Daming wolf ride

Chapter 467 2 Gold Medals

If that big man had Shi Dayong present, he would be able to tell at a glance that this person is Zuo Liangyu.

On the same day, Zuo Liangyu was ordered by You Shiwei, the general of Changping, to lead 300 troops to aid outside the pass. In the battle of Dalinghe, Zuo Liangyu took advantage of the wind direction to benefit the Ming army and pursued the Jin army bravely. The speed is no slower than Wu Xiang and others.

After escaping back to Jinzhou, Zuo Liangyu was planning to lead the remnant troops to flee back to the pass, but was dragged by Shi Dayong to defend Jinzhou together.Zuo Liangyu's general was not brave enough, nor did he have many soldiers. If he didn't agree to Shi Dayong, he could have fought him on the spot. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the city to help.

Shi Dayong went to Beijing to report the victory and went south to pacify Dengzhou's rebellion. Zuo Liangyu was also promoted to the deputy general of Changping because of his achievements in the battle of Jinzhou, and led 2450 Changping soldiers to Henan to fight the rebellion. The combat power is much stronger than that of the local officers and soldiers in Henan, so many thieves have been wiped out, and they are quite famous in Henan.The military discipline of its Changping headquarters is also very strict, and the local gentry appreciates it.

(Author's note: Zuo Liangyu's military discipline was corrupted after the Changping soldiers of his headquarters were annihilated. In the future, hundreds of thousands of leftists will be composed of thieves, bandits, and soldiers. There are not many children from good families. At this time, Zuo Liangyu can be regarded as a good general. There is a gentleman.)

Based on his achievements in Henan, Zuo Liangyu had great hope of being promoted to the commander-in-chief, but unfortunately his middle and backstage Hou Xun offended the chief assistant, Wen Tiren, and lost the right to speak in his promotion.Later, Zuo Liangyu was transferred from Henan to Shaanxi governor Lian Guoshi by Chen Qiyu, governor of the five provinces, and became a veritable guest army.

Practicing state affairs doesn't pay much attention to the left, and only uses the left as cannon fodder. If he has meritorious service, he trains the generals under his command, but if he makes mistakes, Zuo Liangyu must be blamed. This makes Zuo Liangyu very depressed, but he dare not attack.

Zuo Liangyu, the heroic young lieutenant, has also become a strong and strong man after two years of wind and rain. If he saw the current Zuo Liangyu, he would sigh: Time is really a butcher's knife .

This time, Chen Qiyu's policy was implemented in the practice of state affairs, to choose a courageous and insightful person to lure the thieves into the Chexiang Gorge, and promise to recommend him to the imperial court after the completion of the mission.Zuo Liangyu thought about it, riches and honors were at risk, if he wanted to become the commander-in-chief of a town and no longer need to depend on others, he had to go all out, gritted his teeth and begged himself to be the tempter.

Zuo Liangyu is willing to go, and practicing state affairs is naturally what he can't ask for. Although he doesn't value Zuo Liangyu, he also knows that this person is capable. If he can go, the matter will be mostly settled.


When Li Zicheng discovered the arrow wound on her body, Zuo Liangyu was a little panicked, and was thinking of what to do when she saw a tall, fair man coming over to ask questions, those rogue men looked very respectful to him, knowing that This man must be a big shot in the bandits, he quickly clasped his fists and saluted: "This uncle has really good eyesight! The name of the villain is Zhang Debao. He was originally on the border of Liaodong. Injustice, he was beaten with forty army sticks, and in a rage, he murdered and fled back to the pass. But he couldn't return home, so he had to hide in the deep mountains and rely on firewood for a living. To be honest, the arrow wound that the old man said, He was shot by the soldiers of the Eastern Captives during the bitter battle against Ningyuan following Lord Yuan, and the villain lay there for a whole month."

Except for the name, what Zuo Liangyu said was basically the truth, but she also concealed a lot.Yuan Chonghuan put down the Ningyuan mutiny and beat him with [-] army sticks. He was willing to be punished and defended the border for crimes.After Yuan Chonghuan's death, he was disheartened, so he ran to Guannei and became a small school in the Changping garrison.Because of his outstanding martial arts, he was appreciated by the commander-in-chief You Shiwei, and he was recommended to Hou Xun, the governor of the Changping garrison with the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, and Hou Xun recommended him as a deputy general.As for the arrow wound, it was shot by Tartar soldiers during the battle of Daling River.

Hearing that he told the truth about his origin, Gao Yingxiang secretly admired him, but stopped being suspicious, and clasped his fists in return, "Brother Zhang followed Yuan Dushi to fight against the Tartars outside the pass, disrespectful! It seems that you have been here for quite a long time."

"More than five years."

"Brother Zhang, would you like to do elder brother a favor and guide us?"

"Brother treats people so frankly, he will never hesitate to die." Zuo Liangyu was overjoyed in his heart, his face remained calm, and he bowed and said, "This is Nuwa Mountain. Daba Mountain is no longer towering and precipitous. There is a valley in front of Phoenix Mountain, known as Chexiang Gorge, the terrain is low, flat and open, and it is the only way for ordinary merchants to enter and exit. If you go out of the valley, you will see Xing'an City in front of you."

Gao Yingxiang didn't doubt it, he wasn't a straightforward person, and Zuo Liangyu made it clear, so he wouldn't doubt it.Immediately, Zuo Liangyu was ordered to lead the way, and the tens of thousands of troops slowly marched towards Phoenix Mountain.After walking for less than half an hour, I saw a low mountain, like a phoenix about to fly, and the mountain road gradually flattened and opened up.

Gao Yingxiang and the others got on their horses and started walking. The leader of the road scouts in front sent a message that they were still less than a mile away from the carriage gorge.Gao Yingxiang passed on the order to camp there tonight and capture Xing'an City at dawn tomorrow.


At this time, both inside and outside Xing'an City were full of officers and soldiers. Chen Qiyu built the Xingyuan in the Xing'an County Yamen, divided the troops out, and sat alone in the signing room with his eyes closed. The Chinese army, staff, and personal soldiers waited outside the door. .

A few thick candles were lit in the house, illuminating it brightly.He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the engraved owl on the table. The owl was made very exquisitely. There was a brass phoenix bird pouring water on it, and a golden lotus below it supported the floating arrow, and the water floated the arrow up.

Next to the engraved leak is a cowhide envelope with the sealing seal of the Ministry of War, which has been sealed.He listened carefully and asked outside, "What time is it?"

The Chinese army, staff, and soldiers outside the door also gathered around a quarter, and hurriedly replied: "It's just you."

"Why is there no movement in the Bell and Drum Tower?

"I think there are some discrepancies with the master's engraving..."

Just as he was speaking, the sound of bells and drums came continuously, extremely long.

The Chinese army was surprised and said: "Isn't there a lotus leak in front of the master, why do you want to ask?"

"Dong Weng has such an important matter on his mind, and he is extraordinary to be able to sit still in the house. Don't you remember that Xie An heard that his nephew had broken the former Qin Fujian, so he walked in a hurry, and the wooden clogs on his feet were broken by the threshold ?”

"It seems that the master's bearing is better than that of Xie An!" Zhongjun glanced at the staff and nodded in admiration.

The sound of bells and drums had just stopped, and everyone was still whispering to each other, but they heard a few cannons from far away in the south of the city, shaking the roof to rustle.

When everyone was in a daze, the door of the house opened suddenly, and Chen Qiyu pushed out the door with his sword in hand. He stared at the people with piercing eyes, and said loudly: "The memorial on the table has been sent by the headquarters, and I will report it quickly with a horse flying six hundred miles away." Your Majesty, Mr. Cao, Mr. Wang, and the rest of you, let’s watch the killing of thieves in the main hall tonight—"

After speaking, he raised his sword and jumped out of the crowd. With a yell, everyone got on their horses and left the city.


The Forbidden City of the capital, inside the Palace of the Qing Dynasty.

Chongzhen sat alone behind the imperial case and reviewed the memorials. After the pile of memorials was reviewed, it was already dark outside.

Chongzhen stretched his waist, beat his back by himself, took a breath, and took a memorial that was left aside. After reading it, he was in a bad mood and cursed angrily: "Yue Fei is still here!" You can use ten gold medals to call you back, but you, Shi Dayong, want me to call you back with twelve gold medals!" In a fit of rage, he smashed the vermilion pen on the table.

Hearing the commotion, Wang Chengen, who was waiting outside the door, quickly came in lightly, carefully packed up the ink brush, wiped off the ink stains, said nothing, and only persuaded: "Long Live Lord, it's Haishi, it's time to rest..." Seeing Chongzhen's eyes widened, he quickly shut up.

"When did you see me go to bed so early?"

"Long Live Lord has eaten less food than usual these days. The Empress and the Imperial Concubine have told the servants not to forget to remind the Long Live Lord so as not to be too tired. The slave servants saw that the Long Live Lord finished approving the papers..." Wang Chengen said that the circles of his eyes turned red, the emperor has really suffered these days.

Hearing his ramblings, Chongzhen waved his hands and said, "I didn't say I wouldn't take a break, but I wanted to take a walk outside."

Wang Chengen laughed through his tears when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Your maidservant, go and call the guard on duty."

"No need. I'll just take a walk outside on the terrace," Chongzhen said as he stepped out.

The crescent moon has long since disappeared, leaving only the sky full of stars, twinkling endlessly, and the Milky Way stretches across the sky like a silver belt, like a big bag of scattered pearls.

The faint mist shrouded the surrounding palaces and pavilions, and the supreme dignity appeared more and more in the haze.

Chongzhen walked to the gilded copper pavilion on the right side of the terrace, and stretched out his hand to touch the roof of the pavilion. It was warm and cool, and the Jiangshan Sheji Golden Palace was actually a little hazy.

How come the country left by our ancestors is so dilapidated in my hands?Chongzhen was very sentimental.

"What does the court say about the peace talks between the Eastern captives?"

"Except for Chen Xinjia, the right servant of the Ministry of War, who agreed to discuss the payment with Donglu, none of the other courtiers agreed."

"Chen Xinjia? The Chen Xinjia recommended by Yang Sichang?"

"It is this man."

Chongzhen nodded. Ever since Yang Sichang got the offer to ask for his father to die, Chongzhen had greatly appreciated him. He firmly believed that a filial person must be a loyal person, so he made an exception to mention him as the censor and governor of the capital of Youqian. Yongping and Shanhaiguan also had to read every memorial to Yang Sichang, adopted most of his suggestions, and reused those they recommended.

"What did the cabinet say?"

"The cabinet said that even Shenyang was burned by Shi Dayong, and the heads of princes and princes Beile sent hundreds of them. This is a sign of defeat. I, Ming, should take advantage of the false attack to avoid future troubles. How can I negotiate peace with them and raise them?" Tigers are in trouble."

"They're all sensible people, hmph, I'm just a fool." Chongzhen snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with the cabinet's words.

Wang Chengen was a little surprised, what the cabinet said was the truth, why is the Long Live Lord dissatisfied?

Seeing Wang Chengen's puzzled face, Chongzhen sighed and asked him: "Did our Ming army really fight this battle?"

"This..." Wang Chengen groaned.

"I can't even call people back, so what can I use to take advantage of the situation to attack? It sounds nice. Apart from Shi Dayong's Jinzhou Army, do I have any soldiers who can fight the Donglu?"

Thinking of how many groups of people he sent to summon Shi Dayong to Beijing, but they all failed, Chongzhen couldn't help but become even more angry.He is not Song Gaozong, Shi Dayong is not Yue Wumu, but what happened now is extremely similar to those two people, which makes him feel powerless.

Wang Chengen didn't dare to speak, and stood there silently looking at Chongzhen.

After calming down, Chongzhen turned around and asked, "Is Cao Huachun back?"

"We have arrived in Tongzhou."

"As soon as a person enters the palace, ask him to come to see me."

"Yes, the slave has written it down."

Wang Chengen nodded in response, wondering what Cao Huachun was going to Jiangnan, and what he would say to the emperor after returning to Beijing, but he listened to him.

A voice of "Dangdangdang..." came from afar.

The three cloud boards sounded loudly, Chongzhen's heart tightened, and Wang Chengen, who was holding the palace lantern beside him, also changed his face drastically, and ran quickly towards the corner from Qianqing Palace to Yangdezhai.

This is a palace rule established by Chongzhen long ago. If there is a very urgent military document at night, it must not be delayed at any time, and it must be played as soon as possible.

The Cabinet, the General Administration Department, and the Supervisor of Rituals are on duty all year round at night. The cabinet bachelor on duty and the eunuch who holds the pen receive the emergency documents and go to the corner to knock on the cloud board. , Hand it over to the eunuch and maid who is on duty outside the palace, and kneel in front of the imperial couch.

Chongzhen took the cowhide cover, pulled it twice, and only tore a small hole. He took it apart, took out the letter, and read it under the lamp. Sure enough, I lived up to my expectations and trapped the rebels in the carriage gorge!"

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