi was thinking, a little hesitant.The man had already galloped up to the high platform, knelt down in front of him and kowtowed: "The junior from the village pays homage to the old Mu, I beg you to uphold justice."

"You are..." Qian Qianyi still hadn't remembered who this person was.Qu Shixu snorted coldly, "Why are you?"

The man bent down again and again and said: "Wan Sheng once went to the Banye Hall to pay homage to the old shepherd."

"Oh, you are Zhang, Zhang Hanru?"

"Old Mu is fond of remembering 'sex'! It is the younger generation." Zhang Hanru bowed to the ground with an extremely humble expression.

Qian Qianyi recalled that this man was originally a local rich man in Changshu. He spent 100 taels of silver to donate a scholar. In fact, he never went to Pan to study, but he pretended to be gentle and liked to associate with famous people in order to gain reputation.Last winter, he asked someone to bring a generous gift to be included in the gate wall, and he was politely declined and returned the gift.But this person still didn't give up, and spent several thousand taels of silver to search for the Song version of "Yuanwei Zhiji", put it in a brocade box, and sent it to Banyetang pretending to be a scholar. "Yuan Wei Zhi Ji" is a collection of poems written by Yuan Zhen, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. Qian Qianyi is very fond of his poetic style. I felt regretful, so when I saw the Song version, I looked through it briefly, and knew that this copy was the ancestor of the manuscripts and reprints in my own collection. After questioning again and again, he said that this book was given by Shao Zongbo's registered disciple. If you like it, you can keep it, and you don't need half a tael of silver.

Qian Qianyi asked the disciple's name, heard that it was Zhang Hanru, and secretly said that it was a fluke, if his family was greedy for a while and sold a Song version of the book as a master and apprentice, and spread it, wouldn't it be a big loss to his reputation?So he wrapped the book in its original seal, and said lightly: "It's too expensive, I can't afford it." He sent him away.Thinking of that nasty incident, he still sulked and said, "What's the matter with you, Tiger Hill?"

"I heard that at Fushe's meeting, Wan Sheng and Mu Lao are fellow countrymen, and they have always been quite selfish, but they are destined to be a door-to-door wall. I want to ask Mu Lao to help me join Fushe. I hope you will not resign."

"What's so bad about being a squire, why bother to join Fushe?"

"All wishes come true."

Seeing Zhang Hanru's embarrassment, Zhang Pu said, "I am rehabilitating the society to open doors and recruit heroes from all over the world. Why didn't my dear friend become a member of the society in Changshu, but why did he rush to Huqiu instead?"

Zhang Hanru sneered, and said bitterly: "Changshu Fushe is controlled by a few people. The students repeatedly applied to join, but they were all rejected. They had to go to Huqiu to ask them face to face."

Qian Qianyi said: "Tianru, now that Fushe's power has increased greatly, and the world is paying attention to it, the more this is the case, the more you must not be careless, and you must not lower the door control yourself, and the internal troubles will accumulate, and the position will be "disordered". An opportunity to take advantage of."

Zhang Pu sneered twice, and said: "The auspicious time is coming, it's not good to delay everyone's grand event because of my dear brother, and I will stand aside to watch the ceremony, and the matter of community membership will be discussed later." Worrying about Zhang Hanru's obsession, he got up Shouted: "The auspicious time is here----" Several people on both sides shouted together: "Please God----"

Zhang Hanru gave Qian Qianyi a resentful look, stepped back from the stage, and watched from a distance several young and strong scholars carried a large altar table and set it up on the stage. Fine sandy soil.Several teenagers in Confucian uniforms lined up in a line, each with their hands hanging on their chests, holding a catalpa plaque, which read Gu Xiancheng, Li Sancai, Ye Xianggao, Zou Yuanbiao, Feng Congwu, Chen Dashou, Yang Lian, Zuo Yuanbiao, and so on. The official titles and titles of Guangdou, Wei Dazhong, Zhou Chaorui, Yuan Huazhong, Gu Dazhang, Gao Panlong, Zhou Shunchang, Zhou Qiyuan, Miao Changqi, Li Yingsheng, Zhou Zongjian, Huang Zunsu and others were neatly placed on the altar.

"Shangxiang----" sang in harmony, and the joy of welcoming the gods was great.

Qian Qianyi, Qu Shixu, Zhang Pu, and Zhang Cai washed their hands and held incense to pay homage to each other. Everyone in the audience knelt together and kowtowed to the sages of Donglin.

"Wait a minute, my second master has something to say!" Suddenly, several strong men in fresh clothes crowded in front of the stage, all of them with fleshy faces, like slaves raised by wealthy families for many years, and tried to stop them.

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