Daming wolf ride

Chapter 460 Dorgon's soul fell into the Prince River

Dorgon fought to the last moment. He failed to defeat the Ming army that was supposed to be like a sheep, and he also failed to wait for his reinforcements.

Enahai died, Buda died, Keshitu also died, and the warriors of the Zhengbai Banner died one by one.

In the past, dozens of Eight Banners soldiers dared to chase thousands of Ming soldiers, howling ghosts and howling wolves. Instead, a few Ming soldiers dared to attack Eight Banners soldiers twice as many as them.

There is nothing to write about in the process of fighting. In the face of absolute strength, any tactics have no possibility of success.

Dorgon was defeated, because of his underestimation of the enemy, because of his impatience, and because of his self-righteousness.

If time could be turned back, Dorgon would definitely choose to gather the main force of the Eight Banners to go south instead of just taking his Zhengbai Banner with a thousand soldiers south.But if he really had the chance to choose again, must he be the commander in chief going south?

No one knows the answer. The only thing that is certain is that if Dorgon really has a chance to become the new commander of the Eight Banners, he will never venture south alone.

Dorgon was not reconciled to defeat like this, he could not accept the shame and consequences of defeat.He couldn't calm down anymore, he hacked to death the leader of the soldiers who hugged his thigh and begged to retreat, and ordered the last red armor to shake his teeth and rush to the Ming army again with him.

Stubborn resistance and death is probably the best portrayal of Dorgon and these red-armored soldiers.

For those red-armored fangs, being able to fight to the death with their master is a supreme honor.

Sadly, their master Dorgon didn't have the honor of dying with them, he was just crazy.It really made him feel the same as the slaves, and it hurt him more than killing him.


The light cavalry of the Ming army surrounded Dorgon after strangling the remaining dozens of Eight Banners soldiers.

In the battle with the Eight Banners Baijiababayala and armored soldiers, Qingqi also suffered a lot of losses, but compared with the remaining Jin army, it is still a much stronger force.

Under heavy siege, Dorgon couldn't fly even with wings. He had already given up the best chance to escape. Now, there was really only one dead end.

Cao Bianjiao once again showed the true qualities of a titan. He took off his heavy armor, abandoned his exhausted mount, picked up a long spear from the ground, and killed Dorgon.

The red-armored fangs could not reach the brave Cao Bianjiao at all, and there were no less than ten so-called warriors who died under Xiao Cao's gun.

At the end of the fight, apart from a dozen or so red-armored fangs guarding Dorgon tightly, there were no Eight Banners soldiers standing on the entire battlefield.There were quite a few wounded soldiers wailing and surviving on the snow, but neither the Jin army nor the Ming army had ignored their existence.

When the soft-hearted Ming army found that the golden soldiers on the ground were still struggling, they would kindly use the long knife in their hands to help them end their pain.

Kindness, the greatest kindness in the world is to help people escape the pain of death.


When Dayong came up from behind, Fang learned that Dorgon was surrounded.Dayong was quite surprised that the fourteenth Baylor, the regent of the puppet Qing Dynasty, did not escape. How could a person as smart as Dorgon persist until the end and kill himself instead of running away immediately to wait for another day to fight again.

If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of having no firewood.

Wouldn't it be unfair to just throw your life here like this?

The fact that the Ming army won was known to the Han people as the Eight Banners soldiers were no longer seen. Under the suppression and maintenance of the left battalion of the infantry, the chaotic crowd eager to escape finally calmed down.

After calming down, there was another chaos immediately. It was the mad mother looking for her lost child, and the husband who escaped death looking for his wife...

The river beach where no one was left was now densely covered with Han people looking for their relatives. They opened the corpses and inspected them.

The wounded were carried out one by one, and people bandaged them as much as possible. The doctors who knew a little bit of medical skills were already very busy at this time, but when they faced the wounded with broken arms and legs, what could they do? What.

The surviving Han army began to clean the battlefield under the leadership of the officers. Although there were many Ming troops surrounding something in sight, they did not dare to look. Soldiers who died in battle moved together, and wounded soldiers were moved to a safe place.

The coachmen were also looking for their carriages on the chaotic battlefield, and some bold ones even dared to reach into the arms of the dead Eight Banners soldiers.


Looking at the young Lord Baylor who was much younger than himself, Dayong was very moved when he thought of the fate of this young man in an era when he did not exist.

He stopped Cao Bianjiao's urge to kill Dorgon, stepped forward immediately, raised his voice and said something confusing to Dorgon, "Dorgon, your glory is over."

Our glory is over?

Dorgon muttered to himself, his angry eyes gradually became empty, after a long time, he raised his rather handsome face and looked at Dayong expressionlessly.

"Why didn't Mrs. Hong personally lead the army?" Dayong asked the doubts in his heart.

Dorgon did not answer Dayong, it was impossible for him to tell the other party the truth.

After waiting for a while, he couldn't get an answer. Dayong shook his head and wanted to leave. He never wanted to waste time in this kind of unnecessary waiting, and there were still many things waiting for him to do.Just as he was about to leave, Dorgon suddenly yelled, "Are you going to kill me?"

This question is very strange, does Dorgon not want to die?If he didn't want to die, why did he act so fearless in the face of danger and regard death as home?

Dayong turned around and looked at Dorgon, and found that there seemed to be some anger in the young man's eyes, not as dry as before.He didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "What do you think?"

Dorgon hesitated for a long time before saying: "I don't know." The voice was so small that even Da Yong couldn't hear it clearly.

When the remaining dozen or so red armors shook their teeth when they heard the banner owner say "I don't know", their expressions were a little strange.Dorgon's face also turned red, as if he had done something ashamed.

"Death may be the best ending for you."

Dayong also tasted the subtext of Dorgon's words, but he would not accept Dorgon's surrender, so he dropped the words coldly.

Cao Bianjiao put down the long spear and immediately raised it again. At the same time, hundreds of Ming soldiers jumped off their horses and charged Dorgon and the others with long knives in their hands.

The red-armored fangs looked at each other with desperate eyes, preparing for the last fight.

To everyone's surprise, Dorgon suddenly fell to his knees and said calmly to Shi Dayong: "I surrender, and I, Dorgon, would like to lead my people to surrender to Daming."


Dorgon really want to surrender?Dayong felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly. After being stunned for more than ten seconds, he shook his head, "No need, Daming doesn't accept submission from livestock."


Being regarded as a livestock by the other party, one can imagine the anger and shame in Dorgon's heart. He instinctively wanted to jump up from the ground and fight to the end with the Ming army, but his recovered rationality made him unable to do so. He could not die. Can't die here!

Didn't Lao Khan surrender to the Ming people back then?Didn't the Han people say that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years!

As long as I can survive, there will always be a day for my revenge!

Fan Wencheng said that the heroes of the Han people are all able to stretch and bend, and I, Dorgon, is also a hero of Manchuria, and I can also stretch and bend!

He tried his best to calm the fire of humiliation in his heart, tried his best to make himself look a little bit dignified, he had to convince Mingren to accept his surrender.

"My Dajin still has a powerful army of one hundred thousand and eight banners. I will devote all the power of the country to fight with you. It is not yet known who will win the battle!"

"I, Dorgon, am the owner of the Zhengbai Banner and the son of the first Khan. If the general accepts my surrender, I, Zhengbai Banner, will never be an enemy of Daming again. I, Dorgon, am also willing to help the general persuade other generals to submit to Daming. From now on Receive the favor of Ming Dynasty from generation to generation, and fulfill the loyalty of Ming Dynasty!"

"If you kill me, I, Da Jin, will live with you forever!"


Dayong stopped Dorgon's cliché, "Yes, you Eight Banners are still capable of fighting, and who will win this war is still uncertain, but I can be sure that you, Dorgon Will not live to see the day when the winner is decided."

"Are you really going to kill me?"

Dorgon tried hard to see the opponent's real hole card from Shi Dayong's eyes, but to his disappointment, all he saw was an indifferent killing intent.

Ming people really want to kill me?

Dorgon finally despaired.

"Have you ever heard of Twolegs?"

The desperate Dorgon heard a chilling term.Two-legged sheep, he was stunned, he knew what two-legged sheep meant. Once upon a time, those wise people were just two-legged sheep in his eyes.

"In my eyes, you are like a two-legged sheep. Speaking of which, I haven't tasted the meat of Tartar princes yet. These guys are pampered. I think this meat should be much more delicious."

Dayong laughed, very brightly.The hearty laughter moved the people around, and Ming Jun looked at Dorgon and those red-armored fangs with a full smile.It was a sincere smile, a smile from the heart.

"Since the commander-in-chief wants to taste this guy's meat, I will go get the meat for the commander-in-chief!"

Amidst the laughter, Cao Bianjiao led his troops to kill.


Just like the previous battle, the dozen or so red-armored fangs couldn't make any waves at all, and were quickly hacked to death by the Ming army's frenzied attack.

Dorgon didn't resist from the beginning to the end, he was tied up.

After capturing Dorgon alive, Cao Bianjiao wanted to cut off his neck with a knife, but Dayong said that Dorgon could not die too easily, and he had to experience the pain of death.

Good life to experience the pain of death?

Cao Bianjiao thought for a while, and asked his subordinates to go down to fetch the guillotine used in the army to cut grass.When he was in the northwest, he had seen his uncle Cao Wenzhao execute those rebels with a guillotine. The torment the rebels suffered before they died was definitely memorable.

A guillotine for cutting horse feed is not fast, not to mention that this guillotine is full of embroidery. If it is used to cut Dorgon's body, it is impossible to imagine how much suffering Dorgon would have to suffer before his death.

Cao Bianjiao is very satisfied with his arrangement, this embroidered guillotine can definitely let Dorgon experience the pain of death.

"Are you going to use this guillotine to kill me?" Seeing the guillotine, Dorgon panicked, really panicked, he was no longer afraid of death, but he couldn't imagine that he would be executed by the Ming army with a guillotine.

His question made the Ming soldiers burst into laughter.

Cao Bianjiao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and signaled the soldiers to drag Dorgon onto the guillotine, and then two pressed his head in front and two behind his legs, pressing Dorgon alive under the guillotine like a pig.

"no no no...."

Dorgon's liver and gallbladder were broken, and he begged the Ming army to give him a good time, but no matter how much he shouted, the Ming army ignored him.

An easy death is a luxury.

Cao Bianjiao performed the knife himself, and under Dorgon's begging, he slammed down the knife, but when he heard a "puff", a gust of blood spurted out, splashing Xiao Cao and the execution soldiers all over their faces.

The blood is hot, salty, and fishy, ​​no different from other people's blood.

With a knife down, Dorgon's voice disappeared.

Cao Bianjiao was startled, thinking that Dorgon would be killed with one knife, and hurriedly wiped the blood from his eyes with his sleeve, but he was surprised that the knife did not cut Dorgon into two pieces, but on the upper part of the body. On one side, the vertebrae were cut in two, and the bone marrow and blood were blurred.

Dorgon didn't know if his heart died, or he fainted from the pain, or he decided to be a hero before he died, but he didn't make a sound at all, just drooping his head there.

Cao Bianjiao grabbed Dorgon's braid and looked at his face, then cursed, pulled the guillotine from Dorgon's body without saying a word, and then slammed it on Dorgon again.

At this moment, Dorgon reacted, and howled "ahhh".

Accompanied by the sound of wailing, Dorgon's body was broken in two, and his intestines, stomach and lungs rushed out, and slid down the snow along the guillotine.

The four assisting soldiers cooperated and let go of their hands, so the Ming army saw a Dorgon who had lost the lower half of his body, waving his hands non-stop, and his screams were earth-shattering.

The pain of wanting to die but not being able to die made Dorgon no longer able to bear it. Human instinct prompted him to scream and struggle desperately.

The back half of Dorgon's body was also twitching there, without any major movements, and his two legs would not stand up by themselves without the command of the brain.But the front half of his body is like a dragonfly, and he can still fly without the back half.

I saw him supporting the ground with his arms, forced half of his body to stand up, and jumped around on the snow.

This picture reminds Dayong of "Liao Zhai".

Dorgon finally died, and died extremely painfully.The two parts of his body were sobered up by the Ming army, and they set the pot on the spot to heat up.

As the commander-in-chief, Dayong was fortunate enough to taste the fattest and most delicious piece of meat on the body of the Puppet Qing Regent-breast meat.

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