Daming wolf ride

Chapter 453 The Great Retreat

Dayong's guess was correct. The Jin army that appeared in Changshan and Jingping Fort was indeed Hong Tai's own reinforcements. The reason why he didn't lead his troops to Shenyang immediately was also the blizzard that put the Ming army in trouble. .

The deepest part of the snow was as deep as half a person, and it was difficult for horses to move. Coupled with the freezing weather and thousands of miles to return for help, thousands of cavalry were exhausted and suffering.Even if they rush back now, I'm afraid it won't help. Without the Ming army to fight, they will collapse first.

Mrs. Hong was in a hurry to go back to rescue Shenyang, but he couldn't bring back such a soldier who might fall from his horse at any time, so he could only send an order to rest and wait for the wind and snow to stop. Adjust the grain and grass.

After marching for thousands of miles, the food and grass carried by the army had long been used up, and there was no food in the army at this time. If it weren't for the bannermen in Changshan and Jingpingbao who still had some food left, the bannermen would be hungry.People can last a day or two on an empty stomach, but this horse can't do it on an empty stomach, so it has to wait until the supply of food and grass comes up, otherwise it can't move anymore.

The three brothers Azige, Dorgon, and Duoyi who came back with Hong Taiqianli this time were Abatai and Haoge, and Jierhalang, Yuetuo, Sahalian and others were ordered to lead the army back to the division. .The returning soldiers and horses were 5000 elite cavalry drawn from two yellow flags and two white flags.

The news of the Ming army's landing in southern Liaonan has already spread to some extent in the army, but the news of the Ming army's attack on Shenyang has been tightly sealed. Except for the banner owners of the banners, that is, Gushan and Baylor, everyone else is aware of it. Those who were kept in the drum, especially those Mongols who returned with Ezhe were even more kept in the drum.Even the 5000 Eight Banners soldiers who followed Hong Tai Qianli back to aid did not know that the Ming army attacked Shenyang, otherwise the morale of the army would be unstable.After all, most of the family members of the Eight Banners soldiers are in Shenyang City. If they know that Shenyang has been besieged by the Ming army, they don't know what will happen.

Mrs. Hong's statement to the outside world was that she would rush back in person to be responsible for destroying the Ming army in southern Liao. This statement did not arouse any doubts.

Mrs. Hong has not heard from Shenyang for seven days, and she doesn't know if Dai Shanshou is guarding Shenyang.But no matter how anxious he was, as a profuse sweater, he couldn't show a trace of anxiety on his face, otherwise it would be bad for the people below to see it.Since he set off, he has chopped off a few guards who talked nonsense, in order not to fluctuate the morale of the army.

For the past two days, Mrs. Hong didn't leave the tent, and traveled thousands of miles to help. He didn't bring any of the women he loved, but he brought Hai Lanzhu with him. As a result, due to the long journey, Hai Lanzhu fell ill when he crossed Montenegro.

Mrs. Hong wanted Hai Lanzhu to stay and take care of her health, but Mrs. Hong wanted to stay by her side life and death. Mrs. Hong couldn't resist her, so she had to take her with her again. It got worse, and she fell into a coma twice, which made Mrs. Hong very regretful, and blamed herself for letting Hai Lanzhu suffer so much. If she was left behind in the brigade, how could she become so ill.

After regretting it, Mrs. Hong stayed by Hai Lanzhu's side all the time, for fear that something bad happened to Hai Lanzhu, and only when Abatai and Azig came to ask for instructions would she pay the bill.

As soon as he ate some food that day, Abatai came to Mrs. Hong, saying that he wanted to transfer all the Haoge troops from Changshan to Jingping Fort. Hong Tai was discussing with him, but the maid who served Hai Lanzhu personally Hastily came to report that Hai Lanzhu passed out again.

Hong Tai was shocked when she heard this, and rushed to the tent immediately, without bothering to talk to Abatai, picked up Hai Lanzhu and kept calling.

The maid ran to the door again and shouted loudly: "Lang Zhong, Lang Zhong, come quickly, the master has passed out, the master has passed out again!..."

Because Hai Lanzhu's condition worsened in the past two days, the doctor was on standby all the time, and when he heard the shout, he hurried over.

At this time, Mrs. Hong held Hai Lanzhu in her arms. The extremely weak Hai Lanzhu opened her eyes weakly, smiled miserably, and said angrily, "King Khan, my concubine is fine, it doesn't matter."

Mrs. Hong didn't care about the Khan, so she also cried out, choked up and said, "Hai Lanzhu, you can't fall down. If something happens to you, I don't want to live anymore." I love Hai Lanzhu so much.

Hai Lanzhu raised her right hand with difficulty, wiped away tears for Mrs. Hong, and said, "King Khan, don't say that. If it gets out, people in the country will say that the concubine is charming and seducing the Lord. King Khan can't let the minister The concubine is insulting her name."

Mrs. Hong nodded and replied: "I won't say, I won't say." But her eyes were red from crying.

The doctor took Hai Lanzhu's pulse, felt and felt on Hai Lanzhu's wrist, but couldn't find the pulse, the doctor's heart sank suddenly, knowing that Hai Lanzhu's efforts had been exhausted, and he might not last long, but He didn't dare to speak frankly with Mrs. Hong, so he hurriedly prepared an emergency prescription, ground it into powder, and asked the maid to serve Hai Lanzhu to take it.

After taking the medicine for a long time, Hai Lanzhu has already turned against the taste of the medicine. In addition, his body is extremely weak at the moment, and his gastrointestinal absorption ability is extremely poor. How can he absorb these bitter faces?

The doctor had no choice but to use silver needles to protect Hailanzhu's Shangwan, Zusanli, Neiguan and other acupoints. After needling for two quarters, Hailanzhu swallowed the medicine.

Abatai saw Mrs. Hong holding Hai Lanzhu and crying bitterly outside. Knowing that Mrs. Hong would be unable to do anything, he sighed and shook his head to find Azig and Dorgon. Bannerman over here.

The two banner men did not know what they had suffered, and there was no whole body intact. They were shivering in the cold wind. When they saw Abatai, they rushed over, knelt down and cried, "Lord Baylor!" , Shenyang is lost, Shenyang is lost, Shenyang is lost!"

Hearing this, Abatai's face turned pale. After dragging the two banner men to his tent for detailed interrogation, he ordered the guards to keep a close eye on them, and then immediately went to the three Azig brothers.

The three brothers of Azige were shocked when they heard that Shenyang had been lost, and the four of them didn't dare to delay to report to Mrs. Hong immediately.

Arriving outside Hong Tai's tent, Abate first called out: "King Khan."

Mrs. Hong heard Abate's voice inside and asked, "What's the matter?"

Abatai didn't answer directly, but went into the tent, didn't even ask about Hai Lanzhu's illness, only whispered to Hong Tai: "King Khan, please speak outside."

Mrs. Hong frowned, knowing that something must have happened, she nodded silently, and told the maid to take care of Alanzhu, and then followed Abatai to the outer room, seeing that Azige, Dorgon, and Duoyi were all alive, And his complexion was heavy, his heart skipped a beat, his eyelids twitched, and before Abate could speak, he asked, "But Shenyang is lost?"

Abatai was stunned, nodded and said, "Shenyang is lost."

After receiving the exact answer, Mrs. Hong's face suddenly became painful, and her fat body trembled uncontrollably. After a long time, Fang calmed down, glanced at the three Azig brothers, and said slowly: "Since Shenyang is lost, then the The second brother must have fallen into the hands of the Ming army. The tens of thousands of Eight Banners women and children in Shenyang City must also be in danger. It's in danger. Let's hurry back to Shenyang!"

Abatai nodded in agreement, and the three Azig brothers were about to take orders when a guard next to Mrs. Hong suddenly shouted: "King Khan, blood, blood!"

When everyone looked at the guard's hand, they saw a stream of blood flowing from Mrs. Hong's nostrils.People panicked again, and the guards helped King Khan back to his tent.

The illness this time was worse than when he was in Mongolia, and the bleeding was more than last time. The doctor tried his best, but he still couldn't stop the bleeding.Mrs. Hong was lying on the bed, her body was so weak that she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

The four of Abatai were in a hurry, and Abate was even more anxious and rubbed his hands, anxiously said: "What should I do, what should I do?"

Azig hesitated for a moment, and suggested, "May I ask the shaman to take a look?"

His brother Dorgon quickly shook his head and said, "King Khan has always opposed pretending to be gods and ghosts, so it's better not to invite them."

Duoyi also said: "I can't please, if King Khan finds out, it will be even worse if I get angry."

Hearing what his three brothers said, Abatai dismissed the idea, turned around and asked the doctor: "How is it, can you stop it?"

The doctor said: "Now the flow is much less, and it will stop in another hour. But it still needs to ooze. King Khan needs to rest now."

Hearing what he said, Mrs. Hong struggled to get up without knowing where the strength came from, and her mind seemed to be much clearer. Under the surprised eyes of Abatai and the others, she ordered: "Ben Khan is fine. Immediately mobilize soldiers and horses to fight back to Shenyang."

Abatai, Azige and the others were shocked, and they knelt down on the ground together, dissuading them: "King Khan, you must not force it, you have just recovered, you must rest, if you leave now, the road will be bumpy and tired, and if you commit another crime, It won't be easy."

Mrs. Hong didn't want to rest, but he couldn't stay any longer, and said anxiously: "Shenyang is lost, do you think I can lie down!"

Duoyi cried anxiously: "King Khan, you will support me for a few more days, I beg you."

"King Khan's dragon body is related to the fortune of the great gold country, so you must not take the body of ten thousand gold as a trifle." Azig tried hard to persuade.

Mrs. Hong got up and went to the ground: "In normal times, let alone a few days, I would raise him for a year and a half. Ben Khan can bear it, but Shenyang is lost. I lie on the kang like a hot pot." The ants on the bed, if you lie down again, you will die in a hurry."

Abatai was still worried, so he asked Dorgon beside him, "What do you think?"

Dorgon said: "If we can't take it back to Shenyang, our Eight Banners' tens of thousands of troops will have no place to stand, and without those women and children, our Dajin will be greatly damaged. If we go late, I am afraid that the second brother will suffer too." The poisonous hands of the Ming army. If King Khan is allowed to raise him under such circumstances, it will not only be unhealthy for his health, but will also make his condition worse. As long as he pays more attention along the way, it will be fine."

Hearing what Dorgon said, Abatai had no choice but to say: "Okay, bring a few more doctors."

Mrs. Hong asked Duoyi to stay and join Haoge in Changshan, while he led Abatai and Dorgon's [-] elite soldiers to Shenyang first.

Before he had gone far, Mrs. Hong had another nosebleed. He blocked his nostrils with a towel and rode forward desperately, his heart full of tens of thousands of bannermen, women and children in Shenyang.

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