Daming wolf ride

Chapter 486 Bloodwashing the Old Chapter

The so-called self-defense of the village is a means for local tyrants to protect themselves.Since the bandits harassed the Central Plains, landlords and powerful landlords from all over Henan have set up villages to defend themselves. Small villages merged with large villages.Half of these tyrants are big local families, and the other half are bandits, and anyone who forms a stronghold must collude with bandits, otherwise they will not be able to stand on their own.The reason for colluding with the bandits is that the supplies in the village cannot be sustained for too long by relying on their own production alone, so they need to collude with the bandits to rob the rest of the big households, and sometimes even capture the county town to loot.Most of the soldiers in the village were not poor peasants, but landlords and rich peasants. They farmed the land during the busy farming season and went out to fight and plunder during the off-season.

The tyrants bought a lot of people in the Yamen to act as spies. Once the government wanted to send troops to suppress them, they would always get the news as soon as possible. The officials who eradicated these local scourges were also powerless.Since Chongzhen four years after several foreign county officials were assassinated in the county government, no official dared to mention the dispatch of troops to suppress bandits.

Fortunately, although the tyrants in these villages do not obey the government, they are equally hostile to the rogues, because the government at most requires them to pay food and salaries, but the rogues not only want food and salary, but also their lives.Compared with the incompetence of the officers and soldiers, these soldiers can sometimes take the initiative to attack small groups of rogues, and even kill and behead the rogues who are alone. Therefore, the local government now turns a blind eye to them, as long as the other party If you don't rebel with the bandits, you will be Amitabha, so why would you provoke them.Some officials even regarded these tyrants as life-saving straws, and invited them to be guests, so that these tyrants could save his life when the rogues came.


Since entering Henan, this kind of self-defense village has been seen a lot. If it was in Dengzhou, he might send troops to wipe it out. The so-called king's land is all over the world. What's up.But his Liaodong army was a guest army after all, and the villages he built were in Henan. I am afraid that Henan officials would not thank him if he took the risk to suppress these villages. You can report to the capital.

One thing more is worse than one thing less. The most important thing right now is to encircle and suppress the bandits, and the matter of the powerful will be left to the government to solve in the future.As long as the world is peaceful, these tyrants will naturally lose the soil for survival, and they will have to obey the king's orders.

Dayong was about to order the army to move forward without paying attention to the village, but his mind was moved: all the guards on the wall of the village wear white hats?

Thinking of the evil deeds of Huihui in later generations, Dayong felt disgusted for no reason, and immediately ordered his personal guards to bring the guide Chen San sent by Tangyin County, and after a while, Chen San was brought to him.

This Chen San was a servant of Tangyin County. When the army passed through Tangyin, he asked the local government to send a guide, and the Tangyin county magistrate sent Chen San here.It is not a good job to be a guide for the army. The Liaodong Army sees a large number of soldiers and horses, but it is not sure whether they can fight anyone. Little life is not guaranteed.

Chen San was really complaining about this hard job at the booth, but the county lord said, if you don't go to this yamen job, don't do it.The whole family relied on the money and food of the errands to survive. If the errands were not allowed, the whole family would have to drink the northwest wind.Chen San had no choice but to bite the bullet and be the guide, but he was always in fear along the way, for fear that the Liaodong Army, like the previous officers and soldiers, would disperse before seeing the rogues.For the sake of his own life, he didn't even dare to wear official clothes, and he didn't know where his mother-in-law found a pair of old clothes. It looked like a miserable person wearing them. Those who don't look like official meals can be put back.

After the man was brought, it was also the first time for Chen San to see Dayong. Seeing that half of his face was mutilated suddenly, he was frightened out of his wits. He thought he saw a ghost during the day, and almost ran away without turning his head.

It was not the first time that Dayong saw someone who was intimidated by his appearance. He smiled and asked Chen Sandao, "I ask you, who built the village in front of you?"


Dayong said it again, only now did Chen San come to his senses, and he didn't dare to look at Dayong again. He lowered his head and said cautiously: "Returning to the general, the front is the village of Ma Degui, a local rich man."

"Ma Degui?"

It was another man surnamed Ma, Dayong shook his head, why did Huihui like people surnamed Ma so much? Isn't Huihui always called Ma Shouying?

"Is this Ma Degui coming back?"

Chen San was stunned, but said with a bit of envy, "Master Ma's family is a trustworthy one, and all the religious people from all over the world will gather in Ma's village. It's very lively. The villain is lucky." I also went to join in the fun a few times, Master Ma is really generous, the beef and mutton are open for supply, the villain really ate a lot, now I want to come..."

Chen San was recalling his good life in Majiazhai, but saw that there was no sound around him, and the silence was a little scary. He couldn't help being startled, and when he looked up, the handsome man was staring at him from the side, and suddenly fell to his knees in fright. On the ground, I don't know what to say.

Dayong said coldly: "In this way, the people in the Ma's village are Huihui?"

"Master Ma's family is a descendant of the Hua Chi Army stationed in Kaifeng during the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties. After the founding of the dynasty, they moved to Tangyin County. They didn't have a surname of Ma. I don't know the details of the villain. I only know that the old man said that the Ma family was Ma, whose surname was changed after Yongle. As for Huihui, that's what the county scholars call those religious people." Chen San didn't dare to talk any more.

"This handsome asks you, can you abide by my Ming law these times, can you keep yourself safe?"


Chen San couldn't get up, the third child of the Ma family was his immediate boss, if he knew that he had spoken ill of the Ma family in front of these foreign officers and soldiers, would it be nice to have him when he went back.

Seeing this, Guo Yi yelled angrily: "What is this, the commander-in-chief will answer your questions quickly!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Chen San was frightened by Guo Yi, and hurriedly said: "Returning to the commander-in-chief, the villain is just a servant in the county. I only know that Mr. Ma is the leading wealthy family in the county, and the rest of the people are not. I know, I really don't know."

Dayong frowned: "Is it because you don't know or you don't want to say?" He waved at the guards, "Beat until he is willing to say!"

"Yes, handsome!"

Immediately, the two guards stepped forward and held Chen San down, and kicked him on the back knee involuntarily. Chen San fell to the ground with a thud. Smash it.

The scabbard was not a board, it made a muffled sound instead of a crackling sound, but the scabbard hit the bone, the pain made Chen San almost faint.

"Marshal, spare your life, Commander, spare your life!...Ah, ah!..." Chen San couldn't stop shouting, but finally couldn't bear the pain, and shouted: "The villain said it, the villain said it."

"Let him go." Dayong waved his hand to signal that the guards don't need to fight any more, and helped Chen San up, asking him to recruit everything he knew about the Ma family.

It was fine if Chen San didn't say anything, but when he said it, not only did Dayong Teng become furious, but all the soldiers of the Liaodong Army were also furious.


It turned out that the Ma family relied on their return status to run amok in the countryside and do a lot of evil.Not to mention, in the second year of Chongzhen, a young man from the Ma family went to a neighboring village to steal sheep and was caught by the people in the neighboring village. Knowing that the Ma family's stockade was very powerful, the people in the neighboring village did not dare to report to the officials and scolded the young man. A few words will let people go.Unexpectedly, that night, hundreds of people came to Majiazhai Village, they beat everyone they saw and smashed things they saw, killing and wounding more than a dozen Han people.

The Han people reported to the government. The county magistrate at that time was Han. When he heard that there were mobs hurting people in the territory, he was furious. He immediately transferred the yamen servant and contacted the Nanyang Guard to arrest the mob in Majiazhai.As a result, before the officers and soldiers from the guard station arrived, thousands of Muslims rushed into the city and surrounded the magistrate's office. There was no intention of arresting people, so the returning mob dispersed.

Afterwards, the county magistrate became more and more angry, and this time he dared not ask those people in the yamen to come forward, for fear of leaking the news, but went to Nanyang Mansion to report to the magistrate himself.Unexpectedly, the magistrate not only failed to support the county magistrate, he dispatched troops to arrest the mob, and rebuked him for causing trouble.Within two months, the Ministry of Officials came to transfer the county magistrate to Jiangxi.

In the third year of Chongzhen, when a clerk from a carriage and horse dealership in the county was driving a car to see off passengers through the Majia village, he had an argument with Huihui from the village for some reason, and was subsequently injured by Huihui from the village.Some merchants passing by here carried the guy back to the county town to be treated by the doctor, but the gang of returning mobs refused to give up, followed them into the city and continued to beat the guy in public, and injured the merchant as well.

The merchants rushed to the Yamen to report the crime, but the auxiliary soldiers, policemen, and guards came to the scene but did not dare to stop them. The sons of the merchants knelt in front of them and begged, but they still did not come forward to stop them.

After beating up the clerks and merchants, Huihui still didn't get angry, and then he became violent in the street. They smashed everywhere, and the largest restaurant in the city, Hexianju, was also smashed by them. They didn't even spare the diners inside. one.What is even more infuriating is that none of the innocent pedestrians on the street were spared by them, and they were subjected to violence by Muslims to varying degrees.

What is infuriating is that from the beginning to the end of the incident, the Yamen's catchers and poor men stood on the opposite side of the street, and did not stop these Huihui mobs at all. In Chen San's words: Huihui is too fierce, and the government can't afford to provoke it.

Because of this matter, the merchant never came to Tangyin to do business again, and the driver of the chariot dealer was also afraid of being retaliated by the Muslims, so he moved his family to a neighboring county.The shops that were smashed by Hui Hui and the people who were injured did not receive any compensation.

Just during Chinese New Year this year, two young men from Majiazhai rode to the county seat to moles women.Those two young men left immediately, but it didn't take long before they arrived with dozens of Muslims wielding knives and clubs, and beheaded Jiaoyu and his son. Not swallowing their anger, under the leadership of a butcher, they reined in the two horses left behind by Huihui.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, those Hui Hui did not dare to return their horses. After fleeing back to Majia Village, they called together thousands of Hui Hui people near the village the next day, claiming that the Han people in the city were bullying the Hui Hui boys. With wooden sticks and spears, they smashed a street in the county town from head to tail.

The government dispatched hundreds of auxiliary soldiers, arresters and guards, but they didn't dare to control them. After all, Hui Hui was the one who rioted. Watch them goof off.

"They rushed in and smashed everything they saw, even my washbasin!" Thinking back to the scene of going to the city to commit violence, Chen San is still a little scared when he thinks about it.

Dayong said angrily: "Then why don't you people who eat official meals stop it? Don't you have any guys in your hands!"

"How dare you villain, I was so scared when I saw them rushing in wearing white hats. They all had things in their hands, and they smashed whatever they saw. How dare you take care of it, not to mention that the horse catcher in the county is the youngest of the Ma family, and he believes in the same religion as those Hui Hui, and if he doesn't speak, how can the villain dare to be troublesome."

"So, the Majia Village has been dealt with by the government until now? The government has just watched them run amok in the countryside for a few years?"

"No, I'm used to being so arrogant. They are in a group. When there are few people, it's easier to talk, but when there are more people, let alone ordinary people, the government dare not control them."

"Does this happen often in Tangyin?"

"Not only our Tang County, but all counties in Nanyang have caused troubles, but I haven't heard that the government has taken care of it."

A guard scolded angrily after hearing this: "What do the government do for food? When they go to the countryside to collect food and pay, they run faster than anyone else, and no one cares if something goes wrong? But a bunch of mobs can't be killed. Why be afraid of them."

A personal guard wondered: "That's right, why do the government ignore such a big incident? Don't the officials be afraid that the Han people will also make trouble?"

Chen San smiled wryly: "The officials don't care, they only care about eating and drinking enough to earn money, how can they have time to control our life and death? What are they afraid of us? They just need to curry favor with Shangguan and keep their black hats!"

Hearing this, a guard said angrily: "The government bullies the weak and fears the strong. We Han people abide by the law and dare not make trouble, so the government will bully us. Those who return to form groups and dare to make trouble, the government will be afraid of them."

As soon as the words fell, the commander-in-chief's voice came from his ear, "Since the government doesn't dare to take care of these returns, then this commander will take care of them for them. They are afraid of these returns, but this commander is not afraid. Boys, are you afraid again?" ?!"

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