Daming wolf ride

Chapter 459 Dorgon's soul fell into the Prince River

The heavy armored cavalry of the Ming army was astonishing. Dorgon knew that he must not fight recklessly, so he ordered the flag bearer to wave the command flag. Immediately, Niulu Buda and Keshitu led the crowd to leap out and headed straight for the light cavalry of the Ming army.

Erzhen Enahai led 300 white armored teeth to meet the Ming army's heavy armor. Dorgon led the red armored soldiers to stand still, and attacked only when Onahai induced the Ming army's heavy armor to exhaust themselves.

This was the second time that Dorgon fought against the cavalry of the Jinzhou Army. He was almost captured by the Jinzhou Army during the battle of Xiaolinghe last year.If you want to break the heavy armor of the Mingren, you must lure them to exhaust their horsepower, otherwise they will not be able to break the enemy.

Back then, Yue Fei from the Song Dynasty defeated the Jin Army's iron stupa, and the chain horses relied on cutting off the horse's legs. However, the Jin Army were all cavalry and did not have infantry to fight, so this tactic could not be used.

The fear is the fear, but Dorgon can't take a step back. Back then, Hong Tai established his authority as the Khan because of his achievements in the war against Ming. If he wants to become the new Khan of Dajin, he must also have the ability to defeat Ming. The merits of the army, use the illustrious military exploits to tell the people of the country that there is nothing wrong with choosing him!

Thinking of this, Dorgon couldn't help frowning, and now he is going to prove himself with his military exploits.

This battle can only be won, not lost!

Dorgon closed his eyes, trying to expel all distracting thoughts from his mind, only thinking about how to defeat the Ming army.But no matter how hard he tried, the image of Fujin Borzigit always appeared in his mind.

It was a beautiful and gentle woman. She leaned in her arms and said that she would give birth to many children for herself, and that she would grow old with herself... But all of these were taken away by the damn Ming army. !They must pay for it!


Dorgon roared loudly, opened his eyes, and took a deep breath. There was no hesitation in his eyes, only the steadfast fire of revenge and the desire for victory.


Suddenly, a military flag was raised in the oppressive heavy armored formation of the Ming army, and the military flag fluttered under the blowing of the cold wind.

Wolf, the military flag is painted with a wolf, a wolf that seems to jump out of the flag at any time!

All the golden soldiers who saw the wolf flag of the Ming army subconsciously had a heartbeat, which was the instinctive fear of wolves.

"Kill the people of the Guangming Kingdom!" Dorgon raised his long knife and shouted towards the sky.

"Kill the people of Guangming! Kill the people of Guangming!"

Onahai repeated Dorgon's roar, and the Yayas were passionate, and the long knives gleaming with cold light made a strange whistling sound in the wind.

This is a group of Eight Banners warriors who are not afraid of death, this is a group of Eight Banners warriors who are invincible on horseback.

"Come on!"

Under the leadership of E Nahai, 300 Baijiabayala launched a death charge against the heavy armored cavalry of the Ming army.They didn't use their best bows and arrows at all, because they knew that those Ming soldiers covered in iron armor would not be afraid of their sharp arrows at all, and only the long knives in their hands could cut off the enemy's head.

No matter how many people have to die, they must attack bravely. Only by attacking can the blood of the Eight Banners warriors be called out, and only by attacking can the existence of warriors be proved.

Cao Bianjiao looked indifferently at the rushing Golden Cavalry, put down his helmet coldly, and raised his right hand. In an instant, the knight's war horse began to accelerate.

The heavy hooves kicked up a snowflake.

Snow red and white.



After the Jin army rushed to the shooting distance, the three-eyed guns in the hands of the Wolf Cavalry soldiers fired, and with the intensive sound of the guns, more than thirty soldiers with teeth waving their teeth fell from their horses.

After the people in front fell off their horses, the Yaya behind did not show any signs of stopping. They were still brandishing their long knives and launching a death charge towards the Ming army.

There were two more rounds of gunshots, and in the thick smoke, dozens of gunshots fell from the horse.

Damn Ming people!

Dorgon, who witnessed the warrior falling from his horse, cursed that Ming people are good at using firearms, especially their cavalry are equipped with three-eyed guns. This kind of firearm that can hit three guns has taken the lives of many Eight Banners warriors.

But Dorgon did not regret his decision in the slightest. He knew that the deaths of these people were valuable, because their bravery would bring the Ming army into oblivion.

After the three-eyed guns were fired, the wolf cavalry army rushed towards the Jin army straight with the three-eyed guns, and they collided with each other in an instant.

Before the armored horse could hit the ground, the six-linked long spear first played its role, piercing through everything in front of it in an instant, regardless of whether it was a man or a horse, they were knocked to the ground, and immediately trampled into flesh.

Because of the great strength and the too many people stabbed, the spear quickly broke into two pieces, but this did not mean that the nightmare of the Jin army was over, on the contrary, it was just the beginning.

The iron armor of the six cavalry was like a town tower, and like a copper wall, it pressed down on the chaotic white armor and shook its teeth.

In front of the wolf cavalry army with superior strength, superior weapons, and superior fighting will, the surviving Fangya Lars, no matter how brave they are, cannot compete with this murderous weapon.

There were screams from time to time, and the moment the wolf riders rushed in, more than a hundred fangs and horses were stabbed to pieces.

Unreconciled, Anahai led the remaining dozens of Ba Yala to resist stubbornly, slashing at the Ming army's horses and Ming army with their big knives in vain. Didn't cut it either.

Finally, the wolf rode the iron wall across the battlefield and rushed straight ahead.

Behind him, the corpses of people and horses overlapped each other.

Among the corpses, E Nahai, who was covered in blood holes, struggled to get up from the ground, and with difficulty inserted the white military flag in the snowdrift under his feet, facing the direction where Dorgon was, and made a final voice, "Master, minion..."

Before the words fell, the whole person fell to the ground with a bang, and the blood-stained white banner also fell down.

"E Nahai, good slave, good slave..."

With tears in his eyes, Dorgon counted silently, and counted silently. When the Ming army had rushed through the three miles, he immediately led 260 red armor and white teeth to rush up.

The heavy armored cavalry of the Ming army can't last long, their horsepower has been exhausted!


The armored soldiers led by Bu Da and Ke Shitu also fought with the Qing cavalry of the Ming army.

During the fight, Keshifang stretched his arms back, and then swept forward with all his strength, the trajectory drawn by the blade went straight to the left chest of the enemy. As long as he slashed, the sharp and sharp blade would cut an absolutely fatal gap in the enemy's chest.After killing three Ming soldiers in a row, Keshitu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back. After just a moment, he felt that his eyesight began to rise and turned upside down strangely.

While the world was spinning, Keshitu saw a headless body sitting on a horse and galloping away. Then, his eyes closed slightly, the world turned black, and his head fell to the ground.

Encircled by an absolutely superior force, the Zhengbai Banner cavalrymen were cut down like straws, and more than 200 Zhengbaiqi cavalrymen were immediately eliminated.

The Ming army fought more and more bravely, their eyes were always so scary, and the hole in their chest was always so terrifying.

This is a Ming army that the Jin army has never encountered, and their bravery is beyond the imagination of the Jin army.

This is an army fed with human flesh, this is an army that is no longer afraid of death, only cruelty.

The era belonging to the Eight Banners is over, and they cannot defeat opponents whose humanity has been completely obliterated.

Under the fighting of the light cavalry, the white flag cavalry quickly collapsed.Under the leadership of Peng Dachui, a Qianhu who was born as a thieves, the Ming army began to surround the Zhengbai Banner cavalry.


"Evil Slave" was deleted, and the wolf rider also made some changes, alas, disaster happened.

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