Shen Shikui, who took over as the commander-in-chief of Dongjiang after Huanglong's death, has not had a good time in the past two years. Originally, when Mao Wenlong was there, the towns of Dongjiang had [-] soldiers, and the navy was on the sea. Also go ashore to attack the Jin army, and cut off the heads of the Tartars to repay their merits.Separated by the sea, Jin Jun has nothing to do with Dongjiang, and he can make a fortune and make meritorious deeds. Naturally, his life is extremely nourishing.

But after Mao Wenlong's death, Dongjiang, the former strong town, fell apart. First, brothers Liu Xingzuo and Liu Xingzhi helped Yuan Chonghuan suppress the resistance of Mao Wenlong's old army, and attacked and killed Mao Wenlong's general Chen Jisheng. A mutiny was launched to kill Liu Xingzhi and the Jurchen soldiers he led. Finally, the general soldiers of the Dongjiang River fell into the hands of the outsider Huang Long. Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and other Maoist generals crossed the sea and defected to Sun Yuanhua.After Kong Youde rebelled in Dengzhou, Mao Wenlong's adopted son Mao Chenglu led 7000 Dongjiang soldiers to participate in the rebellion, and finally died.

Dongjiang has been in turmoil for several consecutive years, and the elite soldiers left by Mao Wenlong are running out. In order to open up the situation, Huang Long promised Shi Dayong to join forces to attack Lushun, intending to gain a foothold in Lushun, hoping to gain more support from the court.

Unexpectedly, Huanglong underestimated the enemy and committed suicide in defeat. Xiang Zuolin, Zhang Dalu, Shang Keyi, Shang Kejin and others were all killed in the battle, and more than half of the 3000 Dongjiang troops brought to Lushun were killed. General Fan Dalong fled to Nanguan with the remaining [-] people, finally leaving some seeds for Dongjiang.

Who would have thought that these more than 3000 seeds would make the relationship between Dongjiang Town and Jinzhou Army troublesome.

The soldiers and horses in Shandong were not strong at all. The only soldiers in the hands of governor Zhu Dadian were the last 2000 Qi's troops in the Ming Dynasty, and the remaining 5000 guards were useless at all.

Shen Shikui went to Dongjiang to take over as the commander-in-chief. As his superior, Zhu Dadian naturally wanted to give him some troops to help him, but Zhu Dadian was reluctant to give it to the Qi family army, and Shandong could not do without the two thousand Qi family troops. Shen Shikui himself didn't want it.In the end, Shen Shikui could only take Ding Duhai, a member of more than 80 soldiers, to take over.

I thought that Dongjiang was a big town after all, not much worse than Jiubian. Back then, Mao Wenlong had 3 people under his command. No matter how hard he tried in the past few years, he could still leave 4000 to [-] horses. Add one piece of old, weak and remnant soldiers, and there are only a little over [-] soldiers in the entire Dongjiang.

As the commander-in-chief of a town, it is impossible to have no soldiers under his command. These days, those who lead soldiers feel as flustered as if they have no food.After learning of Huanglong's defeat, General Fan Dalong fled to Nanguan with 3000 people, and Shen Shikui immediately ordered someone to recall him.But when the person he sent came back, he told him that Fan Dalong and his more than 3000 soldiers had already been taken in and reorganized by the Jinzhou Army.

Why do you, Shi Dayong, occupy my Dongjiang soldiers!

Shen Shikui was furious, and took people by boat to Lushun to look for Shi Dayong's important person. He never thought that Shi Dayong would never see him. Today he said he was in southern Liaoning and hadn't returned yet, tomorrow he said he had crossed the sea and returned to Dengzhou, and the next day he said it was accidental. It's hard to see guests when you are exposed to wind and cold. In short, there are 1 reasons why Shen Shikui can't see people.

I am the Dongjiang General Soldier appointed by the imperial court, Shi Dayong is only a Jinzhou general, how dare he be so defiant!

Clay figurines still have three parts!Shi Dayong despised himself so much, Shen Shikui couldn't bear it, and in anger he wanted to go back and set up soldiers and horses to settle accounts with Shi Dayong. Fortunately, his master and staff were not blind, grabbed him, and told him in a low voice——Lushun The Jinzhou Army has at least 3 to [-] people.

Twenty or thirty thousand people?

This number made Shen Shikui calm down. His men were at most 4000 men, and he could not beat 3 to [-] people.

People will definitely not come back. I heard that Shi Dayong cannibalize people without spitting out bones. It is as difficult as heaven to get him to swallow what he swallows.

But this breath is really unbearable, there is no way to fight, and there is no shame to report this matter to the court. If the court knows that he will not even return his own soldiers, can he continue to be a general soldier?Maybe that Shi Dayong would complain to the villain first, saying that he was greedy for his soldiers and horses.

There was no other way, after sending countless people to Lushun with no success, Shen Shikui turned his mind to the merchant ship sent by the Jinzhou Army to North Korea—he decided to arrest the ship and arrest the people, to see if Shi Dayong would let them go!

Since the Jinzhou Army occupied Lushun, the navy has basically changed to a caravan, and went to North Korea every other month. I don’t know how the North Koreans collected food and the business of the Jinzhou Army. Anyway, Jinzhou Water When the division sailed back, Shen Shikui could see that the naval warship was half full of water.

Swallowing his own soldiers and making a fortune right under his nose, Shen Shikui's anger can be imagined. After making the decision to detain people and boats, he really felt a sense of exhilaration that he had been holding back for a long time.

I thought that Shi Dayong would definitely send someone to contact him when he knew his ship was detained, but he didn’t know that the ship had been detained for almost two months, and no one from Lushun had been there. Instead, it was a loss for Dongjiang to support those hundreds of sailors every day. big.

Just when Shen Shikui's patience was running out, Lushun's Jinzhou Army finally sent someone, and along with it came a letter from Lord Hou Xun, Minister of the Household Department.

In Hou Xun's letter, Shen Shikui was asked to put the overall situation first, and immediately release the seized ships, and he must not conflict with the Jinzhou Army.

After reading the letter, Shen Shikui's face immediately sank. After reading the letter, the master at the side also frowned, and asked the master tentatively: "Master, should we let go of this boat or not?"

"Just let it go like this, where is the town's face going?" Shen Shikui snorted, feeling extremely unhappy in his heart, never thought that Shi Dayong would really be so shameless as to ask the head of the Minister of the Household Department.If this matter is not agreed, I am afraid that the account of the Ministry of Households will no longer have his money and food in Dongjiang Town.

"If you don't let it go, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Mr. Hou to explain it." The master is very considerate of the master. Since his master took office, he has gone to the capital twice to ask for money and food. There is no way. It's gone.If the Ministry of Households does not provide money and food, Dongjiang will really not be able to sustain it.

Shen Shikui hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Let's wait for a while. Does Shi Dayong dare to send troops to attack me? You go and tell the people who come here, and say that the commander is also caught in the wind and cold, and he can't see the guests for the time being. The matter of the ship and so on. Let's talk about it next month." Shen Shikui is going to repay his own way with his own way.

Master nodded and said: "The villain is going to deliver a message to Shi Dayong's people."

The people from Lushun over there heard what the master said about Shen Shikui's illness, and they had nothing good to say, so they left with fists in their hands.

The other party came and went in a hurry, from the beginning to the end, except for Hou Xun's letter, he didn't say a word, which made the master confused, and told Shen Shikui that Shen Shikui was also speechless.With a headache, he simply went back to his room to sleep.

I slept until midnight, but I heard the soldiers shouting from outside: "My lord, something is wrong, Lushun's Jinzhou army is coming!"

"What?!" Shen Shikui, who was startled, jumped up from the bed, without putting on his clothes, and rushed outside the house with bare feet, but the sound of killing outside was already loud.

On the fourth day of November in the seventh year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the first guard of the new Liaodong army landed on Phi Island under the leadership of the commander Shang Kexi, ending the Dongjiang Town created by Mao Wenlong himself.

Dongjiang general Shen Shikui was sent out of the country.Phi Island was renamed Zhenlu Island, and Shang Kexi led the first guard to garrison it.


Fengyang was the land of Huaiyi in ancient times, the state of Zhongzi in the Spring and Autumn Period, and Haozhou in the Sui Dynasty. It was the land of Longxing in the Ming Dynasty.One year after Emperor Taizu ascended the throne, he issued an edict to build the imperial city of Zhongdu here, and named it Fengyang in the seventh year of Hongwu.

After Rongyang drew lots, Li Zicheng, Zhang Yichuan, and Liu Guoneng led 8000 bandits as forwards to approach Fengyang.

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Li Zicheng sent his nephew Li Guo to sneak into Fengyang for reconnaissance. Li Guo brought back news that Fengyang had three inner and outer cities with high and thick walls. It is Hao; the west city wall is located at the west foot of Ma'an Mountain, which is undulating up and down, and can be relied on by the mountains; the north city wall is located on the shore of the lake, and is blocked by the water;The imperial city in the middle is built of bricks and stones, and there is a moat more than 30 feet wide outside, which is two or three feet deep, and it is not easy to cross.There are another [-] defenders in the city, and [-] officers and soldiers are stationed outside the city. It is really an iron fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.If Mingli's attack is bound to be difficult, it is better to outsmart him.

Li Zicheng adopted Li Guo's opinion, and after discussing with Zhang Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, he decided to outwit Fengyang. He ordered Li Guo to bring a hundred elite soldiers, disguised as beggars, monks, Taoist priests, and traffickers, and sneak into the city. , scheduled for the third watch of the Lantern Festival, the inside and the outside should join forces to rob the city together.

The Governor's Office of Fengyang is not in Fengyang, but in Huai'an. All affairs in the city are handled by Wu Zhenying, the censor of the city. He asked about the news of the approaching bandits, and called the prefect Yan Rongxuan to discuss: "According to the annual regulations, the city will be brightly lit. Celebrate the Lantern Festival on the 16th and [-]th, and have fun with the people. Now the rogue bandits in Shaanxi have been stationed two hundred miles away. If they take the opportunity to enter, the disaster will be serious. It is better to temporarily stop lighting the lanterns this year and close the city gate to prevent thieves from entering There is trouble in the city."

Yan Rongxuan just had a new son, and it was planned to have a feast with lanterns in the mansion, and she spread invitations everywhere, unwilling to change it, and hurriedly dissuaded her: "My lord, don't worry too much. Those who are nothing more than rogues are looting everywhere, and those who attack are guarded by few people. How can such a small city be compared with the imperial city of the central capital? Be careful to check the people who come and go into the city, close the city gate at night, and never let anyone in, and send more soldiers to patrol along the street. ?In previous years, from the [-]th to the [-]th of the first lunar month, it is a common practice to put the lanterns on for five nights and stay up all night. If this year, because of a few rogues, the banning of the lanterns will not be a show of weakness and ridicule for others? The people have already prepared Good lighting, if you stop it again, you will inevitably feel resentment in your heart, and utter slander, which may damage your reputation. If it is passed on to Master Futai, how can you justify it? It will take three years for the performance evaluation, what will your future be? It’s important, don’t let this matter go wrong.”

After hearing this, Wu Zhenying thought for a while, nodded and said, "If it wasn't for your family's reminder, it would have been a big mistake. But those rogues still need to take precautions, so I reduced the five-day period to three days, taking care of both."


Fengyang is not only Anhui, but also a rare famous city and county in the south of the Yangtze River. It has been a central capital for more than [-] years. The city and palaces are like the system of the capital. , Fangqiu, Sun and Moon Sheji, Mountains and Rivers Altar, Million Warehouse, Observatory, Duke's Mansion, Sergeant's Barracks, Town God's Temple, Temple of Meritorious Officials, Temple of Emperors of Past Dynasties, Huitong Hall, Zhongdu Guozixue, Drum Tower, Bell Tower and so on.

The lights of the Lantern Festival are second only to Nanjing, the capital of Liuzhou, and are also well-known in the south of the Yangtze River.It was only after noon on the 28th, and the whole city's 94th Street and [-]th Square were decorated with lanterns and festoons. Light grids were set up in front of every house, and all kinds of lanterns were hung out.Rich families set up mountain sheds in the courtyard, placed five-color screens and cannon lamps, and hung calligraphy and paintings of celebrities and strange antiques and toys on all sides.The left-behind department of the Central Capital built two Aoshan Mountains beside the Jinshui Bridge outside the Meridian Gate of the imperial city, with two red and yellow coiled dragons on each side, a lamp on each piece of armor, and clean water spraying from its mouth.Hongwu Street and Xuanwu Street are filled with countless lanterns of various colors, competing for splendor.When the lights are on the next day, it is the most lively.People of all ages go out to watch the lanterns, play with dragon lanterns, play with floats, run dry boats, play flower sticks, walk on stilts... Teams go back and forth, stepping on the streets to make the Lantern Festival, full of singing and singing, and full of people's voices.

At the beginning of the watch, Li Guo took a few soldiers among the crowd and wandered the streets. From time to time, he saw groups of beggars, dressed in rags made of sheepskin, holding wooden sticks, and holding a broken bowl, pickling the beggars. He begged around begging, knowing that they were probably disguised soldiers, and when he got close, he whispered to the city to patrol closely, and be careful not to be seen through.

I was watching the lanterns and watching the fireworks for entertainment. I didn't realize that I walked to the Temple of the City God. It was really crowded with people and drums.Just as he was about to turn back and retreat, someone kept yelling to dodge and dodge, and saw a group of men and women singing and dancing meandering towards them.

After the crowd watched for a long time, the second watch drum sounded upstairs, Li Guo squeezed out of the crowd, returned to the residence to get their weapons and hid them, and headed towards Hongwu Gate in the south of the city.

At this time, a round of bright moon rose near the middle of the sky, illuminating the streets and alleys with silvery white.From a distance, Li Guo saw a group of Ming cavalry in full armor, patrolling the city, and hurriedly hid in a secluded place and waited.

Gu Junen pretended to be a wandering doctor, and two young soldiers pretended to be accompanying children, one carrying a medicine box and the other carrying a medicine basket, filled with sulfur, flames and nitrates, wandering around in front of the Town God's Temple. When the time came, the three of them turned to the back door of the temple and set fire to it. Flames were soaring and the moon was covered by thick smoke. The three rushed to the front of the temple and shouted: "Fire, fire!"

The people outside were playing on their heads, they didn't guard against this accident, they panicked and fled in all directions, creating a great chaos.Gu Junen and others took advantage of the chaos and set fires everywhere, and the flames lit up half of the city in a short time.When Li Guo and the others saw the fire, they shouted and seized the city gate, let the ambush soldiers in from outside the city, charged and slashed along Hongwu Street and Daming Gate.

Wu Zhenying had just fallen asleep when she heard that the thieves had taken over the outer city, she hurriedly led her family and fled into the imperial city, hoisted the wooden bridge over the moat high, and supervised the battle in the turret.The gate of the city was opened, and the moon was like daylight. A group of iron cavalry came galloping, surrounded by a black horse. The majestic general on the horse was Li Zicheng. With a wave of his horsewhip, he ordered: "Take the palace and welcome the King Chuang into the city!"

Wu Zhenying is a Confucian scholar, he has always been interested in pen and ink, he has never seen such a powerful and powerful man, he was so startled that he was sweating, and he hurriedly ordered to shoot arrows to force the thieves back.Li Zicheng also ordered to shoot arrows at the city. The two sides suffered mutual casualties, and there was a stalemate.I was thinking hard about how to break the city, when I suddenly saw a huge fire rising from the southwest direction, reflecting half of the sky red and burning the bright moon into golden yellow.Wu Zhenying in the turret at the top of the city stretched her neck to look out, and suddenly realized: "It's a big disaster, the thieves must have burned the imperial tomb." Just as he was beating his chest and stamping his feet, countless defeated officers and soldiers poured into the city, and they were rushed to death by Li Zicheng and others , ran away.

Li Zicheng was afraid that the officers and soldiers from the fields outside the city would come to rescue him. He was about to withdraw his troops when there was a sudden sound of horseshoes, and when he was approaching, the tall and mighty man immediately shouted: "Zicheng, don't panic, let's come!" help you!"

Li Zicheng took a closer look, it wasn't the Eight Great Kings who was Zhang Xianzhong!

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