After the meeting of the 36th Battalion, various peasant armies marched northwestward under the command of Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang.

After receiving the report of the bandits marching to the northwest, Chen Qiyu took the map, looked at it carefully for a while, and said to his subordinates: "The thief has a master who sees that entering Sichuan is a dead end. This time, the northward march is only to kill the headquarters and return the carbine, which is ridiculous. They thought that the roads of Pingli, Xing'an, and Xunyang were rough and difficult, and it was inconvenient to pursue and suppress them, so they made wishful thinking, but they forgot that high mountains and deep valleys are the easiest way to set up an ambush. In Xing'an County, there is a chariot gorge, forty miles long. Surrounded by cliffs, it is a suitable place to ambush. Chuan Yuxi to practice the state affairs, order him to be false and submissive, lure Gao Yingxiang and others into it, trap them and kill them!"

After receiving Chen Qiyu's military order, Lian Guoshi, governor of Shaanxi, immediately secretly ordered the Ming army under his command to open their mouths, and only waited for Gao Yingxiang to lead a group of bandit leaders to arrive.


In Shenyang, Tong Yangxing, who congratulates Xinhan on his succession, is ill. According to the doctor, his condition is very serious, and it may only happen in the past few days.

Tong Yangxing has made great contributions to Jin, and he is also the son-in-law of the Westinghouse, and he is the grandfather of Xinhan Hauge, and he is here to congratulate him on his succession to the throne. He is sick, so Hauge must go to visit because of love and reason.

Except for the city walls, all the buildings in Shenyang City were burned down by the Ming army. At this time, they were being rebuilt, and there was no suitable residence. Tong Yangxing and his party temporarily lived in the Eight Banners camp outside the city.

Hauge came to visit, but Tong Yangxing was dying, but when he saw the new queen Khan, he had to struggle to salute, Hauge hurriedly stopped him.

"King Khan, in the year when the old minister and the old Khan met, it just so happened that the old Khan's generous speeches made my blood boil, and I followed the old Khan to unify the Jurchen and create a great cause of the Daikin. The old Khan and the first Khan are worthy It is my Jurchen, the hero of the world, who has really achieved a great cause. This is the most gratifying thing in the life of the veteran. Human beings are mortal, and the life of the veteran, there is no regret in death."

He looked at the roof of the tent, with a very satisfied and happy radiance on his face: "The old minister is leaving. Before leaving, I would like to say a few words to King Khan. One is about the envoy of Jierhalang. I'm afraid it won't work out, King Khan still needs to be prepared to fight a war, and he can't have illusions about peace talks."

"Father Khan has made a plan before his death. The matter of making Ming is just a smoke. As soon as the money and food for the Korean soldiers and horses arrive, Ben Khan will personally lead the army to enter the customs. This time, the capital of the Ming Dynasty will definitely be broken!" Hauge resentfully explain.

"Okay, very good." Tong Yangxing felt relieved. He was really very angry when he heard that Jierhalang envoy made a peace agreement.It doesn't matter that Shenyang was burned by the Ming army, it doesn't matter that the women and children of the Eight Banners were killed, what matters is that Dajin can't vent his anger!

"The old minister heard that King Khan is going to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor? Do you want to change the name of our country?"

"There is the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom in my Dajin. How can I not ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor? This is exactly the will of the heavens. Besides, when my father Khan was alive, he also thought that our Dajin would really be able to fight against the Ming Dynasty. I decided to ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor." It was the fulfillment of my father Khan’s last wish. As for changing the name of the country, it was suggested by Mr. Fan Wencheng, who said that the name of our Dajin country is not good, it will easily make the Ming people hostile, and it will not be good for the future control of the Central Plains.”

"Whether it's proclaiming the emperor or changing the name of the country, this big gold is not liked by the southerners after all. It's good to change it." Tong Yangxing nodded repeatedly, "But I don't know what the new name is?"

"The virtue of fire in the Ming Dynasty, so our new country is to use water to extinguish fire, which is called the Great Qing."

"Great Qing... Great Qing..." Tong Yangxing murmured to himself twice, and Ku Sui's eyes shone brightly.

"The King of Khan can do whatever he wants. Our Eight Banners support the King of Khan. However, after the Ming army captured Shenyang, many people in the Han Army Banner turned against him. Now there are also many people under the banner who have two hearts. Only two incidents of the Ming army's instigation of rebellion were uncovered, and this matter must be guarded against."

Hauge said: "There is no need to be soft on these people, they should be killed as much as they should be killed, and they must not be indulged."

"With the grace of the first Khan, most of the soldiers of the Han army would not betray the Khan. However, sometimes the commander cannot control the affairs of the army, such as mutiny. The Eight Banners transfer some generals to the Han Army Banner, and then transfer some people from the Han Army Banner to the Manchurian Eight Banners, so that if anything happens, it can be dealt with in time."

Seeing Tong Yangxing's hard work, Hauge persuaded: "Forehead, it's important for you to rest assured and recuperate first, these things will be discussed after the illness is cured."

"No, King Khan, the old minister's days are numbered. You have to listen to the old minister's words, and you must mix the sand in to prevent accidents." Tong Yangxing insisted, as if Hauge would not die if he didn't agree with him.

Hauge held Tong Yangxing's bony hand, and was full of gratitude to the old son-in-law: "Don't worry, Ben Khan will do as he pleases."

"That's good, that's good." Tong Yangxing continued, "I have something to say, I've kept it in my heart for a long time, I always wanted to say it but didn't say it, today is also counted as my last words."

Haoge said in relief: "Forehead, what are you talking about, you are still strong, this disease can be cured, it will definitely be cured."

Tong Yangxing shook his head: "Life and death have their own destiny. Wealth and honor depend on heaven. I have reached seventy-five years old. Among the old ministers who founded the country, I am the longest-lived. It is a miracle that the old minister can live to this day. What I regret is that I will not I can witness King Khan lead his troops into Beijing and ascend to the Golden Palace."

"Ben Khan is still looking forward to getting more help from the forehead. Don't worry, Ben Khan will order the best doctor in Dajin Kingdom to come, and he will definitely take care of your illness."

"It's useless, it's useless. The veteran knows that his life is over. If he wants to help, he can only go to another world to assist Xianhan. King Khan, it is not easy for the Dajin Kingdom to have today. From the thirteenth deputy of Laohan Today, how many great heroes have shed blood on the battlefield, and some of them can’t even find their corpses. As Xianhan said, we are now starting a business while maintaining a business. Starting a business is difficult, but keeping a business is even more difficult. It's hard... King Khan, you must continue to develop the great achievements of the two generations of Khans, and let us Jurchen become the masters of the Central Plains again... Shenyang's defeat is just a small setback, King Khan must not really think that the Ming people are powerful. ..." Tong Yangxing said, his voice became smaller and smaller, and he couldn't continue.

Seeing this, Hauge knew that Tong Yangxing could no longer waste his energy, and he hurriedly said: "My father-in-law, take good care of your illness, and I will come to see you later. Don't worry, I love Xinjueluo and will never disappoint the high expectations of the Tong family. "

Tong Yangxing's old tears overflowed from the corner of his eyes: "Go, go, King Khan has important things to do, how can you delay with me, an old man, King Khan, go quickly..."

That night, Tong Yangxing died of illness.


At four o'clock the sky was bright and the sky was full of stars. Gao Yingxiang, who was marching northwest, ordered Li Zi to be the forward.

The officers and soldiers bluffed to stop them for a while, and Lian Guoshi personally led his men and horses to chase after them for several miles. Seeing them go deep into the mountains, they fired several horns, turned back to the camp, and ordered people to fly to report to Chen Qiyu.

Chen Qiyu urgently ordered Lian Guozheng to bring elite soldiers around the clock to ambush at the valley entrance in the north of Chexiang Gorge. He led his lieutenants Liu Qian, guerrilla He Renlong, Yang Hualin, and Liu Guozhen to follow, and Lu Xiangsheng was called as backup.

Gao Yingxiang and the others got into the deep mountains and dense forests, heard the shouts behind them gradually receding, reined in the white horse, looked at the surrounding mountains and said: "These mountains are worth tens of thousands of officers and soldiers!"

Scorpion smiled and said: "As long as we go to the mountains and go around in circles with the officers and soldiers, no matter how many people they have, they will be fat, thin, sick and die. They spend their days drinking and drinking, how can they bear such hardships?" ? It’s not like we were all born in poverty, and the soles of our feet have been worn down as hard as iron.”

"It's not just that the soles of the feet are hardened, it's also that our lives are cheap and courageous, and we can spare everything, unlike Chen Qiyu, who is a noble, second-rank official in the court, how can we throw away the wealth of the sky? What are we afraid of? ? You are waiting to die at home, and you are dying when you come out to rebel, but this is a heroic death and a resounding death!"

Gao Yingxiang fixed the silk reins, got off the white horse, held the whip, and pointed to the rugged and difficult mountain road: "He, Chen Qiyu, doesn't need to walk such a mountain road, he has eight big sedan chairs to carry him, shouting in front and hugging in back, There is no need to worry about food and clothing, and there is no need to work as hard as we do, so it is not easy for him to take risks."

Xie Zikuai got off his horse as well, laughed loudly and said, "He's a rotten scholar, how could he be so angry! He greets people all day long, and what he says is all lies, how can we be so happy and at ease!"

The two walked forward slowly with the team, the mountain road twists and turns back and forth, looking back, tens of thousands of troops are pulling horses, carrying food, grass and luggage, squirming in the mountains, like a winding dragon, appearing or disappearing, joining together intermittently , the journey is extremely difficult.

After noon, I buried the pot to make rice, filled my stomach, and then moved on.It was getting late, and after walking for half a day, he turned back to the original place.Gao Yingxiang was about to send someone to the front to question him, when Li Zicheng came with two soldiers and said, "I report to King Chuang, the mountains and ridges are connected, the path is tortuous, we lost our way."

"Lost?" Xie Zikuai and Zhang Miaoshou, who followed him, looked at each other in surprise, "No wonder I saw the place where the cooking pot was buried just now, and it looks familiar. It turned out that after tossing around for a long time, I turned it back again. How can this be good? ?”

Zhang Miaoshou stared and said: "Zicheng, didn't you encounter a ghost hitting the wall? How could you turn back, don't you remember the path you walked?"

Gao Yingxiang waved his hand and said, "The people who encounter ghosts hitting the wall are people who walk alone late at night. How can there be tens of thousands of troops hitting the wall for ghosts?" Although he comforted everyone, his heart sank involuntarily. Seeing the dusk and the sunset, If tens of thousands of troops circle around in place, it will be difficult to block them. Once the pursuers come up and attack from all sides, the situation will be extremely critical. Seeing Zhang Miaoshou's expression panicked, he turned his head and asked, "Zicheng, what happened?" thing?"

Li Zicheng scratched his head, cursed fiercely, and then replied: "I found that the path was wrong, so I ordered someone to mark it along the way, but I still turned back to the original path. There are so many trails in this mountain, and there are forks everywhere. Not sure which way to go out?"

Gao Yingxiang was worried that the spread of Zhang Miaoshou's ghost hitting the wall would be detrimental to the army, so he said decisively, "Hurry up and find a guide!"

"There is no one around here, finding a guide is harder than hunting a tiger..."

Li Zicheng was quite distressed, seeing Gao Yingxiang's face darkened, he had to change his words and said: "It's not difficult for me to let out a few more brothers."

Turning around to leave, he saw Li Guo escorting a big man over, shouting: "A spy of the government army has been caught, a spy of the government army has been caught!"

Li Zicheng looked at the big man, in his early thirties, wearing a worn-out coarse cloth jacket, trousers pulled up to the knee, and a pair of hemp shoes.

Immediately sneered, and asked: "Seeing that you are also a man from a poor background, why are you willing to be a dog for the imperial court and kill your own brothers?"

The big man said aggrievedly: "Master, I am a woodcutter here. When I came home from chopping firewood, I suddenly saw these people and horses. I was scared and hid behind the rocks. I didn't want to be frightened. The ax fell to the ground and fell on the rocks. Give this little man When the master heard this, he led people to rush forward, tied up the villain, and insisted that the villain was a spy."

Li Zicheng stared at him and said: "There are no people living here for several miles, and the mountain road is rough and difficult to walk. How can anyone live here?"

The big man didn't panic at all, and replied: "It must be the first time for the uncle to pass by this place, and he saw the cluttered rocks and strange peaks here, and there is no human habitation. This is not surprising. It is said that this place is the hometown of Nuwa Empress. Practice colorful stones to make up the sky, and throw the remaining stones here. The mountain road is inconvenient to walk, but some hunters and woodcutters often come and go. Only fifteen miles ahead is Xing'an County. There are many shops in the city, and the business is booming. A prosperous place."

"Oh, is Xing'an County in front?" Li Zicheng stepped forward to untie the rope for him, and unintentionally picked up the clothes on the big man's body. There were several brown-red round scars on his back that shone with a faint cold light. He looked carefully After a while, he suddenly asked, "You woodcutter, how did you get the arrow wound on your body?"

When Li Guo and the others heard the sound, they each surrounded the big man with their swords, Xie Zikuai and Zhang Miaoshou also shouted, "Say it quickly! If there is even half a lie, they must be spies of the government and the army, and they must not be spared! "

Gao Yingxiang strode forward, separated from the crowd and said, "What kind of enemies are you hiding in the mountains?"

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