Gao Yingxiang said it sadly, and all the leaders felt dejected, thinking of the brothers who had died under the sabers of the officers all these years, they subconsciously put down their wine bowls.

Only Ma Shouying, who was wearing a white hat as if he had died at home, patted his chest and said grinningly: "Why does King Chuang say such depressing words! As long as I still have breath, I can fight the government with knives and guns. Killing one is enough money, and killing a pair to earn one is better than letting the government take good care of it."

He said again: "What are you afraid of when Hong Chengchou comes? He dares to come to Henan, and we just take the opportunity to destroy his lair and kill him back to his hometown in Shaanxi!" After finishing speaking, he drank a bowl of wine, tore off the pig's trotter and gnawed on it without blinking. stand up.

"Is Lao Huihui's meat delicious?" Ge Li saw that He Yilong hated Lao Hui the most, and couldn't help but sneered at him.

The old man smiled, but didn't answer, but was very angry in his heart.


This old Hui Ma Shouying is a descendant of Semu in Suide, Shaanxi. During the Mongol and Yuan Dynasties, the Semu people were the accomplices and thugs of the Mongols who oppressed the Han people. Mongolia divided the world into four classes. (Originally all ethnic groups under the rule of the Jin Dynasty), while the Han people in the Southern Song Dynasty were called Nanren, ranking last.

The status of Semu people among the fourth class is actually very delicate.Due to the Mongols' nostalgia for the values ​​of grassland life, their degree of Sinicization was very low, so the Semu people were fully employed and became the middlemen of the Mongols ruling China.The Mongols trusted them because they knew that their status in China was completely dependent on their Mongol masters.Therefore, the Semu people are also extremely loyal to the Mongols, and they are more cruel to the Han people than the Mongols. They are known as the "Two Tartars of Semu" among the people.

After the founding of the country, Zhu Yuanzhang, the great ancestor, deeply hated Semuhui to help the tyrant and abused him, and ordered the world to "barbarians and di, like beasts." Therefore, Confucius despises him, thinking that although the country has a king, he does not know the rites of the king and his ministers, and there are many battles. , it must not be the case. It is not as good as the death of the Xias."

In Taizu’s imperial edict, Ming listed Semu Huihui in Yidi, and stipulated that Mongols and Semu people should not marry each other. When Hongwu issued the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" in the sixth year of Hongwu, he included this edict and enforced it. May the Sinicization Semu return to more than tens of thousands of people.

Taizu also issued an edict in the seventh year of Hongwu to "restore the clothes of the whole country like the Tang system", and to "braid hair in a bun, Hu clothes, Hu language, and Hu surnames are all prohibited" for Mongolian, Semu and other ethnic minorities.

Not only did the Taizu hate Hui Hui, but the officials of the Ming Dynasty were wary of Hui Hui, thinking that they were untrustworthy. They said that Hui Hui did not dare to riot when there were few Hui Hui. animals.

In the ninth year of Hongwu, Haizhou Confucianism in Huai'an Prefecture once said: "Looking at the recent Mongolian and Semu people, most of them have changed their surnames to Han, which is no different from Chinese people. Great Jia. The ancients said, 'If you are not of my race, your heart must be different'. There is no hidden evil heart, and there is no complaint of slander. It is advisable to order the surname again, and to avoid the language, so that the common people can be identified and dealt with carefully. Soldiers and those in close ranks are allowed to retreat."

What Zeng Bingzheng said in the book is actually a sentence, the court must not believe that those Huihui, who are not of our race, will have a different heart, and the only way to make them completely obey is heavy codes and swords.

Taizu was overjoyed after receiving Zeng Bingzheng's letter, and was promoted to Siwen Jiancheng.Under Taizu's strong attack, Hui's religious beliefs and customs were abolished by strict legal means, and the Mongolian and Hui people who immigrated to the interior were assimilated, and they were strictly guarded against assimilation.All the mosques and mosques that once spread throughout the territory of Mongolia and Yuan Dynasty were also destroyed.

Governments in various places have also specifically stipulated prohibitions on Huihui not being allowed to hold weapons, not to gather in groups, and not to plunder.If you go back to breaking the law of the Ming Dynasty, the crime is one level heavier than that of the Han people.

At the same time, the Taizu issued an edict to castrate a large number of Huihui to prevent their ethnic groups from multiplying and growing, so as to avoid future troubles.

Huihui is often a group of very ethnic groups, advocating its customs and teachings, but it does not belong to our Chinese culture, and its restraint is only on its own body. This understanding is the consensus of civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty.

When Chengzu Yongle set up an army to Jingnan, because there were Huihui in the army and Huihui among the servants, after sitting in the country, he changed his severe attack on Huihui, but tolerated Huihui, allowed him to restore his faith, and built steaming temples in various places , for a moment, his eyes turned back and his arrogance became arrogant again.They are ungrateful and think they should.

This old Hui Hui Ma Shouying is from Suide, Shaanxi. Yan'an Prefecture and Suide Prefecture in the north, Pingliang, Qingyang and other places in eastern Gansu are all areas with a large distribution of Hui Hui. After Yongle, there have been six large-scale rebellions. It is to hate the Han people and hate the Ming Dynasty.After Gao Yingxiang raised his troops to rebel, the local Hui Hui also joined together, killed officials and Han, joined forces with Gao Yingxiang, and called themselves the First Battalion.Gao Yingxiang rebelled at the beginning, he was alone and alone, so he was very happy to get help.

Wherever the thieves went, the return camp killed the heaviest. They not only killed innocent Han people, but also plundered Han women for prostitution.

There was not a single blade of grass left in the places where Huihui camp had passed, so that the thieves were very dissatisfied with Huihui camp. However, many of Huihui's soldiers were frontier soldiers. They were good at riding, and they were the most powerful among the rogues. Therefore, although they are dissatisfied with the old Hui Hui, the leaders still do not want to have conflicts with Hui Hui, and it is inevitable to sneer at them when they meet.

Although Ma Shouying was brutal, he still had a good view of the overall situation. He knew that the leaders of the various clans were fighting against the government army, and they must not fight among themselves, otherwise they would be defeated by the government one by one. When you are in a good mood, you can still face it with a smile, you can be regarded as a man. (Ma Shouying rebelled and persisted until Li Zicheng died)


Seeing that Ge Liyan was targeting Lao Huihui, Gao Yingxiang was afraid that his friendship would be ruined, so he changed the matter, saying: "Hong Chengchou is not an ordinary person, we have dealt with him for many years, but we have not gained any benefits, this matter is by no means so easy. "

After Ma Shouying heard this, he wiped the oil stains from his hands on his body, shook it a few times and said, "Hit if you can, and run if you can't. As long as we get into the mountains, the ditch is deep and the forest is dense, Hong Manzi will have nothing to do with us! "

"Old Huihui is really old, and he has lost all the arrogance of the past!"

Zhang Xianzhong didn't like Laohui either. He threw the pork leg on the table, rolled his eyes to look at Ma Shouying, and said with a smile, "If you are afraid of Hong Manzi, why bother to flee all the way back to Shaanxi and just hide in our camp?" You can do it from behind, we Lao Zhang guarantee that the officers and soldiers will not hurt you in the slightest!"

Ma Shouying is slightly inferior to Gao Yingxiang in terms of qualifications, let alone a newcomer like Zhang Xianzhong?Immediately his face darkened, and he said angrily: "Zhang Jingxuan, we usually praise you as a good man, but now you say such crazy words, what is the meaning? You're just a young kid, you know what's important?"

Hearing his bragging about his qualifications, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help but sneered: "Why do you need to comment if you don't know the importance? You are not as timid as you."

"You are brave! As long as you have half of your ability to blow the sky, we all rely on you, and you don't have to go south to the Central Plains in such a bumpy way. If you think you have a bit of brute force, you are brave and ruthless, and there is nothing in your eyes." People? Haven’t you experienced Hong Manzi’s tricks before, why bother to talk big here, and defeat the generals? Naturally, someone will convince you, and you can become famous! Otherwise, learn less and lie in the circle You stupid bastard who only talks bad about others and forgets about the stinky pig hair all over your body!"

"What kind of shit are you talking about? You're a coward and you're still pulling others. If you're ambitious, you're not old. Your face of relying on the old and selling the old is really laughable!" Zhang Xianzhong confronted him tit-for-tat, and he was not afraid of returning to his old age.

Ma Shouying returned to the Rogue in his early years, and served in the frontier army for a few years. After the rebellion, he killed countless people. How could he allow Zhang Xianzhong to humiliate him face to face? Said: "I will meet with you today!" He rushed to bully himself, swung his knife and slashed.

Zhang Xianzhong was originally irritable, and things happened because of himself, so it is not easy to get angry in front of everyone, but seeing him desperately, how can he be willing to show weakness?In desperation and eagerness, he couldn't pull out the waist knife in time, and greeted him with the pig's leg in his hand.

Everyone turned pale with shock, Gao Yingxiang shouted: "Don't hurt your peace!"

Ge Liyan He Yilong, Zuo Jinwang He Jin and Zhang Xianzhong are best friends for many years, how would they want to see him suffer?Hastily rushing out both of them, stopped between the two of them, and pulled them back to their seats.

The two of them were indignant and stared at each other angrily.

Although Gao Yingxiang is King Chuang, all the leaders of the family should listen to his orders on the surface, but he is not the real leader of these people after all, so it is not easy to blame him, so he can only persuade: "Now that the enemy is facing the enemy, we only buy a few glasses of water. Wine, one is to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, and the other is to discuss the strategy of defeating the enemy. Today, everyone is invited together, and you must look at my thin face, share the same hatred, and don't get confused. Don't take today's matters to heart, Gently uncovered. Being in the green forest, righteousness comes first, each step back and think about it, and there will be no more grudges in their hearts."

"Run, run, run... I hid everywhere in Shaanxi, and when I left Shaanxi, I was still chased like a rabbit. When will I have a place to stay?"

Zhang Xianzhong gulped down the whole bowl of Shangkuchun, rolled up his wide robe sleeves, exposing two muscular arms, hit the table hard, and said angrily: "We are doing the job of licking blood with the blade of a knife." If you are afraid of death, don’t come out to be the leader and pull the mountain top! A man should rule the world and do something spectacular, that will be a joy, how can he live in the world and watch other people’s faces!"

The more Ma Shouying listened, the more he didn't like it, raised his eyebrows, and retorted: "We are also a famous person, a famous man, why do we look at other people's faces?"

Zhang Xianzhong said with a sneer, "I don't need to tell you whether you can see other people's faces or not. It must be because there are too many people under your command, and life is precious."

Everyone listened to them arguing endlessly, afraid that the quarrel would become more rigid and enmity would form. If they went back and mobilized their troops to fight, a catastrophe would be inevitable.

Seeing that Gao Yingxiang frowned and remained silent, all the leaders thought that their qualifications and expectations were not as good as others, and they didn't know how to persuade them.With such thoughts in mind, everyone looked at each other, sat and watched quietly, not knowing what to do.

Seeing the awkward situation, Li Zicheng quickly cupped his hands and said, "Brother Jingxuan is full of courage, who knows the green forests in the world? But Brother Ma said that he returned to his hometown in Shaanxi, but he didn't fear swords and swords because he was afraid of Hong Manzi."

"Brother, what are you talking about? Couldn't it be that brother blamed him by mistake?" Zhang Xianzhong saw that Li Zicheng seemed to be helping the horse guard, and his expression became more and more displeased.

Li Zicheng said with a smile: "Brother said something serious, but my younger brother never meant it. It's just that my younger brother thinks that what Brother Ma said has a deep meaning, it is a clever plan."

"What clever plan?" Zhang Xianzhong's complexion softened, and Ma Shouying also felt a little stunned, and looked at Li Zicheng together with Gao Yingxiang and others.

Li Zicheng cupped his hands at the crowd and said: "Brother Ma's words imply a plan to criticize falsehoods and bullying, Junshi Gu, did you just say that?"

"What is tampering and criticizing falsehood?" Most of the leaders present here are poor and lowly people who have never read a book, so how can they save it?For a moment, he fixed his eyes on Gu Junen.

Seeing Gao Yingxiang smile slightly, Gu Junen knew that he had understood what he meant, and took a few steps forward. Gao Cha saluted and said, "King Chuang, all the leaders, Xiao Ke is showing off. Sun Tzu said: A soldier is like water, and the water is like water." The shape avoids the height and tends to go down, the shape of the soldiers avoids the solid and hits the void. The water is controlled by the ground, and the soldiers are controlled by the enemy. "Historical Records Biography of Sun Tzu Wu Qi" says: Those who save the fight do not use halberds, but criticize the emptiness It means..." Seeing that everyone was confused, he knew that these people who were farmers and soldiers didn't like to talk about words, so he said with a dry smile: "Let's break through and give it to the leaders. The explanation is good, in order to prevent Xiao Ke from dropping her book bag again, the Eight Great Kings should scold the eight generations of their ancestors again." She clasped her fists and stepped back.

Li Zicheng explained: "What Jun En said is actually a strategy to avoid the reality and attack the emptiness. Now that Hong Manzi leads the elite troops out of Tongguan, Shaanxi is bound to be empty. We can take advantage of the vacancy and kill him. It is tantamount to holding him by the nose." Walk……"

"That's right, that's what we meant!" Before Li Zicheng could finish speaking, Ma Shouying clapped his hands and shouted.

Li Zicheng waved his hand and said: "Brother Ma's strategy is really good. We are very familiar with Shaanxi, and we can deal with the officers and soldiers with our eyes closed. There are only two disadvantages, which Brother Ma must have never considered."

Hearing what Li Zicheng said, Ma Shouying was immediately disappointed.

Seeing that Ma Shouying seemed disappointed, Li Zicheng hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Brother Ma, please forgive my arrogance. Now there are more than 72 people from 20 battalions and [-] battalions. Compared with the Central Plains, the terrain of Shaanxi is small. Years of severe drought, hundreds of thousands of troops have poured in together, isn't it to grab food from the mouths of the elders? Even if all the food and grass from the Sanqin were given to us, we can't last for a few days. I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until the officers and soldiers pursue and suppress them, and we will have already disbanded gone."

After hearing what he said, everyone was at a loss, Zhang Xianzhong shouted: "Then let's wait for work with ease and fight with Hong Manzi."

"It can't be like this. Hong Manzi brings elite soldiers who are used to fighting, and we all bring the old battalion with sick and disabled wives, so it's inconvenient for us to fight head-on with them."

Zhang Xianzhong patted the table and said, "Brother Zicheng, we can neither go back to Shaanxi nor fight recklessly. What else can we do? It won't be false surrender again? That Hong Manzi kills people without blinking an eye, he won't recruit us. Why don't we Enter Sichuan to the southwest, guard the Jianguan Pass, and live a carefree life."

"False surrender is of course not possible. Hong Manzi started his career by killing people. He is cruel and ruthless. Our false surrender is a dead end. The road to Shu is dangerous, and it may not be possible to conquer it in a hurry. If Hong Manzi follows him, he will be attacked..."

"Since my brother has a clever plan in mind, why don't you tell it quickly, don't we have to wait until Hong Manzi kills us?"

A big man in a blue robe stood up slowly and interrupted him impatiently.This person is tall and thin, with fair skin, like a scholar who has read poetry and books, but his cheekbones are high, his eye sockets are slightly sunken, and his two long eyebrows go straight into his temples.

Li Zicheng recognized this person as Luo Rucai, who was resourceful and resourceful, nicknamed Living Cao Cao.This man has a romantic nature, and he has won dozens of wives and concubines, dressed up beautifully, and followed him in the army.He also loves Qin opera, and has a troupe under his tent.Since he entered Dahai Temple, he saw that there were no women in the temple to accompany him. He was tired of it, and when he heard Li Zicheng talk about the old camp, he thought of the beautiful women and troupe in his family. When I go to this monastery to sit and eat wine, how can I hug a woman, eat wine and watch a play so happily, I wish I could leave early and rush back to my tent.

Hearing his eagerness to ask, Li Zicheng hurriedly said: "Brother praised you, but it's not a good idea. We used to suffer from the fact that we each occupied our own hills, fighting our own battles, not communicating with each other, and not helping each other. How can we fight alone?" Can they win? Now Lu Xiangsheng is guarding Huguangyun and Xiang in the southwest, Cao Wenzhao is guarding Xin'an and Mianchi, Hong Manzi comes out of Tongguan from the northwest, soldiers from Jizhen come from the north, and soldiers from Tianjin come from Jinan and Shandong. Afterwards, several other Ming armies also rushed up. The intention was to attack from three sides and wait for an opportunity to fight decisively. We just ignored it, and the 36th strategy was the best. The whole division avoided the enemy and retreated to the southeast. This is not because we are afraid of the officers and soldiers. , but with a plan. As the saying goes: If one man works hard, ten men are hard to beat, let alone more than [-] of us?" Speaking of this, he looked at Gao Yingxiang.

Gao Yingxiang nodded and said: "The art of war is clear: the enemy is completely victorious, and if I cannot fight, I must surrender, make peace, and must leave. Surrender means complete defeat, peace means half defeat, and walk means undefeated. Those who are not defeated win This is a turning point. What Zicheng said is very true, the officers and soldiers have already shown their strengths in the northwest, so there is no need to compete with them for a while, and they should attack their weakness in the southeast."

"What's wrong? Tell me quickly! Our old Zhang can't understand these twists and turns." Zhang Xianzhong jumped up and slapped his thigh hard.

Li Zicheng said eloquently: "Divide the troops into five routes: all the way to the south to block the officials from Sichuan and Huguang; all the way to the west to meet the officials from Shaanxi; Royal ancestral tomb. I am afraid it will be difficult for the elite officers and soldiers in the Northwest to resist, so we can leave a road as a backup to support them. As for how to distribute the troops, please discuss with the leaders."

"No need! The matter is urgent and cannot be delayed. I think it's better to resign to fate and cast lots!" Gao Yingxiang was afraid that there would be another incident and it would be difficult to deal with it, so he immediately ordered Gu Junen to write thirteen notes, which were exactly the same, and put them into Tao's deep belly. in the jar.

Everyone couldn't think of a fairer way, so they stepped forward one by one to cast lots.Not long after, the lottery was completed.Ge Liyan He Yilong and Zuojin Wang He Jin led their troops to the south to block the Huguang and Sichuan army;

The reincarnated king Xu Bian, Li Wanqing shot down the sky, and Hun Shiwan Ma Jinzhong led his troops to block Hong Chengchou;

Cao Cao, Luo Rucai, and Guo Tianxing Huideng led their troops to guard the Xingyang and Sishui areas, defending the Kaifeng, Guide, Henan, and Ruzhou government troops;

Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang, Eight Great Kings Zhang Xianzhong, Sweeping King Zhang Yichuan and Chuang Tatian Liu Guoneng led their troops to march south to Anhui;

Ma Shouying, who came back from the old age, and Guo Dacheng, a nine dragon, came and went to support him.

After discussing with everyone, it was decided that more than ten altars of spirits were lined up on the table, and they drank happily until the east was about to turn white.The next day, they killed cattle and horses to sacrifice to the heaven oath master, and attacked separately.

Gao Yingxiang ordered Li Zicheng, Zhang Yichuan, and Liu Guoneng to lead the troops first, and Zi and Zhang Xianzhong to follow.The momentum along the way was overwhelming, and they captured Gushi, Huoqiu, Shouzhou, Yingzhou and other dozens of states and counties one after another in more than ten days, approaching Fengyang, and set up camp two hundred miles away.


Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was a real Han Chinese, and he was also a Han nationalist. Later generations of the Internet slandered Taizu as Huihui, and the founder of the country as Huihui.Kuang Taizu's Longxing land, Fengyang, is the land of Huaiyou, where did it come from?In the Yuan Dynasty, the Huis all lived in the north, and there were Huis living in Quanzhou and Guangzhou in the south. I really don’t know how those Hui Tartars found out that my Han Family Daming was his Hui Hui Daming.Taizu's house was completely desolate. Parents died without coffins to bury, so they could only wrap them up and bury them casually. Such helpless and sad things have become a Muslim custom. .

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