Daming wolf ride

Chapter 452 The Great Retreat

Huanglong Lushun committed suicide after defeat in the battle, and the imperial court sent Shandong deputy general Shen Shikui to take over as Pidao's general. Dayong didn't know about these things, and even if he knew, he had no choice but to do anything about it. The thing had already happened, and he couldn't change it even if he wanted to. The remaining personnel were evacuated to Liaoyang, and the rest, even if the sky fell, was none of their business.

On the pontoon bridge on the Hun River, a convoy of 300 horse-drawn carts and snow carts was crossing the river. Besides the gold, silver and jewels looted from Fuling, these vehicles were carrying food.

The ice on the Hun River was so thick that some carriages ran across the ice without even having to walk across the pontoon bridge.A few young Jinzhou soldiers were enjoying themselves skating on the ice, throwing a dog's head from time to time, which made the veterans on the carriage laugh non-stop.

Most of the carriages are loaded with food, which is more important than gold, silver and jewelry. Without food, what is the use of more jewelry.

In fact, the harvest outside the pass has not been good in the past few years, even worse than the disaster inside the pass. Since the second year of Chongzhen, several years of severe drought have almost wiped out the crops outside the pass. This is why Mrs. Hong took the risk to lead the Eight Banners into the pass to plunder The reason is that they need food too much.If there is no food, they will starve to death without Da Ming attacking them.

In addition to looting food from the pass, the Jin army also robbed food from the Mongols and Koreans.In the first year of Tiancong, Hong Tai ordered Amin, Jierhalang, Yuetuo and others to lead the army to the east, forcing North Korea to surrender, and searched the whole country for food supply and gold.

In the next few years, hundreds of thousands of shi of grain were transported from the Yalu River to Houjin every year. In addition, the Jin army invaded the Mongolian tribes from time to time to harvest grain and robbed the Mongols' cattle and sheep. It was this bandit-like behavior that guaranteed In the past few years, Houjin has survived natural disasters.

Fortunately, the population of Houjin is less than one million. Otherwise, if there are [-] million people like Daming, under such natural disasters, the Eight Banners may also rise up.

Most of the looted food was accumulated in Shenyang City, not only because Shenyang was the political center of the Later Jin Dynasty, but also because Shenyang was the largest city in Liaodong.Xu is a bandit himself, and the Eight Banners are also very afraid that someone will come to snatch their food, so it is very safe for them to store the food in Shenyang City with high walls.

Last year, in the battle between Linghe River and Jinzhou, the whole country was devoted to attacking the Ming Dynasty. The mobilization of soldiers, horses, food and grass was beyond the tolerance of Houjin. In addition, due to the strong resistance of the Ming army, they were defeated at the foot of Jinzhou City. The few harvests made the shortage of food in Houjin even more serious.If Hong Tai hadn't ordered North Korea to collect another batch of grain, and slaughtered a large number of cattle and sheep, it is unknown how many people would have died of freezing and starvation in one winter.

In order to snatch the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, Mrs. Hong organized another expeditionary army. This time, the food and grass accumulated since the beginning of spring was exhausted, and the food left in Shenyang was barely enough for more than three months.On the day when the Jinzhou army attacked the city, Daishan moved all the bannermen from the outer city into the inner city, which caused food shortages. Daishan even prepared for the worst. Once Hong Tai's main force could not rush back and the Ming army's siege period was long, he would prepare Kill a group of old and weak as rations.

After the Jinzhou army entered the city, the remaining grain was only more than 2 shi, and tens of thousands of shi of grain were burned by the fire. The more than 2 shi of grain had been transported away in two batches in advance. This time, the grain was searched from the outer city Most of the several thousand shi of grain contributed by the Han people who voluntarily retreated with the Ming army, and a small part was directly forcibly confiscated by the Ming army.

The food supply of the Han people in the outer city is rationed. Except for a few merchants who do business for the Eight Banners dignitaries who have surplus food, most of the Han people’s rations are distributed regularly, no more and no less, just to ensure that no one will starve to death.If you want to live a better life, you can find other ways out by yourself, as long as you complete the errands of the bannerman masters, the masters will not care how the Han people will earn food for their families.

When the carriage crossed the river, the Ming army in the city was still persuading the Han people to evacuate with them, but the effect was minimal. After more than an hour of persuasion, there were only more than 4000 Han people who were young and strong and willing to take the risk of walking in this ice and snow. The rest were basically iron My heart will stay here in Shenyang City.

As soon as the time passed, all the Ming troops left the city.

More than 8000 Han people and more than 1 women and children who voluntarily left the city also left the city one after another. Outside the city, nearly a thousand large and small carriages and snow-covered carts were ready to be fixed.

The Ming army transported these Han people in a team of [-] people. Among the [-] people, five elders were selected to be responsible for the affairs along the way. In addition to managing the personnel in the team, these five people were also responsible for liaising with the Jinzhou Army in order to obtain as many people as possible. In addition, they are also responsible for the food, lodging, clothing and food of the team members.The Ming army left enough food for each hundred people to go to Liaoyang. These grains are kept by themselves, and the Ming army will not ask for it.The Han people brought their own warm clothes, and the Ming army would not take them by force.

It is icy and snowy, and it is hundreds of miles away. Without unified management, it is impossible to imagine what will happen on the road.Although it is impossible for the Ming army to provide much help, it is better for the Han people to evacuate in an organized manner than to be unorganized and scattered.The Ming army did their best to help those who could. Whether they can reach Liaoyang alive depends on their fortune.

Women and children were used to ride the carriages and snowy carriages, and after such group after group of departures, there were finally more than 6000 young and strong men left without vehicles.

Dayong ordered these more than 6000 young and strong men to be organized into three battalions, with more than 2000 people in each battalion. 150 veterans were transferred from the army to manage them.

Once they encounter Eight Banners soldiers on the road, these young and strong men will fight side by side with the Jinzhou Army at any time.Many of the wives and children of the young and strong are on the carriage. In order to protect the family, they can still come in handy at critical times, and at least they can contain some of the Jin army.

After the arrangement was completed, it was already noon, and the Jinzhou army left at this time included 1500 light cavalry, 2000 infantry from the left battalion, 1500 newly surrendered Han troops, 800 brave soldiers, and a total strength of more than 5300. , In addition, there are more than 600 war horses.

The remaining generals knew what to do next, so they all had a heavy heart. They each arranged for their subordinates to light a fire outside the city and cook some mutton soup to satisfy their hunger, and then came to ask Dayong for orders.

Dayong didn't say much. When he was leaving the city, he saw many Han people hiding on both sides of the street, peeping behind the houses to watch the Jinzhou army leave the city. Walk.Such a move naturally disliked Dayong even more.

There was no time to delay any more, Dayong resolutely gave the order, and immediately 4000 Jinzhou troops returned to the city again, drove the Han people together along the streets, then demolished the houses, and lit fire oil.

Amid the sparks all over Shenyang, Dayong galloped across the Hun River without looking back.

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